\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 500570145355121201 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHIMIC Michael target child; EXPYAN Yanti experimenter; EXPLAN Lanny experimenter; OMAMIC CHIMIC’s grandma. \pho @Filename: MIC-130301 \ft @Duration: 42:56; analyzed: 08:35 - 29:30 \nt @Situation: playing in the living room at CHIMIC’s grandparent’s home. CHI, accompanied by EXPYAN and EXPLAN, is playing with the toy cooking set, the tortoise puppet and a big toy car. The toy cooking set and the tortoise puppet are brought by the EXPs and the big toy car is CHI’s. At almost the end of the recording, CHI is playing the imaginary shooting with his microphone transmitter. OMAMIC is joining the recording occasionally. \ref 002 \id 497257161246121201 \begin 0:08:35 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 619695161246121201 \begin 0:08:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini udah. \pho ʔn̩i udah \mb ini udah \ge this PFCT \gj this PFCT \ft it's done. \nt 1. referring to cooking the fish. 2. CHI, EXPYAN, and EXPLAN are playing with the toy cooking set; CHI is preparing some imaginary dishes for the EXPs. 3. taking the toy big fish out of the pot and putting it on the toy plate. \ref 004 \id 125219161246121201 \begin 0:08:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah jadi? \pho uda jadiː \mb udah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft has it been cooked? \nt referring to the toy big fish. \ref 005 \id 960438161246121201 \begin 0:08:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx (u)dah jadi. \pho da jadi \mb udah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft it's already cooked. \nt referring to the toy big fish. \ref 006 \id 299032161246121201 \begin 0:08:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk Tante Lanny... mmm... ini. \pho ʔn̩i untuk tantə yani ʔm̩ː ʔn̩i \mb ini untuk Tante Lanny mmm ini \ge this for aunt Lanny FILL this \gj this for aunt Lanny FILL this \ft this is for Aunt Lanny... hem... here. \nt **pronouncing 'Lanny' with 'Yanny'; CHI might be still confused with the names of the two experimenters. \ref 007 \id 841232161247121201 \begin 0:08:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx xx makasih. \pho xx makaːsih \mb xx makasih \ge xx thank.you \gj xx thank.you \ft xx thank you. \nt 1. talking to CHI. 2. taking the toy big fish. \ref 008 \id 200318161247121201 \begin 0:08:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx Tante Lanny. \pho tantə laːniː \mb Tante Lanny \ge aunt Lanny \gj aunt Lanny \ft it's Aunt Lanny. \nt correcting CHI's pronunciation. \ref 009 \id 461969161247121201 \begin 0:08:45 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini kok... eh... ininya di... \pho n̩i kɔʔ ə̃h ʔiniɲa di \mb ini kok eh ini -nya di \ge this KOK FILL this -NYA LOC \gj this KOK FILL this-NYA LOC \ft why is this one... hem... this one is at... \nt taking the small toy fish, putting it on the toy plate and giving it to EXPYAN. \ref 010 \id 630107161247121201 \begin 0:08:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk kamu. \pho ini n̩tuk kamu \mb ini untuk kamu \ge this for 2 \gj this for 2 \ft this one is for you. \nt referring to the small toy fish. \ref 011 \id 520359161248121201 \begin 0:08:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx yah. \pho yaːh \mb yah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh. \nt expressing disappointment for an uncertain reason. \ref 012 \id 997916161248121201 \begin 0:08:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx habis. \pho habis \mb habis \ge finished \gj finished \ft finished. \nt referring to pretending to eat the small toy fish. \ref 013 \id 205350161248121201 \begin 0:08:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx habis. \pho habiːːs \mb habis \ge finished \gj finished \ft finished. \nt referring to pretending to eat the toy big fish. \ref 014 \id 420004161248121201 \begin 0:08:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx enak, ya? \pho ʔɛnak yaʰ \mb enak ya \ge pleasant yes \gj pleasant yes \ft it's nice, isn't it? \nt referring to the imaginary food. \ref 015 \id 914577161249121201 \begin 0:08:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx kosong. \pho kɔsɔːːŋ \mb kosong \ge empty \gj empty \ft it's empty. \nt giving the empty toy plate to CHI. \ref 016 \id 811474161249121201 \begin 0:08:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx masak apa sih tadi kok eee... ikannya? \pho masaʔ apa si tadi kəʔ əːː ʔikanɲa \mb masak apa sih tadi kok eee ikan -nya \ge cook what SIH earlier KOK FILL fish -NYA \gj cook what SIH earlier KOK FILL fish-NYA \ft how did you hem... the fish? \nt 1. 'apa' is referring to the way of cooking, such as boiling or grilling. 2. **'masak' (prefix DI-) should be 'dimasak'. \ref 017 \id 468451161249121201 \begin 0:08:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx Michael... masaknya gimana, sih? \pho maykəl masakɲa gimana sih \mb Michael masak -nya gimana sih \ge Michael cook -NYA how SIH \gj Michael cook-NYA how SIH \ft Michael... how did you cook it? \nt 'nya' in 'masaknya' is referring to the toy fish. \ref 018 \id 664625161249121201 \begin 0:08:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm. \pho ʔmh \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft this. \nt taking a toy paprika from the ground. \ref 019 \id 170971161249121201 \begin 0:08:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt interrupted by EXPLAN's utterance. \ref 020 \id 415223161250121201 \begin 0:09:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm... kamu mo minum lagi, nggak? \pho ʔm kamu mɔ minum lagi ŋgaʔ \mb hmm kamu mo minum lagi nggak \ge EXCL 2 want drink more NEG \gj EXCL 2 want drink more NEG \ft here... do you want to drink again? \nt 1. taking the toy jar. 2. **'kamu' (deictic) should be 'Tante'; because CHI is addressing the EXP's who are much older than him. \ref 021 \id 670969161256121201 \begin 0:09:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Tante.' \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft 'Auntie.' \nt correcting CHI's addressing term for EXPYAN. \ref 022 \id 602618161256121201 \begin 0:09:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx Tante mo minum lagi, nggak? \pho tantə mɔ minum lagi ŋgak \mb Tante mo minum lagi nggak \ge aunt want drink more NEG \gj aunt want drink more NEG \ft Auntie, do you want to drink again? \ref 023 \id 216208161256121201 \begin 0:09:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx mau. \pho mau \mb mau \ge want \gj want \ft yes. \ref 024 \id 224686161256121201 \begin 0:09:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini... mmm... minum. \pho ʔini mː minum \mb ini mmm minum \ge this FILL drink \gj this FILL drink \ft here... hem... the drink. \nt looking for a toy cup. \ref 025 \id 514306161257121201 \begin 0:09:11 \sp CHIMIC \tx udah. \pho mdah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \nt 1. reference is not clear. 2. CHI still hasn't found the toy cup. \ref 026 \id 949773161257121201 \begin 0:09:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michael yang ini. \pho maykəl yaŋ iniʰ \mb Michael yang ini \ge Michael REL this \gj Michael REL this \ft this is mine. \nt taking one toy cup--the red toy cup. \ref 027 \id 158640161257121201 \begin 0:09:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx aku mo Coca Cola, ada, nggak? \pho ʔaku mɔ kɔka kɔla ada ŋgaʔ \mb aku mo Coca Cola ada nggak \ge 1SG want Coca Cola exist NEG \gj 1SG want Coca Cola exist NEG \ft I want Coca Cola, do you have it, or not? \ref 028 \id 179715161257121201 \begin 0:09:16 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar. \ref 029 \id 679127161257121201 \begin 0:09:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael, aku mo Coca Cola ada, nggak? \pho maykəl aku mɔ kɔka kɔla ada ŋgaʔ \mb Michael aku mo Coca Cola ada nggak \ge Michael 1SG want Coca Cola exist NEG \gj Michael 1SG want Coca Cola exist NEG \ft Michael, I want Coca Cola, do you have it, or not? \nt repeating her question because CHI is ignoring him. \ref 030 \id 904923161258121201 \begin 0:09:20 \sp CHIMIC \tx ada. \pho ʔadaː \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \nt referring to the imaginary Coca Cola. \ref 031 \id 562749161258121201 \begin 0:09:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \nt referring to the imaginary Coca Cola. \ref 032 \id 636477161258121201 \begin 0:09:23 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking the toy pot again. \ref 033 \id 490740161259121201 \begin 0:09:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh, itu Coca Cola? \pho ʔɔ itu kɔka kɔlaː \mb oh itu Coca Cola \ge EXCL that Coca Cola \gj EXCL that Coca Cola \ft oh, is it Coca Cola? \nt referring to the imaginary water inside the toy pot. \ref 034 \id 883690161259121201 \begin 0:09:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx nih, ini. \pho n9iː ʔini \mb nih ini \ge this this \gj this this \ft here, this one. \nt giving the yellow toy cup to EXPYAN. \ref 035 \id 108899161259121201 \begin 0:09:27 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt 1. speaking together with EXPYAN. 2. intending to take the toy wine glass. \ref 036 \id 278382161259121201 \begin 0:09:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx belum diisi. \pho bəlum diisi \mb belum di- isi \ge not.yet DI- contents \gj not.yet DI-contents \ft you haven't filled this one. \nt 1. giving her toy cup to CHI. 2. 'diisi' is referring to the imaginary water in the toy pot. \ref 037 \id 273768161300121201 \begin 0:09:29 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar to both EXPLAN's and EXPYAN's toy cups. \ref 038 \id 125184161300121201 \begin 0:09:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx asyik. \pho ʔasiːk \mb asyik \ge fun \gj fun \ft cool. \nt taking her toy wine glass. \ref 039 \id 375069161300121201 \begin 0:09:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh... ini eee... \pho ʔmh ʔiniʰ ʔə̃ːh \mb eh ini eee \ge EXCL this FILL \gj EXCL this FILL \ft hey... this one hem... this one... \nt reaching for the toy glass wine in EXPLAN's hand. \ref 040 \id 795936161301121201 \begin 0:09:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm... kenapa? \pho hmh knapaʰ \mb hmm kenapa \ge huh why \gj huh why \ft huh... what's up? \ref 041 \id 318961161301121201 \begin 0:09:35 \sp CHIMIC \tx di... eee... di... dikasi jeruk dulu. \pho di mː di dikasi jəluk duluː \mb di eee di di- kasi jeruk dulu \ge DI FILL DI DI- give citrus before \gj DI FILL DI DI-give citrus before \ft I am going to... hem... to... to add some orange on it. \nt taking one toy bottle then pouring down its imaginary content of the toy glass wine. \ref 042 \id 993025161301121201 \begin 0:09:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, Coca Cola kok dikasi jeruk? \pho lɔː kɔka kɔla kɔ dikasi jəruk \mb lho Coca Cola kok di- kasi jeruk \ge EXCL Coca Cola KOK DI- give citrus \gj EXCL Coca Cola KOK DI-give citrus \ft hey, why do you add orange on the Coca Cola? \ref 043 \id 802830161301121201 \begin 0:09:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini kan namanya dia... \pho n̩i kan naməɲa diya \mb ini kan nama -nya dia \ge this KAN name -NYA 3 \gj this KAN name-NYA 3 \ft because, this is called... \nt reference of 'dia' is not clear. \ref 044 \id 987244161301121201 \begin 0:09:42 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm? \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 045 \id 841812161302121201 \begin 0:09:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx Coca Cola kok dikasi jeruk, Michael? \pho kɔka kɔla kɔ dikasi jəruk maykəl \mb Coca Cola kok di- kasi jeruk Michael \ge Coca Cola KOK DI- give citrus Michael \gj Coca Cola KOK DI-give citrus Michael \ft why do you add orange on the Coca Cola, Michael? \ref 046 \id 950851161302121201 \begin 0:09:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx supaya enak. \pho supaya ʔɛːnak \mb supaya enak \ge so.that pleasant \gj so.that pleasant \ft to make it nice. \ref 047 \id 270323161302121201 \begin 0:09:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing together with EXPYAN. \ref 048 \id 968442161303121201 \begin 0:09:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx ayo, dong, tos dulu, dong. \pho ʔayɔ dɔŋ tɔs dulu dɔŋ \mb ayo dong tos dulu dong \ge AYO DONG high.five before DONG \gj AYO DONG high.five before DONG \ft come on, let's toast first. \nt raising her toy wine glass. \ref 049 \id 723634161303121201 \begin 0:09:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx tos. \pho tɔs \mb tos \ge high.five \gj high.five \ft toast. \nt hitting her toy cup with the others' toy cups. \ref 050 \id 911527171627131201 \begin 0:09:54 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt sound of the toy cups hitting each other. \ref 051 \id 130871161303121201 \begin 0:09:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm... enak. \pho hmːːː ʔɛnaːːːk \mb hmm enak \ge EXCL pleasant \gj EXCL pleasant \ft wow... it's nice. \nt 1. pretending to drink. 