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Jakarta Field Station > Data > Acquisition of Jakarta Indonesian > Michael

Michael Data

Group:Acquisition of Jakarta Indonesian
Language (primary):Jakarta Indonesian
Mode:Spoken texts
General location:Jakarta
Access rights [?]:Open
Documentation file:-
Contact:David Gil

Date Language (primary) Genre Natural or Elicited Location Situation Words [?] Annotation files
(UTF-8 encoded)
Media files [?]
Toolbox format [?] ELAN format
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2000-03-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakarta1. playing at CHI's livingroom. 2. using toy with different shape slots in the form of a ball, one hemisphere is red and the other is yellow. 3. CHI has a golf set toy that consists of some sticks and balls.1,799MIC-030300.txt mpg
2000-03-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with several kinds of toys at CHI's living room.1,815MIC-130300.txt mpg
2000-03-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at CHI's living room.2,821MIC-200300.txt mpg
2000-03-27Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaat the livingroom of CHI's home. CHI is playing with his badminton racket and the plastic guitar, and also the farm set that EXP brought. The farm set consists of the stable, the fences, and the animal dolls--(all animals mentioned here are dolls).1,916MIC-270300.txt mpg
2000-04-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at CHI's living room. EXP brought a farm set consisting of a stable, some animals and fences.4,162MIC-030400.txt mpg
2000-04-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHI, DIO and JUL are playing in the living room of CHI's grandparents' home. CHI and DIO are playing with two toy robots. CHI is also playing with a brochure from Carrefour with JUL. There is also the toy farm set and the animal dolls, which are brought by EXPYAN. In the middle of the session, CHI is drinking milk.1,920MIC-100400.txt mpg
2000-04-17Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. EXP brought along the toy farm set containing a stable and the animals. CHI is also playing with a balloon and robots.3,022MIC-170400.txt mpg
2000-04-24Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaat the livingroom of CHI's grandma's home. CHI is playing with the toy tool set that EXP brought. CHI is also playing with his robots and reading a book.687MIC-240400.txt mpg
2000-05-01Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying with a tool set in CHI's living room.1,304MIC-010500.txt mpg
2000-05-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC, helped by RINMIC and EXPYAN, is looking at some picture and drawing books, which were brought by EXPYAN. DIOMIC sometimes joins the session.1,981MIC-080500.txt mpg
2000-05-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC together with YANMIC, RINMIC, and EXPYAN looking at the picture books--some was brought by EXPYAN in the previous session, some are CHIMIC's. They are also playing with monkey and Donal Duck dolls.848MIC-150500.txt mpg
2000-05-22Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC, together with RINMIC and EXPYAN, is looking at the picture books, which have been studied in the previous recording session, and some picture charts, which are brought by the EXPYAN. CHIMIC is also playing with some balls--two tennis balls and a toy soccer ball, the balls are belong CHIMIC.933MIC-220500.txt mpg
2000-05-29Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC, together with RINMIC and EXPYAN, is looking at some picture books and picture charts--some have already been studied in the previous recording sessions. At almost the end of the recording, CHIMIC is also playing his two toy robots.3,158MIC-290500.txt mpg
2000-06-05Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC, RINMIC, EXPYAN, and DIOMIC are playing with the toy bedroom set, the male and female dolls, and the three puppets, which are brought by EXPYAN. OMAMIC, YANMIC, and JULMIC are joining in for several times in the middle of the recording.3,101MIC-050600.txt mpg
2000-06-12Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC and RINMIC are playing with the toy bedroom set, the male and female dolls, and the three puppets. These three toys were also brought by EXPYAN in the previous recording session. EXPYAN and OMAMIC are sometimes joining in the middle of the recording session. Any furniture sets mentioned in this record are part of the toy bed-sets.2,917MIC-120600.txt mpg
