Jakarta Field Station > Publications & Conference Papers
Publications & Conference PapersThe following is a sample list of publications, conference papers and invited talks based on Field Station data. Publications | Conference papers | Invited talks
2010Bowden, John, 2010a. ‘Metathesis in Helong', in Yassir Nasunius, ed. KOLITA, 8, 59-63. Jakarta: Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, Unika Atma Jaya. Bowden, John, In press. ‘Kepentingan Bahasa Daerah dalam system pendidikan di Indonesia', in Bambang Kaswanti Purwo & Yassir Nasunius, eds. PELLBA 17. Jakarta: Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya. Bowden, John, Nikolaus Himmelmann and Malcolm Ross, eds. 2010. A journey through Austronesian and Papuan linguistic and cultural space: papers in honour of Andrew K. Pawley. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Bowden, John, Nikolaus Himmelmann and Malcolm Ross, eds. 2010. Preface. In Bowden, John, Nikolaus Himmelmann and Malcolm Ross, eds, xi-xii. Conners, Thomas J. (2010) ‘Standard vs. Peripheral Javanese Dialects: The Lexical Evidence.' In Kolita. Atma Jaya University Press: Jakarta. Soriente Antonia (2010) Voice and focus system in Penan and Kenyah languages of East Kalimantan in Proceedings of the Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies, 45-62.
2009Conners, Thomas J. (2009) ‘Diglossia, Language Shift, and Code Switching in Javanese: Towards a National Identity?' In Proceedings of the Yale Indonesia Forum Conference. Atma Jaya University Press: Yogyakarta.
2008Conners, Thomas J. (2008) Tengger Javanese. Dissertation: Yale University. Conners, Thomas J. (2008) ‘Nominal Marking in Javanese and Indonesian Dialects.' In Proceedings of ICAL X: Pacific Linguistics. Gil, David (2008) "How Much Grammar Does It Take to Sail a Boat", in G. Sampson, D. Gil and P. Trudgill eds., Language Complexity as an Evolving Variable, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Gil, David (2008) "How Much Gramar Does It Take to Sail a Boat? (Or, What Can Material Artefacts Tell Us About the Evolution of Language?)" in The Evolution of Language, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (EVOLANG7), World Scientific, Singapore Soriente Antonia (2008) A classification of Kenyah languages: a preliminary assessment” in SEALS XIV Volume 2: Papers from the 14 th annual meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2004 edited by Wilaiwan Khanittanan, and Paul Sidwell. Book online Pacific Linguistics Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies The Australian National University Canberra.
2007Soriente, Antonia (2007) "Cross-linguistic and cognitive aspects in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child" in Kesckes I. & L. Albertazzi (eds.) Cognitive aspects of bilingualism. Dordrecht; Springer: 325-362. Gil, David (2007) "Creoles, Complexity and Associational Semantics", in U. Ansaldo and S.J. Matthews eds., Deconstructing Creole: New Horizons in Language Creation, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 67-108. Shen, Yeshayahu and David Gil (2007) "Sweet Fragrances from Indonesia: A Universal Principle Governing Directionality in Synaesthetic Metaphors", in W. van Peer and J. Auracher eds., New Beginning for the Study of Literature, Cambridge Scholars Press, Singapore.
