\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 426375093547030501 \sp @PAR \tx CHIMIC Michael target child; EXPYAN Yanti experimenter; RINMIC CHI’s servant; YANMIC CHI’s aunt; ONGMIC CHI’s grandpa; HERMIC EXPYAN’s friend \pho @Filename: \ft @Duration: 28:28 \nt @Situation: playing in the living room at CHIMIC’s grandparent’s home. CHIMIC, together with RINMIC and EXPYAN, is looking at the picture books, which have been studied in the previous recording session, and some picture charts, which are brought by the EXPYAN. CHIMIC is also playing with some balls--two tennis balls and a toy soccer ball, the balls are belong CHIMIC. \ref 002 \id 901503103200030501 \begin 0:00:15 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 681286103201030501 \begin 0:00:16 \sp CHIMIC \tx bola... bola. \pho bɔːla bɔːla \mb bola bola \ge ball ball \gj ball ball \ft a ball... a ball. \nt looking to the opened page of the picture book, pointing to one of the pictures on that page. \ref 004 \id 297212103202030501 \begin 0:00:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx bola, ya? \pho bɔla yaː \mb bola ya \ge ball yes \gj ball yes \ft a ball, right? \nt sitting near to CHIMIC, looking to the same picture that CHIMIC is pointing. \ref 005 \id 855247103202030501 \begin 0:00:20 \sp RINMIC \tx sama ya, bola? \pho samma ya bɔla \mb sama ya bola \ge same yes ball \gj same yes ball \ft a ball, it's the same, right? \nt 'sama' is referring to an unclear reference--no object can be compared with 'bola' in the picture. \ref 006 \id 853377103202030501 \begin 0:00:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho manna \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \nt 1. standing up and leaving the picture book. 2. looking for his balls. \ref 007 \id 930547103203030501 \begin 0:00:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini... tu. \pho ʔiniʰ tu \mb ini tu \ge this that \gj this that \ft this one... see. \nt getting a tennis ball. \ref 008 \id 134611103203030501 \begin 0:00:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx. \pho hãh \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt 1. standing with his back to the camcorder. 2. it's not clear whether CHI is grunting or being surprised at something. \ref 009 \id 421827103203030501 \begin 0:00:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm... \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge here \gj here \ft this one... \nt pointing to the picture on the opened page of the picture book. \ref 010 \id 964730103203030501 \begin 0:00:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx bolanya xx. \mb bola -nya xx \ge ball -NYA xx \gj ball-NYA xx \ft the ball is xx. \nt is referring to the ball in the picture. \ref 011 \id 436740103203030501 \begin 0:00:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho maːnaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \nt leaving the picture book again and looking for another ball. \ref 012 \id 507908103204030501 \begin 0:00:40 \sp ONGMIC \tx 0. \nt clearing his throat while passing over the scene. \ref 013 \id 532553103204030501 \begin 0:00:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada lagi bola? \pho ʔada lagi bɔla \mb ada lagi bola \ge exist more ball \gj exist more ball \ft is there another ball? \ref 014 \id 728082103204030501 \begin 0:00:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx mana bola Michael lagi? \pho mana bɔla maykəl lagi \mb mana bola Michael lagi \ge which ball Michael more \gj which ball Michael more \ft where's Michael's other ball? \nt **'lagi' (reversed word order) should be 'mana lagi bola Michael?' \ref 015 \id 194779103204030501 \begin 0:00:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx aduh. \pho ʔaːʔduh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ouch. \nt 1. going back to the picture book then giving his hand to EXPYAN, asking her to grasp his hand. 2. 'aduh' is referring to an unclear context. \ref 016 \id 958387103205030501 \begin 0:00:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx hmm? \pho hm̩ːh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt not understand why CHIMIC giving her his hand. \ref 017 \id 926526103205030501 \begin 0:00:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx (sa)tu... satu. \pho tuh taːtuh \mb satu satu \ge one one \gj one one \ft it's one... one. \nt is referring to the number of the ball in his hand. \ref 018 \id 949463103205030501 \begin 0:00:51 \sp RINMIC \tx nih! \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here! \nt taking the toy soccer ball and giving it to CHIMIC. \ref 019 \id 355132103205030501 \begin 0:00:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt helping CHIMIC to take the ball from RINMIC. \ref 020 \id 521511103205030501 \begin 0:00:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada brapa Michael bolanya? \pho ʔada brapa maykəl bɔlaɲa \mb ada brapa Michael bola -nya \ge exist how.much Michael ball -NYA \gj exist how.much Michael ball-NYA \ft how many balls are there, Michael? \ref 021 \id 550846103205030501 \begin 0:00:57 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt now holding two balls. \ref 022 \id 387957103206030501 \begin 0:00:59 \sp RINMIC \tx xx satu lagi xx. \pho xx satu lagi xx \mb xx satu lagi xx \ge xx one more xx \gj xx one more xx \ft xx one more xx. \nt walking to another place to take another tennis ball. \ref 023 \id 502208103206030501 \begin 0:01:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx uh, satu lagi, satu, satu, satu. \pho ʔmh haːtu taːcih hatu watu waduh \mb uh satu lagi satu satu satu \ge EXCL one more one one one \gj EXCL one more one one one \ft uh, another one, one, one, one. \nt 1. playing with the two balls at his hands excitedly. 2. uttering melodiously--playing with the word 'satu'. \ref 024 \id 126911103206030501 \begin 0:01:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx dua. \pho duːwa \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \nt is referring to the quantity of the balls in CHI's hands. \ref 025 \id 597915103207030501 \begin 0:01:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm. \pho ʔm̩ːːh \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft hmm. \ref 026 \id 381911103207030501 \begin 0:01:07 \sp RINMIC \tx lho, lho, lho... \pho lɔ lɔ lɔh \mb lho lho lho \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey... \nt 1.is referring to the ball, which is rolling out of the sofa. 2.the other tennis ball is under the sofa and RINMIC is getting the tennis ball out by poking it with the end of a racket. \ref 027 \id 590635103207030501 \begin 0:01:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx ni, xx xx, ah. \pho nɪː nak ʔaːlduh ʔaːh \mb ni xx xx ah \ge this xx xx EXCL \gj this xx xx EXCL \ft this one, xx xx, ah. \nt taking the tennis ball, which is rolling out of the sofa. \ref 028 \id 427758103208030501 \begin 0:01:11 \sp CHIMIC \tx ih. \pho ʔih \mb ih \ge GRUNT \gj GRUNT \ft ih. \nt bending his body to take the tennis ball. \ref 029 \id 746059103208030501 \begin 0:01:14 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx. \pho tuːːiəh \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt holding the two tennis balls. \ref 030 \id 837128103208030501 \begin 0:01:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx nah... nih. \pho nah ʔĩh \mb nah nih \ge NAH this \gj NAH this \ft okay... here. \nt sitting down again, on RINMIC's lap. \ref 031 \id 525654103208030501 \begin 0:01:20 \sp RINMIC \tx eh, depan dong duduknya! \pho ʔeh dəpan dɔŋ dudukɲaʰ \mb eh depan dong duduk -nya \ge EXCL front DONG sit -NYA \gj EXCL front DONG sit-NYA \ft hey, sit in front! \nt telling CHIMIC to sit nearer to the picture book. \ref 032 \id 881753103209030501 \begin 0:01:23 \sp RINMIC \tx eh, copot. \pho ʔeː cɔpot \mb eh copot \ge EXCL detach \gj EXCL detach \ft oops, it is falling down. \nt is referring to the microphone transmitter, which is at CHIMIC's back. \ref 033 \id 851169103209030501 \begin 0:01:26 \sp RINMIC \tx 0. \nt 1.fixing the microphone transmitter at CHIMIC's back. 2. EXPYAN is approaching to help RINMIC. \ref 034 \id 714093103209030501 \begin 0:01:29 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh... \pho ə̃h \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft eh... \nt 1. playing with the two tennis balls. 2. the two tennis balls are rolling away, CHIMIC is trying to get them. \ref 035 \id 884333103209030501 \begin 0:01:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx tuh. \pho tuːː \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \nt 1.is referring to an unclear context--most probably is the picture book. 2. moving closer to the picture book. \ref 036 \id 104187103209030501 \begin 0:01:35 \sp CHIMIC \tx bebeknya cerita... cerita. \mb bebek -nya cerita cerita \ge duck -NYA story story \gj duck-NYA story story \ft the duck is telling a story... a story. \nt looking to the opened page of the picture book. \ref 037 \id 276535103210030501 \begin 0:01:37 \sp RINMIC \tx bebeknya cerita. \pho bebeʔɲa cərita \mb bebek -nya cerita \ge duck -NYA story \gj duck-NYA story \ft the duck is telling a story. \nt commenting on CHIMIC's statement while readjusting the position of the picture book in front of CHIMIC. \ref 038 \id 739287103210030501 \begin 0:01:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini bebeknya lagi ngapain nih, Kel? \pho ʔni bebekɲa lagi ŋapain ni kəl \mb ini bebek -nya lagi ng- apa -in nih Kel \ge this duck -NYA more N- what -IN this TRU-Michael \gj this duck-NYA more N-what-IN this TRU-Michael \ft what is this duck doing, Michael? \nt is referring to the duck in the picture on the opened page. \ref 039 \id 413217103210030501 \begin 0:01:41 \sp RINMIC \tx ngapain? \pho ŋapaiːn \mb ng- apa -in \ge N- what -IN \gj N-what-IN \ft doing what? \nt is referring to the same duck. \ref 040 \id 251736103211030501 \begin 0:01:44 \sp RINMIC \tx (be)beknya? \pho bekɲaː \mb bebek -nya \ge duck -NYA \gj duck-NYA \ft the duck? \ref 041 \id 633575103211030501 \begin 0:01:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt playing with the word 'bebek'. \ref 042 \id 320952103211030501 \begin 0:01:49 \sp RINMIC \tx bebeknya lagi ngapain, ini? \pho bebekɲa lagi ŋapain ʔinih \mb bebek -nya lagi ng- apa -in ini \ge duck -NYA more N- what -IN this \gj duck-NYA more N-what-IN this \ft what is this duck doing? \nt is referring to the same duck. \ref 043 \id 250396103211030501 \begin 0:01:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm... \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft hmm... \nt 1. trying to answer. 2. playing with the tennis balls. 3. in the picture, the duck is on the ball. \ref 044 \id 609558103212030501 \begin 0:01:53 \sp RINMIC \tx naik apa? \pho naik kapah \mb naik apa \ge go.up what \gj go.up what \ft it's on what? \nt 'it' is referring to the duck, which is on the ball. \ref 045 \id 757344103212030501 \begin 0:01:55 \sp CHIMIC \tx naik bola. \pho naik mbola \mb naik bola \ge go.up ball \gj go.up ball \ft on the ball. \nt is referring to the duck in the picture, which is on the ball. \ref 046 \id 603744103213030501 \begin 0:01:57 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini? \pho kalɔ ʔiniʰ \mb kalo ini \ge TOP this \gj TOP this \ft how about this one? \nt pointing to the other picture on the same page. \ref 047 \id 236772103213030501 \begin 0:01:59 \sp RINMIC \tx lagi maen apa? \pho lagi maen ʔapaː \mb lagi maen apa \ge more play what \gj more play what \ft what is it playing? \ref 048 \id 241649103214030501 \begin 0:02:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx maen bola. \pho maen bolaʰ \mb maen bola \ge play ball \gj play ball \ft playing a ball. \ref 049 \id 307167103214030501 \begin 0:02:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx bola juga. \pho bola youga \mb bola juga \ge ball also \gj ball also \ft a ball too. \ref 050 \id 773163103214030501 \sp RINMIC \tx bolanya ada brapa sih? \pho bɔlaɲa ada braː siʰ \mb bola -nya ada brapa sih \ge ball -NYA exist how.much SIH \gj ball-NYA exist how.much SIH \ft how many balls are there? \nt 1. 'bola' is referring to the ball in the picture. 2. pointing to the picture. \ref 051 \id 978880103214030501 \begin 0:02:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx empat. \pho ʔmːpat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \ref 052 \id 658614103215030501 \begin 0:02:06 \sp RINMIC \tx diitung coba! \pho diituŋ cɔbaʔ \mb di- itung coba \ge DI- count try \gj DI-count try \ft try to count them! \ref 053 \id 839428103215030501 \begin 0:02:07 \sp RINMIC \tx diitung! \pho diituŋ \mb di- itung \ge DI- count \gj DI-count \ft count them! \ref 054 \id 484087103215030501 \begin 0:02:08 \sp RINMIC \tx 'sa(tu)...' \pho saː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one...' \nt pointing to the first ball in the picture. \ref 055 \id 667434103215030501 \begin 0:02:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(sa)tu.' \pho tu \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one.' \ref 056 \id 574007103215030501 \begin 0:02:10 \sp RINMIC \tx 'du(a)...' \pho duː \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two...' \nt pointing to the second ball in the picture. \ref 057 \id 856555103216030501 \begin 0:02:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(du)a.' \pho wah \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two.' \ref 058 \id 347587103216030501 \begin 0:02:14 \sp RINMIC \tx 'ti(ga)...' \pho ti \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three...' \nt pointing to the third ball in the picture. \ref 059 \id 331195114608030501 \begin 0:02:16 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt is not answering, instead, looking at and pointing to EXPYAN left hand. \ref 060 \id 604125103216030501 \begin 0:02:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx brapa, Kel? \pho brapa kəːl \mb brapa Kel \ge how.much TRU-Michael \gj how.much TRU-Michael \ft Michael, what number is it now? \nt 1. persuading CHIMIC to continue the counting. 