2000-06-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI and RIN first are studying two picture books, which have been brought by EXPYAN for several times. After that, they are playing with the Lego pieces, and finally, with the toy guns. Both of the Lego pieces and the toy guns are belong to CHI. EXPYAN, OMA, and YAN are occasionally joining the recording session.2,767MIC-190600.txt mpg
2000-06-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparents' home. CHI and RIN are first playing with the Lego pieces, which belong to CHI. After that they are playing with the picture books and the picture charts, which have been brought by EXPYAN for several times. EXPYAN and OMA occasionally are joining in the recording session.1,185MIC-260600.txt mpg
2000-07-03Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparents' home. CHI and RIN are first playing with the toy bedroom sets and the puppets, and then with the picture charts, and finally with the picture books. All the games are taken by EXPYAN. EXPYAN, OMAMIC, and SARMIC are occasionally joining the recording session.3,825MIC-030700.txt mpg
2000-07-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC, RINMIC, MOTMIC, and EXPYAN are first studying some new picture books. Later, they are playing with the Lego pieces and some toy pigs. All the games are belong to CHIMIC. SARMIC and OMAMIC are occasionally joining in the recording session.3,069MIC-100700.txt mpg
2000-07-17Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the livingroom at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are first looking to some picture charts, and then to some picture books. After that, EXP and CHI are playing with the toy golf sticks, made of plastics. CHI and EXP are imagining that the toy golf sticks to be swords. All the toys and the books are belong to CHI. OMA and YAN are joining the recording session occasionally.2,018MIC-170700.txt mpg
2000-07-24Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartalearning and playing in CHI's living room. EXP brought several picture charts.3,290MIC-240700.txt mpg
2000-07-31Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying and studying in CHI's living room. When EXP arrived, CHI was playing with Lego blocks with RIN. EXP brought three books.1,216MIC-310700.txt mpg
2000-08-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at CHI's living room. EXP brought a plastic farm set consisting a house of which roof can be pull off, a waterwheel, two bales of hey, a female doll, a male doll, some toys animal, a ladder, and some other things.2,618MIC-080800.txt mpg
2000-08-28Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are first playing with the toy dinner-sets, and then with the dog dan the monkey puppet dolls. After that they are doing some drawings. Nearly the end of the recording, they are playing with the toy dinner-sets again. YANMIC and OMAMIC occasionally are joining in the recording session. The toy dinner-sets and the puppet dolls are brought by EXP. The toy dinner-sets consists plates, bowls, glasses, fruits, some bottles and glasses, chairs and a dinner table.2,749MIC-280800.txt mpg
2000-09-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the livingroom at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with wax, which is brought by EXP. OMAMIC is joining in the recording once in a while.2,166MIC-040900.txt mpg
2000-09-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the livingroom at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with the Lego pieces, and then with the toy piano, and finally with the Lego pieces again. At almost the end of the session, they are doing some drawings. All toys belong to CHI.3,190MIC-110900.txt mpg
2000-09-18Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with the toy dinner set and the toy cooking set. Both of the toys are brought by EXP.3,675MIC-180900.txt mpg
2000-09-25Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with the toy dinner set, the toy cooking set, the Lego pieces, the two toy frogs, and a toy football. The toy dinner set, the toy cooking set, and the toy fr1,858MIC-250900.txt mpg
2000-10-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with three picture charts--all are animal picture charts. The picture charts are brought by EXP. YAN is joining the recording session for several minutes. OMA and SAR are joining in occasionally3,073MIC-021000.txt mpg