2. referring to the imaginary drink. \ref 052 \id 560904161303121201 \begin 0:09:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx dah, Michael mo makan apa sekarang? \pho dah maykəl mɔ makan apa səkaraŋ \mb dah Michael mo makan apa sekarang \ge PFCT Michael want eat what now \gj PFCT Michael want eat what now \ft okay, now, what are you going to eat, Michael? \ref 053 \id 234708161304121201 \begin 0:10:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... kita... mmm... kita... mmm... mmm... mo bikin makaroni. \mb mmm kita mmm kita mmm mmm mo bikin makaroni \ge FILL 1PL FILL 1PL FILL FILL want make macaroni \gj FILL 1PL FILL 1PL FILL FILL want make macaroni \ft hem... we... hem... we... hem... hem... are going to make the macaroni. \ref 054 \id 654113161304121201 \begin 0:10:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx makaroni? \pho makarɔniː \mb makaroni \ge macaroni \gj macaroni \ft the macaroni? \ref 055 \id 788362161304121201 \begin 0:10:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx makaroni? \pho makarɔni \mb makaroni \ge macaroni \gj macaroni \ft the macaroni? \ref 056 \id 820629161304121201 \begin 0:10:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya udah, Michael bikin deh. \pho ya uda maykəl bikin dɛh \mb ya udah Michael bikin deh \ge yes PFCT Michael make DEH \gj yes PFCT Michael make DEH \ft okay, you make it then. \nt referring to the imaginary macaroni. \ref 057 \id 434318161304121201 \begin 0:10:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx xxx. \ft xxx. \nt recording is not clear. \ref 058 \id 292952161305121201 \begin 0:10:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx xxx. \ft xxx. \nt 1. recording is not clear. 2. wearing the tortoise puppet then playing it in front of CHI. \ref 059 \id 359589161305121201 \begin 0:10:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini siapa? \pho ʔini siyapa \mb ini siapa \ge this who \gj this who \ft who is this? \nt pointing to the tortoise puppet in EXPYAN's hand. \ref 060 \id 728139161305121201 \begin 0:10:18 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini kura-kura. \mb ini kura-kura \ge this tortoise \gj this tortoise \ft this is a tortoise. \ref 061 \id 245126161305121201 \begin 0:10:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'kenalan dulu, dong.' \pho kənalan dulu dɔːŋ \mb kenal -an dulu dong \ge recognize -AN before DONG \gj recognize-AN before DONG \ft 'let's get to know each other first.' \nt 1. pretending to be the tortoise puppet. 2. handing the tortoise puppet's arm to CHI. \ref 062 \id 247310161305121201 \begin 0:10:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku yang... \pho ʔaku yaŋ \mb aku yang \ge 1SG REL \gj 1SG REL \ft I am doing... \nt asking for the tortoise puppet. \ref 063 \id 949634161306121201 \begin 0:10:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo, salaman, dong. \mb ayo salam -an dong \ge AYO greeting -AN DONG \gj AYO greeting-AN DONG \ft come on, shake hands. \nt persuading CHI to shake hand with the tortoise. \ref 064 \id 530468161306121201 \begin 0:10:23 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku yang giniin. \pho ʔaku yaŋ giniin \mb aku yang gini -in \ge 1SG REL like.this -IN \gj 1SG REL like.this-IN \ft I am doing it. \nt 1. asking for the tortoise puppet. 2. 'giniin' is referring to wearing and playing the puppet. \ref 065 \id 794727161306121201 \begin 0:10:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, kamu yang giniin. \pho ʔɔː kamu yaŋ giniiːːn \mb oh kamu yang gini -in \ge EXCL 2 REL like.this -IN \gj EXCL 2 REL like.this-IN \ft oh, you want to do this. \nt 1. taking of the tortoise puppet and giving it to CHI..2. 'giniin' is also referring to playing the tortoise puppet. \ref 066 \id 694651161306121201 \begin 0:10:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx he. \pho hɛːː \mb he \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yeah. \nt expressing enjoyment as he is wearing the tortoise puppet. \ref 067 \id 826844161307121201 \begin 0:10:28 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh, temenan. \pho ʔɛh təmənan \mb eh temen -an \ge EXCL friend -AN \gj EXCL friend-AN \ft hey, we are friends. \nt reference is not clear. \ref 068 \id 483775161307121201 \begin 0:10:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'aku, saya Kura-kura.' \mb aku saya Kura-kura \ge 1SG 1SG tortoise \gj 1SG 1SG tortoise \ft 'I am, I am Tortoise.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise puppet. \ref 069 \id 817542161307121201 \begin 0:10:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa namanya? \pho siyapa namaɲaː \mb siapa nama -nya \ge who name -NYA \gj who name-NYA \ft what's his name? \nt asking the tortoise puppet in CHI's hand. \ref 070 \id 757102161307121201 \begin 0:10:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'aku, saya Kura-kura.' \mb aku saya Kura-kura \ge 1SG 1SG tortoise \gj 1SG 1SG tortoise \ft 'I am, I am Tortoise.' \nt apparently, CHI is assuming that the name of the tortoise puppet is 'Kura-kura'. \ref 071 \id 133333161308121201 \begin 0:10:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx Si Kura-kura. \mb Si Kura-kura \ge PERS tortoise \gj PERS tortoise \ft Tortoise. \ref 072 \id 540613161308121201 \begin 0:10:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kura-kura, kamu dari mana? \mb Kura-kura kamu dari mana \ge tortoise 2 from which \gj tortoise 2 from which \ft Tortoise, where are you from? \ref 073 \id 298552161308121201 \begin 0:10:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'aku dipegang sama Michael.' \pho ʔaku dipegaŋ sama miyekəl \mb aku di- pegang sama Michael \ge 1SG DI- hold with Michael \gj 1SG DI-hold with Michael \ft 'Michael is holding me.' \nt 1. not answering EXPYAN's question. 2. still pretending to be the tortoise puppet. \ref 074 \id 881110161308121201 \begin 0:10:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, Michael itu siapa? \pho ʔɔː maykəl itu siyapaː \mb oh Michael itu siapa \ge EXCL Michael that who \gj EXCL Michael that who \ft oh, who is Michael? \ref 075 \id 833595161309121201 \begin 0:10:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'Michael Albert.' \pho maykəl ʔapət \mb Michael Albert \ge Michael Albert \gj Michael Albert \ft 'Michael Albert.' \nt 1. not answering EXPYAN's question again. 2. pretending to be the tortoise puppet, mentioning his own name. \ref 076 \id 548934161309121201 \begin 0:10:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm? \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 077 \id 657098161309121201 \begin 0:10:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx. \nt recording is not clear. \ref 078 \id 564037161310121201 \begin 0:10:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, Michael Albert itu siapa? \mb iya Michael Albert itu siapa \ge yes Michael Albert that who \gj yes Michael Albert that who \ft yeah, who is Michael Albert? \ref 079 \id 691883161310121201 \begin 0:10:53 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'Michael Linggoputro.' \pho maykəl liŋgaputoː \mb Michael Linggoputro \ge Michael Linggoputro \gj Michael Linggoputro \ft 'Michael Linggoputro.' \nt 1. not answering EXPYAN's question again. 2. pretending to be the tortoise puppet, mentioning his family name. \ref 080 \id 193469161310121201 \begin 0:10:55 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔɔː gituː \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 081 \id 546977161310121201 \begin 0:10:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx dia baik, nggak, sih? \mb dia baik nggak sih \ge 3 good NEG SIH \gj 3 good NEG SIH \ft is he good or not? \nt asking the tortoise puppet about CHI. \ref 082 \id 159199161311121201 \begin 0:10:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'baik.' \pho baːiːk \mb baik \ge good \gj good \ft 'yes.' \ref 083 \id 562403161311121201 \begin 0:11:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx kalo rumahnya Kura-kura di mana? \mb kalo rumah -nya Kura-kura di mana \ge TOP house -NYA tortoise LOC which \gj TOP house-NYA tortoise LOC which \ft where is your home, Tortoise? \nt 1. talking to the tortoise puppet. 2. 'rumahnya' is referring to a house in general, instead of the shell of the tortoise. \ref 084 \id 219362161311121201 \begin 0:11:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'sini.' \pho siːniː \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft 'here.' \nt showing EXPLAN the shell of the tortoise. \ref 085 \id 127948161311121201 \begin 0:11:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx di sini, di mana? \pho di sini di maːnaː \mb di sini di mana \ge LOC here LOC which \gj LOC here LOC which \ft where is here? \nt apparently, EXPLAN doesn't understand that CHI's 'sini' is referring to the shell of the turtle puppet. \ref 086 \id 933576161312121201 \begin 0:11:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'ini... ini.' \pho ʔini ʔn̩iːː \mb ini ini \ge this this \gj this this \ft 'here... here.' \nt raising the turtle puppet. \ref 087 \id 629099161312121201 \begin 0:11:09 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh? \pho ʔɔːː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh? \ref 088 \id 681233161312121201 \begin 0:11:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx papi maminya siapa? \pho papi mamiɲa siyapaː \mb papi mami -nya siapa \ge daddy mommy -NYA who \gj daddy mommy-NYA who \ft who are your Daddy and Mommy? \nt 'nya' is referring to the turtle puppet. \ref 089 \id 294699161312121201 \begin 0:11:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'eee... kura-kura juga.' \mb eee kura-kura juga \ge FILL tortoise also \gj FILL tortoise also \ft 'hem... they are also tortoises.' \ref 090 \id 912131161312121201 \begin 0:11:15 \sp EXPYAN \tx namanya siapa? \pho namaɲa siyappaː \mb nama -nya siapa \ge name -NYA who \gj name-NYA who \ft what are their names? \nt 'nya' is referring to the parents of the tortoise puppet. \ref 091 \id 214438161313121201 \begin 0:11:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt daydreaming. \ref 092 \id 173285161313121201 \begin 0:11:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx apa? \pho apaʰ \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \nt responding to EXPLAN as she is waiving her hand to wake CHI up. \ref 093 \id 615094161313121201 \begin 0:11:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx papa mamanya namanya siapa, Kura-kura? \pho papa mamaɲa namaɲa siyapaː kurakura \mb papa mama -nya nama -nya siapa Kura-kura \ge daddy mommy -NYA name -NYA who tortoise \gj daddy mommy-NYA name-NYA who tortoise \ft Tortoise, what are the names of your daddy's and mommy's? \nt 'nya' is referring to the tortoise puppet. \ref 094 \id 205338161313121201 \begin 0:11:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'aku, saya, Kura-kura.' \mb aku saya Kura-kura \ge 1SG 1SG tortoise \gj 1SG 1SG tortoise \ft 'I am, I am tortoise.' \nt 1. pretending to be the tortoise puppet again. 