2. 'berapa' is usually used to ask about the quantity, but here is used to ask for the name of a number. \ref 061 \id 352295103217030501 \begin 0:02:20 \sp CHIMIC \tx pegang... pegang. \pho beːgaŋ begaŋ \mb pegang pegang \ge hold hold \gj hold hold \ft holding... holding. \nt 1. hooking his fingers into EXPYAN's fingers. 2. the context is not clear. \ref 062 \id 947338115457090501 \begin 0:02:21 \sp RINMIC \tx pegang... \pho pegaŋ \mb pegang \ge hold \gj hold \ft holding... \nt telling EXPYAN what CHIMIC said. \ref 063 \id 536338103217030501 \begin 0:02:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx dipegang apa? \pho dipegaŋ apah \mb di- pegang apa \ge DI- hold what \gj DI-hold what \ft being held by what? \nt 'pegang' is referring to an unclear context. \ref 064 \id 442459103217030501 \begin 0:02:23 \sp CHIMIC \tx pegang. \pho beːgaŋ \mb pegang \ge hold \gj hold \ft holding. \nt 1. taking EXPYAN fingers and moving it closer to the picture. 2. an implicit request for EXPYAN to join him counting the balls in the picture. \ref 065 \id 325511103218030501 \begin 0:02:24 \sp RINMIC \tx pegang. \pho pegaŋ \mb pegang \ge hold \gj hold \ft holding. \ref 066 \id 372109103218030501 \begin 0:02:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'satu'. \pho satuːː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one'. \nt start counting the ball, with fingers are still being held by CHIMIC. \ref 067 \id 544653103218030501 \begin 0:02:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, hitung ya, ulangin. \pho iya ituŋ yah ʔulaŋin \mb iya hitung ya ulang -in \ge yes count yes repeat -IN \gj yes count yes repeat-IN \ft counting them, okay, let's repeat. \nt telling CHI to start counting from number one again. \ref 068 \id 702653103218030501 \begin 0:02:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'satu'. \pho satuːː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one'. \nt 1. counting and pointing to the balls at the same time. 2. EXPYAN now is grasping CHIMIC's fingers. \ref 069 \id 312516103218030501 \begin 0:02:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'du(a)...' \pho duː \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two...' \nt counting and pointing at the same time. \ref 070 \id 664994103218030501 \begin 0:02:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(du)a.' \pho waʰ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two.' \ref 071 \id 970574103219030501 \begin 0:02:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'ti(ga)...' \pho tiː \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three...' \nt counting and pointing at the same time. \ref 072 \id 566490103219030501 \begin 0:02:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(ti)ga.' \pho gaʰ \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three.' \ref 073 \id 513270103219030501 \begin 0:02:33 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'em(pat)...' \pho ʔəm̩ː \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft 'four...' \nt counting and pointing at the same time. \ref 074 \id 639935103220030501 \begin 0:02:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(em)pat.' \pho pat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft 'four.' \ref 075 \id 107231103220030501 \begin 0:02:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'li(ma)...' \pho liː \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft 'five...' \nt counting and pointing at the same time. \ref 076 \id 133318103220030501 \begin 0:02:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(li)ma...' \pho maʰ \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft 'five...' \ref 077 \id 282432103220030501 \begin 0:02:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada li(ma)... \pho ʔada liː \mb ada lima \ge exist five \gj exist five \ft there are five... \nt 'lima' is referring to the number of the balls in the picture. \ref 078 \id 851074103221030501 \begin 0:02:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx (li)ma. \pho maʰ \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft five. \ref 079 \id 919378103221030501 \begin 0:02:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx lima. \pho limaːː \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft five. \ref 080 \id 507853103221030501 \begin 0:02:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx. \pho niya \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 081 \id 503646103222030501 \begin 0:02:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa sih nih? \pho ini yapa si nih \mb ini apa sih nih \ge this what SIH this \gj this what SIH this \ft here, what's this? \nt 1. pointing to the new picture, still on the same page. 2. still grasping CHIMIC's hand. \ref 082 \id 900084103222030501 \begin 0:02:42 \sp CHIMIC \tx pohon. \pho poʔon \mb pohon \ge tree \gj tree \ft it's a tree. \nt is referring to the picture of a tree, pointed together by CHIMIC and EXPYAN. \ref 083 \id 228011103222030501 \begin 0:02:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx pohon. \pho poʔoːn \mb pohon \ge tree \gj tree \ft a tree. \nt confirming CHIMIC. \ref 084 \id 595284103222030501 \begin 0:02:44 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh, ini! \pho ə̃h ʔn̩ːih \mb eh ini \ge EH this \gj EH this \ft hey, this one! \nt pointing to another picture on the same page, with his other hand. \ref 085 \id 256056103223030501 \begin 0:02:45 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo itu apa? \pho kalɔ itu apaʰ \mb kalo itu apa \ge TOP that what \gj TOP that what \ft what's that one? \nt is referring to the picture pointed by CHIMIC. \ref 086 \id 336910103223030501 \begin 0:02:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx itu apa, nih? \pho ʔitu apah nih \mb itu apa nih \ge that what this \gj that what this \ft here, what's this? \nt pointing to the same picture pointed by CHIMIC. \ref 087 \id 262565103224030501 \begin 0:02:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx kincir (angin)... \mb kincir angin \ge cogwheel wind \gj cogwheel wind \ft it's a windmill... \ref 088 \id 843471103224030501 \begin 0:02:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx (kincir) angin. \mb kincir angin \ge cogwheel wind \gj cogwheel wind \ft a windmill. \ref 089 \id 935944103224030501 \begin 0:02:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx nah. \pho nəːːː \mb nah \ge NAH \gj NAH \ft yeah. \ref 090 \id 842422103224030501 \begin 0:02:51 \sp RINMIC \tx kincir angin. \pho kincir ʔaŋiːn \mb kincir angin \ge cogwheel wind \gj cogwheel wind \ft a windmill. \nt confirming CHIMIC's answer. \ref 091 \id 409082103224030501 \begin 0:02:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini ada apa sih, di sini? \pho ʔni ada apa siʰ dis sini \mb ini ada apa sih di sini \ge this exist what SIH LOC here \gj this exist what SIH LOC here \ft this one, what's here? \nt pointing to the new picture on the same page. \ref 092 \id 961301103224030501 \begin 0:02:55 \sp CHIMIC \tx bunga. \pho muŋa \mb bunga \ge flower \gj flower \ft a flower. \ref 093 \id 402661103225030501 \begin 0:02:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx bunga. \pho buŋaːː \mb bunga \ge flower \gj flower \ft a flower. \nt confirming CHIMIC's answer. \ref 094 \id 142313103225030501 \begin 0:02:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm, bunga lagi... mmm bunga lagi. \pho hmːːʰ buŋa hagih hmː muŋaʰ haːgih \mb hmm bunga lagi mmm bunga lagi \ge uh-huh flower more FILL flower more \gj uh-huh flower more FILL flower more \ft here is another flower... another flower. \nt pointing to the picture of the flowers, which are at the different place of the first one. \ref 095 \id 266596103225030501 \begin 0:03:01 \sp RINMIC \tx bunga lagi. \pho buŋa lagiʰ \mb bunga lagi \ge flower more \gj flower more \ft another flower. \ref 096 \id 182602103225030501 \begin 0:03:04 \sp CHIMIC \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt 1. turning to the new page. 2. surprised when he is looking to one of the picture on the newly-opened page. \ref 097 \id 595468103226030501 \begin 0:03:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, ad(a)... ada gajah. \pho ʔinih ʰaːd ʔaja hajah \mb ini ada ada gajah \ge this exist exist elephant \gj this exist exist elephant \ft here is... an elephant. \nt 1. pointing to some pictures on the new page, before finally pointing to the picture of a girrafe. 2. misunderstanding a giraffe as an elephant. \ref 098 \id 644795103226030501 \begin 0:03:08 \sp RINMIC \tx eh, ah, ini apa? \pho ʔə ʔã ʔini apaʰ \mb eh ah ini apa \ge EXCL EXCL this what \gj EXCL EXCL this what \ft huh, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of the girrafe. \ref 099 \id 790456103226030501 \begin 0:03:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx gajah. \pho hajah \mb gajah \ge elephant \gj elephant \ft an elephant. \nt still thinking that a giraffe is an elephant. \ref 100 \id 923372103226030501 \begin 0:03:11 \sp RINMIC \tx bukan, je(rapah)... \pho buːkan jəː \mb bukan jerapah \ge NEG giraffe \gj NEG giraffe \ft no, it's a giraffe... \nt correcting CHI. \ref 101 \id 133101103227030501 \begin 0:03:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx jera(pah)... \pho jəːra \mb jerapah \ge giraffe \gj giraffe \ft a giraffe... \nt correcting CHIMIC together with RINMIC. \ref 102 \id 241605103227030501 \begin 0:03:15 \sp CHIMIC \tx (jera)pah. \pho pah \mb jerapah \ge giraffe \gj giraffe \ft a giraffe. \ref 103 \id 458876103227030501 \begin 0:03:16 \sp RINMIC \tx he-em. \pho hmʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 104 \id 847932103228030501 \begin 0:03:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa sih? \pho ʔni apa sih \mb ini apa sih \ge this what SIH \gj this what SIH \ft what's this one? \nt pointing to the other picture on the same page. \ref 105 \id 320618103228030501 \begin 0:03:19 \sp CHIMIC \tx babi. \pho babbih \mb babi \ge pig \gj pig \ft a pig. \ref 106 \id 931525103228030501 \begin 0:03:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx babinya ge(de)... \pho babiɲa gəː \mb babi -nya gede \ge pig -NYA big \gj pig-NYA big \ft the pig is big... \nt still pointing to the same picture. \ref 107 \id 364708103228030501 \begin 0:03:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx (ge)de. \pho de \mb gede \ge big \gj big \ft big. \ref 108 \id 367844103228030501 \begin 0:03:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx gede. \pho gədeːː \mb gede \ge big \gj big \ft big. \ref 109 \id 861110103229030501 \begin 0:03:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini ada apa? \pho ʔni ada apa \mb ini ada apa \ge this exist what \gj this exist what \ft what's this one? \nt pointing to the other picture, still on the same page. \ref 110 \id 400131103229030501 \begin 0:03:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx ada monyet. \pho ʔadaː moːɲet \mb ada monyet \ge exist monkey \gj exist monkey \ft there's a monkey. \ref 111 \id 808249103229030501 \begin 0:03:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx monyet. \pho moːɲeːt \mb monyet \ge monkey \gj monkey \ft a monkey. \nt confirming CHIMIC's answer. \ref 112 \id 257767103230030501 \begin 0:03:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx monyetnya ku(rus)... \pho moɲetɲa kuː \mb monyet -nya kurus \ge monkey -NYA skinny \gj monkey-NYA skinny \ft the monkey is thin... \ref 113 \id 295244103230030501 \begin 0:03:29 \sp CHIMIC \tx (ku)ning. \pho niŋ \mb kuning \ge yellow \gj yellow \ft yellow. \nt giving the wrong answer--'kuning' instead of 'kurus'. \ref 114 \id 641169134305090501 \begin 0:03:30 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt recording is not clear. \ref 115 \id 893147103230030501 \begin 0:03:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx kurus. \pho kuruss \mb kurus \ge skinny \gj skinny \ft thin. \nt correcting CHIMIC. \ref 116 \id 651113103230030501 \begin 0:03:33 \sp CHIMIC \tx uh, bebeknya, bebeknya, bebeknya... \pho ʔuh beekʔəːɲah m̩bebekɲaʰ bebekɲah \mb uh bebek -nya bebek -nya bebek -nya \ge EXCL duck -NYA duck -NYA duck -NYA \gj EXCL duck-NYA duck-NYA duck-NYA \ft uh, the duck, the duck, the duck... \nt 1. turning to the new page then pointing to one of the pictures on the newly-opened page. 2. trying to explain something about the duck in the picture. \ref 117 \id 778391103231030501 \begin 0:03:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx bebeknya ngapain? \pho bebeʔɲa ŋapain \mb bebek -nya ng- apa -in \ge duck -NYA N- what -IN \gj duck-NYA N-what-IN \ft what's the duck doing? \nt asking about the duck referred by CHIMIC. \ref 118 \id 642073103231030501 \begin 0:03:39 \sp RINMIC \tx bebeknya dixx? \pho bebekɲa dixx \mb bebek -nya di- xx \ge duck -NYA DI- xx \gj duck-NYA DI-xx \ft the duck is xx? \ref 119 \id 945317103231030501 \begin 0:03:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx lagi ngapain nih? \pho lagi ŋapain nih \mb lagi ng- apa -in nih \ge more N- what -IN this \gj more N-what-IN this \ft it is doing what? \nt 'it' is referring to the duck at the picture. \ref 120 \id 867522103231030501 \begin 0:03:44 \sp RINMIC \tx ada apa itu? \pho ʔada apa ituː \mb ada apa itu \ge exist what that \gj exist what that \ft what's that? \nt is referring to the picture on the same page, but the object is not clear. \ref 121 \id 167024103232030501 \begin 0:03:46 \sp RINMIC \tx ada apa? \pho ʔada apaː \mb ada apa \ge exist what \gj exist what \ft what's there? \nt is referring to the picture on the same page, but the object is still not clear. \ref 122 \id 678401103232030501 \begin 0:03:48 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh, eh... \pho ə̃h hə̃h \mb eh eh \ge FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL \ft eh, eh... \nt trying to answer the question. \ref 123 \id 410328103232030501 \begin 0:03:50 \sp RINMIC \tx ini di atas, ya? \pho ʔini di ʔatas yah \mb ini di atas ya \ge this LOC up yes \gj this LOC up yes \ft this one is on the top, isn't it? \nt 'ini' is referring to the different picture of a duck, which is located at the top of the same opened page. \ref 124 \id 297302103232030501 \begin 0:03:54 \sp RINMIC \tx Si bebeknya di atas. \pho si bebekɲa di ʔatas \mb Si bebek -nya di atas \ge PERS duck -NYA LOC up \gj PERS duck-NYA LOC up \ft the duck is on the top. \ref 125 \id 572981103233030501 \begin 0:03:58 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini, di mana? \pho kalɔ iniʰ di manaʰ \mb kalo ini di mana \ge TOP this LOC which \gj TOP this LOC which \ft how about this one, where is it? \nt 1. pointing to another picture on the same page--it is the picture of Mickey and Minnie in the car. 2. 