2000-10-09Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are looking to three picture charts--two of the charts are pictures of vehicles, the other one is pictures of animals. The picture charts are brought by EXP. YAN, OMA, and SAR are occasionally joining in the recording.2,622MIC-091000.txt mpg
2000-10-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with the toy beach-set, which is brought by EXP. They are playing with the toy until about half of the session, then CHI is playing animals. YAN is occasionally joining in the recording session.1,567MIC-161000.txt mpg
2000-10-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with the toy farm set, containing a stable and the animal dolls (all animals mentioned in this record are dolls; consist of: the mother cow and the calf, the mother sheep and the lamb, the mother pig and the piglet, the rooster, the hen, and the chicken, the duck, the deer, and the panda). The toy is brought by EXP. OMA is occasionally joining in the recording session.2,677MIC-231000.txt mpg
2000-10-30Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. At the beginning, CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with the toy farm set, which has been brought by EXP in the previous recording session. There are also a panther doll, a turtle doll, and a baby doll, which belong to CHI. After that, they are making some drawings, until the end of the recording. OMA is occasionally joining in the session.2,129MIC-301000.txt mpg
2000-11-06Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, RIN, and EXP are playing with the blocks, which is brought by EXP, and the toy animals, which belong to CHI. OMA is occasionally joining in the recording session.2,264MIC-061100.txt mpg
2000-11-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, accompanied by RIN and EXP, is colouring two picture books, which are brought by EXP. OMA is joining the recording occasionally.1,293MIC-131100.txt mpg
2000-11-20Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, accompanied by RIN, is playing with his cousins, RAY and JAD. They are playing with the toy farm-set, hand puppets and dolls. The toy farm-set and the puppets are brought by EXP. EXP, OMA, YAN and NIT are joining the recording occasionally.1,272MIC-201100.txt mpg
2000-11-27Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC, JADMIC, and RAYMIC are playing with a toy beach set. They are also playing with a hat and a dog puppet. EXPYAN and RINMIC are accompanying the children throughout the session. MOTMIC, FATMIC and OMAMIC are joining in occasionally.2,387MIC-271100.txt mpg
2000-12-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC, DIOMIC, JULMIC, RAYMIC and JADMIC are playing with the toy cooking set, which are brought by EXPYAN, and a Pikachu doll, which belongs to the children. EXPYAN, OMAMIC, ONGMIC, MOTMIC, LINMIC, and NITMIC are looking over the children and joining in the recording ocassionally.833MIC-041200.txt mpg
2000-12-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparents' home. CHI is accompanied by EXPYAN. In the beginning, CHI learns to read from some books. After that, for a while, CHI plays with his own toy gun, and then, CHI and EXPYAN look at the picture cards, which belong to EXPYAN. Finally, CHI plays with the toy cooking-set, brought by EXPYAN.1,348MIC-111200.txt mpg
2000-12-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI is playing with the toy cooking-set, which is brought by EXP. CHI is accompanied by EXP, MOTMIC and FATMIC.1,645MIC-161200.txt mpg
2001-01-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI and EXP are playing with the toy doctor set, which is brought by EXP, and two baby dolls, which belongs to CHI. OMAMIC is joining in the recording session occasionally.1,934MIC-080101.txt mpg
2001-01-15Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI and EXP are playing with the Lego pieces. The Lego is carried by EXP. OMAMIC is joining in the recording session occasionally.2,908MIC-150101.txt mpg
2001-01-25Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparents' home. CHI and EXP are playing with the toy farm set brought by EXP. OMAMIC joins the recording session occasionally, YENPRI joins the recording at the end. In this session, most of CHI's utterances are not clear--possibly, CHI is imitating his older cousin who has a speech defect.1,564MIC-250101.txt mpg
2001-01-31Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHIMIC and CHIPRI, accompanied by EXP, are playing with the toy cooking set, which was brought by EXP, and the toy animals and the Lego pieces, which belong to CHIMIC. OMAMIC, YANMIC, and YENPRI are occasionally joining in the session.1,754MIC-310101.txt mpg