2006Soriente, Antonia (2006) (ed.) Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang. A collection of Kenyah stories in the Òma Lóngh and Lebu' Kulit languages. Jakarta: Atma Jaya University press: Jakarta. Soriente, Antonia (2006) "Introduction" in Soriente A. Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang. A collection of Kenyah stories in the Òma Lóngh and Lebu' Kulit languages. Jakarta: Atma Jaya University press: xiv-xliii Soriente, Antonia (2006) "Dominance and language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child" in Vliegen, M. (ed.) .Variation in Sprachtheorie und Spracherwerb Akten des 39. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Amsterdam 2004. Soriente, Antonia (2006) "Uma' Kulit: a Kenyah or Kayan language?" in Linguistik Indonesia 24,1:71-81. Soriente, Antonia (2006) "Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang: A Kenyah Language Documentation Project in East Kalimantan." in Reflections in Rivers. Festshrift for Prof. J.T. Collins. Pontianak: Stain Press: 65-96. Gil, David (2006) "Early Human Language Was Isolating-Monocategorial-Associational", in A. Cangelosi, A.D.M Smith and K. Smith eds., The Evolution of Language, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (EVOLANG6), World Scientific, Singapore, 91-98. Gil, David (2006) "Intonation and Thematic Roles in Riau Indonesian", in C.M. Lee, M. Gordon, and D. Büring eds., Topic and Focus, Cross-Linguistic Perspectives on Meaning and Intonation, Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 82, Springer, Dordrecht, 41-68. Gil, David (2006) "The Acquisition of Voice Morphology in Jakarta Indonesian", in N. Gagarina and I Gülzow eds., The Acquisition of Verbs and Their Grammar: The Effect of Particular Languages, Springer, Dordrecht, 201-227. Kayser, Manfred, Silke Brauer, Richard Cordaux, Amanda Casto, Oscar Lao, Lev A. Zhivotovsky, Claire Moyse-Faurie, Robb B. Rutledge, Wulf Schiefenhoevel, David Gil, Alice A. Lin, Peter A. Underhill, Peter J. Oefner, Ronald J. Trent, and Mark Stoneking (2006) "Melanesian and Asian Origins of Polynesians: mtDNA and Y-Chromosome Gradients Across the Pacific", Molecular Biology and Evolution 23(11):2234-2244. Gil, David (2005) "From Repetition to Reduplication in Riau Indonesian", in B. Hurch ed. Studies on Reduplication, Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 28, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 31-64.
2005Gil, David (2005) "Isolating-Monocategorial-Associational Language", in H. Cohen and C. Lefebvre eds., Categorization in Cognitive Science, Elsevier, Oxford, 347-379. Gil, David (2005) "Word Order Without Syntactic Categories: How Riau Indonesian Does It", in A. Carnie, H. Harley and S.A. Dooley eds., Verb First: On the Syntax of Verb-Initial Languages, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 243-263.
2004Soriente, Antonia (2004) "Pemerolehan negasi dari seorang anak dwibahasa Italia-Indonesia". in Katharina E.Sukamto (ed.) KOLITA 2 Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya. Jakarta. Gil, David (2004) "Learning About Language from Your Handphone; dan, and and & in SMSs from the Siak River Basin", in Katharina Endriati Sukatmo ed., Kolita 2, Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya, Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, 57-61. Gil, David (2004) "Riau Indonesian sama, Explorations in Macrofunctionality", in M. Haspelmath ed., Coordinating Constructions, Typological Studies in Language 58, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 371-424.
2003Soriente, Antonia (2003) A classification of the Kenyah languages in East Kalimantan and Sarawak. Unpublished PhD dissertation at University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Gil, David (2003) "How Children Acquire Syntactic Categories in Jakarta Indonesian", in Katharina Endriati Sukatmo ed., Kolita 1, Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya, Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya, Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, 265-269. Gil, David (2003) "Intonation Does Not Differentiate Thematic Roles in Riau Indonesian", in A. Riehl and T. Savella eds., Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA9), Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics 19:64-78.
2002Gil, David (2002) "Ludlings in Malayic Languages: An Introduction", in Bambang Kaswanti Purwo ed., PELBBA 15, Pertemuan Linguistik Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Atma Jaya: Kelima Belas, Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, 125-180. Gil, David (2002) "Riau Indonesian sama, A Unified Analysis", in U. Tadmor ed., Studies in Malay Dialects, Part 3, NUSA, Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and Other Languages in Indonesia, Volume 50, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta, 1-41. Gil, David (2002) "The Prefixes di- and N- in Malay / Indonesian Dialects", in F. Wouk and M. Ross eds., The History and Typology of Western Austronesian Voice Systems, Pacific Linguistics, Canberra, 241-283.