'mana' is referring to the car. \ref 126 \id 711019103233030501 \begin 0:04:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, mobilnya. \pho ʔiːnih məbilɲah \mb ini mobil -nya \ge this car -NYA \gj this car-NYA \ft here, the car. \ref 127 \id 459910162140030501 \begin 0:04:04 \sp RINMIC \tx he-em. \pho hmʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 128 \id 521578103233030501 \begin 0:04:05 \sp RINMIC \tx mobil. \pho moːbil \mb mobil \ge car \gj car \ft the car. \ref 129 \id 782499103234030501 \begin 0:04:06 \sp RINMIC \tx di mobil. \pho di mobil \mb di mobil \ge LOC car \gj LOC car \ft in the car. \ref 130 \id 381279103234030501 \begin 0:04:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini ada lagi nggak? \pho ʔni ada lagi ʔŋgaː \mb ini ada lagi nggak \ge this exist more NEG \gj this exist more NEG \ft is there any other here? \nt 1. turning the new page in the picture book. 2. 'ada' is referring to the pictures to be discussed with CHIMIC. \ref 131 \id 778210103234030501 \begin 0:04:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx aduh, ini apa nih? \pho ʔatduː ʔni yapa niːːʰ \mb aduh ini apa nih \ge EXCL this what this \gj EXCL this what this \ft hey, what's this? \nt is referring to the picture on the newly-opened page. \ref 132 \id 296871103234030501 \begin 0:04:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 133 \id 523332103234030501 \begin 0:04:14 \sp RINMIC \tx apa ini? \pho ʔapa inih \mb apa ini \ge what this \gj what this \ft what's this? \nt pointing to one of the pictures on the newly-opened page. \ref 134 \id 563562103234030501 \begin 0:04:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx bulan. \pho buːlan \mb bulan \ge moon \gj moon \ft the moon. \ref 135 \id 802212103234030501 \begin 0:04:18 \sp RINMIC \tx bulan. \pho bulan \mb bulan \ge moon \gj moon \ft the moon. \ref 136 \id 503607103235030501 \begin 0:04:20 \sp RINMIC \tx bulannya lagi apa? \pho bulanɲa lagi apah \mb bulan -nya lagi apa \ge moon -NYA more what \gj moon-NYA more what \ft what's the moon doing? \ref 137 \id 241932103235030501 \begin 0:04:22 \sp ONGMIC \tx 0. \nt not seen in the screen--clearing his throat. \ref 138 \id 562947103235030501 \begin 0:04:24 \sp RINMIC \tx bulannya lagi apa? \pho bulanɲa lagi apah \mb bulan -nya lagi apa \ge moon -NYA more what \gj moon-NYA more what \ft what's the moon doing? \ref 139 \id 370199103236030501 \begin 0:04:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx bulan. \pho bulan \mb bulan \ge moon \gj moon \ft the moon. \ref 140 \id 840131103236030501 \begin 0:04:28 \sp RINMIC \tx he-em, bulannya lagi ngapain, ini? \pho hmʔm bulanɲa lagi ŋapain ʔini \mb he-em bulan -nya lagi ng- apa -in ini \ge uh-huh moon -NYA more N- what -IN this \gj uh-huh moon-NYA more N-what-IN this \ft yeah, here, what's the moon doing? \nt pointing to the picture of the moon, which was pointed before--in this picture, the moon is talking to Mickey Mouse. \ref 141 \id 602294103236030501 \begin 0:04:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx ngomong-ngomong. \mb ng- omong - ng- omong \ge N- speak - N- speak \gj RED-N-speak \ft it's talking. \ref 142 \id 164958103236030501 \begin 0:04:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama siapa? \pho sama syapah \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft talking to whom? \ref 143 \id 164107103236030501 \begin 0:04:32 \sp RINMIC \tx sama siapa? \pho sama syapah \mb sama siapa \ge with who \gj with who \ft to whom? \ref 144 \id 250672103237030501 \begin 0:04:33 \sp CHIMIC \tx (Mic)key Mouse. \pho ĩː mɔs \mb Mickey Mouse \ge Mickey Mouse \gj Mickey Mouse \ft Mickey Mouse. \ref 145 \id 754610103237030501 \begin 0:04:34 \sp RINMIC \tx he-em. \pho hmʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft right. \ref 146 \id 557752103237030501 \begin 0:04:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama Mickey Mouse, ya? \pho sama miki mos yah \mb sama Mickey Mouse ya \ge with Mickey Mouse yes \gj with Mickey Mouse yes \ft to Mickey Mouse, right? \ref 147 \id 360896103237030501 \begin 0:04:37 \sp RINMIC \tx ini apa sih? \pho ʔni yapa sih \mb ini apa sih \ge this what SIH \gj this what SIH \ft what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of the stars near the moon. \ref 148 \id 198386103238030501 \begin 0:04:39 \sp RINMIC \tx yang kecil-kecil ini, Michael? \mb yang kecil - kecil ini Michael \ge REL small - small this Michael \gj REL RED-small this Michael \ft these little things, Michael? \nt kecil is referring to the picture of the stars, which are smaller than the picture of the moon. \ref 149 \id 376304103238030501 \begin 0:04:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx but eh bintang. \pho but m̩ bitaŋ \mb but eh bintang \ge but EXCL star \gj but EXCL star \ft the stars. \nt 'but' is the slip of the tongue. \ref 150 \id 852618103238030501 \begin 0:04:42 \sp RINMIC \tx bintang. \pho bintaŋ \mb bintang \ge star \gj star \ft the stars. \ref 151 \id 769171103238030501 \begin 0:04:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx bintang, di mana? \pho bintaŋ di manaː \mb bintang di mana \ge star LOC which \gj star LOC which \ft where are the stars? \nt is referring to the real stars, which are on the sky. \ref 152 \id 481470103239030501 \begin 0:04:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini... nih, ini. \pho ʔn̩ːih nih ʔinni \mb ini nih ini \ge this this this \gj this this this \ft here... here. \nt pointing to the sky--intend to say on the sky. \ref 153 \id 774261103239030501 \begin 0:04:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx bintang di la(ngit)... \pho bĩntaŋ di laː \mb bintang di langit \ge star LOC sky \gj star LOC sky \ft the stars are on the sky... \ref 154 \id 517646103239030501 \begin 0:04:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx (la)ngit. \pho ŋit \mb langit \ge sky \gj sky \ft the sky. \ref 155 \id 390955103240030501 \begin 0:04:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx di langit. \pho di laŋiːt \mb di langit \ge LOC sky \gj LOC sky \ft the sky. \nt turning to the new page in the picture book. \ref 156 \id 488611103240030501 \begin 0:04:54 \sp CHIMIC \tx bebeknya marah. \pho bebekɲa mɑrah \mb bebek -nya marah \ge duck -NYA angry \gj duck-NYA angry \ft the duck is angry. \nt pointing to one of the pictures in the newly-opened page. \ref 157 \id 192571103240030501 \begin 0:04:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, bebeknya marah, ya? \pho ʔo bebeʔɲa maːra ya \mb o bebek -nya marah ya \ge EXCL duck -NYA angry yes \gj EXCL duck-NYA angry yes \ft o, the duck is angry, right? \nt referring to the same picture of the duck pointed by CHIMIC. \ref 158 \id 757048103240030501 \begin 0:05:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo ini? \pho kalɔ ini \mb kalo ini \ge TOP this \gj TOP this \ft what about this one? \nt pointed to a different picture--still in the same page. \ref 159 \id 128333103240030501 \begin 0:05:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx bebek mau xxx. \mb bebek mau xxx \ge duck want xxx \gj duck want xxx \ft the duck wanna xxx. \nt 1. uttering melodiously. 2. playing with the word 'marah'. \ref 160 \id 207943103240030501 \begin 0:05:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt turning to another page in the picture book again. \ref 161 \id 803801103241030501 \begin 0:05:10 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx, mobilnya naik-naik. \mb xx mobil -nya naik - naik \ge xx car -NYA go.up - go.up \gj xx car-NYA RED-go.up \ft xx, the car is climbing. \nt 1. pointing to the picture of a car in the newly-opened page. 2. 'naik-naik' refers to Mickey and Minnie, which are in the car. 3. **'naik-naik' (repetition) refers to an action conducted repeatedly, should be 'naik'. \ref 162 \id 210701103241030501 \begin 0:05:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx siapa naik mobil? \pho syapa naik mɔbil \mb siapa naik mobil \ge who go.up car \gj who go.up car \ft who is riding the car? \ref 163 \id 353927103241030501 \begin 0:05:15 \sp RINMIC \tx siapa yang naik? \pho syapa yaŋ naik \mb siapa yang naik \ge who REL go.up \gj who REL go.up \ft who is riding it? \nt 'it' refers to the car. \ref 164 \id 969111103242030501 \begin 0:05:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx naik... \pho naik \mb naik \ge go.up \gj go.up \ft riding... \ref 165 \id 267016103242030501 \begin 0:05:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxnya, xx xxnya, mmm, ini, xxnya, xx... \mb xx -nya xx xx -nya mmm ini xx -nya xx \ge xx -NYA xx xx -NYA FILL this xx -NYA xx \gj xx-NYA xx xx-NYA FILL this xx-NYA xx \ft the xx, the xx xx, mmm, here, the xx, xx... \nt pointing to the picture of Mickey and Minnie in the car, but the reference and the context are not clear. \ref 166 \id 946161103242030501 \begin 0:05:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt opening the new picture book. \ref 167 \id 655783103242030501 \begin 0:05:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx wah... \pho waː \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow... \nt pointing to the one of the pictures in the newly-opened picture book--it is a picture of baby Mickey and a baby gorilla. \ref 168 \id 960854103242030501 \begin 0:05:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh, kue. \pho ʔə kuːwe \mb eh kue \ge FILL cake \gj FILL cake \ft ugh, cake. \nt 1.pointing to the same picture EXPYAN is pointing. 2.reference is not clear or CHIMIC is saying the wrong word. \ref 169 \id 999297103242030501 \begin 0:05:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx siapa nih? \pho syapa nih \mb siapa nih \ge who this \gj who this \ft who is this? \nt pointing to the picture of baby Mickey. \ref 170 \id 902839103243030501 \begin 0:05:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm... \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft ehm... \ref 171 \id 633895103243030501 \begin 0:05:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 172 \id 283733103243030501 \begin 0:05:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet. \pho moɲet \mb monyet \ge monkey \gj monkey \ft the monkey. \nt is referring to the picture of baby gorilla beside the picture of Mickey Mouse. \ref 173 \id 207818103244030501 \begin 0:05:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx monyet. \pho moɲet \mb monyet \ge monkey \gj monkey \ft the monkey. \ref 174 \id 510630103244030501 \begin 0:05:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini? \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt pointing to the picture of baby Mickey Mouse, which is beside the picture of the baby Gorilla. \ref 175 \id 371416103244030501 \begin 0:05:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet lagi. \pho moɲet dagiʰ \mb monyet lagi \ge monkey more \gj monkey more \ft monkey again. \ref 176 \id 603780103244030501 \begin 0:05:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho ʔaːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 177 \id 840948103244030501 \begin 0:05:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet lagi. \pho moɲet dagiʰ \mb monyet lagi \ge monkey more \gj monkey more \ft monkey again. \nt still is referring to the picture of baby gorilla. \ref 178 \id 830049103245030501 \begin 0:05:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, iya, ini monyet... \pho ʔo iya ʔni moɲeːt \mb o iya ini monyet \ge EXCL yes this monkey \gj EXCL yes this monkey \ft oh, right, this is a monkey... \nt pointing to the picture of the baby gorilla. \ref 179 \id 349027103245030501 \begin 0:05:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini? \pho ʔiniːː \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt pointing to the picture of baby Mickey Mouse. \ref 180 \id 516723103245030501 \begin 0:05:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx Mic(key)... \pho miː \mb Mickey \ge Mickey \gj Mickey \ft Mickey... \ref 181 \id 177691103246030501 \begin 0:05:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx Mickey Mouse. \pho miki ʔiliːmɔt \mb Mickey Mouse \ge Mickey Mouse \gj Mickey Mouse \ft Mickey Mouse. \ref 182 \id 860400103246030501 \begin 0:05:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx hmm, yang ini siapa? \pho hə̃ːː yaŋ ʔni syapa \mb hmm yang ini siapa \ge uh-huh REL this who \gj uh-huh REL this who \ft yeah, and who is this? \nt pointing to a different picture in the same page. \ref 183 \id 166189103246030501 \begin 0:05:56 \sp CHIMIC \tx dua. \pho duːwaʰ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \nt 1.reference is not clear--the picture pointed by EXPYAN has nothing to do with number 'two'. 2. instead of answering the question, CHIMIC is looking at the cover of the new picture book. \ref 184 \id 143068103246030501 \begin 0:05:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael punya segini berapa buku sih, Michael? \pho maykəl puɲa sgini brapa buku si maykəl \mb Michael punya se- gini berapa buku sih Michael \ge Michael have SE- like.this how.much book SIH Michael \gj Michael have SE-like.this how.much book SIH Michael \ft how many books do you have here, Michael? \nt 1.taking all the picture books. 