2. CHI is possibly misunderstanding EXPYAN's question, thinking that she is asking about the name of the tortoise puppet. \ref 095 \id 220723161314121201 \begin 0:11:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, papanya namanya siapa? \pho ʔiya papaɲa namaɲa siyapaː \mb iya papa -nya nama -nya siapa \ge yes daddy -NYA name -NYA who \gj yes daddy-NYA name-NYA who \ft yeah, what's your daddy's name? \nt 1. repeating the question. 2. 'nya' is referring to the tortoise puppet. \ref 096 \id 494185161314121201 \begin 0:11:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'Kura-kura.' \mb Kura-kura \ge tortoise \gj tortoise \ft 'Tortoise.' \nt apparently, CHI is assuming the name of the daddy tortoise is also 'Kura-kura'. \ref 097 \id 284277161314121201 \begin 0:11:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kura-kura. \mb Kura-kura \ge tortoise \gj tortoise \ft Tortoise. \ref 098 \id 351872161314121201 \begin 0:11:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx Kura-kura juga. \mb Kura-kura juga \ge tortoise also \gj tortoise also \ft he is also Tortoise. \nt 'juga' is referring to both the name of the tortoise puppet and it's father. \ref 099 \id 619012161315121201 \begin 0:11:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx punya adek, nggak? \pho puɲa adɛ ŋgaʔ \mb punya adek nggak \ge have younger.sibling NEG \gj have younger.sibling NEG \ft do you have any younger sibling? \nt talking to the tortoise puppet. \ref 100 \id 357001161315121201 \begin 0:11:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'punya.' \pho puɲaː \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft 'yes.' \ref 101 \id 427569161315121201 \begin 0:11:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx xxx. \ft xxx. \nt recording is not clear. \ref 102 \id 274457161315121201 \begin 0:11:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt reference is not clear. \ref 103 \id 914095161315121201 \begin 0:11:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx kakak? \pho kakaʔ \mb kakak \ge older.sibling \gj older.sibling \ft older sibling? \nt referring to the siblings of the tortoise puppet. \ref 104 \id 817937161316121201 \begin 0:11:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'ada dua.' \pho ʔada duwa \mb ada dua \ge exist two \gj exist two \ft 'there are two.' \nt still pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 105 \id 187988161316121201 \begin 0:11:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 106 \id 219107161316121201 \begin 0:11:42 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kakaknya lagi sembahyang.' \pho kakaʔɲa lagi səmbaːyaŋ \mb kakak -nya lagi sembahyang \ge older.sibling -NYA more pray \gj older.sibling-NYA more pray \ft 'my older siblings are praying.' \nt 1. still pretending to be tortoise. 2. 'nya' is referring to the tortoise itself. \ref 107 \id 345359161316121201 \begin 0:11:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh. \pho ʔɔːː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 108 \id 955904161317121201 \begin 0:11:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx lagi sembah(yang)... \pho lagi səmbay \mb lagi sembahyang \ge more pray \gj more pray \ft they are praying... \nt repeating to show acknowledgment. \ref 109 \id 596794161317121201 \begin 0:11:46 \sp EXPLAN \tx adeknya ke mana? \pho ʔadɛɲa kə manaː \mb adek -nya ke mana \ge younger.sibling -NYA to which \gj younger.sibling-NYA to which \ft where is your younger sibling? \nt talking to the tortoise in CHI's hand. \ref 110 \id 429044161317121201 \begin 0:11:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'lagi nggak ada.' \pho lagi ŋga addaː \mb lagi nggak ada \ge more NEG exist \gj more NEG exist \ft 'he is not here.' \nt referring to the tortoise's younger brother. \ref 111 \id 762386161317121201 \begin 0:11:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak ada, ke mana? \pho ŋga ada kə maːnaː \mb nggak ada ke mana \ge NEG exist to which \gj NEG exist to which \ft he is not here, where is he going to? \nt referring to the tortoise's younger brother. \ref 112 \id 745373161317121201 \begin 0:11:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx (per)gi. \pho gi \mb pergi \ge go \gj go \ft he is going away. \ref 113 \id 100446161318121201 \begin 0:11:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm? \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 114 \id 400215161318121201 \begin 0:11:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm, ini. \pho hm ʔini \mb hmm ini \ge EXCL this \gj EXCL this \ft here. \nt 1. context is not clear. 2. CHI is raising the tortoise puppet. \ref 115 \id 421821161318121201 \begin 0:11:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kura-kura, kamu suka nonton filem, nggak? \mb Kura-kura kamu suka n- tonton filem nggak \ge tortoise 2 like N- watch film NEG \gj tortoise 2 like N-watch film NEG \ft Tortoise, do you like watching films? \nt talking to the tortoise puppet. \ref 116 \id 852678161318121201 \begin 0:11:57 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'mmm... aku suka nonton filem mmm... robot mmm... mmm... Turbo Ra(ngers)...' \pho m̩ ʔaku suka nɔntɔn film m lɔbɔt mː ʔmː tulbɔ lɛ \mb mmm aku suka n- tonton filem mmm robot mmm mmm Turbo Rangers \ge FILL 1SG like N- watch film FILL robot FILL FILL Turbo Rangers \gj FILL 1SG like N-watch film FILL robot FILL FILL Turbo Rangers \ft 'hem... I like watching films hem... robot films hem... hem... the Turbo Rangers...' \nt still pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 117 \id 883919161319121201 \begin 0:12:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔɔ gituː \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 118 \id 355390161319121201 \begin 0:12:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔɔ gitu \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \ref 119 \id 346884161319121201 \begin 0:12:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kamu mo lihat, nggak?' \pho kamu mɔ liyat ŋgaː \mb kamu mo lihat nggak \ge 2 want see NEG \gj 2 want see NEG \ft 'do you want to see it?' \nt referring to the robot film. \ref 120 \id 492991161319121201 \begin 0:12:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx mau. \pho mauː \mb mau \ge want \gj want \ft yes. \nt referring to watching the robot film. \ref 121 \id 912316161320121201 \begin 0:12:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'hah?' \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \ref 122 \id 611208161320121201 \begin 0:12:08 \sp EXPYAN \tx kamu cerita dulu, tapi. \pho kamu cərita dulu tapiːː \mb kamu cerita dulu tapi \ge 2 story before but \gj 2 story before but \ft but you have to tell me about it first. \nt 'ceritain' is referring to the story in the robot film. \ref 123 \id 584602161320121201 \begin 0:12:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx kamu kan sudah nonton. \pho kamu kan suda nɔntɔn \mb kamu kan sudah n- tonton \ge 2 KAN PFCT N- watch \gj 2 KAN PFCT N-watch \ft because you have seen it. \nt 'nonton' is referring to the robot film. \ref 124 \id 726962161320121201 \begin 0:12:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx ceritain aku, dong, aku kan mo denger. \mb cerita -in aku dong aku kan mo denger \ge story -IN 1SG DONG 1SG KAN want hear \gj story-IN 1SG DONG 1SG KAN want hear \ft tell me, please, I wanna here it. \nt 'ceritain' is referring to the story in the robot film. \ref 125 \id 270003161321121201 \begin 0:12:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx xxx. \ft xxx. \nt recording is not clear. \ref 126 \id 745567161321121201 \begin 0:12:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho ʔah \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 127 \id 662764161321121201 \begin 0:12:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx Power Rangers eh... xx. \pho pɔwə rɛnjə ʔɛh tulu \mb Power Rangers eh xx \ge Power Rangers EXCL xx \gj Power Rangers EXCL xx \ft the Power Rangers hem... xx. \nt babbling melodiously; possibly singing the soundtrack of the Power Rangers movie. \ref 128 \id 390903161321121201 \begin 0:12:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲaʰ \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft the what? \ref 129 \id 526387161322121201 \begin 0:12:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx boleh apa? \pho bɔlɛʰ apa \mb boleh apa \ge may what \gj may what \ft they can do what? \nt trying to make clear CHI's utterance. \ref 130 \id 605989161322121201 \begin 0:12:25 \sp CHIMIC \tx we we we we we. \pho wə wə wɛ wɛ wə \mb we we we we we \ge BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \ft we we we we we we. \nt babbling; possibly singing the soundtrack of the Power Rangers movie. \ref 131 \id 174308161322121201 \begin 0:12:27 \sp CHIMIC \tx dugu. \pho duguːː \mb dugu \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft dugu. \nt possibly, imitating the sound of shooting. \ref 132 \id 701949161322121201 \begin 0:12:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx ceritanya apa itu? \pho cəritaɲa appa ituː \mb cerita -nya apa itu \ge story -NYA what that \gj story-NYA what that \ft what kind of story is it? \nt 'nya' is referring to the robot film. \ref 133 \id 174164161322121201 \begin 0:12:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, cerita dulu, dong. \mb iya cerita dulu dong \ge yes story before DONG \gj yes story before DONG \ft yeah, come on, tell me the story first. \ref 134 \id 989203161323121201 \begin 0:12:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx filemnya kayak apa sih, filem robot? \pho filəmɲa kaya aːpa sih filəm rɔbɔt \mb filem -nya kayak apa sih filem robot \ge film -NYA like what SIH film robot \gj film-NYA like what SIH film robot \ft the robot film, how does it like? \ref 135 \id 452377161323121201 \begin 0:12:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx mo nonton, kalo rame, filemnya. \pho mɔ nɔntɔn kalɔ ramɛː feləmɲaː \mb mo n- tonton kalo rame filem -nya \ge want N- watch TOP crowded film -NYA \gj want N-watch TOP crowded film-NYA \ft I will see it, if the film is interesting. \ref 136 \id 506934161323121201 \begin 0:12:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'robot itu suka ada orang jahatnya, nanti dikasi robotnya ada dua.' \pho l̩ːɔbɔt ʔitu sukaʰ ʔada ɔlaŋ jahatɲa nanti dikasi lɔhbɔtɲa ada duwa \mb robot itu suka ada orang jahat -nya nanti di- kasi robot -nya ada dua \ge robot that like exist person evil -NYA later DI- give robot -NYA exist two \gj robot that like exist person evil-NYA later DI-give robot-NYA exist two \ft 'usually, there are bad guys in the robot film, then, there will be two robots.' \nt pretending to be a tortoise, explaining about the robot film. \ref 137 \id 363377161323121201 \begin 0:12:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔɔ gitu \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \nt referring to CHI's description about the robot film. \ref 138 \id 485363161324121201 \begin 0:12:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx jadi kalo ada orang jahat, robotnya ada dua. \pho jadi kalɔ ada ɔraŋ jahat rɔbɔtɲa ada duwaː \mb jadi kalo ada orang jahat robot -nya ada dua \ge become TOP exist person evil robot -NYA exist two \gj become TOP exist person evil robot-NYA exist two \ft so, when there are bad guys, there are two robots. \ref 139 \id 505787161324121201 \begin 0:12:45 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 140 \id 873488161324121201 \begin 0:12:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx kalo nggak ada orang jahat, robotnya ada berapa? \pho kalɔ ŋga ada ɔraŋ jahat rɔbɔtɲa ada bərapaː \mb kalo nggak ada orang jahat robot -nya ada berapa \ge TOP NEG exist person evil robot -NYA exist how.much \gj TOP NEG exist person evil robot-NYA exist how.much \ft when there is no bad guy, how many robots are there? \ref 141 \id 539639161324121201 \begin 0:12:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'mmm... dia tanpa pake eh... mmm... tembakan.' \pho m̩ diya tanpa pakɛ ʔə̃h ʔmːː tɛmbakan \mb mmm dia tanpa pake eh mmm tembak -an \ge FILL 3 without use FILL FILL shoot -AN \gj FILL 3 without use FILL FILL shoot-AN \ft 'hem... he doesn't use hem... hem... a gun.' \nt 1. still describing about robot film. 2. 