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Jakarta Field Station > Data > Acquisition of Jakarta Indonesian > Larissa

Larissa Data

Group:Acquisition of Jakarta Indonesian
Language (primary):Jakarta Indonesian
Mode:Spoken texts
General location:Jakarta
Access rights [?]:Open
Documentation file:-
Contact:David Gil

Date Language (primary) Genre Natural or Elicited Location Situation Words [?] Annotation files
(UTF-8 encoded)
Media files [?]
Toolbox format [?] ELAN format
              All files zipped    
2000-03-06Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the bed room at CHI's home in the evening with a toy farm, a poster and some books and writing on a note book.4,466LAR-060300.txt mpg
2000-03-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the livingroom at CHI's great grandmother's house with some real cooking tools and vegetables; skipping with a skip rope in the afternoon.4,350LAR-200300-A.txt mpg
2000-03-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartachatting in the bedroom at CHI's house at about 6.00 pm and playing with CHI's dolls.2,355LAR-200300-B.txt mpg
2000-03-27Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with cooking sets at CHI's great grandma in the afternoon before lunch time.3,660LAR-270300.txt mpg
2000-04-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at the backyard of FAI's house before lunch time with some toys and pictures.1,925LAR-100400.txt mpg
2000-04-24Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying and chatting at CHI's house in the morning.1,423LAR-240400.txt mpg
2000-05-01Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying and watching TV in the bedroom before bed time.1,825LAR-010500.txt mpg
2000-05-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with toy furniture and dolls in the bedroom at CHI's house in the afternoon.2,178LAR-080500.txt mpg
2000-05-22Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying and chatting in the bedroom at CHI's home in the morning.4,263LAR-220500.txt mpg
2000-05-29Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartachatting and playing in the living room at CHI's house with a small inflatable toy boat and a poster which consists of several pictures of oposites and later lying down and eating in the bedroom as CHI's not well.569LAR-290500.txt mpg
2000-06-25Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartachatting and playing blocks and dolls in the living room in the evening at CHI's house.2,888LAR-250600.txt mpg
2000-06-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with some toys and books in the livingroom at CHI's home in the morning.2,390LAR-260600.txt mpg
2000-07-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakarta1. playing with the fishing toy, telephone, badminton, clothes, school bag, k.o. jacks and watching TV in the living room. 2. hiding in the bed room. 3. buying some ice cream at the shop next door. 3. happened in the morning.2,519LAR-130700.txt mpg
2000-07-17Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying, eating, watching TV, and chatting in the livingroom at CHI's home.2,723LAR-170700.txt mpg
2000-07-24Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaFirst, playing in the living room at CHI's great grandma's house, then moving to ANG's house, playing, eating, and chatting with CHI's cousins in the afternoon.2,239LAR-240700.txt mpg
2000-07-31Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartahaving dinner and playing at CHI's home.3,252LAR-310700.txt mpg
2000-08-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying a wooden house construction and puppets, and watching TV in the bedroom in the afternoon at CHI's house.5,181LAR-080800.txt mpg
2000-08-17Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the bedroom at CHI's home in the aftenoon.2,714LAR-170800.txt mpg
2000-08-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the livingroom and the bedroom at CHI's home in the morning.3,343LAR-210800.txt mpg
2000-08-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at CHI's home with her mother and neighbors.1,985LAR-260800.txt mpg
2000-09-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartadaily situation when all members of the family gather in the living room.2,027LAR-040900.txt mpg
2000-09-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartabefore bedtime, lying down in front of the TV and watching some Indonesian TV programs: ‘Panji, the Millenium Man', ‘Warung Kopi Millenium'.580LAR-110900.txt mpg
2000-09-18Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with farm set and telling stories in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.1,835LAR-180900.txt mpg
2000-10-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying and learning together in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.3,898LAR-021000-A.txt mpg
2000-10-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartadrawing in front of the TV.1,834LAR-021000-B.txt  
2000-10-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with the farm set which consist of a toy barn make of fabric, cattle, two toy trucks (one with a remote control), and some toy fences in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.1,469LAR-081000.txt mpg
2000-10-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI is playing in the living room with her mother with the farm set toys, and a long-legged doll, and three books about animals.1,032LAR-161000.txt mpg
2000-10-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying, studying and chatting in the living room at CHI's house in the evening.3,535LAR-231000.txt mpg
2000-10-25Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartain the car, on the trip to Taman Safari, a safari park near Jakarta.1,078LAR-251000.txt mpg
2000-11-06Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying inside the house.1,227LAR-061100.txt mpg
2000-11-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying, learning numbers, and chatting in the livingroom at CHI's house in the evening.1,390LAR-151100.txt mpg