2. asking CHIMIC to count the number of the picture books. 3. changing the question from: 'Michael punya berapa buku?' into 'segini berapa buku?' \ref 185 \id 351723103246030501 \begin 0:06:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada berapa buku? \pho ʔada brapa buku \mb ada berapa buku \ge exist how.much book \gj exist how.much book \ft how many books are there? \nt 'buku' is referring to the picture books. \ref 186 \id 828841103246030501 \begin 0:06:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx empat. \pho ʔm̩ːpat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \nt wrong answer--in fact, there are only two picture books. \ref 187 \id 758182103247030501 \begin 0:06:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'satu'. \pho satuːː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one'. \nt counting and giving the first picture book to CHIMIC. \ref 188 \id 292970103247030501 \begin 0:06:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'du(a)...' \pho duː \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two...' \nt giving the second picture book to CHIMIC. \ref 189 \id 651432103247030501 \begin 0:06:08 \sp CHIMIC \tx (em)pat. \pho pat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft four. \nt talking with a very low voice--half whispering. \ref 190 \id 732797103248030501 \begin 0:06:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'du(a)...' \pho du \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two...' \ref 191 \id 240909103248030501 \begin 0:06:11 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(du)a.' \pho wa \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two.' \ref 192 \id 473134103248030501 \begin 0:06:13 \sp RINMIC \tx dua. \pho duwaː \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \ref 193 \id 180088103248030501 \begin 0:06:15 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt playing with the two picture books in his hands. \ref 194 \id 652838103248030501 \begin 0:06:17 \sp RINMIC \tx kok ditutup? \pho kɔ ditutuːp \mb kok di- tutup \ge KOK DI- shut \gj KOK DI-shut \ft why do you close them? \nt is referring to the picture books, which are closed. \ref 195 \id 974352103249030501 \begin 0:06:19 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt showing CHIMIC the picture charts that she brought--the charts are still rolled. \ref 196 \id 156285103249030501 \begin 0:06:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx maen yang ini aja... \pho maẽn yaŋ ʔini ajah \mb maen yang ini aja \ge play REL this just \gj play REL this just \ft let's play this one... \nt unfolding the picture charts in front of CHIMIC. \ref 197 \id 186029103249030501 \begin 0:06:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak mau? \pho ŋga maɔ \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft you don't want to? \nt taking the charts away from CHIMIC--to tease CHIMIC. \ref 198 \id 601456103249030501 \begin 0:06:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt rolling the picture charts into the other way round, so the picture charts won't be folded when being seen. \ref 199 \id 494962103250030501 \begin 0:06:28 \sp RINMIC \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 200 \id 737791103250030501 \begin 0:06:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt showing the first picture chart to CHIMIC--the title of the picture chart is 'Alphabet' and 'abjad'. \ref 201 \id 481800103250030501 \begin 0:06:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx. \pho ʰadat \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt looking at the first picture chart. \ref 202 \id 924242103250030501 \begin 0:06:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa nih? \pho ʔni yapa nih \mb ini apa nih \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft here, what's this? \nt pointing to the first picture--the picture of apel with a large 'A' under it. \ref 203 \id 366885103251030501 \begin 0:06:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'a(pel)...' \pho ʔaːː \mb apel \ge apple \gj apple \ft 'apple...' \nt is referring to the picture, not the figure 'a'. \ref 204 \id 942409103251030501 \begin 0:06:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx apel. \pho ʔapəl \mb apel \ge apple \gj apple \ft apple. \ref 205 \id 592782103251030501 \begin 0:06:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'A', apel. \pho ʔaː ʔapəl \mb A apel \ge A apple \gj A apple \ft 'A' for apple. \nt 'A' is referring to the figure below the picture of the apple. \ref 206 \id 511989103252030501 \begin 0:06:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya? \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay? \nt asking if CHIMIC understands. \ref 207 \id 711690103252030501 \begin 0:06:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa nih? \pho ʔini yapa nih \mb ini apa nih \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft here, what's this? \nt pointing to the second picture--books with a large 'B' under the picture. \ref 208 \id 991021103252030501 \begin 0:06:48 \sp RINMIC \tx apa itu? \pho ʔapa ituh \mb apa itu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \nt is referring to the same picture. \ref 209 \id 418625103252030501 \begin 0:06:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx coba, Michael cerita sama Tante! \pho cɔba maykəl cərita sama tantə \mb coba Michael cerita sama Tante \ge try Michael story with aunt \gj try Michael story with aunt \ft now, try to tell me a story! \nt is referring to the same picture--'B' buku. \ref 210 \id 241881103252030501 \begin 0:06:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx buku. \pho bukuʰ \mb buku \ge book \gj book \ft a book. \ref 211 \id 609296103253030501 \begin 0:06:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, iya, ini buku. \pho ʔo iya ʔni buku \mb o iya ini buku \ge EXCL yes this book \gj EXCL yes this book \ft oh, right, this is a book. \nt is referring to the picture. \ref 212 \id 856955103253030501 \begin 0:06:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael cerita! \pho maykəl cərita \mb Michael cerita \ge Michael story \gj Michael story \ft tell a story, Michael! \nt asking CHIMIC to talk about the pictures in the first picture charts. \ref 213 \id 771899103253030501 \begin 0:06:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini xx. \pho ʔiniʰ hal \mb ini xx \ge this xx \gj this xx \ft this is xx. \nt pointing to the picture of a guitar. \ref 214 \id 435399103254030501 \begin 0:07:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx kalo, mmm, ini bintang. \pho kalɔ m̩ː nih biddaŋ \mb kalo mmm ini bintang \ge TOP FILL this star \gj TOP FILL this star \ft this one is, mmm, a star. \nt pointing to the picture of a starfish. \ref 215 \id 471135103254030501 \begin 0:07:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx bintang. \pho bintaŋ \mb bintang \ge star \gj star \ft a star. \ref 216 \id 775504103254030501 \begin 0:07:02 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm, bintangnya... \pho hm̩ːːː biddaŋɲaʰ \mb mmm bintang -nya \ge FILL star -NYA \gj FILL star-NYA \ft mmm, the star... \nt bintang is referring to the stars on the sky, not the starfish--CHIMIC probably notices the difference. \ref 217 \id 720316103254030501 \begin 0:07:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx bintang laut, ini. \pho bintaŋ lauːt ʔiniːː \mb bintang laut ini \ge star sea this \gj star sea this \ft this is a starfish. \nt pointing to the picture of the starfish. \ref 218 \id 168143103254030501 \begin 0:07:06 \sp CHIMIC \tx bintang laut. \pho biddaŋ laut \mb bintang laut \ge star sea \gj star sea \ft a starfish. \nt repeating EXPYAN. \ref 219 \id 585371103254030501 \begin 0:07:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 220 \id 148373103255030501 \begin 0:07:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini? \pho ʔiniʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt pointing to the picture of a kite. \ref 221 \id 407836103255030501 \begin 0:07:10 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt showing no interest--going to take the second picture chart. \ref 222 \id 710761103255030501 \begin 0:07:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa dulu, ini apa? \pho ʔini ʔapa dulu ʔni yapaʰ \mb ini apa dulu ini apa \ge this what before this what \gj this what before this what \ft this one first, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of a kite again. \ref 223 \id 687746103255030501 \begin 0:07:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx la(yang-layang). \pho laː \mb layang - layang \ge glide - glide \gj RED-glide \ft a kite. \ref 224 \id 861159103256030501 \begin 0:07:16 \sp CHIMIC \tx layang-layang. \mb layang - layang \ge glide - glide \gj RED-glide \ft a kite. \ref 225 \id 323127103256030501 \begin 0:07:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx layang-layang. \mb layang - layang \ge glide - glide \gj RED-glide \ft a kite. \ref 226 \id 814283103256030501 \begin 0:07:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini, apa ini? \pho ʔiniː yapa iniʰ \mb ini apa ini \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft this one, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of an umbrella. \ref 227 \id 871071103256030501 \begin 0:07:20 \sp CHIMIC \tx ujan. \pho ʔuːjan \mb ujan \ge rain \gj rain \ft raining. \ref 228 \id 421301103257030501 \begin 0:07:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx hujan? \pho huːːjan \mb hujan \ge rain \gj rain \ft raining? \ref 229 \id 224945103257030501 \begin 0:07:24 \sp CHIMIC \tx payung. \pho payuŋ \mb payung \ge umbrella \gj umbrella \ft an umbrella. \ref 230 \id 362409103257030501 \begin 0:07:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx payung. \pho paːyuːːŋ \mb payung \ge umbrella \gj umbrella \ft an umbrella. \nt confirming the answer. \ref 231 \id 417116103257030501 \begin 0:07:28 \sp CHIMIC \tx jam... jam. \pho jam jam \mb jam jam \ge clock clock \gj clock clock \ft a watch... a watch. \nt pointing to the picture of wristwatch. \ref 232 \id 987536103258030501 \begin 0:07:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx jam siapa? \pho jam syapah \mb jam siapa \ge clock who \gj clock who \ft whose watch? \ref 233 \id 346293103258030501 \begin 0:07:33 \sp CHIMIC \tx jam... mmm, pake... ini pake. \pho jam m̩ːh paːkeh ĩ̃ŋ pake \mb jam mmm pake ini pake \ge clock FILL use this use \gj clock FILL use this use \ft a watch... umm, is wearing it... I am wearing it. \nt pointing to his bare right hand, imagining that he is wearing a wristwatch. \ref 234 \id 452707103258030501 \begin 0:07:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael punya jam? \pho maykəl puɲa jaːm \mb Michael punya jam \ge Michael have clock \gj Michael have clock \ft do you have a watch, Michael? \ref 235 \id 657135103258030501 \begin 0:07:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx punya... jam. \pho muːɲa7h jaːm \mb punya jam \ge have clock \gj have clock \ft I have... a watch. \nt uttering together with EXPYAN. \ref 236 \id 282520103258030501 \begin 0:07:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx punya. \pho puɲa \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft you have it. \nt uttering together with CHIMIC. \ref 237 \id 518206103259030501 \begin 0:07:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx terus, ih, ini ada apa? \pho tərus ih ʔini ada apaʰ \mb terus ih ini ada apa \ge continue EXCL this exist what \gj continue EXCL this exist what \ft now, hey, what's this? \nt pointing to another picture on the picture chart--the picture is not seen in the screen. \ref 238 \id 806297103259030501 \begin 0:07:48 \sp CHIMIC \tx telor. \pho təlɔr \mb telor \ge egg \gj egg \ft an egg. \nt pointing to the same picture pointed by EXPYAN. \ref 239 \id 757112103259030501 \begin 0:07:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini? \pho ʔiniːʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt pointing to another picture, still on the same chart. \ref 240 \id 303242103300030501 \begin 0:07:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx (to)pi. \pho mpiʰ \mb topi \ge hat \gj hat \ft a hat. \ref 241 \id 499686103300030501 \begin 0:07:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx topi. \pho tɔpiː0ː \mb topi \ge hat \gj hat \ft a hat. \ref 242 \id 938975103300030501 \begin 0:07:56 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt grunting. \ref 243 \id 483744103300030501 \begin 0:07:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt 1. changing from the first chart into the second chart. 2. The second picture chart is the picture of fruits. \ref 244 \id 303766103301030501 \begin 0:08:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx nah... nih... nih. \pho naːʰ niːː nih \mb nah nih nih \ge NAH this this \gj NAH this this \ft well... here... here. \nt pointing to some fruits randomly in the picture. \ref 245 \id 309078103301030501 \begin 0:08:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx ni apa? \pho ni yapat \mb ni apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \nt still pointing to some fruits randomly. \ref 246 \id 486307103301030501 \begin 0:08:04 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini apaan? \pho ʔini yappan \mb ini apa -an \ge this what -AN \gj this what-AN \ft what's this? \nt 1. pointing to the picture of papaya. 2. affix AN in 'apaan' is not very clearly uttered. 