'dia' is possibly referring to the robot in the robot film. \ref 142 \id 124453161325121201 \begin 0:12:54 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'tapi eh... eee... ja(hat)... orang jahatnya xxx...' \pho təpi ə̃h ʔə̃ːː ja ɔlaŋ jahatɲa xxx \mb tapi eh eee jahat orang jahat -nya xxx \ge but FILL FILL evil person evil -NYA xxx \gj but FILL FILL evil person evil-NYA xxx \ft 'but hem... hem... bad... the bad guys xxx...' \nt still describing about the robot film. \ref 143 \id 687968161325121201 \begin 0:12:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'sampe [?] itu, dia ja(di)... langsung... dia jadi besar.' \pho hampɛ ituʰ diya jə laŋsuŋ diya jaːddi bəsːal \mb sampe itu dia jadi langsung dia jadi besar \ge arrive that 3 become direct 3 become big \gj arrive that 3 become direct 3 become big \ft 'until that, he is... becoming... he is becoming big.' \nt 1. 'sampe' (deictic) possibly should be 'setelah'. 2. 'dia' is referring to the robot. \ref 144 \id 993295161325121201 \begin 0:13:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔɔ gituːː \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, I see. \nt acknowledging CHI's description on the robot film. \ref 145 \id 827238161325121201 \begin 0:13:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh, robotnya jadi gede. \pho ʔɔ rɔbɔtɲa jadi gədɛːː \mb oh robot -nya jadi gede \ge EXCL robot -NYA become big \gj EXCL robot-NYA become big \ft oh, the robot is becoming big. \ref 146 \id 806341161326121201 \begin 0:13:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx xx kayak apa sih, Michael? \pho xx kaya apa si maykəl \mb xx kayak apa sih Michael \ge xx like what SIH Michael \gj xx like what SIH Michael \ft xx how does he look like, Michael? \nt 1. recording is not clear. 2. possibly, still referring to the robot. \ref 147 \id 591802161326121201 \begin 0:13:08 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'jadi... jadi robot.' \pho jadi jadi lɔbɔːːːet \mb jadi jadi robot \ge become become robot \gj become become robot \ft 'he's becoming... he's becoming a robot.' \nt raising the tortoise high. \ref 148 \id 228951161326121201 \begin 0:13:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx tinggi, nggak? \pho tiŋgi ŋga \mb tinggi nggak \ge high NEG \gj high NEG \ft is he tall, or not? \nt referring to the transformed robot. \ref 149 \id 191460161326121201 \begin 0:13:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'tinggi.' \pho tiŋgi \mb tinggi \ge high \gj high \ft 'he is.' \ref 150 \id 977999161327121201 \begin 0:13:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx terus, berantemnya gimana? \pho trus bərantəmɲa gimana \mb terus ber- antem -nya gimana \ge continue BER- hit -NYA how \gj continue BER-hit-NYA how \ft and then, how does it fight? \nt referring to the transformed robot. \ref 151 \id 262282161327121201 \begin 0:13:15 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'dia kan... ro(bot)... robot punya... punya itu... dia bisa...' \pho diya kan lɔː lɔbɔt puɲa puɲa ituʰ diya bisa \mb dia kan robot robot punya punya itu dia bisa \ge 3 KAN robot robot have have that 3 can \gj 3 KAN robot robot have have that 3 can \ft 'he is... the robot has... has it... he can...' \nt 1. 'dia' is possibly referring to the robot. 2. reference of 'itu' is not clear. 3. putting the tortoise on the ground and trying to make it stand straight, but it is falling down. \ref 152 \id 590839161327121201 \begin 0:13:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx waw, jatuh. \pho waw jatuh \mb waw jatuh \ge EXCL fall \gj EXCL fall \ft wow, it's falling. \nt referring to the tortoise puppet. \ref 153 \id 256563161327121201 \begin 0:13:21 \sp EXPYAN \tx siapanya jatuh? \pho siyapaɲa jatuh \mb siapa -nya jatuh \ge who -NYA fall \gj who-NYA fall \ft who is falling? \ref 154 \id 761192161328121201 \begin 0:13:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho ʔiniʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \nt taking the tortoise puppet. \ref 155 \id 480351161328121201 \begin 0:13:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kura-kura? \mb Kura-kura \ge tortoise \gj tortoise \ft Tortoise? \ref 156 \id 868030161328121201 \begin 0:13:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx Kura-kura? \mb Kura-kura \ge tortoise \gj tortoise \ft Tortoise? \ref 157 \id 609922161328121201 \begin 0:13:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx orang jahatnya gimana? \pho ʔɔraŋ jahatɲa gimaːna \mb orang jahat -nya gimana \ge person evil -NYA how \gj person evil-NYA how \ft how is the bad guy? \nt referring back to CHI's description on the robot film. \ref 158 \id 585124161329121201 \begin 0:13:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'dia bisa tendang.' \pho diya bisa təndaŋ \mb dia bisa tendang \ge 3 can kick \gj 3 can kick \ft 'he can kick.' \nt 'dia' is possibly referring to the robot. \ref 159 \id 493267161329121201 \begin 0:13:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx siapanya bisa tendang? \pho siyapaɲa bisa təndaŋ \mb siapa -nya bisa tendang \ge who -NYA can kick \gj who-NYA can kick \ft who can kick? \nt standing up and adjusting the camcorder. \ref 160 \id 162349161329121201 \begin 0:13:29 \sp CHIMIC \tx yah... Michael nggak bisa lihat. \pho yaʔ maykəl ŋga bisa liːyat \mb yah Michael nggak bisa lihat \ge EXCL Michael NEG can see \gj EXCL Michael NEG can see \ft ugh... I cannot see it. \nt possibly, referring to the camcorder, which is being blocked by CHI's body. \ref 161 \id 409110161329121201 \begin 0:13:31 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 162 \id 533421161330121201 \begin 0:13:33 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, siapa yang bisa tendang? \pho ʔiya siyapa yaŋ bisa təndaŋ \mb iya siapa yang bisa tendang \ge yes who REL can kick \gj yes who REL can kick \ft yeah, who can kick? \nt referring back to CHI's description on the robot film. \ref 163 \id 927654161330121201 \begin 0:13:34 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michael. \pho m̩aykəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft I do. \ref 164 \id 104451161330121201 \begin 0:13:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael? \pho maykəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft you? \ref 165 \id 214749161331121201 \begin 0:13:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʰ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 166 \id 893261161331121201 \begin 0:13:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx lho, tadi ceritanya robot. \pho lɔ tadi cəritaɲa rɔːbɔːt \mb lho tadi cerita -nya robot \ge EXCL earlier story -NYA robot \gj EXCL earlier story-NYA robot \ft hey, you were talking about robots. \nt referring back to CHI's description on the robot film. \ref 167 \id 755111161331121201 \begin 0:13:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx kita lihat dulu. \pho xx kita liyat dulu \mb xx kita lihat dulu \ge xx 1PL see before \gj xx 1PL see before \ft xx let's watch it first. \nt 'lihat' is referring to the robot film. \ref 168 \id 878337161331121201 \begin 0:13:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx kita lihat, yuk. \pho kita liya yuʔ \mb kita lihat yuk \ge 1PL see AYO \gj 1PL see AYO \ft let's watch it. \nt 'lihat' is referring to the robot film. \ref 169 \id 129297161331121201 \begin 0:13:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx lihat apa, sih? \pho liyat ʔapa sih \mb lihat apa sih \ge see what SIH \gj see what SIH \ft watching what? \ref 170 \id 203547161332121201 \begin 0:13:45 \sp CHIMIC \tx ayo, kita lihat. \pho ʔayɔː kita liyaːt \mb ayo kita lihat \ge AYO 1PL see \gj AYO 1PL see \ft come on, let's watch it. \nt 'lihat' is referring to the robot film. \ref 171 \id 727763161332121201 \begin 0:13:46 \sp EXPYAN \tx ah, nggak mau, ah. \pho ʔa ŋga mau aːː \mb ah nggak mau ah \ge AH NEG want AH \gj AH NEG want AH \ft no, I don't want it. \nt referring to CHI's invitation to see the robot film. \ref 172 \id 235978161332121201 \begin 0:13:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 173 \id 387930161332121201 \begin 0:13:49 \sp EXPYAN \tx aku mo dengerin ceritanya Kura-kura. \mb aku mo denger -in cerita -nya Kura-kura \ge 1SG want hear -IN story -NYA tortoise \gj 1SG want hear-IN story-NYA tortoise \ft I want to listen to Tortoise's story. \nt 'ceritanya' is still referring to the robot film. \ref 174 \id 950761161333121201 \begin 0:13:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-em. \pho hmʔmː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 175 \id 558984161333121201 \begin 0:13:52 \sp EXPYAN \tx kan aku belon pernah nonton robot. \pho kan aku bəlɔn pərnah nɔntɔn rɔːbɔt \mb kan aku belon pernah n- tonton robot \ge KAN 1SG not.yet ever N- watch robot \gj KAN 1SG not.yet ever N-watch robot \ft because I have never seen the robot film. \ref 176 \id 367237161333121201 \begin 0:13:56 \sp CHIMIC \tx kamu udah saya [?] ajarin. \pho kamu ʔuda ja ʔajalin \mb kamu udah saya ajar -in \ge 2 PFCT 1SG teach -IN \gj 2 PFCT 1SG teach-IN \ft I have taught you. \nt 1. context is not clear--CHI seems to talk to the tortoise, instead of pretending to be the tortoise. 2. 'kamu' is possibly referring to the tortoise and 'saya' is referring to CHI himself. 3. reference of 'ajarin' is not clear. \ref 177 \id 558081161333121201 \begin 0:13:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx kamu di situ [?] aja, ya? \pho kamu ni siʰku ajə yaːʰ \mb kamu di situ aja ya \ge 2 LOC there just yes \gj 2 LOC there just yes \ft you stay there, okay? \nt 1. context is not clear--CHI seems to talk to the tortoise, instead of pretending to be the tortoise. 2. reference of 'situ' is not clear. \ref 178 \id 484633161333121201 \begin 0:14:01 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 179 \id 848805161334121201 \begin 0:14:02 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'mau, nggak?' \pho mau ŋga \mb mau nggak \ge want NEG \gj want NEG \ft 'do you want it, or not?' \nt 1. talking to EXPYAN. 2. reference is not clear. 3. possibly, CHI is no longer pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 180 \id 580871161334121201 \begin 0:14:03 \sp EXPYAN \tx apa? \pho əpa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 181 \id 119438161334121201 \begin 0:14:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx mau lihat... lihat eh... Digimon, nggak? \pho mu liyat liyat ʔe digimɔn ŋgaʔ \mb mau lihat lihat eh Digimon nggak \ge want see see FILL Digimon NEG \gj want see see FILL Digimon NEG \ft do you want to watch... watch... hem... Digimon, or not? \nt 'Digimon' is another TV series, which is different from the robot film. \ref 182 \id 106936161334121201 \begin 0:14:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak mau, aku mo denger kamu cerita. \pho ŋga mau ʔaku mɔ dəŋər kamu cəritaː \mb nggak mau aku mo denger kamu cerita \ge NEG want 1SG want hear 2 story \gj NEG want 1SG want hear 2 story \ft no, I want to listen to your story. \nt 'cerita' is now referring to the Digimon film. \ref 183 \id 578376161335121201 \begin 0:14:11 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kamu mo main... eh... mo main... mo mmm... mau...' \pho kamu mɔ m̩ːaiʔ mh mɔ main mɔ mː mau \mb kamu mo main eh mo main mo mmm mau \ge 2 want play FILL want play want FILL want \gj 2 want play FILL want play want FILL want \ft 'do you wanna play... hem... wanna play... wanna hem... wanna...' \nt CHI is possibly still pretending to be the tortoise because he is calling EXPYAN 'kamu'. \ref 184 \id 477534161335121201 \begin 0:14:15 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'aku... eh... ka(mu)... eh... aku mo minum, ah.' \pho ʔakku ʔəh ka ʔmh ʔaku mɔ minum ɛh \mb aku eh kamu eh aku mo minum ah \ge 1SG FILL 2 FILL 1SG want drink AH \gj 1SG FILL 2 FILL 1SG want drink AH \ft 'I... hem... you... hem... I wanna