2000-11-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakarta 1,010LAR-201100.txt mpg
2000-12-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in CHI's room; firstly playing with the ludling, and then with a kind of of lego bricks used to construct buildings.1,513LAR-111200.txt mpg
2000-12-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying puzzle in the living room.1,971LAR-161200.txt mpg
2001-01-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking phone calls and chatting at CHI's house in the morning.348LAR-080101.txt mpg
2001-01-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking toy cars using recycled boxes, playing, and chatting at CHI's house in the afternoon.986LAR-150101.txt mpg
2001-01-29Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the bedroom, just before the bedtime, while her two sisters are studying.1,256LAR-290101.txt mpg
2001-01-31Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartadaily chores in the morning.1,193LAR-310101.txt mpg
2001-02-05Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the house.3,947LAR-050201.txt mpg
2001-02-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying monopoly.1,589LAR-150201.txt mpg
2001-02-22Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying for a short time, before CHI is going to school and in the car, on the way to school.1,680LAR-220201.txt mpg
2001-03-01Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying bowling in CHI's grandma's house.1,190LAR-010301.txt mpg
2001-03-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the house, CHI is mostly sulking and whining. CHI and EXPWID play with dolls, then, together with MOT, they study from several books.1,709LAR-070301.txt mpg
2001-03-14Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying, doing some origami, and chatting in CHI's living room in the morning.1,070LAR-140301.txt mpg
2001-03-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking necklaces out of straw and woolen string in the living room.1,740LAR-210301.txt mpg
2001-04-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI is having breakfast before learning to write numbers, and then the neighbors come, and when they go home, CHI watches Teletubbies.1,611LAR-040401.txt mpg
2001-04-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking letter boxes out of paper plates, and later doing it while watching Teletubbies.1,795LAR-110401.txt mpg
2001-04-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying Teletubbies, chatting, and watching TV in the morning at CHI's house.1,034LAR-190401.txt mpg
2001-04-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI is playing some toy motorbikes with FAI and FIR in her house.1,394LAR-260401.txt mpg
2001-04-30Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartathe whole family is on the trip to Kota Bunga, a fancy real estate with a big flower park for a public resort.1,872LAR-300401.txt mpg
2001-05-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartareading Bobo, a child magazine, in the living room, and CHI is occasionally picks up the phone.1,496LAR-100501.txt mpg
2001-05-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying farm set, chatting, and watching Teletubbies show in the morning at CHI's place.1,493LAR-160501.txt mpg
2001-05-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying dinner set and marbles in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.1,239LAR-230501.txt mpg
2001-06-06Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying lego blocks, folding papers to form figures and watching ‘‘Teletubbies'‘ on the television in the living room in CHI's house.1,089LAR-060601.txt mpg
2001-06-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying a furniture set and jump-rope in the living room in CHI's house.1,111LAR-200601.txt mpg
2001-06-27Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking a maket of a shopping mall out of paper, while watching Teletubbies.1,981LAR-270601.txt mpg
2001-07-05Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartasetting two puzzles in the living room in CHI's house.910LAR-050701.txt mpg
2001-07-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying a medical set in the living room but then playing alphabets and watching TV cartoon series, “Crayon Shinchan”.1,705LAR-110701.txt mpg
2001-07-18Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying a set of quartet card and puzzle in the living room in CHI's house.1,454LAR-180701.txt mpg
2001-07-25Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying a set of toy drum, a basket ball and throwing and catching tennis balls in the living room in CHI's house.1,076LAR-250701.txt mpg
2001-08-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking rum chocolate balls on the kitchen floor.1,639LAR-020801.txt mpg
2001-08-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI and EXPWID have a small talk, then EXPWID has lunch in the dining room, and finally, the three of them fill two kinds of syrup in plastic bags to make ice.1,480LAR-100801.txt mpg
2001-08-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartahiding and seeking some tennis balls, and playing badminton in the living room in CHI's house.1,251LAR-160801.txt mpg
2001-08-24Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI is playing monopoly with EXPWID in the living room.2,338LAR-240801.txt mpg
2001-08-29Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying ring toss, tossing rings to some standing sticks on each end of a cross made of plastic in the living room in CHI's house.1,305LAR-290801.txt mpg
2001-09-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with the computer, watching CHI's previous recording, chatting in the living room, and moving to the kitchen to make some icy poles in the evening at CHI's house.1,113LAR-070901.txt mpg
2001-09-12Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying toy golf, a basket ball and chatting at the dinner table in the living room in CHI's house.1,247LAR-120901.txt mpg
2001-09-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking fruit juice in the kitchen in the morning at CHI's house.1,703LAR-190901.txt mpg