2001-02-06Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHIMIC, accompanied by EXPYAN and EXPLAN, is looking to some picture books and playing with the toy farm-set, the dog puppet, the toy helicopter, and some animal dolls, which are brought by EXPYAN and EXPLAN. CHIMIC is also playing with Popeye doll and the Lego pieces, which belong to CHI. OMAMIC is joining in the recording occasionally.2,075MIC-060201.txt mpg
2001-02-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, accompanied by EXPYAN and EXPLAN, is playing with the Lego pieces, the animal toys, and the toy cooking set, and also looking to three story books. The Lego pieces and the animal toys belong to CHI, while the toy cooking set and the story books are brought by EXPs. OMAMIC is occasionally joining the recording.3,166MIC-130201.txt mpg
2001-02-22Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHIMIC, EXPLAN, and EXPYAN are reading two story books and playing with toy alphabets and numbers. All books and toys are brought by the EXPs. OMAMIC is occasionally joining in the recording session.1,852MIC-220201.txt mpg
2001-02-28Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, accompanied by EXP, is doing some drawings, looking some picture books, playing with the Lego pieces, and shooting the imaginary bad guys. The Lego pieces are CHI's. Tools for drawing and picture books are brought by EXP. CHI is using his microphone transmitter to do the imaginary shooting. OMA is joining the recording occasionally.1,923MIC-280201.txt mpg
2001-03-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI, EXPLAN, and EXPYAN are playing with the Lego pieces, the animal dolls, the toy animals, the Sinchan doll, the toy Power Rangers, the toy fishing rod, and some storybooks. The Lego pieces, the toy animals, the toy Power Rangers, and the toy fishing rod are CHI's. The animal dolls, the Sinchan doll, and the storybooks are brought by EXPs. Almost at the end of the recording, CHI is using his microphone transmitter to play the imaginary shooting. OMA is joining the recording occasionally.2,039MIC-070301.txt mpg
2001-03-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHI, accompanied by EXPYAN and EXPLAN, is playing with the toy cooking set, the tortoise puppet and a big toy car. The toy cooking set and the tortoise puppet are brought by the EXPs and the big toy car is CHI's. At almost the end of the recording, CHI is playing the imaginary shooting with his microphone transmitter. OMAMIC is joining the recording occasionally.2,039MIC-130301.txt mpg
2001-03-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents's home. CHI, EXPLAN, and EXPYAN are doing some drawings, then playing with animal dolls, the Sinchan doll, and a toy blue robot. At almost the end of the recording, CHIMIC starts playing with the Lego pieces. The animal dolls and Sinchan dolls are belong to the EXPs. The toy blue robot and the Lego pieces are CHI's. OMAMIC and ONGMIC are occasionally joining in the recording session.1,971MIC-210301.txt mpg
2001-03-28Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparent's home. CHI and EXPYAN are reading a storybook, which belongs to CHI. After that, they are playing with the tortoise, the duck, and the tiger puppets--all are EXPYAN's. EXPYAN also brings a picture book. Later, they are also playing with CHI's two hats and Lego pieces. OMAMIC and SARMIC are joining in the recording occasionally.2,051MIC-280301.txt mpg
2001-04-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. First, CHIMIC and EXPYAN are reading two storybooks, which are brought by EXPYAN. Then, CHIMIC and EXPYAN are drawing some pictures. After that, CHIMIC and EXPYAN are playing with the Lego pieces, which are CHIMIC's. OMAMIC is occasionally joining in the recording.1,920MIC-040401.txt mpg
2001-04-10Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHI and EXPLAN are first playing with the toy cooking-set and the tortoise and tiger puppets. After that, they are reading a storybook for a while, then they are continuing playing with the two puppets and the toy cooking set, and also some animal dolls and the Sinchan dolls. The toys, puppets, dolls and the storybook are brought by EXPLAN. OMAMIC is joining in the recording only in the beginning.2,087MIC-100401.txt mpg