drink.' \nt 1. taking the toy jar. 2. possibly, pretending to be the tortoise again--'aku' is referring to the tortoise. \ref 185 \id 323387161335121201 \begin 0:14:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx mo minum. \pho mɔ minum \mb mo minum \ge want drink \gj want drink \ft he wants to drink. \nt referring to the tortoise. \ref 186 \id 676466161335121201 \begin 0:14:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx ya udah, kamu minum dulu, deh. \pho ya uda kamu minum dulu dɛh \mb ya udah kamu minum dulu deh \ge yes PFCT 2 drink before DEH \gj yes PFCT 2 drink before DEH \ft okay, you drink now. \nt talking to the tortoise. \ref 187 \id 288049161336121201 \begin 0:14:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar. \ref 188 \id 759733161336121201 \begin 0:14:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx nanti cerita, ya? \pho nanti cərita yaːʰ \mb nanti cerita ya \ge later story yes \gj later story yes \ft later, you tell the story, okay? \nt 'nanti' is referring to the time after the imaginary drinking. \ref 189 \id 248975161336121201 \begin 0:14:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini un(tuk)... untuk Kura-kura. \mb ini untuk untuk Kura-kura \ge this for for tortoise \gj this for for tortoise \ft this is for... for Tortoise. \nt 'ini' is referring to the drink that is being prepared. \ref 190 \id 137525161336121201 \begin 0:14:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya, haus, Kura-kuranya. \mb iya haus Kura-kura -nya \ge yes thirsty tortoise -NYA \gj yes thirsty tortoise-NYA \ft yeah, Tortoise is thirsty. \ref 191 \id 798800161337121201 \begin 0:14:31 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt again, hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the bottle. \ref 192 \id 745276161337121201 \begin 0:14:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx habis cerita. \pho ʔabis cərita \mb habis cerita \ge finished story \gj finished story \ft because he is just telling a story. \nt referring to the reason why the tortoise is thirsty. \ref 193 \id 273534161337121201 \begin 0:14:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho ʔn̩i \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving the toy cup to the tortoise. \ref 194 \id 690428161337121201 \begin 0:14:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm.' \pho hmːːː \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'hem.' \nt 1. pretending to be the tortoise, which is in CHI's hand. 2. CHI is making the tortoise drink. 3. expressing that the drink is delicious and also imitating the sound of the turtle's drinking. \ref 195 \id 936545161338121201 \begin 0:14:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing to imitate the sound of the turtle's drinking. \ref 196 \id 135450161338121201 \begin 0:14:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx Kura-kuranya minum. \mb Kura-kura -nya minum \ge tortoise -NYA drink \gj tortoise-NYA drink \ft Tortoise is drinking. \ref 197 \id 121506161338121201 \begin 0:14:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx kok, minumnya gitu, sih? \pho kɔ minumɲa gitu sih \mb kok minum -nya gitu sih \ge KOK drink -NYA like.that SIH \gj KOK drink-NYA like.that SIH \ft why is he drinking like that? \nt referring to the way CHI is holding the tortoise--CHI is putting the tortoise mouth on the toy cup instead of putting the toy cup into the tortoise's mouth. \ref 198 \id 661260161338121201 \begin 0:14:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx kebalik. \pho kəbalik \mb ke- balik \ge KE- turn.around \gj KE-turn.around \ft it's reversed. \nt referring to the way the tortoise is drinking, in particular, the position of the tortoise and the toy cup. \ref 199 \id 314357161339121201 \begin 0:14:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 200 \id 114767161339121201 \begin 0:14:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx yah, airnya keluar dari sini. \pho ʰyaː airɲa kəluwar dari sini \mb yah air -nya keluar dari sini \ge EXCL water -NYA go.out from here \gj EXCL water-NYA go.out from here \ft ugh, the water is coming out of here. \nt pointing to the bottom part of the tortoise. \ref 201 \id 796445161339121201 \begin 0:14:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx cur. \pho cuːrː \mb cur \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft cur. \nt imitating the sound of the water coming out from the tortoise. \ref 202 \id 771179161339121201 \begin 0:14:54 \sp EXPYAN \tx cur. \pho cuːr \mb cur \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft cur. \nt imitating the sound of the water coming out from the tortoise. \ref 203 \id 921792161340121201 \begin 0:14:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kura-kura, filem apa lagi kalo kamu nonton? \mb Kura-kura filem apa lagi kalo kamu n- tonton \ge tortoise film what more TOP 2 N- watch \gj tortoise film what more TOP 2 N-watch \ft Tortoise, what other films do you watch? \nt 1. referring to CHI's favorite movies. 2. 'kalo' (deictic) should be 'yang'. \ref 204 \id 585027161340121201 \begin 0:14:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pouring down the imaginary water from the bottle into the toy cup again. \ref 205 \id 667003161340121201 \begin 0:15:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx minum lagi, nih. \pho minum lagi nih \mb minum lagi nih \ge drink more this \gj drink more this \ft he is drinking again. \nt referring to the tortoise. \ref 206 \id 543891161340121201 \begin 0:15:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing to imitate the sound of the tortoise's drinking. \ref 207 \id 487956161340121201 \begin 0:15:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx minum lagi? \pho minum lagiʰ \mb minum lagi \ge drink more \gj drink more \ft drinking again? \nt referring to the tortoise. \ref 208 \id 892423161341121201 \begin 0:15:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx kok minum terus, nanti kembung. \pho kɔ minum tərus nanti kəmbuːŋ \mb kok minum terus nanti kembung \ge KOK drink continue later puffed.up \gj KOK drink continue later puffed.up \ft if he keeps on drinking, he will get filled with water. \nt referring to the tortoise. \ref 209 \id 178368161341121201 \begin 0:15:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx nanti ngompol, lho. \pho nanti ŋɔmpɔl lɔh \mb nanti ngompol lho \ge later wet.oneself EXCL \gj later wet.oneself EXCL \ft he will pee in his pants. \nt referring to the tortoise. \ref 210 \id 540142161341121201 \begin 0:15:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'nggak.' \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 211 \id 477516161342121201 \begin 0:15:10 \sp EXPLAN \tx kebanyakan minum, lho. \pho kəbaɲakan minum lɔh \mb ke an banyak minum lho \ge KE AN a.lot drink EXCL \gj KE.AN-a.lot drink EXCL \ft he is drinking too much. \nt referring to the tortoise. \ref 212 \id 925035161342121201 \begin 0:15:12 \sp EXPLAN \tx Kura-kura masih suka ngompol, nggak? \mb Kura-kura masih suka ngompol nggak \ge tortoise still like wet.oneself NEG \gj tortoise still like wet.oneself NEG \ft Tortoise, do you still pee in your pants? \ref 213 \id 184984161342121201 \begin 0:15:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'nggak.' \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft 'no.' \ref 214 \id 130881161342121201 \begin 0:15:14 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing to imitate the sound of the turtle's drinking. \ref 215 \id 720459161343121201 \begin 0:15:16 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kura-kura, kamu suka nontonin filem Wiro Sableng, ya? \mb Kura-kura kamu suka n- tonton -in filem Wiro Sableng ya \ge tortoise 2 like N- watch -IN film Wiro Sableng yes \gj tortoise 2 like N-watch-IN film Wiro Sableng yes \ft Tortoise, you like watching Wiro Sableng, right? \ref 216 \id 769287161343121201 \begin 0:15:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \ref 217 \id 628695161343121201 \begin 0:15:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx ceritain aku, dong. \pho cəritain aku dɔːŋ \mb cerita -in aku dong \ge story -IN 1SG DONG \gj story-IN 1SG DONG \ft tell me the story, please. \nt referring to Wiro Sableng film. \ref 218 \id 196872161343121201 \begin 0:15:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kamu mo lihat, ndak?' \pho kamu mɔː liyat n̩daʔ \mb kamu mo lihat ndak \ge 2 want see NEG \gj 2 want see NEG \ft 'do you want to see it, or not?' \nt 1. talking to the tortoise. 2. referring to Wiro Sableng film. \ref 219 \id 139745161344121201 \begin 0:15:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx nanti, kalo kamu udah cerita, aku mo lihat. \pho nanti kalɔ kamu udah cərita aku mɔ liyaːt \mb nanti kalo kamu udah cerita aku mo lihat \ge later TOP 2 PFCT story 1SG want see \gj later TOP 2 PFCT story 1SG want see \ft I wanna see it later, after you telling me the story. \nt 1. talking to the tortoise. 2. referring to Wiro Sableng film. \ref 220 \id 576543104727131201 \begin 0:15:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx kamu cerita dulu, ya? \pho kamu cərita dulu yaː \mb kamu cerita dulu ya \ge 2 story before yes \gj 2 story before yes \ft tell me the story first, okay? \nt 1. talking to the tortoise. 2. referring to Wiro Sableng films. \ref 221 \id 311458161344121201 \begin 0:15:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kam(u)... mmm... eh... eh... eh... eh... eh...' \pho kam ʔmːːh ʔə̃h ʔə̃h ʔə̃ː ʔmh ʔə̃h \mb kamu mmm eh eh eh eh eh \ge 2 FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL \gj 2 FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL \ft 'you... hem... hem... hem... hem... hem... hem... hem...' \nt addressing EXPYAN with 'kamu'; possibly, because CHI is pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 222 \id 882133161344121201 \begin 0:15:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'Wiro Sableng itu bisa silat.' \pho wilu sabləŋ ituʰ bisa jilat \mb Wiro Sableng itu bisa silat \ge Wiro Sableng that can k.o.self.defense.art \gj Wiro Sableng that can k.o.self.defense.art \ft 'Wiro Sableng can silat.' \nt 1. describing about the Wiro Sableng film. 2. mispronouncing 'silat' with 'jilat'. \ref 223 \id 938798161344121201 \begin 0:15:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx bisa apa? \pho bisa apaʰ \mb bisa apa \ge can what \gj can what \ft he can what? \ref 224 \id 208106161345121201 \begin 0:15:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'ada... ada pedang.' \pho ʔada ada pədaŋ \mb ada ada pedang \ge exist exist sword \gj exist exist sword \ft 'there is a sword.' \nt describing about the Wiro Sableng film, which is an action movie. \ref 225 \id 842257161345121201 \begin 0:15:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, ada pedang. \pho ʔɔ ada pədaŋ \mb oh ada pedang \ge EXCL exist sword \gj EXCL exist sword \ft oh, there is a sword. \ref 226 \id 327463161345121201 \begin 0:15:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx terus, dipake buat apa sih, pedangnya? \pho tərus dipakɛ buwat apa si pədaŋɲa \mb terus di- pake buat apa sih pedang -nya \ge continue DI- use for what SIH sword -NYA \gj continue DI-use for what SIH sword-NYA \ft and then, what's the sword for? \ref 227 \id 787329161345121201 \begin 0:15:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'buat mmm... lariin orang jahat.' \pho buwat ʔmː laliin ʔɔlaŋ jahat \mb buat mmm lari -in orang jahat \ge for FILL run -IN person evil \gj for FILL run-IN person evil \ft 'for hem... making the bad guys run away.' \nt 1. 