3. affix AN in 'apaan' is usually used in informal language. \ref 247 \id 181268103301030501 \begin 0:08:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini apaan, ini? \pho ʔini yapaan ʔiniː \mb ini apa -an ini \ge this what -AN this \gj this what-AN this \ft here, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of a papaya. \ref 248 \id 680994103301030501 \begin 0:08:06 \sp RINMIC \tx he-em. \pho hmʔm \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 249 \id 789301103301030501 \begin 0:08:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini apaan i(ni)... \pho ʔini yapaan ʔi \mb ini apa -an ini \ge this what -AN this \gj this what-AN this \ft this one, what's this... \nt still pointing to the picture of a papaya. \ref 250 \id 400379103302030501 \begin 0:08:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini pe(paya)... \pho ʔini pəː \mb ini pepaya \ge this papaya \gj this papaya \ft this is a papaya... \nt pointing to the same picture pointed by CHIMIC. \ref 251 \id 484753103302030501 \begin 0:08:10 \sp RINMIC \tx apa itu? \pho ʔapa ituːː \mb apa itu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \nt itu is referring to the papaya picture. \ref 252 \id 153874103302030501 \begin 0:08:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx pisang. \pho picaŋ \mb pisang \ge banana \gj banana \ft a banana. \nt wrong answer--the right one is papaya. \ref 253 \id 172967103302030501 \begin 0:08:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx pepaya. \mb pepaya \ge papaya \gj papaya \ft a papaya. \nt correcting CHIMIC. \ref 254 \id 669352103302030501 \begin 0:08:14 \sp CHIMIC \tx pepaya. \pho hmʰpaːyaːː \mb pepaya \ge papaya \gj papaya \ft a papaya. \ref 255 \id 418833103303030501 \begin 0:08:16 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya. \pho ʔyaːː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 256 \id 147998103303030501 \begin 0:08:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo ini? \pho kalɔ ʔiniːːʰ \mb kalo ini \ge TOP this \gj TOP this \ft what about this one? \nt pointing to the picture of a pineapple. \ref 257 \id 407316103303030501 \begin 0:08:20 \sp RINMIC \tx na(nas)... \pho naː \mb nanas \ge pineapple \gj pineapple \ft a pineapple... \ref 258 \id 971793103303030501 \begin 0:08:22 \sp RINMIC \tx nanas. \pho naːnas \mb nanas \ge pineapple \gj pineapple \ft a pineapple. \ref 259 \id 343740103303030501 \begin 0:08:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx na(nas)... \pho naː \mb nanas \ge pineapple \gj pineapple \ft a pineapple... \ref 260 \id 751446103304030501 \begin 0:08:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx (na)nas. \pho nas \mb nanas \ge pineapple \gj pineapple \ft a pineapple. \ref 261 \id 471516103304030501 \begin 0:08:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx nanas. \pho nanaːːs \mb nanas \ge pineapple \gj pineapple \ft a pineapple. \ref 262 \id 880215103304030501 \begin 0:08:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt going to change the 2nd picture chart with the 3rd one. \ref 263 \id 195551103304030501 \begin 0:08:33 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini sih... \pho ʔini sih \mb ini sih \ge this SIH \gj this SIH \ft but, this one is... \nt 1. 'ini' is referring to the 1st picture chart, which is under the 2nd picture chart. 2. EXPYAN intends to take the 3rd picture chart. \ref 264 \id 434682103304030501 \begin 0:08:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini aja ini, ya? \pho ʔini ʔaja ʔini yah \mb ini aja ini ya \ge this just this yes \gj this just this yes \ft this one, okay? \nt 1. taking the 3rd picture chart, and putting the 1st and the 2nd charts away. 2. the 3rd chart is the picture of animals. \ref 265 \id 112561103305030501 \begin 0:08:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx ah. \pho ʰah \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ah. \nt looking at the 3rd picture chart. \ref 266 \id 623662103305030501 \begin 0:08:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, Michael cerita sama Tante, sekarang! \pho tuː maykəl cərita sama tantəː səkaraŋ \mb tuh Michael cerita sama Tante sekarang \ge that Michael story with aunt now \gj that Michael story with aunt now \ft there, now you tell me a story! \nt scerita' is referring to the animals in the 3rd picture chart. \ref 267 \id 201759103305030501 \begin 0:08:45 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho n̩ːih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt pointing to the picture of a cat. \ref 268 \id 381850103305030501 \begin 0:08:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini ada siapa nih? \pho ʔni ʔada syapa nih \mb ini ada siapa nih \ge this exist who this \gj this exist who this \ft here, who is this? \nt pointing to the picture of a giraffe, instead of the cat which was pointed by CHIMIC. \ref 269 \id 464568103306030501 \begin 0:08:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx gajah. \pho hajaːh \mb gajah \ge elephant \gj elephant \ft an elephant. \ref 270 \id 210735103306030501 \begin 0:08:49 \sp EXPYAN \tx je(rapah)... \pho jəːː \mb jerapah \ge giraffe \gj giraffe \ft a giraffe... \ref 271 \id 941458103306030501 \begin 0:08:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx (je)rapah. \pho ʔaːpah \mb jerapah \ge giraffe \gj giraffe \ft a giraffe. \nt pointing to the picture of jerapah too. \ref 272 \id 816097103306030501 \begin 0:08:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx jerapah. \pho jəraːpaːh \mb jerapah \ge giraffe \gj giraffe \ft a giraffe. \ref 273 \id 763037103307030501 \begin 0:08:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa? \pho ʔini ʔapaː \mb ini apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of an elephant. \ref 274 \id 878485103307030501 \begin 0:08:56 \sp CHIMIC \tx gajah. \pho ŋajaːh \mb gajah \ge elephant \gj elephant \ft an elephant. \ref 275 \id 818509103307030501 \begin 0:08:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx gajahnya lagi ngapain? \pho gajahɲa lagi ŋapaiːn \mb gajah -nya lagi ng- apa -in \ge elephant -NYA more N- what -IN \gj elephant-NYA more N-what-IN \ft what's the elephant doing? \ref 276 \id 802139103308030501 \begin 0:08:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx berenang. \pho bərənaːŋ \mb be- renang \ge BER- swim \gj BER-swim \ft it's swimming. \nt 1. reference of the action is not clear--in the picture chart the elephant is standing. 2. CHIMIC is making up the answer. \ref 277 \id 176272103308030501 \begin 0:09:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx berenang. \pho bərənaːŋ \mb be- renang \ge BER- swim \gj BER-swim \ft it's swimming. \ref 278 \id 420226103308030501 \begin 0:09:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini ada apa nih? \pho ʔini ʔada apa niːː \mb ini ada apa nih \ge this exist what this \gj this exist what this \ft here, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of a cow. \ref 279 \id 158518103308030501 \begin 0:09:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx ada... ada... \pho ʔaːdaʰ ʔaːdaːʰ \mb ada ada \ge exist exist \gj exist exist \ft it's... it's... \nt not looking at the picture chart. \ref 280 \id 827185103308030501 \begin 0:09:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini, Michael lihat, ini! \pho ʔiniː maykəl liyat ʔnih \mb ini Michael lihat ini \ge this Michael see this \gj this Michael see this \ft this one, Michael, look at here! \nt tapping the picture of the cow again--trying to get CHIMIC's attention. \ref 281 \id 815576103309030501 \begin 0:09:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih, tunjuk! \pho nih tunjuk \mb nih tunjuk \ge this point \gj this point \ft here, point it! \nt grasping CHIMIC's fingers and leading them to the picture of a cow. \ref 282 \id 113214103309030501 \begin 0:09:11 \sp RINMIC \tx ini siapa? \pho ʔini syapah \mb ini siapa \ge this who \gj this who \ft what is this? \nt pointing to the picture of a cow. \ref 283 \id 804721103309030501 \begin 0:09:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa nih? \pho ʔini ʔapa niːʰ \mb ini apa nih \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft here, what's this? \nt still is referring to the picture of the cow. \ref 284 \id 359775103309030501 \begin 0:09:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet. \pho mɔːɲet \mb monyet \ge monkey \gj monkey \ft a monkey. \nt instead of answering the picture of the cow, CHIMIC is pointing to the picture of a gorilla. \ref 285 \id 248660103309030501 \begin 0:09:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, monyet... \pho ʔyaːː mɔɲet \mb iya monyet \ge yes monkey \gj yes monkey \ft yeah, a monkey... \nt also pointing to the picture of the gorilla. \ref 286 \id 247323103310030501 \begin 0:09:19 \sp EXPYAN \tx gorila. \pho gɔrilla \mb gorila \ge gorilla \gj gorilla \ft a gorilla. \nt correcting CHIMIC--that the animal is called gorila, instead of monyet. \ref 287 \id 270210103310030501 \begin 0:09:20 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet (go)rila. \mb monyet gorila \ge monkey gorilla \gj monkey gorilla \ft a monkey gorilla. \nt misunderstanding EXPYAN--thinking that the name of the animal is 'monyet gorila' instead of 'gorila'. \ref 288 \id 625720103310030501 \begin 0:09:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx abis. \pho ʔaːbiss \mb abis \ge finished \gj finished \ft it's finished. \nt is referring to the pictures in the 3rd picture chart. \ref 289 \id 597325103310030501 \begin 0:09:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa nih? \pho ʔini ʔapa nih \mb ini apa nih \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft here, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of a zebra. \ref 290 \id 360645103311030501 \begin 0:09:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx zebra. \pho jɛːbraʰ \mb zebra \ge zebra \gj zebra \ft a zebra. \ref 291 \id 472280103311030501 \begin 0:09:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx zebra. \pho hɛːbah \mb zebra \ge zebra \gj zebra \ft a zebra. \nt repeating EXPYAN. \ref 292 \id 220003103311030501 \begin 0:09:31 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini, Michael? \pho kalɔ ʔinih maykəl \mb kalo ini Michael \ge TOP this Michael \gj TOP this Michael \ft and this one, Michael? \nt pointing to the picture of a cat. \ref 293 \id 999483103311030501 \begin 0:09:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx apa nih? \pho ʔapa nih \mb apa nih \ge what this \gj what this \ft what's this? \nt also pointing to the picture of a cat. \ref 294 \id 440850103312030501 \begin 0:09:33 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet. \pho mɔːɲet \mb monyet \ge monkey \gj monkey \ft a monkey. \nt wrong answer--should be kucing. \ref 295 \id 283587103312030501 \begin 0:09:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho ʔãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 296 \id 457846103312030501 \begin 0:09:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini? \pho ʔinih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \nt pointing to the picture of the cat again. \ref 297 \id 629353103312030501 \begin 0:09:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx meong... meong. \pho meyɔŋ meyɔŋ \mb meong meong \ge meow meow \gj meow meow \ft a cat... a cat. \nt 1. correcting his answer. 2 meong is the Indonesian child language for kucing--comes from the imitation of the cat sound. \ref 298 \id 452432103312030501 \begin 0:09:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx meong. \pho meyɔːŋ \mb meong \ge meow \gj meow \ft a cat. \nt confirming CHIMIC's answer. \ref 299 \id 545427103313030501 \begin 0:09:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx meongnya, yang ininya, badannya meong. \pho meyɔŋɲah yaŋ ĩniɲaʰ baddanɲah meːyɔŋ \mb meong -nya yang ini -nya badan -nya meong \ge meow -NYA REL this -NYA body -NYA meow \gj meow-NYA REL this-NYA body-NYA meow \ft the cat, this one, the cat's body. \nt pointing to the eyes of the cat, instead of its body. \ref 300 \id 212012103313030501 \begin 0:09:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx matanya meong kenapa? \pho mataɲa meyɔŋ kənapah \mb mata -nya meong kenapa \ge eye -NYA meow why \gj eye-NYA meow why \ft what's wrong with the cat's eyes? \nt 1. asking about the cat's eyes, instead of the cat's body, because CHIMIC is pointing to the cat's eyes. 2. also pointing to the cat's eyes. \ref 301 \id 793089103313030501 \begin 0:09:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx kenapa matanya meong? \pho kənapa mataɲa meyɔŋ \mb kenapa mata -nya meong \ge why eye -NYA meow \gj why eye-NYA meow \ft what's up with the cat's eyes? \ref 302 \id 169437103314030501 \begin 0:09:47 \sp RINMIC \tx kenapa? \pho kənapaʰ \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \nt still is referring to the cat on the picture chart. \ref 303 \id 730549103314030501 \begin 0:09:49 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini monyet nih. \pho kalɔʔ ini mɔːɲet nih \mb kalo ini monyet nih \ge TOP this monkey this \gj TOP this monkey this \ft here, this one is a monkey. \nt pointing to the picture of a monkey in the picture chart. \ref 304 \id 255300103314030501 \begin 0:09:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet... \pho mɔɲet \mb monyet \ge monkey \gj monkey \ft a monkey... \nt pointing to the same picture of monkey, pointed by RINMIC. \ref 305 \id 241970103314030501 \begin 0:09:53 \sp RINMIC \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt uttering together with CHIMIC. \ref 306 \id 307400103315030501 \begin 0:09:56 \sp CHIMIC \tx monyet (go)rila. \pho mɔɲet giːla \mb monyet gorila \ge monkey gorilla \gj monkey gorilla \ft a monkey gorilla. \nt misunderstanding that all 'monyet' is called 'monyet gorilla'. \ref 307 \id 178364103315030501 \begin 0:09:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx banyak-banyak, mmm monyetnya. \mb banyak - banyak mmm monyet -nya \ge a.lot - a.lot FILL monkey -NYA \gj RED-a.lot FILL monkey-NYA \ft there are lots of mmm monkeys. \nt 1. still pointing to the picture of the monkey. 