2001-09-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartadrawing some pictures on a computer in Apple Word application and in a drawing book in the living room in CHI's house.1,614LAR-260901.txt mpg
2001-10-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI is looking at the photo album of the open house. then, she is making flowers out of candies and color paper, together with EXPWID and then her two sisters: VEN and GAV are joining in.2,191LAR-031001.txt mpg
2001-10-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartachatting and playing domino with animal cards in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.1,482LAR-101001.txt mpg
2001-10-24Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartawrapping presents and making cards for the presents.2,062LAR-241001.txt mpg
2001-11-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartalearning to write letters on a whiteboard in the living room in CHI's house.1,471LAR-071101.txt mpg
2001-11-14Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying and learning some syllables and simple math such as addition, multiplication, and subtraction in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.1,118LAR-141101.txt mpg
2001-11-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying snake and ladders in the verandah of IFALAR's house, and then playing monopoly.2,270LAR-211101.txt mpg
2001-12-05Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking necklaces out of colorful strings and beads.1,939LAR-051201.txt mpg
2001-12-12Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying Lego blocks with GAV and later watching television together with her cousin SER.1,779LAR-121201.txt mpg
2001-12-18Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartachatting, exchanging Xmas present, and drawing some pictures with water paint in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.1,474LAR-181201.txt mpg
2002-01-09Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartapretending to cook some vegetables in the kitchen in CHI's house.1,287LAR-090102.txt mpg
2002-01-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartafiling bread sandwich with jam and molding it with small tin molds of different shapes, while watching VCD and CHI is telling the stories of the films to EXPWID.2,214LAR-160102.txt mpg
2002-02-05Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartachatting, playing blocks, and watching TV in the living room at CHI's house in the morning.1,443LAR-050202.txt mpg
2002-02-09Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartachatting and doing a role playing in the bedroom and the living room at CHI's house in the evening.1,114LAR-090202.txt mpg
2002-02-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with jigsaw puzzles in the living room at CHI's house in the afternoon.1,395LAR-150202.txt mpg
2002-02-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying a puzzle set and a computer in the living room, making some cordial drink in the kitchen, and then chatting at the dinner table in CHI's house.1,291LAR-200202.txt mpg
2002-03-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamatching words with the pictures and cutting some activity pages of a magazine.1,682LAR-130302.txt mpg
2002-03-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartacoloring picture, playing cards, monopoly, and snakes and ladders in the living room in CHI's house.1,694LAR-200302.txt mpg
2002-04-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartacutting colored paper and creating pictures with it, then playing cards.1,468LAR-030402.txt mpg
2002-04-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartalooking at pictures in some story books and folding paper in the living room in CHI's house.1,543LAR-100402.txt mpg
2002-04-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaopening Chi's birthday presents.1,139LAR-160402.txt mpg
2002-05-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking a robot figure from a paper and playing puzzle game in a kids magazine.1,205LAR-080502.txt mpg
2002-05-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying Play-Doh at IGE's house.1,884LAR-150502.txt mpg
2002-05-22Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying games in a computer, coloring pictures in a coloring book, and playing a scooter and a bicycle in the living room in CHI's house.1,123LAR-220502.txt mpg
2002-06-05Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking a paper craft and then CHI is bored and playing monopoly with EXPWID and her sister VENLAR.2,156LAR-050602.txt mpg
2002-06-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartascissoring some figures to stick to a paper to form numbers and making some photograph frames made of a cardboard box in the living room in CHI's house.2,233LAR-190602.txt mpg
2002-06-25Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying Halma in the living room in CHI's house.776LAR-250602.txt mpg
2002-07-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with bubbles and then decorating donuts, and at the end of the session, chatting in the bedroom.2,485LAR-030702.txt mpg
2002-07-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with a kind of construction set consisting of small tubes, longer tubes, axles wheels, plastic squares and connectors for building toy vehicles.1,965LAR-100702.txt mpg
2002-07-17Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI is a little sulking she is not feeling well; together with EXPWID, playing guessing the names of fruits and vegetables and telling some stories about them and then playing memory games.1,366LAR-170702.txt mpg
2002-08-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying domino and Play Station in the living room in CHI's house.1,196LAR-070802.txt mpg
2002-08-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying Halma, games in a computer, and playing Play Station in the living room in CHI's house.1,038LAR-210802.txt mpg