'lariin' is referring to the action of getting rid of somebody else. 2. **'lariin' (suffix -IN and deictic) should be 'mengusir'; 'lariin' with 'suffix-IN' means to take somebody without agreement. \ref 228 \id 554786161346121201 \begin 0:15:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, orang jahatnya banyak, nggak? \mb oh orang jahat -nya banyak nggak \ge EXCL person evil -NYA a.lot NEG \gj EXCL person evil-NYA a.lot NEG \ft oh, are there lots of bad guys? \nt referring to CHI's description on the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 229 \id 909430161346121201 \begin 0:15:45 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'banyak.' \pho baɲak \mb banyak \ge a.lot \gj a.lot \ft 'yes.' \ref 230 \id 706313161347121201 \begin 0:15:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx terus, Wiro Sableng gimana lawannya? \pho tərus wirɔ sabləŋ gimana lawanɲa \mb terus Wiro Sableng gimana lawan -nya \ge continue Wiro Sableng how opponent -NYA \gj continue Wiro Sableng how opponent-NYA \ft and then, how does Wiro Sableng fight them? \nt 'nya' in 'lawannya' is referring to the bad guys. \ref 231 \id 618745161348121201 \begin 0:15:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'dia ada mmm...' \pho diya ʔada mː \mb dia ada mmm \ge 3 exist FILL \gj 3 exist FILL \ft 'he has hem...' \nt 'dia' is possibly referring to Wiro Sableng. \ref 232 \id 372038161348121201 \begin 0:15:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kamu mo lihat, nggak?' \pho kamu mɔ liya ŋgaʔ \mb kamu mo lihat nggak \ge 2 want see NEG \gj 2 want see NEG \ft 'do you want to see it, or not?' \nt referring to the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 233 \id 258926161348121201 \begin 0:15:53 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, mau, tapi kamu cerita dulu. \pho ʔiya mau tapi kamu cərita duluːː \mb iya mau tapi kamu cerita dulu \ge yes want but 2 story before \gj yes want but 2 story before \ft yeah, I will, but you tell me the story first. \nt referring to the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 234 \id 875291161348121201 \begin 0:15:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx cerita dulu. \pho cərita duluːː \mb cerita dulu \ge story before \gj story before \ft tell us the story first. \nt referring to the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 235 \id 232661161357121201 \begin 0:15:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx orang jahatnya ngapain? \pho ʔɔraŋ jahatɲa ŋapaiːːn \mb orang jahat -nya ng- apa -in \ge person evil -NYA N- what -IN \gj person evil-NYA N-what-IN \ft what are the bad guys doing? \nt still referring to CHI's description on the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 236 \id 443677161357121201 \begin 0:15:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'dia bisa... kali [?] mmm...' \pho diya bisa kali ʔmh \mb dia bisa kali mmm \ge 3 can maybe FILL \gj 3 can maybe FILL \ft 'he can... may be hem...' \nt 'dia' is possibly referring to the bad guys in the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 237 \id 996484161358121201 \begin 0:16:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michael mo ancurin... eh... eh... mmm... mmm... mmm... taman-taman. \mb Michael mo ancur -in eh eh mmm mmm mmm taman - taman \ge Michael want destroyed -IN FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL garden - garden \gj Michael want destroyed-IN FILL FILL FILL FILL FILL RED-garden \ft I wanna destroy... hem... hem... hem... hem... hem... the gardens. \nt 1. possibly, still talking about the Wiro Sableng film. 2. 'Michael' is possibly should be eliminated--it is possibly referring to the bay guys. 3. CHI is possibly no longer pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 238 \id 430133161358121201 \begin 0:16:07 \sp EXPYAN \tx oh, orang jahat hancurin taman-taman? \mb oh orang jahat hancur -in taman - taman \ge EXCL person evil destroyed -IN garden - garden \gj EXCL person evil destroyed-IN RED-garden \ft oh, the bad guys are destroying the gardens? \nt trying to make CHI's description on the Wiro Sableng film clear. \ref 239 \id 156326161358121201 \begin 0:16:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx dia bisa. \pho diya bisa \mb dia bisa \ge 3 can \gj 3 can \ft he can. \nt 1.'dia' is possibly referring to the bad guys in the Wiro Sableng film. 2. 'bisa' is possibly referring to the ability to destroy the gardens. \ref 240 \id 884097161358121201 \begin 0:16:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'kamu mo lihat, nggak?' \pho kamu mɔ liyat ŋgaʔ \mb kamu mo lihat nggak \ge 2 want see NEG \gj 2 want see NEG \ft 'do you want to see it, or not?' \nt referring to the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 241 \id 648701161359121201 \begin 0:16:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx nanti, cerita dulu. \pho nantiː cərita duluː \mb nanti cerita dulu \ge later story before \gj later story before \ft later, tell us the story first. \nt referring to the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 242 \id 733872161359121201 \begin 0:16:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx cerita dulu. \pho cərita duluːː \mb cerita dulu \ge story before \gj story before \ft tell me the story first. \nt referring to the Wiro Sableng film. \ref 243 \id 306984161404121201 \begin 0:16:16 \sp EXPYAN \tx Si Wiro Sablengnya lawannya gimana? \pho si wirɔ sabləŋɲa lawanɲa gimanaː \mb Si Wiro Sableng -nya lawan -nya gimana \ge PERS Wiro Sableng -NYA opponent -NYA how \gj PERS Wiro Sableng-NYA opponent-NYA how \ft how does Wiro Sableng fight against the bad guys? \nt 'nya' in 'lawannya' is referring to the bad guys. \ref 244 \id 389157161405121201 \begin 0:16:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat. \pho ciyat ciyat ciyat ciyat ciyat ciyat ciyat \mb ciat ciat ciat ciat ciat ciat ciat \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat, ciat. \nt shaking the turtle here and there, as if it's fighting. \ref 245 \id 879387161405121201 \begin 0:16:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx gimana dia berantem? \pho gimana diya bərantəm \mb gimana dia ber- antem \ge how 3 BER- hit \gj how 3 BER-hit \ft how does he fight? \nt 'dia' is referring to Wiro Sableng. \ref 246 \id 687905161405121201 \begin 0:16:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx iya, dia punya ilmu, nggak? \pho ʔiya diya puɲa ʔilmu ŋga \mb iya dia punya ilmu nggak \ge yes 3 have knowledge NEG \gj yes 3 have knowledge NEG \ft yeah, does he know something about martial art? \nt 'dia' is referring to Wiro Sableng. \ref 247 \id 841398161406121201 \begin 0:16:23 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'punya.' \pho puɲa \mb punya \ge have \gj have \ft 'yes.' \ref 248 \id 296053161406121201 \begin 0:16:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx ilmunya seperti apa? \pho ʔilmuɲa səpərti ʔappa \mb ilmu -nya seperti apa \ge knowledge -NYA like what \gj knowledge-NYA like what \ft what is his fighting style? \nt 'nya' is referring to Wiro Sableng. \ref 249 \id 277496161406121201 \begin 0:16:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'ilmu hati eh... tuyul.' \pho l̩mu hati ʔə̃h tuyul \mb ilmu hati eh tuyul \ge knowledge liver FILL k.o.spirit \gj knowledge liver FILL k.o.spirit \ft 'it's hem... the tuyul's heart.' \nt reference is not clear. \ref 250 \id 687741161406121201 \begin 0:16:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 251 \id 774620161407121201 \begin 0:16:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx ilmu apa? \pho ʔilmu apah \mb ilmu apa \ge knowledge what \gj knowledge what \ft what fighting style? \nt referring to Wiro Sableng's movement's in martial art. \ref 252 \id 257189161407121201 \begin 0:16:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuyul? \pho tuyul \mb tuyul \ge k.o.spirit \gj k.o.spirit \ft tuyul? \ref 253 \id 483993161407121201 \begin 0:16:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx Wiro Sableng bisa terbang, nggak? \pho wirɔ sabləŋ bisa tərbaŋ ŋgaʔ \mb Wiro Sableng bisa terbang nggak \ge Wiro Sableng can fly NEG \gj Wiro Sableng can fly NEG \ft can Wiro Sableng fly, or not? \ref 254 \id 893103161408121201 \begin 0:16:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'bisa.' \pho bisa \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft 'yes.' \ref 255 \id 800850161408121201 \begin 0:16:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada sayap, nggak, dia? \pho ʔada sayap ŋga diya \mb ada sayap nggak dia \ge exist wing NEG 3 \gj exist wing NEG 3 \ft does he have any wings? \nt 'dia' is referring to Wiro Sableng. \ref 256 \id 105638161408121201 \begin 0:16:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'iya.' \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \nt repeating EXPYAN's question instead of answering it. \ref 257 \id 371269161408121201 \begin 0:16:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada, nggak? \pho ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb ada nggak \ge exist NEG \gj exist NEG \ft yes, or no? \nt referring to the wings of Wiro Sableng. \ref 258 \id 838396161409121201 \begin 0:16:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'ada.' \pho ʔada \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft 'yes.' \ref 259 \id 235459161409121201 \begin 0:16:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx hah? \pho hãːh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 260 \id 673065161410121201 \begin 0:16:42 \sp EXPYAN \tx Wiro Sableng ada sayap? \pho wirɔ sabləŋ ada sayap \mb Wiro Sableng ada sayap \ge Wiro Sableng exist wing \gj Wiro Sableng exist wing \ft Wiro Sableng has wings? \ref 261 \id 716835161410121201 \begin 0:16:44 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada sayap begini, nggak? \pho ʔada sayap bəgini ŋgaʔ \mb ada sayap begini nggak \ge exist wing like.this NEG \gj exist wing like.this NEG \ft he has wings like this? \nt 1. fluttering her arms like a bird flying. 2. 'begini' is referring to the wings of the bird. \ref 262 \id 162543161410121201 \begin 0:16:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'iya.' \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'yes.' \ref 263 \id 966301161411121201 \begin 0:16:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx seperti burung. \pho səpərti buruŋ \mb seperti burung \ge like bird \gj like bird \ft like those of the birds. \nt referring to the wings of Wiro Sableng. \ref 264 \id 740551161411121201 \begin 0:16:48 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'mana?' \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft 'where?' \nt reference is not clear. \ref 265 \id 959614161411121201 \begin 0:16:49 \sp EXPYAN \tx ada, nggak? \pho ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb ada nggak \ge exist NEG \gj exist NEG \ft does he have them, or not? \nt still referring to the Wiro Sableng's wings. \ref 266 \id 850194161411121201 \begin 0:16:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'ini aku mo minum dulu.' \pho ʔn̩i aku mɔ minum dulu \mb ini aku mo minum dulu \ge this 1SG want drink before \gj this 1SG want drink before \ft 'here, I wanna drink first.' \nt 1. taking the toy jar again. 2. possibly, CHI now is pretending to be the tortoise again. \ref 267 \id 536042161412121201 \begin 0:16:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt speaking together with EXPLAN. \ref 268 \id 877761161412121201 \begin 0:16:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx kok, minum terus sih? \pho kɔ minum tərus sih \mb kok minum terus sih \ge KOK drink continue SIH \gj KOK drink continue SIH \ft hey, why does he keep on drinking? \ref 269 \id 358759161412121201 \begin 0:16:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah kembung, nih. \pho ʔuda kəmbuŋ nih \mb udah kembung nih \ge PFCT puffed.up this \gj PFCT puffed.up this \ft he has been filled with water. \nt referring to the tortoise; because CHI is making it drink many times. \ref 270 \id 282387161412121201 \begin 0:16:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah 'bung, bung, bung', kebanyakan minum. \pho udah bum buŋ buŋ kəbaɲakan minuːm \mb udah bung bung bung ke an banyak minum \ge PFCT IMIT IMIT IMIT KE AN a.lot drink \gj PFCT IMIT IMIT IMIT KE.AN-a.lot drink \ft this has been 'bung, bung, bung', because of drinking too much. \nt 1. tapping the tortoise stomach. 