2. **'banyak-banyak' (repetition) should be 'banyak'. \ref 308 \id 478101103315030501 \begin 0:10:00 \sp RINMIC \tx ada berapa sih? \pho ʔada bərapa siːh \mb ada berapa sih \ge exist how.much SIH \gj exist how.much SIH \ft there are how many of them? \nt 'them' is referring to the picture of the monkey in the picture chart. \ref 309 \id 851161103315030501 \begin 0:10:02 \sp CHIMIC \tx dua. \pho duːwah \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \nt 1. dua is referring to both the monkey and the gorilla in the picture chart. 2. CHIMIC is still misunderstanding that a gorilla and a monkey are the same. \ref 310 \id 590525103315030501 \begin 0:10:04 \sp RINMIC \tx xxx? \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx? \nt 1. uttering together with CHIMIC. 2. pointing to the picture of a panda. \ref 311 \id 373658103316030501 \begin 0:10:06 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'tiga...' \pho tiːgaːːh \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three...' \nt 1. starts counting--starting from number three, because previously just uttered number two. 2. pointing to the picture of a goat. \ref 312 \id 478436103316030501 \begin 0:10:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'empat...' \pho m̩ːpaːt \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft 'four...' \nt pointing to the picture of a cat. \ref 313 \id 187197103316030501 \begin 0:10:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx nih, ini... ini. \pho nih ʔinih ʔiːnih \mb nih ini ini \ge this this this \gj this this this \ft here... this one. \nt pointing to the picture of a horse. \ref 314 \id 437206103316030501 \begin 0:10:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx apa nih? \pho ʔapa nih \mb apa nih \ge what this \gj what this \ft what's this? \nt also pointing to the picture of the horse, pointed by CHIMIC. \ref 315 \id 232312103317030501 \begin 0:10:14 \sp CHIMIC \tx gulung. \pho guluŋ \mb gulung \ge roll \gj roll \ft a roll. \nt reference is not clear, the answer should be 'kuda'. \ref 316 \id 878403103317030501 \begin 0:10:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx ku(da)... \pho kuː \mb kuda \ge horse \gj horse \ft a horse... \ref 317 \id 342221103317030501 \begin 0:10:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx ku(da)... \pho kuː \mb kuda \ge horse \gj horse \ft a horse... \ref 318 \id 413789103317030501 \begin 0:10:19 \sp EXPYAN \tx kuda. \pho kuːdaʔ \mb kuda \ge horse \gj horse \ft a horse. \ref 319 \id 864669103317030501 \begin 0:10:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx kuda. \pho kuːdaʔ \mb kuda \ge horse \gj horse \ft a horse. \nt repeating EXPYAN. \ref 320 \id 810307103318030501 \begin 0:10:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx he-eh. \pho hə̃̃ʔə̃h \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 321 \id 648071103318030501 \begin 0:10:24 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini, siapa? \pho kalɔ ʔiniʰ ʰyapah \mb kalo ini siapa \ge TOP this who \gj TOP this who \ft this one, who is this? \nt pointing to the picture of a kangaroo. \ref 322 \id 941183103318030501 \begin 0:10:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx (kang)guru. \pho guːlu \mb kangguru \ge kangaroo \gj kangaroo \ft a kangaroo. \ref 323 \id 688090103318030501 \begin 0:10:28 \sp RINMIC \tx kangguru. \pho kaŋguru \mb kangguru \ge kangaroo \gj kangaroo \ft a kangaroo. \nt pronouncing each syllable clearly--teaching CHIMIC how to pronounce 'kangguru' correctly. \ref 324 \id 351932103318030501 \begin 0:10:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx apaan? \pho ʔapaan \mb apa -an \ge what -AN \gj what-AN \ft what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of a fox. \ref 325 \id 729724103319030501 \begin 0:10:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx srigala. \pho srigalaː \mb srigala \ge wild.canine \gj wild.canine \ft a fox. \nt answering herself because CHIMIC cannot answer. \ref 326 \id 796883103319030501 \begin 0:10:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx (sri)gala. \mb srigala \ge wild.canine \gj wild.canine \ft a fox. \nt repeating EXPYAN. \ref 327 \id 934527103319030501 \begin 0:10:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx he-em. \pho hmʔmː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 328 \id 423929103320030501 \begin 0:10:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx (sri)galanya..., mmm, mmm... (sri)galanya... \pho m̩galaɲaʰ ʔmh m̩ː galaɲaʰ \ge wild.canine-NYA FILL FILL wild.canine-NYA FILL \gj wild.canine-NYA FILL FILL wild.canine-NYA FILL \ft the fox..., mmm, mmm, the fox, mmm... \ref 329 \id 287393103320030501 \begin 0:10:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm, (sri)galanya yang... mmm, buku. \pho ʔmh galaɲa yaŋ ʔm̩ːː bukuː \mb hmm srigala -nya yang mmm buku \ge FILL wild.canine -NYA REL FILL book \gj FILL wild.canine-NYA REL FILL book \ft hmm, it's the fox... mmm, the book. \nt pointing to an unclear direction. \ref 330 \id 523282103320030501 \begin 0:10:42 \sp RINMIC \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt muttering some words, in accordance with CHIMIC's statement. \ref 331 \id 619110103320030501 \begin 0:10:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx o, yang di buku. \pho ʔõː yaŋ di bukuː \mb o yang di buku \ge EXCL REL LOC book \gj EXCL REL LOC book \ft oh, in the book. \nt buku is referring to an unclear reference. \ref 332 \id 198487103320030501 \begin 0:10:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx sama, ya? \pho sama yaː \mb sama ya \ge same yes \gj same yes \ft they're the same, right? \nt sama is referring to the picture of the fox in the picture chart, compared to the one in the book. \ref 333 \id 844750194358090501 \begin 0:10:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx sama. \pho maːɲaʰ \mb sama \ge with \gj with \ft yes. \ref 334 \id 273872103321030501 \begin 0:10:52 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini? \pho kalɔ iniʰ \mb kalo ini \ge TOP this \gj TOP this \ft what about this? \nt pointing to the picture of a rooster. \ref 335 \id 972402103321030501 \begin 0:10:55 \sp CHIMIC \tx ayam. \pho ʔayam \mb ayam \ge chicken \gj chicken \ft a chicken. \ref 336 \id 683735103321030501 \begin 0:10:56 \sp RINMIC \tx ayam apa? \pho ʔayam ʔapaː \mb ayam apa \ge chicken what \gj chicken what \ft what kind of chicken? \ref 337 \id 946224103321030501 \begin 0:10:57 \sp CHIMIC \tx ayam... \pho ʔayaːm \mb ayam \ge chicken \gj chicken \ft a chicken... \ref 338 \id 806017103322030501 \begin 0:10:58 \sp RINMIC \tx ja(go)... \pho jaː \mb jago \ge master \gj master \ft a rooster... \ref 339 \id 553414103322030501 \begin 0:10:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx (ja)go. \pho gɔ \mb jago \ge master \gj master \ft a rooster. \ref 340 \id 337572103322030501 \begin 0:11:00 \sp RINMIC \tx bunyinya? \pho buɲiɲaʰ \mb bunyi -nya \ge sound -NYA \gj sound-NYA \ft how does it go? \nt 'nya' is referring to the rooster. \ref 341 \id 589612103322030501 \begin 0:11:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx bunyinya seperti apa? \pho buɲiɲa spərti ʔapah \mb bunyi -nya seperti apa \ge sound -NYA like what \gj sound-NYA like what \ft how does it go? \nt nya is referring to the rooster. \ref 342 \id 328464103323030501 \begin 0:11:02 \sp RINMIC \tx bunyinya gimana? \pho buɲiɲah gimana \mb bunyi -nya gimana \ge sound -NYA how \gj sound-NYA how \ft how does it go? \ref 343 \id 511072103323030501 \begin 0:11:04 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kukuruyuk-koek.' \mb kukuruyuk-koek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft 'cock-a-doodle-doo'. \nt CHIMIC's imitation of the rooster's sound is uncommon. \ref 344 \id 609548103323030501 \begin 0:11:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 345 \id 588943103323030501 \begin 0:11:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft hah? \ref 346 \id 778848103324030501 \begin 0:11:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx gimana? \pho gimanah \mb gimana \ge how \gj how \ft how? \nt is referring to CHIMIC's imitation of the rooster's sound. \ref 347 \id 225933103324030501 \begin 0:11:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx bunyi ayamnya gimana? \pho buɲi ayamɲa gimanah \mb bunyi ayam -nya gimana \ge sound chicken -NYA how \gj sound chicken-NYA how \ft how does the rooster go? \ref 348 \id 775030103324030501 \begin 0:11:10 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kukuruyuk-koek'. \mb kukuruyuk-koek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft 'cock-a-doodle-doo'. \ref 349 \id 847966103324030501 \begin 0:11:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'kukuruyuk-koek'? \mb kukuruyuk-koek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft 'cock-a-doodle-doo'? \nt 1. confused because CHIMIC's rooster sound is uncommon. 2. asking RINMIC. \ref 350 \id 884559103324030501 \begin 0:11:14 \sp RINMIC \tx 0. \nt nodding and laughing. \ref 351 \id 310465103324030501 \begin 0:11:16 \sp CHIMIC \tx uh, gajah. \pho ə̃h hajah \mb uh gajah \ge EXCL elephant \gj EXCL elephant \ft ugh, an elephant. \nt pointing to the picture of an elephant in the picture chart. \ref 352 \id 390728103325030501 \begin 0:11:18 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini? \pho kalɔ iniʰ \mb kalo ini \ge TOP this \gj TOP this \ft and this one? \nt pointing to the picture of a panda. \ref 353 \id 282805103325030501 \begin 0:11:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx gajah xx... \pho hajah ʰaːd \mb gajah xx \ge elephant xx \gj elephant xx \ft the xx elephant... \nt interrupted by RINMIC's question. \ref 354 \id 810106103326030501 \begin 0:11:22 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini apa sih? \pho kalɔ ini ʔapa ʃih \mb kalo ini apa sih \ge TOP this what SIH \gj TOP this what SIH \ft this one, what's this? \nt still pointing to the picture of a panda. \ref 355 \id 876532103326030501 \begin 0:11:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa sih, ini? \pho ʔini ʔapa si nih \mb ini apa sih ini \ge this what SIH this \gj this what SIH this \ft this one, what's this? \nt also pointing to the picture of the panda. \ref 356 \id 388046103326030501 \begin 0:11:24 \sp RINMIC \tx apa itu? \pho ʔapa ʔituː \mb apa itu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \nt 'itu' is referring to the picture of a panda. \ref 357 \id 209011103326030501 \begin 0:11:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx pan(da)... \pho paːn \mb panda \ge panda \gj panda \ft a panda... \ref 358 \id 752570103326030501 \begin 0:11:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx. \pho deʰ \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt it's possible that CHIMIC knows the word 'panda', but he is pronouncing the last syllable of 'panda' unclearly. \ref 359 \id 459432103326030501 \begin 0:11:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx panda. \pho paːnda \mb panda \ge panda \gj panda \ft a panda. \nt correcting CHIMIC's pronounciation. \ref 360 \id 287295103327030501 \begin 0:11:29 \sp RINMIC \tx panda. \pho panda \mb panda \ge panda \gj panda \ft a panda. \ref 361 \id 680810103327030501 \begin 0:11:31 \sp CHIMIC \tx panda. \pho baːda \mb panda \ge panda \gj panda \ft a panda. \nt pronouncing unclearly. \ref 362 \id 399047103327030501 \begin 0:11:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx panda. \pho paːnda \mb panda \ge panda \gj panda \ft a panda. \ref 363 \id 594270103327030501 \begin 0:11:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, gajah. \pho ʔinih haːjah \mb ini gajah \ge this elephant \gj this elephant \ft here, an elephant. \nt pointing to the picture of the elephant excitedly. \ref 364 \id 314316103328030501 \begin 0:11:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx gajahnya lagi apain, tuh? \pho gajaʰɲa lagi apain tuːː \mb gajah -nya lagi apa -in tuh \ge elephant -NYA more what -IN that \gj elephant-NYA more what-IN that \ft what is the elephant doing, over there? \nt **apain (lack of prefix N) should be ngapain. \ref 365 \id 315444103328030501 \begin 0:11:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx punya apa, dia? \pho punya apa diyaʰ \mb punya apa dia \ge have what 3 \gj have what 3 \ft what does it have? \nt 1. dia is referring to the elephant in the picture. 2. pointing to the elephant trunk and tusk. \ref 366 \id 376847103328030501 \begin 0:11:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx punya... \pho mpũːɲa \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft it has... \ref 367 \id 984295103328030501 \begin 0:11:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx ininya apanya? \pho ʔiniɲa apaɲa \mb ini -nya apa -nya \ge this -NYA what -NYA \gj this-NYA what-NYA \ft it has what? \nt grasping CHIMIC's fingers and pointing to the elephant tusk and trunk. \ref 368 \id 776849103329030501 \begin 0:11:42 \sp CHIMIC \tx punya... belalainya. \mb punya belalai -nya \ge have trunk -NYA \gj have trunk-NYA \ft it has... the trunk. \nt uttering 'belalainya' unclearly. \ref 369 \id 828358103329030501 \begin 0:11:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx bela(lai)... \pho bəlaː \mb belalai \ge trunk \gj trunk \ft the trunk... \ref 370 \id 734597103329030501 \begin 0:11:44 \sp CHIMIC \tx (bela)lainya. \pho layyay \mb belalai -nya \ge trunk -NYA \gj trunk-NYA \ft its trunk. \nt 1. nya is referring to the elephant. 