2002-09-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartawashing a motorcycle with HENLAR in front of the house and playing ‘shopping' in the living room.1,035LAR-040902.txt mpg
2002-09-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking snack from bananas dipped in chocolate and smeared with either peanut crumbs or hundreds and thousands and then sitting in front of TV while talking and eating.2,142LAR-110902.txt mpg
2002-09-18Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking some juice in the kitchen, playing a game of driving a potato into a goal, and playing a tennis ball in the living room in CHI's house.1,176LAR-180902.txt mpg
2002-10-01Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI, with the help of EXPLIA, is doing some working sheets.1,903LAR-011002.txt mpg
2002-10-09Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaeating a plate of food fed by MOT, singing, and playing bowling in the living room in CHI's house.993LAR-091002.txt mpg
2002-10-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaat the beginning CHI is playing tennis in the terrace with HEN and EXPLIA, and then CHI and EXPLIA are playing word-quessing. then GAV is joining in the game at the end.2,284LAR-161002.txt mpg
2002-11-06Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartafrying some sausage in the kitchen in CHI's house.1,418LAR-061102.txt mpg
2002-11-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartagrowing bean sprouts and then coloring pictures.2,581LAR-131102.txt mpg
2002-11-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartalearning to cross-stitch and looking at pictures in some posters in the house of CHI.1,457LAR-261102.txt mpg
2002-12-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartalearning to read words in a kid's magazine and coloring some pictures with watercolor in the living room in CHI's house.1,309LAR-021202.txt mpg
2003-01-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartahaving a conversation with EXPLIA in her bedroom while making origami and then making a necklace from sting and beads and then watching the fishes in the fish tanks.2,467LAR-150103.txt mpg
2003-01-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamost of the time CHI is sitting behind her father's desk, cutting some origami paper and sticking them on a picture, trying to compete with EXPLIA.3,223LAR-230103.txt mpg
2003-01-30Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI in her daily life, preparing herself to go to the swimming pool, and then playing cards and guessing games.2,349LAR-300103.txt mpg
2003-02-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying some Play-Doh, pretending to make some cookies in CHI's bed room.1,887LAR-040203.txt mpg
2003-02-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying some animal figures (cut from posters), some Play-Doh, looking at pictures in some books, and playing a top in CHI's bedroom.2,500LAR-200203.txt mpg
2003-02-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying various guessing games, starting from guessing the names of professions up to guessing familiar names.2,528LAR-260203.txt mpg
2003-03-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking some chocolate rum ball made of some Roma biscuits in the kitchen in CHI's house.1,881LAR-200303.txt mpg
2003-04-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartacooking some food in the kitchen and telling some stories in CHI's bedroom in CHI's house.1,712LAR-030403.txt mpg
2003-04-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartathe file is started with CHI's, together with VEN, drawing in a computer using Power Point program, and then GAV and EXPLIA are joining them to play guessing words.1,485LAR-150403.txt mpg
2003-04-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaeating some food in the kitchen, chatting in the living room and pretending to sell things upstairs in CHI's house.1,935LAR-230403.txt mpg
2003-05-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying some balloons at the terrace in CHI's great grandma's house.2,380LAR-020503.txt mpg
2003-05-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking some drawings by a pencil in a drawing book and then attach them with pieces of color paper in the living room in CHI's house.2,307LAR-070503.txt mpg
2003-05-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartamaking a make believe cuisine from pieces of paper.2,833LAR-210503.txt mpg
2003-06-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartadrawing some pictures with some water color in the terrace in CHI's grandma's house.1,886LAR-110603.txt mpg
2003-06-27Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHILAR and VENLAR are staying at RISLAR's and EXPLIA's house and VEN is watching the soap opera on TV while EXPLIA and CHI are drawing lots before playing guessing a picture made up from matches.2,448LAR-270603.txt mpg
2003-07-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying a tent and selling and buying things in a room upstairs in CHI's house.2,239LAR-030703.txt mpg
2003-07-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI and NIA are playing a family.2,516LAR-160703.txt mpg
2003-07-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartahaving a competition with GAV her sister to move beans with chopsticks and preparing for her books for tomorrow's class in the kitchen in CHI's house.2,464LAR-230703.txt mpg
2003-08-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartapalying a medical set, and chatting in CHI's bed room.3,616LAR-080803.txt mpg
2003-08-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaeating some cake, ‘rujak', ice cream, playing a kite and reading a book in CHI's house.3,844LAR-190803.txt mpg
2003-08-27Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with EXPLIA in the dining room, painting a picture whic was sticky and just pouring some colored sand on it; each part of the picture is covered with non sticky paper and each is peeled off when one is going to color it with the colored sand.1,899LAR-270803.txt mpg

Last modified: 21/10/2013
Location: data_LAR.php.html