2. imitating the sound of the stomach which is being tapped when it is full of gas or water. \ref 271 \id 994351161412121201 \begin 0:17:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'nggak mau minum, ah.' \pho ŋga mau minum aːh \mb nggak mau minum ah \ge NEG want drink AH \gj NEG want drink AH \ft 'I don't want to drink.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 272 \id 588488161413121201 \begin 0:17:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh, Kura-kuranya bilang. \mb tuh Kura-kura -nya bilang \ge that tortoise -NYA say \gj that tortoise-NYA say \ft there, the Tortoise is saying it. \nt 1. referring to EXPYAN's previous sentence. 2. **'bilang' (deictic) should be 'ngomong' or 'bicara'. \ref 273 \id 335977161413121201 \begin 0:17:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx mo cerita. \pho mɔ cəritaː \mb mo cerita \ge want story \gj want story \ft he wants to tell a story. \nt referring to the tortoise again. \ref 274 \id 772771161413121201 \begin 0:17:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx Kura-kuranya pengen cerita. \mb Kura-kura -nya pengen cerita \ge tortoise -NYA want story \gj tortoise-NYA want story \ft the tortoise wants to tell a story. \ref 275 \id 675219161413121201 \begin 0:17:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'aku pengen cerita.' \pho ʔaku peŋen cəritaːː \mb aku pengen cerita \ge 1SG want story \gj 1SG want story \ft 'I wanna tell a story.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise again. \ref 276 \id 927035161414121201 \begin 0:17:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'aku pengen cerita.' \pho ʔaku m̩eŋe cəlitaː \mb aku pengen cerita \ge 1SG want story \gj 1SG want story \ft 'I wanna tell a story.' \nt 1. pretending to be the tortoise. 2. repeating EXPYAN. \ref 277 \id 507796161414121201 \begin 0:17:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx eh, nih, Kura-kuranya mo tanya sama Michael. \mb eh nih Kura-kura -nya mo tanya sama Michael \ge EXCL this tortoise -NYA want ask with Michael \gj EXCL this tortoise-NYA want ask with Michael \ft hey, here, Tortoise want to ask question to Michael. \nt taking the tortoise puppet from CHI's hand. \ref 278 \id 441219161414121201 \begin 0:17:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'Michael, kemaren Minggu aku lihat kamu pergi sama Papa, sama Mama, sama Engkong, ya?' \mb Michael kemaren Minggu aku lihat kamu pergi sama Papa sama Mama sama Engkong ya \ge Michael yesterday Sunday 1SG see 2 go with daddy with mommy with grandfather yes \gj Michael yesterday Sunday 1SG see 2 go with daddy with mommy with grandfather yes \ft 'Michael, last Sunday I saw you went away with Daddy, Mommy, and Grandpa, right?' \nt pretending to be the tortoise, talking to CHI. \ref 279 \id 182586161414121201 \begin 0:17:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 280 \id 328088161415121201 \begin 0:17:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'ke mana sih?' \pho kə mana sih \mb ke mana sih \ge to which SIH \gj to which SIH \ft 'where did you go?' \nt pretending to be the tortoise, talking to CHI. \ref 281 \id 487801161415121201 \begin 0:17:24 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm. \pho ʔmː \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hem. \nt taking the toy jar and handing it to EXPYAN. \ref 282 \id 990229161415121201 \begin 0:17:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'di tengah jalan, kamu ketemu siapa?' \pho di təŋah jalan kamu kətəmu siyapaː \mb di tengah jalan kamu ke- temu siapa \ge LOC middle walk 2 KE- meet who \gj LOC middle walk 2 KE-meet who \ft 'who did you meet on your way?' \nt 'kamu' is referring to CHI. \ref 283 \id 600265161415121201 \begin 0:17:27 \sp CHIMIC \tx sama... \pho ʰəmaː \mb sama \ge with \gj with \ft with... \ref 284 \id 273202161415121201 \begin 0:17:29 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh... eee... di tengah jalan, aku di tengah jalan lihat... lihat gajah. \pho ʔmh mː di təŋa jalan ʔaku di təŋa jalan liyat liyat dajah \mb eh eee di tengah jalan aku di tengah jalan lihat lihat gajah \ge FILL FILL LOC middle walk 1SG LOC middle walk see see elephant \gj FILL FILL LOC middle walk 1SG LOC middle walk see see elephant \ft hem... hem... on the way, on the way I saw... I saw an elephant. \ref 285 \id 519963161416121201 \begin 0:17:36 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'gajah siapa?' \pho gajah siyapaː \mb gajah siapa \ge elephant who \gj elephant who \ft 'what elephant?' \ref 286 \id 626608161416121201 \begin 0:17:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx gajah Tingti. \pho gajə tinti \mb gajah Tingti \ge elephant Tingti \gj elephant Tingti \ft Tingti. \nt possibly, the elephant is only in CHI's imagination, because 'Tingti' is an elephant character in the Monkey King series on TV. \ref 287 \id 213746161416121201 \begin 0:17:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'gajah itu kecil, ya?' \pho gaja itu kəcil yah \mb gajah itu kecil ya \ge elephant that small yes \gj elephant that small yes \ft 'an elephant is small, right?' \ref 288 \id 238209161416121201 \begin 0:17:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx itu [?]... eee... besar. \pho ʔi m̩ bətsal \mb itu eee besar \ge that FILL big \gj that FILL big \ft it's... hem... big. \ref 289 \id 983428161417121201 \begin 0:17:42 \sp EXPLAN \tx gajahnya lagi ngapain? \pho gajaʰɲa lagi ŋapaiːn \mb gajah -nya lagi ng- apa -in \ge elephant -NYA more N- what -IN \gj elephant-NYA more N-what-IN \ft what's the elephant doing? \nt referring to the elephant that CHI saw. \ref 290 \id 599733161417121201 \begin 0:17:44 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku mo minum. \pho ʔaku mɔ minum \mb aku mo minum \ge 1SG want drink \gj 1SG want drink \ft I wanna drink. \ref 291 \id 326908161417121201 \begin 0:17:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michaelnya mo... mo minum Michaelnya, nih. \pho maykəlɲa mɔ mɔ minum maykəlɲa nih \mb Michael -nya mo mo minum Michael -nya nih \ge Michael -NYA want want drink Michael -NYA this \gj Michael-NYA want want drink Michael-NYA this \ft look, I wanna... I wanna drink. \nt pretending to pour down the imaginary water from the toy jar into a toy cup. \ref 292 \id 461026161417121201 \begin 0:17:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx terus [?]. \pho kuːlus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then. \nt reference is not clear \ref 293 \id 978546161418121201 \begin 0:17:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm? \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 294 \id 444949161418121201 \begin 0:17:53 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar. \ref 295 \id 780361161418121201 \begin 0:17:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx kenapa? \pho kənapa \mb kenapa \ge why \gj why \ft why? \ref 296 \id 447686161418121201 \begin 0:17:55 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... mo minum. \pho m mɔ minum \mb mmm mo minum \ge FILL want drink \gj FILL want drink \ft hem... I wanna drink. \ref 297 \id 873003161419121201 \begin 0:17:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael?' \pho maːikəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft 'Michael?' \nt wearing the tortoise puppet and pretending to be it. \ref 298 \id 480855161419121201 \begin 0:17:58 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt ignoring EXPLAN, hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the bottle into the toy cup. \ref 299 \id 352911161419121201 \begin 0:17:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, gajahnya ngapain?' \pho maːikəl gajahɲa ŋapaiːn \mb Michael gajah -nya ng- apa -in \ge Michael elephant -NYA N- what -IN \gj Michael elephant-NYA N-what-IN \ft 'Michael, what's the elephant doing?' \nt still referring to the elephant that CHI was talking in his story. \ref 300 \id 987560161420121201 \begin 0:18:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku mo minum-minum dulu, ya? \mb aku mo minum - minum dulu ya \ge 1SG want drink - drink before yes \gj 1SG want RED-drink before yes \ft I wanna drink first, okay? \nt 1. 'minum-minum' (reduplicate) should be 'minum'; because it's a single action. \ref 301 \id 739128161420121201 \begin 0:18:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oh, iya, ditungguin.' \pho ʔɔː iya dituŋguʔiːn \mb oh iya di- tunggu -in \ge EXCL yes DI- wait -IN \gj EXCL yes DI-wait-IN \ft 'oh, yeah, I'll wait.' \nt 'ditungguin' is referring to CHI's drinking. \ref 302 \id 447291161420121201 \begin 0:18:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the bottle into the toy cup. \ref 303 \id 535117161420121201 \begin 0:18:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'minum apa, sih?' \pho minum ʔaːpa sih \mb minum apa sih \ge drink what SIH \gj drink what SIH \ft 'what are you drinking?' \nt referring to the imaginary water that CHI is preparing. \ref 304 \id 621376161421121201 \begin 0:18:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... mmm... mmm... Coca Cola. \pho m m m kɔka kɔːla \mb mmm mmm mmm Coca Cola \ge FILL FILL FILL Coca Cola \gj FILL FILL FILL Coca Cola \ft hem... hem... Coca Cola. \ref 305 \id 483644161421121201 \begin 0:18:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Coca Cola campur apa itu?' \pho kɔka kɔla campur ʔappa ituː \mb Coca Cola campur apa itu \ge Coca Cola mix what that \gj Coca Cola mix what that \ft 'what is it that you mix with the Coca Cola?' \nt 'itu' is referring to the imaginary content in the toy bottle. \ref 306 \id 421800161421121201 \begin 0:18:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm... eh... eh... mmm... jeruk. \pho hmh ʔə̃h ʔə̃h mːː jəluk \mb hmm eh eh mmm jeruk \ge FILL FILL FILL FILL citrus \gj FILL FILL FILL FILL citrus \ft hem... hem... hem... hem... an orange. \ref 307 \id 509874161421121201 \begin 0:18:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'jeruk?' \pho jəruːk \mb jeruk \ge citrus \gj citrus \ft 'an orange?' \ref 308 \id 270954161422121201 \begin 0:18:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm... enak, ya?' \pho hmːː ʔɛːnak ʰya \mb hmm enak ya \ge EXCL pleasant yes \gj EXCL pleasant yes \ft 'hem... is it nice?' \nt referring to the drink that CHI is drinking. \ref 309 \id 535551161422121201 \begin 0:18:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx kam(u)... mmm... Tante ini... Lanny mo minum juga, nggak? \pho ʔam mː tantə ini lani mɔ minum juga ŋgaʔ \mb kamu mmm Tante ini Lanny mo minum juga nggak \ge 2 FILL aunt this Lanny want drink also NEG \gj 2 FILL aunt this Lanny want drink also NEG \ft you... hem... Aunt... Lanny, do you wanna drink too, or not? \ref 310 \id 720725161422121201 \begin 0:18:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mau, kalo dibikinin.' \pho maːu kalɔ dibikinin \mb mau kalo di- bikin -in \ge want TOP DI- make -IN \gj want TOP DI-make-IN \ft 'yes, if you make it for me.' \nt still pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 311 \id 748671161422121201 \begin 0:18:26 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho manaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt possibly, looking for a toy cup. \ref 312 \id 637204161423121201 \begin 0:18:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mana apanya?' \pho mana apaːɲa \mb mana apa -nya \ge which what -NYA \gj which what-NYA \ft 'where what?' \ref 313 \id 100564161423121201 \begin 0:18:29 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, Michael buatin dulu. \pho ʔiniʰ maykəl buwatin dulu \mb ini Michael buat -in dulu \ge this Michael make -IN before \gj this Michael make-IN before \ft this one, I'll make it first. \nt 1. taking one toy cup. 2. 