2. utterance is not clear. \ref 371 \id 786322103330030501 \begin 0:11:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx belalainya, dan apa nih? \pho bəlalayɲa dan ʔapa niː \mb belalai -nya dan apa nih \ge trunk -NYA and what this \gj trunk-NYA and what this \ft its trunk, and what are these? \nt now pointing to the elephant tusks. \ref 372 \id 734839103330030501 \begin 0:11:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada gadingnya. \pho ʔada gaːdiŋɲaːː \mb ada gading -nya \ge exist tusk -NYA \gj exist tusk-NYA \ft its tusks. \ref 373 \id 365869103330030501 \begin 0:11:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini gadingnya. \pho ʔni gadiŋɲaː \mb ini gading -nya \ge this tusk -NYA \gj this tusk-NYA \ft these are its tusks. \ref 374 \id 975058103330030501 \begin 0:11:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx gadingnya. \pho gaddiŋɲah \mb gading -nya \ge tusk -NYA \gj tusk-NYA \ft the tusks. \nt pointing to the elephant's tusks himself. \ref 375 \id 327058103331030501 \begin 0:11:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, itu kupingnya. \pho ʔya ʔitu kupiŋɲaːː \mb iya itu kuping -nya \ge yes that ear -NYA \gj yes that ear-NYA \ft yeah, those are the ears. \nt pointing to the elephant ears. \ref 376 \id 283415103331030501 \begin 0:11:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx kupingnya Michael di mana? \pho kupiŋɲa maykəl di manaː \mb kuping -nya Michael di mana \ge ear -NYA Michael LOC which \gj ear-NYA Michael LOC which \ft Michael, where are your ears? \ref 377 \id 265823103331030501 \begin 0:11:57 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt not answering, but touching both of his ears with both of his hands. \ref 378 \id 704419103331030501 \begin 0:11:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx kuping nih. \pho ʔupiŋ niːː \mb kuping nih \ge ear this \gj ear this \ft these are ears. \ref 379 \id 282520103331030501 \begin 0:12:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx tangannya Michael, mana? \pho taŋanɲa maykəl manna \mb tangan -nya Michael mana \ge hand -NYA Michael which \gj hand-NYA Michael which \ft Michael, where are your hands? \ref 380 \id 518594103331030501 \begin 0:12:02 \sp CHIMIC \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt dropping his hands, after touching his ears, then grasping each other. \ref 381 \id 117418103332030501 \begin 0:12:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx o. \pho ʔõːːː \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt conforming CHIMIC's answer. \ref 382 \id 359576103332030501 \begin 0:12:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo ini apa, Kel? \pho kalɔ ini ʔapa kəl \mb kalo ini apa Kel \ge TOP this what TRU-Michael \gj TOP this what TRU-Michael \ft and what about this, Michael? \nt touching CHIMIC's fingers. \ref 383 \id 506423103332030501 \begin 0:12:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa nih? \pho ʔini yapa nih \mb ini apa nih \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft here, what are these? \nt is still referring to CHIMIC's fingers. \ref 384 \id 771664103333030501 \begin 0:12:10 \sp CHIMIC \tx tangan. \pho taːŋan \mb tangan \ge hand \gj hand \ft the hands. \ref 385 \id 977455103333030501 \begin 0:12:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx ja(ri)... \pho jaː0ː \mb jari \ge finger \gj finger \ft the fingers... \ref 386 \id 112453103333030501 \begin 0:12:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx jari. \pho jaːri \mb jari \ge finger \gj finger \ft the fingers. \ref 387 \id 607569103333030501 \begin 0:12:15 \sp CHIMIC \tx "Jari-Jari". \mb Jari-Jari \ge RED-finger \gj RED-finger \ft "Jari-Jari". \nt is referring to the title of the show in the television. \ref 388 \id 634250103334030501 \begin 0:12:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx "Jari-Jari". \mb Jari-Jari \ge RED-finger \gj RED-finger \ft "Jari-Jari". \nt uttering melodiously--the way the host of the show uttering the title of the show: "Jari-Jari". \ref 389 \id 853605103334030501 \begin 0:12:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt grunting while dropping his hand on the picture chart. \ref 390 \id 264621103334030501 \begin 0:12:19 \sp EXPYAN \tx siapa tuh ngomong "Jari-Jari"? \mb siapa tuh ng- omong Jari-Jari \ge who that N- speak RED-finger \gj who that N-speak RED-finger \ft who says "Jari-Jari"? \nt imitating CHIMIC--uttering melodiously. \ref 391 \id 292105103334030501 \begin 0:12:20 \sp RINMIC \tx siapa, Michael? \pho siyapah maykəl \mb siapa Michael \ge who Michael \gj who Michael \ft who says it, Michael? \nt 'siapa' is referring to the name of the host of the show. \ref 392 \id 522086103335030501 \begin 0:12:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh... \pho ʔə̃h \mb eh \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft ehm... \ref 393 \id 311699103335030501 \begin 0:12:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx siapa? \pho siyapah \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 394 \id 431104103335030501 \begin 0:12:26 \sp RINMIC \tx siapa yang "Jari-Jari"? \mb siapa yang Jari-Jari \ge who REL RED-finger \gj who REL RED-finger \ft who says "Jari-Jari"? \ref 395 \id 274034103335030501 \begin 0:12:28 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, ini. \pho ʔini ʔini \mb ini ini \ge this this \gj this this \ft here, here. \nt 1.pointing toward the picture chart, but it's not clear to which picture. 2. 'ini' is not related to EXPYAN and RINMIC's previous question. \ref 396 \id 994861103336030501 \begin 0:12:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx Pe(peng)... \pho peː \mb Pepeng \ge Pepeng \gj Pepeng \ft Pepeng... \nt the name of the host of the show. \ref 397 \id 150413103336030501 \begin 0:12:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx (Pe)peng. \pho pen \mb Pepeng \ge Pepeng \gj Pepeng \ft Pepeng. \nt intend to repeat EXPYAN saying 'Pepeng', but pronouncing it 'Pepen'. \ref 398 \id 497908103336030501 \begin 0:12:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx Pepeng. \pho pepeŋ \mb Pepeng \ge Pepeng \gj Pepeng \ft Pepeng. \ref 399 \id 756688103336030501 \begin 0:12:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx tuh, ih, heh, tut, tut, tut, tut. \pho tuh ʰih heh tuːt tut tut tut \mb tuh ih heh tut tut tut tut \ge that EXCL IMIT EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj that EXCL IMIT EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft there, ih, hey, uh, uh, uh, uh. \nt 1. pressing the picture of the cat. 2. context is not clear--referring to the cat in the picture chart. \ref 400 \id 372872103337030501 \begin 0:12:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx ngapain, kucingnya tuh? \pho ŋapaiːn kuciŋɲa tuʰ \mb ng- apa -in kucing -nya tuh \ge N- what -IN cat -NYA that \gj N-what-IN cat-NYA that \ft what's the cat doing? \ref 401 \id 767042103337030501 \begin 0:12:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx xx, kucingnya lagi ngapain? \pho kətik kuciŋɲa lagi ŋapain \mb xx kucing -nya lagi ng- apa -in \ge xx cat -NYA more N- what -IN \gj xx cat-NYA more N-what-IN \ft xx, what's the cat doing? \ref 402 \id 698083103337030501 \begin 0:12:42 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... \pho ʔm̩ːh \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft mmm... \ref 403 \id 908052103338030501 \begin 0:12:44 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm... \pho hə̃h \mb hmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft hmm... \nt not answering, instead, touching both of his ears with both of his hands and shaking his head. \ref 404 \id 956776103338030501 \begin 0:12:46 \sp RINMIC \tx kucingnya ngapain sih, Kel? \pho kuciŋɲa ŋapain ciʔ kəl \mb kucing -nya ng- apa -in sih Kel \ge cat -NYA N- what -IN SIH TRU-Michael \gj cat-NYA N-what-IN SIH TRU-Michael \ft Michael, what's the cat doing? \ref 405 \id 863189103338030501 \begin 0:12:48 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh... \pho ɲək \mb eh \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft ehm... \nt trying to answer. \ref 406 \id 247813103338030501 \begin 0:12:51 \sp RINMIC \tx melotot. \pho məlɔtɔt \mb me- lotot \ge MEN- staring \gj MEN-staring \ft staring. \nt the cat in the picture chart is drawn sitting upstraight. \ref 407 \id 403671103338030501 \begin 0:12:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx nih, zebranya lagi minum air, Kel. \pho niː zebraɲa lagi minum air kəl \mb nih zebra -nya lagi minum air Kel \ge this zebra -NYA more drink water TRU-Michael \gj this zebra-NYA more drink water TRU-Michael \ft Michael, here, the zebra is drinking some water. \nt is referring to picture of the zebra in the picture chart. \ref 408 \id 904528103338030501 \begin 0:12:54 \sp CHIMIC \tx air. \pho ʔaːet \mb air \ge water \gj water \ft the water. \ref 409 \id 232597103339030501 \begin 0:12:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, minum air. \pho ʰyaː minum air \mb iya minum air \ge yes drink water \gj yes drink water \ft yeah, drinking some water. \ref 410 \id 262641103339030501 \begin 0:12:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx minum air. \pho minum air \mb minum air \ge drink water \gj drink water \ft drinking some water. \nt repeating EXPYAN. \ref 411 \id 310653103339030501 \begin 0:12:59 \sp EXPYAN \tx hmm. \pho hm̩ːː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 412 \id 855991103340030501 \begin 0:13:00 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini? \pho kalɔ inih \mb kalo ini \ge TOP this \gj TOP this \ft what about this? \nt pointing to the picture of a sheep in the picture chart. \ref 413 \id 760228103340030501 \begin 0:13:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx air... \pho ayr \mb air \ge water \gj water \ft the water... \ref 414 \id 477512103340030501 \begin 0:13:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx dom(ba)... \pho dɔːm \mb domba \ge sheep \gj sheep \ft the sheep... \nt is referring to the same picture of the sheep pointed by RINMIC. \ref 415 \id 863691103341030501 \begin 0:13:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx (dom)ba. \pho baʰ \mb domba \ge sheep \gj sheep \ft the sheep. \ref 416 \id 578646103341030501 \begin 0:13:04 \sp RINMIC \tx domba. \pho dɔmbaːʰ \mb domba \ge sheep \gj sheep \ft the sheep. \ref 417 \id 520804103341030501 \begin 0:13:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apa nih? \pho ʰni apa nih \mb ini apa nih \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft here, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of dog in the picture chart. \ref 418 \id 374860103341030501 \begin 0:13:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx guguk. \pho guguk \mb guguk \ge bow.wow \gj bow.wow \ft a dog. \nt guguk is the Indonesian child language for anjing. \ref 419 \id 886403103342030501 \begin 0:13:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx guguk. \pho guguk \mb guguk \ge bow.wow \gj bow.wow \ft a dog. \ref 420 \id 704697103342030501 \begin 0:13:11 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx, nih... \pho xxx niːː \mb xxx nih \ge xxx this \gj xxx this \ft xxx, here... \ref 421 \id 456465103342030501 \begin 0:13:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx tu, tu. \pho tuː tuː \mb tu tu \ge GRUNT GRUNT \gj GRUNT GRUNT \ft tu, tu. \nt most probable that this utterance is a grunt, because CHIMIC is saying it while he is scratching his back. \ref 422 \id 830207103342030501 \begin 0:13:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt taking back the 1st picture chart--the alphabet picture chart. \ref 423 \id 318299103342030501 \begin 0:13:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx ya. \pho ɲaːh \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \nt looking at the 2nd picture chart. \ref 424 \id 665746103343030501 \begin 0:13:19 \sp RINMIC \tx ya, kalo ini Michael? \pho yaːː kalɔ ʔini maykəː0ːl \mb ya kalo ini Michael \ge yes TOP this Michael \gj yes TOP this Michael \ft yeah, what about this, Michael? \nt pointing to the picture of an umbrella. \ref 425 \id 111166103343030501 \begin 0:13:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx ujan. \pho ʔuːjan \mb ujan \ge rain \gj rain \ft raining. \nt for the 2nd time, CHIMIC is interpreting an umbrella with raining. \ref 426 \id 570639103343030501 \begin 0:13:23 \sp RINMIC \tx pa(yung)... \pho pa \mb payung \ge umbrella \gj umbrella \ft an umbrella... \ref 427 \id 952777103344030501 \begin 0:13:24 \sp CHIMIC \tx (pa)yung. \pho yuŋ \mb payung \ge umbrella \gj umbrella \ft an umbrella. \ref 428 \id 247804103344030501 \begin 0:13:25 \sp RINMIC \tx payung. \pho payuŋ \mb payung \ge umbrella \gj umbrella \ft an umbrella. \ref 429 \id 249688103344030501 \begin 0:13:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt grunting. \ref 430 \id 411701103344030501 \begin 0:13:28 \sp RINMIC \tx hmm, payung. \mb hmm payung \ge uh-huh umbrella \gj uh-huh umbrella \ft yeah, an umbrella. \ref 431 \id 873442103344030501 \begin 0:13:30 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini, lagi apa, Michael? \pho kalɔ iniʰ lagi ʔapa maykəl \mb kalo ini lagi apa Michael \ge TOP this more what Michael \gj TOP this more what Michael \ft this one, what is it doing, Michael? \nt 1.pointing to the picture of a kite. 2.'lagi apa' should be used for asking an activity, not the name of a thing. \ref 432 \id 667159103344030501 \begin 0:13:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx layang-layang. \mb layang - layang \ge glide - glide \gj RED-glide \ft it's a kite. \ref 433 \id 468533103345030501 \begin 0:13:33 \sp RINMIC \tx ini apa sih? \pho ʔini apa sih \mb ini apa sih \ge this what SIH \gj this what SIH \ft what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of a doll. \ref 434 \id 255896103345030501 \begin 0:13:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx bone(ka)... \pho bɔnɛː \mb boneka \ge doll \gj doll \ft a doll... \nt is referring to the same picture pointed by RINMIC. \ref 435 \id 362109103345030501 \begin 0:13:35 \sp RINMIC \tx bone(ka)... \pho bɔnɛ \mb boneka \ge doll \gj doll \ft a doll... \nt uttering together with EXPYAN. \ref 436 \id 782094103346030501 \begin 0:13:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx (bone)ka. \pho ka \mb boneka \ge doll \gj doll \ft a doll. \ref 437 \id 774836103346030501 \begin 0:13:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx (bone)ka. \pho kaː \mb boneka \ge doll \gj doll \ft a doll. \nt confirming the answer. \ref 438 \id 289388103346030501 \begin 0:13:38 \sp RINMIC \tx (bone)ka, tuh. \pho kaːː tuːː \mb boneka tuh \ge doll that \gj doll that \ft there, a doll. \nt confirming the answer. \ref 439 \id 755780103346030501 \begin 0:13:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt grunting while scratching his back. \ref 440 \id 409681103346030501 \begin 0:13:40 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini? \pho kalɔ inih \mb kalo ini \ge TOP this \gj TOP this \ft what about this? \nt pointing to the picture of a car. \ref 441 \id 226316103347030501 \begin 0:13:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx (bo)neka duduk... \pho nɛːkaːː duːduk \mb boneka duduk \ge doll sit \gj doll sit \ft the doll is sitting... \nt reference is not clear. \ref 442 \id 901879103347030501 \begin 0:13:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt muttering words meaninglessly. \ref 443 \id 704142103347030501 \begin 0:13:45 \sp RINMIC \tx ini apa sih, Michael? \pho ʔini ʔapa sih maykəl \mb ini apa sih Michael \ge this what SIH Michael \gj this what SIH Michael \ft Michael, what's this one? \nt still is referring to the picture of the car. \ref 444 \id 131874103348030501 \begin 0:13:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini mobil... \pho ʔini mɔbil \mb ini mobil \ge this car \gj this car \ft this car is... \nt pointing to the same picture pointed by RINMIC. \ref 445 \id 321282103348030501 \begin 0:13:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx mobil ban. \pho mɔbil ban \mb mobil ban \ge car tire \gj car tire \ft a tire car. \ref 446 \id 404702103348030501 \begin 0:13:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx mobil-mobilan. \mb mobil - mobil -an \ge car - car -AN \gj RED.AN-car \ft a toy car. \ref 447 \id 246579103348030501 \begin 0:13:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini apanya nih? \pho ʔni ʔapaɲa nih \mb ini apa -nya nih \ge this what -NYA this \gj this what-NYA this \ft here, what are these? \nt 1.pointing to the tyres of the car in the picture chart. 