2001Cole, Peter, David Gil, Gabriella Hermon and Uri Tadmor (2001), The Acquisition of In-Situ WH-Questions and WH-Indefinites in Jakarta Indonesian, in A. H.-J. Do, L. Domínguez and A. Johansen eds., Proceedings of the the 25th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Volume 1, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 169-179. (submitted): Soriente, Antonia (submitted) "The genetic affiliation of Lebu' Kulit, a Kayanic language. Linguistic classifications and local epistemology". In Languages and Literatures of Western Borneo. 144 Years of Research. ATMA Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Bangi. (submitted): Soriente, Antonia (submitted) "A classification of Kenyah languages: a preliminary assessment". in Proceedings of South East Asia Linguistic Society (SEALS) 14 – Bangkok- May 2004.
(submitted): Soriente, Antonia (submitted) "Patterns of negation in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child". In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL 7), Nijmegen 29-31June 2003.
Conference papers
2013Tessa Yuditha, 2013. Ngejob egen : The Recent Influx of English Loanwords in Contemporary Jakartan Indonesian Powerpoint presentation Tessa Yuditha, 2013. Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of Anger, Love and Hate: An Overview. Paper (pdf format)
2010Conners, Thomas J. 2010. The Rise and Fall of Speech Levels in Javanese. At Humanities of the Lesser Known, Lund University, Sweden. Conners, Thomas J. 2010. Valency Classes in Jakarta Indonesian: a Corpus-based Approach. At Valency Workshop, MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany. Conners, Thomas J. 2010. Indonesian: National Identity, Local Loss. At Yale Indonesia Forum International Conference 3, Semarang, Indonesia. Conners, Thomas J. 2010. Standard vs. Peripheral Javanese Dialects: The Lexical Evidence. At Kolita XI, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
John Bowden (2010), Metathesis in Helong, Paper presented at Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan (KOLITA), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 April 2010.
Tessa Yuditha (2010), Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of Anger, Paper presented at Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atmajaya (KOLITA), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 April 2010.
Thomas Conners (2010), Standard vs. Peripheral Javanese Dialects: The Lexical Evidence, Paper presented at Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atmajaya (KOLITA), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 April 2010.
Dalan Perangin-angin (2010), A Study of Stress in Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan (KOLITA), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 April 2010. Soriente, Antonia (2010), Società Italiana di Glottologia: L'ETIMOLOGIA. Università di Napoli “L'Orientale” “Studi etimologici in area austronesiana” Soriente, Antonia (2010), Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “Voice and focus system in Kenyah and Punan languages of East Kalimantan”. Soriente, Antonia (2010), SEALS XX South-East Asia Linguistic Society. University of Zurich. “Punan and Penan. Are they related?”. Soriente, Antonia (2010), Reconstruction of the representation of Emotions, States of Mind and Imagery in imperial China. Centro italo-tedesco Villa Vigoni. “Analysis of particles and interjections as conveyors of emotions and states of mind in an Indonesian novel.”
2009Soriente, Antonia (2009), International Conference on Southeast Asian languages Paris Diderot “Patterns of “focus” and voice in some languages of Central Borneo” Soriente, Antonia (2009), AcquisiLyon 09 Lyon, “The acquisition of verbal morphology in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child” Soriente, Antonia (2009), 19 International historical Linguistics Conference, (ICHL) Nijmegen. “Reconstructing kinship terminologies in the languages of the hunter-gatherers of Borneo” in the Panel Kinship terminologies: change and reconstruction. Soriente, Antonia (2009), International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Aussois, France, “Morphosyntax of Punan and Kenyah languages in Borneo” Soriente, Antonia (2009), International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics 13, Lombok, “Mind and emotion as a body in literary Indonesian. A preliminary report”. (with Poppy Siahan). Soriente, Antonia (2009), Emotions in China and East Asia, Reconstructing the Fragments of Emotions: Textual analysis for a Research of the Representation of States of Mind in East Asia, Freie Universität Bozen/Bolzano, “Expression of Emotions and States of Mind in Literary Indonesian” Soriente, Antonia (2009), Languages of South-east Asia University of California, Los Angeles “The languages of hunter-gatherers in Borneo: a comparison of Punan Tubu' and Penan Benalui”. Conners, Thomas J. 2009. Complexity and Complexification in Javanese. At International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics XI, Aussois, France. Conners, Thomas J. 2009. Javanese Dialectology and the Typology of Isolating Languages. At International Symposium on the Languages of Java II, Lombok, Indonesia. Conners, Thomas J. 2009. Javanese Dialects and the Typology of Isolating Languages. At International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Aussois, France. Conners, Thomas J. 2009. Standard vs. Peripheral Javanese Dialects: Which is the Real Outlier? At Conference on Austronesian Languages and Linguistics 4, School of Asian and Oriental Studies, London, England. Conners, Thomas J. 2009. Javanese in a SEA Typology. At UCLA – Berkeley Austronesian Conference, UCLA, USA.