2001-04-18Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. First, EXPYAN and CHIMIC are playing with the turtle puppet, the Sinchan doll and the toy beach-set. After that they are looking to a coloring book, then drawing some pictures. And then, they are playing with the Popeye doll, and finally with the Lego pieces and the toy cellphone. The toy beach-set, the turtle puppets, the Sinchan doll and the toy cellphone are brought by EXPYAN's. The coloring book, the Lego pieces, and the Popeye doll belong to CHI.1,552MIC-180401.txt mpg
2001-04-25Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. First, CHI and EXPYAN are playing with the animal dolls, the Sinchan doll, the duck and the tortoise puppets, and a small Styrofoam box. They are also making Lego robots from the Lego pieces. The dolls, the puppets and the Styrofoam box are brought by EXPYAN. The Lego pieces belong to CHI.2,097MIC-250401.txt mpg
2001-04-29Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHI's grandparent's home. CHIMIC, MOTMIC and EXPYAN are first playing with the toy doctor set and the tortoise puppet. Then, CHI, accompanied by MOTMIC and EXPYAN, is looking to a biblical storybook and a coloring book. Finally, they are playing with the doctor set again. The toy doctor set and the tortoise are brought by EXPYAN; the storybook and the coloring book belong to CHIMIC. ONGMIC, FATMIC, YANMIC, and OMAMIC are occasionally joining in the recording session.2,003MIC-290401.txt mpg
2001-05-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHI, accompanied by FAT, MOT, and EXPYAN, is playing with the toy tea-set and the toy doctor set, which are brought by EXPYAN.1,799MIC-110501.txt mpg
2001-05-17Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHI's grandparents' home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are playing with the toy cooking-set, the Lego blocks, the toy animals, the Styrofoam pieces, and the animal puppets, consist of: two ducks, a tiger, and a tortoise. The toy cooking-set, the Styrofoam pieces, and the animal puppets are brought by EXPLAN. The Lego blocks and the toy animals are belong to CHIMIC.1,798MIC-170501.txt mpg
2001-05-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC, DIOMIC and JULMIC, accompanied by EXPLAN, are playing with the toy blocks, a toy hammer, and the toy foods. All the toys are brought by EXPLAN. FATMIC, MOTMIC, YANMIC, LINMIC, and OMAMIC are occasionally joining in the recording.1,891MIC-230501.txt mpg
2001-05-31Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHI's grandparent's home. First, EXPYAN is asking CHI to glue small pieces of paper of different shapes on a piece of paper. After that, they are playing with the tortoise puppet, and then with the toy blocks and a toy hammer. Later, CHI is playing with the tortoise puppet again. All toys are brought by EXPYAN. ONGMIC, SARMIC and YANMIC are occasionally joining in the recording session.1,899MIC-310501.txt mpg
2001-06-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHI and EXPLAN are first playing with the alphabet puzzle. Then, they are drawing some pictures. After that they are looking to an English rhyme book. The alphabet puzzle and the rhyme book are brought by EXPLAN. YANMIC is joining in the beginning of the recording session.2,010MIC-070601.txt mpg
2001-06-14Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. Accompanied by EXPYAN and ARIMIC, CHIMIC is first learning about shapes by gluing some shapes to a piece of paper. Then they are looking to a brochure from Carrefour. After that, they are looking to a picture book, which belongs to CHI. OMAMIC is joining in the recording occasionally.1,659MIC-140601.txt mpg
2001-06-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are first looking to some photographs. After that, they are drawing and playing with pieces of paper which have been shaped. OMAMIC and SARMIC are joining in the recording occasionally.1,915MIC-210601.txt mpg
2001-06-28Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. EXPYAN and CHIMIC are first doing some drawing and also playing with the Lego blocks for a while. After that, they are playing doctor and patient. Finally, they are playing with the toy cooking set. EXPYAN brings the toy cooking set and some pictures book. The Lego blocks are CHI's.1,467MIC-280601.txt mpg
2001-07-07Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's parents' home. In the beginning, CHIMIC is playing together with EXPYAN, MOTMIC, DIOMIC and JULMIC. In the middle, DIOMIC, JULMIC and NITMIC are leaving. Then, CHIMIC is playing with EXPYAN, MOTMIC and FATMIC. First, they are looking to a picture book. After that, they are playing with a lion doll, a puppet elephant, some toy animals, and some toy food. OMAMIC is joining in the recording session occasionally. All toys and the picture book are brought by EXPYAN, except the puppet elephant, which belongs to CHIMIC.2,049MIC-070701.txt mpg