2.'apanya' is referring to any part of the car. \ref 448 \id 356301103348030501 \begin 0:13:53 \sp CHIMIC \tx bannya. \pho baːnɲah \mb ban -nya \ge tire -NYA \gj tire-NYA \ft the tires. \nt nya is referring to the car. \ref 449 \id 357979103349030501 \begin 0:13:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx bannya. \pho banɲa \mb ban -nya \ge tire -NYA \gj tire-NYA \ft the tires. \ref 450 \id 663365103349030501 \begin 0:13:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini siapanya nih? \pho ʔini syapaɲa niʰ \mb ini siapa -nya nih \ge this who -NYA this \gj this who-NYA this \ft here, who is this? \nt 'ini' is referring to the driver of the car in the picture. \ref 451 \id 593137103349030501 \begin 0:13:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx. \pho wokah \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 452 \id 166711103349030501 \begin 0:14:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx supirnya. \pho supirɲaː \mb supir -nya \ge driver -NYA \gj driver-NYA \ft the driver. \ref 453 \id 824488103350030501 \begin 0:14:02 \sp CHIMIC \tx (su)pirnya. \pho piɲaʰ \mb supir -nya \ge driver -NYA \gj driver-NYA \ft the driver. \nt repeating EXPYAN. \ref 454 \id 496154103350030501 \begin 0:14:03 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt CHIMIC's microphone is falling. \ref 455 \id 968504103350030501 \begin 0:14:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx copot. \pho ʔoːpot \mb copot \ge detach \gj detach \ft it's falling down. \nt 'it' is referring to his microphone, which falls down. \ref 456 \id 865704103350030501 \begin 0:14:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx copot, ya? \pho coːpot yah \mb copot ya \ge detach yes \gj detach yes \ft it fell down, right? \nt attaching the microphone to CHI's back. \ref 457 \id 216363103350030501 \begin 0:14:07 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt recording is not clear as EXPYAN is fixing the position of CHIMIC's microphone. \ref 458 \id 127268103351030501 \begin 0:14:08 \sp HERMIC \tx nggak, mau pulang, ntar... \pho ŋgaː mau pulaŋ ʔntar \mb nggak mau pulang ntar \ge NEG want return moment \gj NEG want return moment \ft no, I am going to go home, later... \nt HERMIC and YANMIC are talking behind the campcorder--not seen in the screen and not related to the context. \ref 459 \id 303529103351030501 \begin 0:14:09 \sp YANMIC \tx o. \pho ʔo \mb o \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt not seen in the screen and not related to the context. \ref 460 \id 819176103351030501 \begin 0:14:11 \sp HERMIC \tx siang. \pho siyaŋ \mb siang \ge daytime \gj daytime \ft at noon. \nt not seen in the screen and not related to the context. \ref 461 \id 319375103351030501 \begin 0:14:13 \sp RINMIC \tx kalo ini apa, Michael? \pho kalɔ ʔini apah maykəl \mb kalo ini apa Michael \ge TOP this what Michael \gj TOP this what Michael \ft what about this, Michael? \nt pointing to the picture of a frog. \ref 462 \id 750120103352030501 \begin 0:14:15 \sp YANMIC \tx masih di toko, ya? \pho masi di tɔkɔ yaː \mb masih di toko ya \ge still LOC shop yes \gj still LOC shop yes \ft still at the shop, right? \nt a conversation between HERMIC and YANMIC. \ref 463 \id 688844103352030501 \begin 0:14:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'tujuh, delapan, (sembi)lan, xx.' \pho tujuːh dlapan las puluhgul \mb tujuh delapan sembilan xx \ge seven eight nine xx \gj seven eight nine xx \ft 'seven, eight, nine, xx.' \nt at the bottom of the picture chart, there are figures from 1 to 10--CHIMIC is counting when he sees those figures. \ref 464 \id 426304103352030501 \begin 0:14:18 \sp YANMIC \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking to HERMIC--not related to the context. \ref 465 \id 603583103352030501 \begin 0:14:19 \sp RINMIC \tx 'satu'. \pho saːtuːː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one'. \nt telling CHIMIC how to count the 1-10 figures. \ref 466 \id 231204103352030501 \begin 0:14:20 \sp RINMIC \tx dari sini! \pho dari siniʰ \mb dari sini \ge from here \gj from here \ft start here! \nt 1. pointing to the figure '1' in the picture chart. 2. telling CHIMIC to start counting from number one. \ref 467 \id 259826103353030501 \begin 0:14:22 \sp RINMIC \tx 'satu'. \pho satuːː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one'. \nt pointing to number one again. \ref 468 \id 702889103353030501 \begin 0:14:24 \sp YANMIC \tx xxx? \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx? \nt talking to HERMIC-not related to the context. \ref 469 \id 681208103353030501 \begin 0:14:26 \sp RINMIC \tx 'dua'. \pho duwaːː \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two'. \nt taking CHIMIC's finger into figure two. \ref 470 \id 777674103353030501 \begin 0:14:28 \sp CHIMIC \tx ta. \pho ta \mb ta \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ta. \nt pointing to number 2. \ref 471 \id 286860103354030501 \sp CHIMIC \tx uh. \pho ʔm̩ː \mb uh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh. \nt taking his hand away from RINMIC's hand. \ref 472 \id 562647103354030501 \begin 0:14:30 \sp HERMIC \tx eee, ini Mama. \pho ʔə̃ːːː ĩni mama \mb eee ini Mama \ge FILL this mommy \gj FILL this mommy \ft ehm, this is mommy. \nt talking with YANMIC--not related to the context. \ref 473 \id 730330103354030501 \begin 0:14:31 \sp YANMIC \tx o, ma(ma)... o, mama masih... \pho ʔo ma ʔo mama masiː \mb o mama o mama masih \ge EXCL mommy EXCL mommy still \gj EXCL mommy EXCL mommy still \ft oh, your mom is still... \nt talking to HERMIC-not related to the context. \ref 474 \id 179233103354030501 \begin 0:14:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'sa(tu)...' \pho saː \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one...' \nt grasping CHIMIC's hand and pointing each of the figures one by one. \ref 475 \id 674573103355030501 \begin 0:14:33 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(sa)tu.' \pho tuʰ \mb satu \ge one \gj one \ft 'one.' \ref 476 \id 871869103355030501 \begin 0:14:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'du(a)...' \pho duː \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two...' \ref 477 \id 327179103355030501 \begin 0:14:35 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(du)a.' \pho wah \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft 'two.' \ref 478 \id 514940103355030501 \begin 0:14:36 \sp RINMIC \tx 'ti(ga)...' \pho tiː \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three...' \ref 479 \id 808257103355030501 \begin 0:14:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'ti(ga)...' \pho ti \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three...' \ref 480 \id 402564103356030501 \begin 0:14:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(ti)ga.' \pho gah \mb tiga \ge three \gj three \ft 'three.' \ref 481 \id 315324103356030501 \begin 0:14:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'empat'. \pho ʔm̩ːpat \mb empat \ge four \gj four \ft 'four'. \ref 482 \id 154585103356030501 \begin 0:14:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'tujuh'. \pho tuːju \mb tujuh \ge seven \gj seven \ft 'seven'. \nt wrong number--because CHIMIC's and EXPYAN's fingers are now at figure 'five'. \ref 483 \id 989934174836040501 \sp RINMIC \tx lho! \pho loh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 484 \id 416834103356030501 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'li(ma)...' \pho liːː \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft 'five...' \ref 485 \id 737603103357030501 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(li)ma.' \pho mah \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft 'five.' \ref 486 \id 907985103357030501 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'lima.' \pho limhaːː \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft 'five.' \ref 487 \id 728631103357030501 \sp RINMIC \tx 'lima.' \pho limaː \mb lima \ge five \gj five \ft 'five.' \ref 488 \id 425104103357030501 \begin 0:14:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'e(nam)...' \pho ʔəː \mb enam \ge six \gj six \ft 'six...' \ref 489 \id 234116103357030501 \begin 0:14:45 \sp RINMIC \tx 'e(nam)...' \pho ʔəː \mb enam \ge six \gj six \ft 'six...' \ref 490 \id 600699103358030501 \begin 0:14:45 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(e)nam.' \pho nam \mb enam \ge six \gj six \ft 'six.' \ref 491 \id 365388103358030501 \begin 0:14:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'tu(juh)...' \pho tuː \mb tujuh \ge seven \gj seven \ft 'seven...' \ref 492 \id 988452103358030501 \begin 0:14:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(tu)juh.' \pho juh \mb tujuh \ge seven \gj seven \ft 'seven.' \ref 493 \id 436460103358030501 \begin 0:14:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'dela(pan)...' \pho dəlaː \mb delapan \ge eight \gj eight \ft 'eight...' \ref 494 \id 301970103359030501 \begin 0:14:48 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(dela)pan.' \pho pan \mb delapan \ge eight \gj eight \ft 'eight.' \ref 495 \id 720768103359030501 \begin 0:14:49 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'sem(bilan)...' \pho səm \mb sembilan \ge nine \gj nine \ft 'nine...' \ref 496 \id 563765103359030501 \begin 0:14:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx '(sem)bilan.' \pho biːlan \mb sembilan \ge nine \gj nine \ft 'nine.' \ref 497 \id 618599103359030501 \begin 0:14:51 \sp RINMIC \tx hmm. \pho hm̩ːː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 498 \id 607732103400030501 \begin 0:14:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'sepuluh.' \pho ʔepuluːh \mb se- puluh \ge SE- ten \gj SE-ten \ft 'ten.' \ref 499 \id 666189103400030501 \begin 0:14:56 \sp RINMIC \tx ini lagi maen apa, Michael, nih? \pho ʔini lagi maen ʔapa maykəl nih \mb ini lagi maen apa Michael nih \ge this more play what Michael this \gj this more play what Michael this \ft Michael, here, here is playing what? \nt 1. pointing to the picture of a guitar. 2. 'ini' is referring to an unclear reference. \ref 500 \id 365160103400030501 \begin 0:15:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx main gitar. \pho m̩ːain gitar \mb main gitar \ge play guitar \gj play guitar \ft playing a guitar. \ref 501 \id 756591103401030501 \begin 0:15:01 \sp RINMIC \tx iya. \pho hiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 502 \id 551545103401030501 \begin 0:15:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx gimana Michael maen gitar, coba! \pho gimana maykəl maen gitar cɔba \mb gimana Michael maen gitar coba \ge how Michael play guitar try \gj how Michael play guitar try \ft Michael, play a guitar, come on! \ref 503 \id 435775103401030501 \begin 0:15:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'jing, jing, jeng'. \pho jiŋ jiŋ jeh \mb jing jing jeng \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft 'jing, jing, jeng'. \nt 1. pretending as if he is playing a guitar. 2. imitating the sound of a guitar. \ref 504 \id 488327103401030501 \begin 0:15:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'jreng, jreng, jreng'. \pho jrɛŋ jrɛŋ jrɛŋ \mb jreng jreng jreng \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft 'jreng, jreng, jreng'. \nt also imitating the sound of a guitar. \ref 505 \id 829423103401030501 \begin 0:15:06 \sp RINMIC \tx lha, ini? \pho la inih \mb lha ini \ge EXCL this \gj EXCL this \ft and this one? \nt pointing to the picture of a frog. \ref 506 \id 630340103402030501 \begin 0:15:08 \sp RINMIC \tx apa Kel, lagi apa? \pho ʔapa kəl lagi yapaʰ \mb apa Kel lagi apa \ge what TRU-Michael more what \gj what TRU-Michael more what \ft what's this Michael, what's it doing? \nt 'lagi apa' should be used for asking an activity, not the name of a thing. \ref 507 \id 840231103402030501 \begin 0:15:10 \sp CHIMIC \tx kodok. \pho koːdok \mb kodok \ge frog \gj frog \ft a frog. \ref 508 \id 491028103402030501 \begin 0:15:10 \sp @End \tx @End