Jakarta Field Station > Projects > Metaphor and Emotion
Metaphor and Emotion
The study focuses on the metaphorical expression of emotion in Indonesian. Its major aims are to describe how emotions are expressed metaphorically and to explore cognition and culture perspectives relating to Indonesian emotions. So far, the study has investigated ANGER, HATE and LOVE emotions. A linguistic corpus was created to find mappings between emotion as the target domain and concrete objects as the source domain. The results have been published in several proceedings and presented in several conferences (see under Publications and Conference Presentations below).
Project members
Tessa Yuditha
- Yuditha, T. and Yessi P. Putri. (2014). Which Animal(s) Do You Wish To Be: A Preliminary Study of Animal Metaphor of Minangkabau Women.
- Proceedings of Indonesian Linguistic Society Conference (KIMLI) (pp. 539-543), Lampung, Indonesia: Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia dan Universitas Lampung.
- Yuditha, T. 2013. Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of ANGER, LOVE and HATE: An Overview. Proceedings of the International Workshop on 'Special Genres' in and around Indonesia (pp. 123-142). Tokyo, Japan: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS).
- Yuditha, T. 2012. Indonesian Anger Metaphorical Conceptualization through Time: Its Early and Contemporary Faces. In Yanti, ed. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Atma Jaya Linguistics Conferences (KOLITA) (pp. 291-295). Jakarta, Indonesia: Centre of Culture and Language, Atma Jaya University.
- Yuditha, T. 2011. English and Indonesian Metaphors Describing Anger: A Comparative Study for ELT. In Y. Nasunius, ed. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on English Studies (CONEST) (pp. 9-16). Jakarta, Indonesia: Centre of Culture and Language, Atma Jaya University.
- Yuditha, T. 2010. Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of Anger: Does Anger Taste Delicious or Disgusting? In Y. Nasunius, ed. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Atma Jaya Linguistics Conferences (KOLITA). Jakarta, Indonesia: Centre of Culture and Language, Atma Jaya University
Conference Presentations
- Yuditha, T. “Are you a butterfly or a spider? A study of animal metaphors on Minangkabau women as a cultural model”. Farewell Conference of Linguistics department, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Leipzig, Germany. 3rd May. 2015.
- Yuditha, T. “Are you a butterfly or a spider? A preliminary study of metaphor on Minangkabau women”. The 6th Language, Culture and Mind Conference. Lublin, Poland. 25th June. 2014.
- Yuditha, T and Ad Foolen. “Emotion metaphors of ANGER, LOVE and HATE in Indonesian and Dutch: A comparative Study”. The 6th Language, Culture and Mind Conference. Lublin, Poland. 24th June. 2014.
- Yuditha, T and Yessi P. Putri. “Which Animal(s) Do You Wish To Be: A Preliminary Study of Animal Metaphor of Minangkabau Women”. The 3rd Indonesian Linguistic Society Conference (KIMLI). Lampung, Indonesia. 22 Feb. 2014.
- Yuditha, T. “Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of ANGER, LOVE and HATE: An Overview.” The International Workshop on 'special genres' in and around Indonesia, Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS). Tokyo, Japan. 17 Feb. 2013.
- Yuditha, T. “Diachronic Changes in Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualization of Anger.” The 12th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (ICAL), Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. 2 Jul. 2012.
- Yuditha, T. “When Love and Hate Agree With Each Other: Their Metaphorical Conceptualizations in Indonesian.” The 16th International Symposium of Malaysian and Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL), Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 24 Jun. 2012.
- Yuditha, T. “Indonesian Anger Metaphorical Conceptualization through Time: Its Early and Contemporary Faces.” The 10th Annual Atma Jaya Linguistics Conferences (KOLITA). Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia. 28 Apr. 2012.
- Yuditha, T. “English and Indonesian Metaphors Describing Anger: A Comparative Study for ELT.” The 8th Conference on English Studies (CONEST), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2 December 2011.
- Yuditha, T. “Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of Anger: Does Anger Taste Delicious or Disgusting?” The 8th Annual Atma Jaya Linguistics Conferences (KOLITA). Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia. 24 April 2010.
Last modified: 30 April 2015, Leipzig
Location: metaphors.php.html