2008Conners, Thomas J. 2008. Remnants in ‘Peripheral' Javanese Dialects. At International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics 12, Leiden University, the Netherlands. Conners, Thomas J. 2008. Diglossia, Langauge Shift, and Code Switching in Javanese: Towards a national Identity? At Yale Indonesia Forum International Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Soriente, Antonia 2008. Conference on Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood, Hong Kong “The acquisition of Italian verbal morphology in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”. Soriente, Antonia 2008. Borneo Research Council-BRC—Kota Kinabalu Sabah “Notes on the morphology of Oma Longh, the most divergent of the Kenyah variants”. Soriente, Antonia 2008. The International Workshop on Minority Languages in the Malay/Indonesian Speaking World Leiden, “Malay and Indonesian borrowings in Kenyah Oma Longh and Lebu' Kulit” Soriente, Antonia 2008. Emotions behind Smile and Laugh: from facial expression to literary descriptions Bologna "Smile and laugh: manifestations of emotions and dispositions in the novels of contemporary female Indonesian writers"
2007Conners, Thomas J. 2007. Circumfixation: An Unnoticed Complication for Indonesian Stress. At International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics 11, University of Manokwari, Papua, Indonesia. Conners, Thomas J. 2007. Nominal Marking in Javanese and Indonesian Dialects. At International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics 10, Palawan, Philippines. Conners, Thomas J. 2007. Lexical Remnants in ‘Peripheral' Javanese Dialects. At International Symposium on the Languages of Java, Semarang, Indonesia. Soriente, Antonia (2007) Third Conference on Austronesian Languages and Linguistics (ALL3) SOAS London "The language of the Penan Benalui". Soriente, Antonia (2007) XI International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics -ISMIL XI-Manokwari "The acquisition of temporal markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child". Soriente, Antonia (2007) ISB6 (The Sixth International Conference on Bilingualism)- Hamburg. "Pragmatic versus grammatical coding of time: The acquisition of TAM markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child". Soriente, Antonia (2007) Third Conference on Austronesian Languages and Linguistics (ALL3) SOAS London ”The language of the Penan Benalui”. Soriente, Antonia (2007) V EUROSEAS – Naples “Expressions of homosexual love and emotions in contemporary Indonesian literature”. Soriente, Antonia (2007) XI International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics -ISMIL XI-Manokwari “The acquisition of temporal markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”. Soriente, Antonia (2007) ISB6 (The Sixth International Conference on Bilingualism)- Hamburg. “Pragmatic versus grammatical coding of time: The acquisition of TAM markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2006Conners, Thomas J. 2006. Morphosyntactic Simplification in Tengger Javanese. At Southeast Asia Linguistic Society XVI, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Conners, Thomas J. 2006. The Varying Influence of Indonesian on Javanese. At The International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics X, University of Delaware, USA. Soriente, Antonia (2006) South East Asian Linguistic Society- SEALS-Jakarta. "Is Penan Benalui a Kenyah language? On the classification of the language of a hunter-gatherers group in Kalimantan" Soriente, Antonia (2006) Borneo Research Council-BRC--Kuching-Sarawak- "Documenting Òma Lóngh and Lebu' Kulit" Soriente, Antonia (2006) Leipzig Spring School on Language Diversity-Students Conference-LESCOL-Leipzig. "Language documentation in two Kenyah communities" Soriente, Antonia (2006) X International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics -ISMIL-University of Delaware. "The acquisition of questions in a bilingual Italian-Indonesian child" Soriente, Antonia (2006) 10 International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics ICAL. "Reference to Space and time in two Kenyah Languages".