2001-07-12Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are looking to the screen of the camcorder for some minutes. Then, they are drawing until the end of the recording session. ONGMIC and OMAMIC are joining occasionally.1,886MIC-120701.txt mpg
2001-07-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaPlaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are drawing pictures and playing with the activity book. The activity book is brought by EXPLAN.1,699MIC-190701.txt mpg
2001-07-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's Grandparent's house. CHIMIC and EXPYAN are first reading three storybooks. After that, they are playing with the Lego blocks, and finally, with the toy food. All toys and the story books are taken by EXPYAN.1,625MIC-260701.txt mpg
2001-08-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHI's grandparent's home. First, CHI, accompanied by EXPLAN, is playing with the camcorder. After that, they are playing the toy bowling set, which consists of one green plastic ball and ten bottles with five different colors: orange, pink, blue, green, and yellow. The toy bowling set is brought by EXPLAN. MOTMIC is frequently joining in the recording session.2,002MIC-020801.txt mpg
2001-08-09Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the CHI's grandparent's living room. First, EXPYAN and CHI are playing with the picture charts. After that, EXPYAN is reading some stories for CHI from two story books. Later, EXPYAN and CHI are playing with the toy bowling set. All toys and the story books are brought by EXPYAN.1,889MIC-090801.txt mpg
2001-08-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. Accompanied by EXPLAN, CHIMIC colors a picture in an activity book. After that, CHIMIC and EXPLAN make a paper car, which is part of the activity book. Then, CHI learns to cut a piece of paper into some basic shapes. Finally, EXPLAN reads a picture book for CHI. All properties are brought by EXPLAN.1,468MIC-160801.txt mpg
2001-08-23Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying at the living room of CHI's grandparents' home. CHI and EXPYAN are first reading some storybooks, drawing and coloring. After that, they are playing with the toy bowling set. Finally, they are playing with the picture charts. All toys, books, and the picture charts are brought by EXPYAN. OMA, YAN and SAR are occasionally joining in the recording session.1,859MIC-230801.txt mpg
2001-08-30Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparent's home. First, CHIMIC and EXPLAN are looking to things and pictures on the picture charts, which are captured on the screen of the camcorder. After that, they are playing with the toy animals. Finally, they are doing some drawings. The picture charts are brought by EXPLAN. The toy animals belong to CHIMIC.3,608MIC-300801.txt mpg
2001-09-05Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHI's grandparent's home. CHI and EXPYAN are playing with the plastic toy farm set, which consists of: a house, a stable, a toy truck, a water wheel, and some toy animals. They are also playing with a puppet elephant. They are also drawing and writing numbers. The toy farm set, the puppet, and the coloring markers are brought by EXPYAN. SAR, YAN and OMA are joining at the end of the session.1,831MIC-050901.txt mpg
2001-09-13Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHI's grandparent's home. CHI and EXPLAN are playing with the cotton farm set consisting of a stable, fences, animal dolls: a cow and a calf, a sheep and a lamb, a pig and a piglet, a cock, a hen, a swan, a deer a1,966MIC-130901.txt mpg
2001-09-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room at CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHI and EXPLAN are playing with the pig and two rabbit dolls and three toy trucks. And then, they are looking to a picture chart for a while. After that, CHI is coloring an elephant picture. Finally, they are looking to an animal book. The dolls, the toys, the picture chart and the books are brought by EXPYAN, except one rabbit doll, which belongs to CHI. MOTMIC is occasionally joining in the session.2,997MIC-190901.txt mpg