2005Conners, Thomas J. 2005. Nominal Marking in Semarangan Indonesian-Javanese. At International Symposium on Indonesian/Malay Linguistics 9, Maninjau, Sumatra, Indonesia. Soriente, Antonia (2005) Association for Linguistic Typology ALT 6."System of Deictics in Òma Lóngh". Soriente, Antonia (2005) Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia –MLI-Padang. "Uma' Kulit a Kenyah or Kayan language?" Soriente, Antonia (2005) International Association for the study of Child Language- Berlin: "Cross-linguistic structures in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child" Soriente, Antonia (2005) Languages and Literatures of Western Borneo 144 Years of Research, ATMA-IKON Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia "Linguistic classifications and local epistemology in Borneo. The case of Kenyah languages of Borneo". Soriente, Antonia (2005) International Seminar on Bilingualism ISB5 Barcelona: "Cross-linguistic structures in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child". Soriente, Antonia (2005) Seminar on Bi- and Multilingualism and Cognition Mitteleuropa Foundation –Bolzano "Cross-linguistic and cognitive factors in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child" Soriente, Antonia (2005) Workshop on Indonesian Linguistics-Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig–Department of Linguistics: "Cross-Linguistic Influence in the Language Development of an Indonesian-Italian Bilingual Child".
2004Soriente, Antonia (2004) Child Language Seminar. UWE Bristol: "Dominance and Language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child". Soriente, Antonia (2004) International Seminar on Malay and Indonesian Languages ISMIL 8 Penang: "Analysis of mixed forms in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child". Soriente, Antonia (2004) South East Asia Linguistic Society SEALS 7 Bangkok: "A classification of Kenyah languages". Soriente, Antonia (2004) 39th Linguistics Colloquium: Variation in language theory and language acquisition- Amsterdam: "Dominance and language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child". Soriente, Antonia (2004) Universitas Atma Jaya Workshop on the Jakarta Field Station: "Fieldwork methodology: The Kenyah languages". Soriente, Antonia (2004) Universitas Atma Jaya Workshop on the Jakarta Field Station: "The study of a bilingual Indonesian Italian child: methodology and problems". Soriente, Antonia (2004) Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atmajaya Jakarta KOLITA 2: "Pemerolehan negasi pada seorang anak dwibahasa".
2003Soriente, Antonia (2003) International Seminar on Malay and Indonesian Languages ISMIL 7 Nijmegen: "Patterns of negation in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child". Uri Tadmor (2003), Penelitian Unit Pendataan Linguistik, (The Research of the Linguistic Field Station), Paper presented at a special seminar on the Field Station held at Pusat Bahasa (National Language Center), Jakarta, Indonesia, 24 February 2003. Uri Tadmor (2003), Kinerja Unit Pendataan Linguistik: Selayang Pandang, (The Work of the Linguistic Field Station: An Overview), Paper presented at the the Workshop on the Work of the Jakarta Field Station, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 27 May 2003
2002David Gil (2002), Computational Tools in the MPI Jakarta Field Station, Paper presented at the Workshop on Computational Tools for Non-European Languages, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, 25 June 2002. David Gil (2002), Computational Tools for Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, Association for Linguistic Typology, Bintan Island, Indonesia, 4 August 2002. David Gil (2002), Computational Tools for the Study of Malay/Indonesian Acquisition, Paper presented at the International Symposium of Linguistics and Speech-Hearing Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21 October 2002.