2001-09-26Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are playing with the rabbit doll and the duck puppet and the the toy cooking-set and some real vegetables, which consist of the string bean, potato, carrot, tomato, red chilly and ‘rawit' (small chilly). They are also doing some drawings in the middle of the cooking. All toys are brought by EXPLAN, except the rabbit doll and a toy boat, which belong to CHI. MOTMIC and YANMIC are joining in the session occasionally.2,009MIC-260901.txt mpg
2001-10-04Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are playing domino with the animal cards and a toy boat made of balloon, which represents the Noah's Ark. They are also looking to some biblical cards. The toy and the cards are brought by EXPLAN.1,939MIC-041001.txt mpg
2001-10-16Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are drawing some pictures and also reading a storybook, which has ever been read in the previous session. They are also playing with the puppet tortoise and the puppet elephant. The puppets and the story book are brought by EXPLAN. It is raining very hard during the session. MOTMIC is joining in the session occasionally.1,761MIC-161001.txt mpg
2001-10-29Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are drawing some pictures and then playing with the Lego blocks, which belong to CHI. They are also playing with some animal puppets, which are brought by EXPLAN. MOTMIC is joining in the session occasionally.2,090MIC-291001.txt mpg
2001-11-08Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are first playing with the toy bowling set. After that, they are drawing some pictures and playing with the toy Noah's Ark. And then, they are playing with the colorfur blocks and the animal dolls, which consist of the duck, the elephant, and the chicken. All toys are brought by EXPLAN. MOTMIC and OMAMIC are joining in the session occasionally.1,846MIC-081101.txt mpg
2001-11-19Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC and EXPLAN are playing with a toy plane, two toy robots and some animal dolls, which consist of an elephant, a rhinoceros, a giraffe, two deer, two pigs, two sheep, a panda, a duck and a hen. The two toy animal robots are a tiger and a lizard robots. All toys are brought by EXPLAN. OMAMIC and MOTMIC are joining in the recording occasionally.1,981MIC-191101.txt mpg
2001-11-28Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHIMIC, accompanied by EXPLAN, is playing with two animal robots, i.e. the lizard and the insect robots, a toy airplane, and some animal dolls. The dolls, toy, and robots are brought by EXPLAN. CHI is also playing with his toy boat and balloons.1,975MIC-281101.txt mpg
2001-12-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHI and EXPLAN are playing with the toy cooking set, some animal dolls and toys, and the colorful Play-Do. All toys are brought by EXPLAN. MOTMIC and OMAMIC are joining in the recording occasionally.1,800MIC-111201.txt mpg
2001-12-18Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaCHIMIC, JADMIC, and RAYMIC are playing in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparent's home, accompanied by EXPLAN and EXPYAN. They are playing with animal puppets, animal dolls, toy robots and the Lego blocks. The puppets and dolls are brough by EXPs. The toy robots and the Lego blocks belong to CHIMIC and his cousins. MOTMIC and OMAMIC are joining in the recording ocassionally.2,179MIC-181201.txt mpg
2002-01-02Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents' home. CHI, JAD, and RAY, accompanied by EXPLAN, are playing with the Play-Doh and its toy molds, the toy farm-set, a toy plane, a toy ship, some toy trucks and some animal dolls. All toys are brought by EXPLAN. FAT, MOT and NIT are occasionally joining in the session.1,890MIC-020102.txt mpg
2002-01-11Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents home. CHIMIC, JADMIC and RAYMIC, accompanied by EXPLAN and EXPYAN, are playing with the toy cooking set and the animal puppets, the dog, the tortoise, and the elephant. All toys are brought by the EXPs. MOTMIC and OMAMIC are joining in the recording occasionally.1,850MIC-110102.txt mpg
2002-01-21Jakarta IndonesianConversationNaturalJakartaplaying in the living room of CHIMIC's grandparents home. CHIMIC, JADMIC and RAYMIC, accompanied by EXPLAN and EXPYAN, are playing with the animal puppets and the Lego blocks. Before the recording, CHIMIC was just given a new elephant puppet and a hat.1,747MIC-210102.txt mpg

Last modified: 21/10/2013
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