Gil, David (2002), The Acquisition of Syntactic Categories in Malay/Indonesian, Paper presented at the International Symposium of Linguistics and Speech-Hearing Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 October 2002., Conference Handout (pdf format) Tadmor, Uri, 2002., Final /a/ Mutation in some Western Austronesian Languages., Presented to the Ninth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (9ICAL), Canberra, January 8-11 2002., Abstract and Transparencies (pdf format; transparencies coming) Tadmor, Uri, 2002., Language Contact and Historical Reconstruction: The Case of Palembang Malay., Presented to the Fifth International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL 5), Leipzig, Germany, June 16-17 2002., Abstract and Handout (pdf format) Tadmor, Uri, 2002., Language Contact and the Homeland of Malay., Presented to the Sixth International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL 6), Pulau Bintan, Indonesia, August 3-5 2002., Abstract and Handout (pdf format)
2001David Gil (2001), AutoGloss: A Computational Tool for Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 18 May 2001.
Gil, David (2001), The Acquisition of Voice Morphology in Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at Conference on Acquisition of Verb Grammar and Verb Arguments, Zentrum für Algemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany, 16 November 2001., Conference Handout (pdf format)
Tadmor, Uri (2001), The Acquisition of Dialect Features in Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 18 May 2001., Conference Handout (pdf format) Tadmor, Uri, 2001., Phonological Convergence in the Malay Archipelago., Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Leipzig, Germany, February 28-March 2 2001., Abstract and Transparencies (pdf format; transparencies coming)
Cole, Peter, David Gil, Gabriella Hermon and Uri Tadmor (2000), The Acquisition of WH Forms in Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13 May 2000., Conference Handout (pdf format)
Cole, Peter, David Gil, Gabriella Hermon and Uri Tadmor (2000), The Acquisition of WH Forms in Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at the Fourth Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, Association for Linguistic Typology, Jakarta, Indonesia, 26 July 2000., Conference Handout (pdf format)
Cole, Peter, David Gil, Gabriella Hermon and Uri Tadmor (2000), The Acquisition of In-Situ WH-Questions and WH-Indefinites in Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at the Twenty Fifth Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, USA, 3 November 2000., Conference Handout (pdf format)
Tadmor, Uri (2000), The Acquisition of Pronouns in Jakarta Indonesian, Paper presented at the Fourth Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, Association for Linguistic Typology, Jakarta, Indonesia, 26 July 2000., Conference Handout (pdf format)
Gil, David (1999), The Acquisition of Malay / Indonesian: What, When and How?, Paper presented at the Workshop on Malay / Indonesian First-Language Acquisition, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 22 September 1999., Conference Handout (pdf format)
Tadmor, Uri (1999), The Jakarta Acquisition Project, Paper presented at the Workshop on Malay / Indonesian First-Language Acquisition, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 22 September 1999., Conference Handout (pdf format)
1998Tadmor, Uri, 1998., What is Makassarese Malay?, Paper presented at the Second International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL 2), Ujung Pandang (now Makassar), Indonesia, July 11-12, 1998.
Invited TalksSoriente, Antonia (2006) Institute of Social Sciences University of Lisbon Portugal "Fieldwork on Endangered Languages: Methodological Notes from Borneo". Soriente, Antonia (2005) Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico Università degli studi di Napoli "l'Orientale" "Metodologie e problemi nella documentazione e descrizione linguistica: il caso delle lingue Kenyah (Borneo)" Soriente, Antonia (2004) Istituto Universitario Orientale - Napoli –Italy: "Description and sociolinguistic analysis of Jakarta Indonesian". Soriente, Antonia (2003) Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology: Leipzig, "A classification of Kenyah languages in Kalimantan and Sarawak". Soriente, Antonia (2003) University of Bologna "Linguistic fieldwork in Borneo". Soriente, Antonia (2003) Istituto Universitario Orientale - Napoli –Italy: "Linguistics in Borneo". Soriente, Antonia (2002) Istituto Universitario Orientale - Napoli –Italy "Various influences on the Indonesian language", "Standard Indonesian and other linguistic variants seen in a sociolinguistic perspective". Soriente, Antonia (2001) Istituto Universitario Orientale - Napoli –Italy "Malay and its dialects", "Historical Linguistics and Austronesian languages".
Last modified: 5 November 2010, Buenos Aires Location: findings.php.html |