'buatin' is referring to the drink for EXPLAN. \ref 314 \id 595366161423121201 \begin 0:18:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'makasih.' \pho makasiːh \mb makasih \ge thank.you \gj thank.you \ft 'thank you.' \ref 315 \id 729231161423121201 \begin 0:18:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the toy jar into the toy cup. \ref 316 \id 599529161424121201 \begin 0:18:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, cerita dong, gajahnya ngapain lagi hari Minggu.' \pho maykəl cərita dɔːŋ gajahɲa ŋapain lagi hari miŋguː \mb Michael cerita dong gajah -nya ng- apa -in lagi hari Minggu \ge Michael story DONG elephant -NYA N- what -IN more day Sunday \gj Michael story DONG elephant-NYA N-what-IN more day Sunday \ft 'Michael, please tell me, what was the elephant doing on Sunday.' \nt still pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 317 \id 494371161424121201 \begin 0:18:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, untuk xxx... \pho ʔini untuk xxx \mb ini untuk xxx \ge this for xxx \gj this for xxx \ft this one, it's for xxx... \nt giving the toy cup to EXPLAN. \ref 318 \id 702368161424121201 \begin 0:18:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm, diminum. \pho hmː diminum \mb hmm di- minum \ge EXCL DI- drink \gj EXCL DI-drink \ft I am drinking it. \nt going to pretend to drink the water in the toy cup. \ref 319 \id 911585161424121201 \begin 0:18:40 \sp EXPLAN \tx Michael lihat. \pho maykəl liyat \mb Michael lihat \ge Michael see \gj Michael see \ft look at me, Michael. \nt referring to her drinking. \ref 320 \id 926459161425121201 \begin 0:18:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx tos dulu. \pho tɔs dulu \mb tos dulu \ge high.five before \gj high.five before \ft let's toast first. \nt hitting her toy cup to CHI's toy cup. \ref 321 \id 670199161425121201 \begin 0:18:43 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmːːː \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hem. \nt expressing that the drink is nice while pretending to drink. \ref 322 \id 253548161425121201 \begin 0:18:45 \sp CHIMIC \tx enak. \pho ʔɛnaːːːk \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft yummy. \nt referring to the drink. \ref 323 \id 484370161426121201 \begin 0:18:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm, enak. \pho hmː ɛnaːːk \mb hmm enak \ge EXCL pleasant \gj EXCL pleasant \ft hem, yummy. \nt referring to the drink. \ref 324 \id 923601161426121201 \begin 0:18:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'dah, udah minum, ya?' \pho daː uda minum yaːː \mb dah udah minum ya \ge PFCT PFCT drink yes \gj PFCT PFCT drink yes \ft 'okay, we have drunk, right?' \nt pretending to be the tortoise again. \ref 325 \id 382163161426121201 \begin 0:18:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 326 \id 320270161426121201 \begin 0:18:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'sekarang...' \pho skaraŋ \mb sekarang \ge now \gj now \ft 'now...' \nt interrupted by EXPYAN's next question. \ref 327 \id 494448161427121201 \begin 0:18:51 \sp EXPYAN \tx aku minta air, dong. \pho ʔaku minta air dɔŋ \mb aku minta air dong \ge 1SG ask.for water DONG \gj 1SG ask.for water DONG \ft I want some water, please. \nt approaching CHI and talking to CHI. \ref 328 \id 201634161427121201 \begin 0:18:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx oh, tuh, Tante Yanti juga haus. \pho ʔɔ tuːh tantə yanti juga aːuːs \mb oh tuh Tante Yanti juga haus \ge EXCL that aunt Yanti also thirsty \gj EXCL that aunt Yanti also thirsty \ft oh, look, Aunt Yanti is also thirsty. \nt also talking to CHI. \ref 329 \id 970793161427121201 \begin 0:18:54 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini dulu, air dulu. \pho n̩i dulu air dulu \mb ini dulu air dulu \ge this before water before \gj this before water before \ft this one's first, the water first. \nt taking the toy wine glass and the toy jar, then pretending to pour down the water from the toy jar into the toy wine glass. \ref 330 \id 648284161428121201 \begin 0:18:57 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pour down the water from the toy jar into the toy glass wine. \ref 331 \id 926865161428121201 \begin 0:19:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... ini, pake Coca Cola dulu. \pho ʔmː ʔn̩iː pakɛ kɔka kɔla duluː \mb mmm ini pake Coca Cola dulu \ge FILL this use Coca Cola before \gj FILL this use Coca Cola before \ft hem... this one, put the Coca Cola first. \nt possibly, looking for the toy bottle. \ref 332 \id 351880161428121201 \begin 0:19:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini, nih. \pho ʔini nih \mb ini nih \ge this this \gj this this \ft this one, here. \nt pointing to the toy bottle. \ref 333 \id 752716161428121201 \begin 0:19:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, iya, Coca Cola. \pho n̩ih ʔiyah kɔka kɔːlɛh \mb ini iya Coca Cola \ge this yes Coca Cola \gj this yes Coca Cola \ft this one, yeah, Coca Cola. \nt taking the toy bottle. \ref 334 \id 222266161428121201 \begin 0:19:08 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pour down the water from the toy bottle into the toy wine glass. \ref 335 \id 337773161429121201 \begin 0:19:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michael [?]... \pho mikəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft Michael... \nt giving the toy glass wine to EXPYAN. \ref 336 \id 361581161429121201 \begin 0:19:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx makasih, ya. \pho makasi yaːː \mb makasih ya \ge thank.you yes \gj thank.you yes \ft thank you. \nt receiving the toy glass wine. \ref 337 \id 903025161429121201 \begin 0:19:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx kita tos sama-sama, yuk. \mb kita tos sama - sama yuk \ge 1PL high.five with - with AYO \gj 1PL high.five RED-with AYO \ft let's toast together. \ref 338 \id 172885161430121201 \begin 0:19:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx sama-sama. \mb sama - sama \ge with - with \gj RED-with \ft together. \nt referring to CHI's request to do tossing before drinking. \ref 339 \id 188802161430121201 \begin 0:19:15 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt sound of the toy cups hitting each other. \ref 340 \id 408157161430121201 \begin 0:19:16 \sp CHIMIC \tx tos. \pho tasː \mb tos \ge high.five \gj high.five \ft toast. \nt hitting his toy cup to the others'. \ref 341 \id 709296161430121201 \begin 0:19:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx tos. \pho tɔs \mb tos \ge high.five \gj high.five \ft toast. \nt hitting his toy cup to the others'. \ref 342 \id 362400161431121201 \begin 0:19:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx tos. \pho tɔs \mb tos \ge high.five \gj high.five \ft toast. \nt hitting his toy cup to the others'. \ref 343 \id 269585161431121201 \begin 0:19:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmːː \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hem. \nt expressing that the drink is nice while pretending to drink. \ref 344 \id 934461161431121201 \begin 0:19:19 \sp CHIMIC \tx enak. \pho ʔɛnaːk \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft yummy. \nt referring to the drink. \ref 345 \id 208167161431121201 \begin 0:19:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx udah, sekarang Michael maen sama Kura-kura, ya? \mb udah sekarang Michael maen sama Kura-kura ya \ge PFCT now Michael play with tortoise yes \gj PFCT now Michael play with tortoise yes \ft okay, now you play with Tortoise, okay? \ref 346 \id 968394161432121201 \begin 0:19:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx kita mo ke mana? \pho kita mɔ kə manaʰ \mb kita mo ke mana \ge 1PL want to which \gj 1PL want to which \ft where are we going to? \ref 347 \id 828326161432121201 \begin 0:19:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Kura-kuranya pengen denger cerita... cerita Michael.' \mb Kura-kura -nya pengen denger cerita cerita Michael \ge tortoise -NYA want hear story story Michael \gj tortoise-NYA want hear story story Michael \ft 'I wanna listed to... to your story.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise again. \ref 348 \id 192378161432121201 \begin 0:19:28 \sp CHIMIC \tx eee... mmm... mmm... mmm mo... mmm mo... cerita lagi ap(a)... mo apa? \pho ʔaː ʔm̩ mː mːː mɔ m̩ mɔː critta lagi ap mɔ apah \mb eee mmm mmm mmm mo mmm mo cerita lagi apa mo apa \ge FILL FILL FILL FILL want FILL want story more what want what \gj FILL FILL FILL FILL want FILL want story more what want what \ft hem... hem... hem... hem... you wanna... hem you wanna... what story... do you want? \ref 349 \id 203669161433121201 \begin 0:19:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mo apa, ya?' \pho mɔ appa yah \mb mo apa ya \ge want what yes \gj want what yes \ft 'which one do I want?' \nt referring to CHI's story. \ref 350 \id 966952161433121201 \begin 0:19:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, cerita lagi hari Minggu, dong.' \pho maykəl cərita lagi hari miŋgu dɔŋ \mb Michael cerita lagi hari Minggu dong \ge Michael story more day Sunday DONG \gj Michael story more day Sunday DONG \ft 'Michael, tell me again about the Sunday, please.' \nt referring to EXPYAN's previous question about CHI was going out on Sunday. \ref 351 \id 880214161433121201 \begin 0:19:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx Mi(chael)... eee... waktu ap(a)... \pho mayk ə̃ː watu ʔap \mb Michael eee waktu apa \ge Michael FILL time what \gj Michael FILL time what \ft I... hem... at that time... \ref 352 \id 174807161433121201 \begin 0:19:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ketemu gajah.' \pho kətəmu gaːjah \mb ke- temu gajah \ge KE- meet elephant \gj KE-meet elephant \ft 'you met an elephant.' \nt referring to CHI's statement that he saw an elephant when he was going out on Sunday. \ref 353 \id 993774161434121201 \begin 0:19:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt burping. \ref 354 \id 780654161434121201 \begin 0:19:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx gajah itu suka makan wortel. \pho gaja ʔitu sukaʰ makan wɔttəl \mb gajah itu suka makan wortel \ge elephant that like eat carrot \gj elephant that like eat carrot \ft the elephant likes carrot. \ref 355 \id 871487161434121201 \begin 0:19:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oh, gajah suka wortel.' \pho ʔɔt gajah suka wɔrtəːl \mb oh gajah suka wortel \ge EXCL elephant like carrot \gj EXCL elephant like carrot \ft 'oh the elephant likes carrot.' \nt pretending to be tortoise, repeating CHI. \ref 356 \id 202197161434121201 \begin 0:19:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 357 \id 530526161435121201 \begin 0:19:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kalo Michael suka apa?' \pho kalɔ maykəl suka apaʰ \mb kalo Michael suka apa \ge TOP Michael like what \gj TOP Michael like what \ft 'what you like?' \nt referring to CHI's favorite food. \ref 358 \id 872812161435121201 \begin 0:19:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx suka wortel juga. \pho suka wɔtəl juːgaː \mb suka wortel juga \ge like carrot also \gj like carrot also \ft I like carrot too. \ref 359 \id 879803161435121201 \begin 0:19:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'wortelnya diapain?' \pho wɔrtəlɲa diyapaiːn \mb wortel -nya di- apa -in \ge carrot -NYA DI- what -IN \gj carrot-NYA DI-what-IN \ft 'how is the carrot?' \nt 'diapain' is referring to the way the carrot being cooked. \ref 360 \id 466335161436121201 \begin 0:19:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael?' \pho maːikəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft 'Michael?' \ref 361 \id 212577161438121201 \begin 0:19:57 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini kok sama, ya? \pho ʔini kɔ saːma yah \mb ini kok sama ya \ge this KOK same yes \gj this KOK same yes \ft why do they look the same? \nt 1. observing the frying spatula and the soup spoon. 2. 'sama' is referring to the shape of the two things in his hands. \ref 362 \id 390781161438121201 \begin 0:19:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'apanya?' \pho ʔapaɲaʰ \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft 'what?' \ref 363 \id 265391161438121201 \begin 0:20:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, mmm... ininya kok nggak... nggak... \mb ini mmm ini -nya kok nggak nggak \ge this FILL this -NYA KOK NEG NEG \gj this FILL this-NYA KOK NEG NEG \ft this one, hem... why this one isn't... isn't... \nt 1.possibly, CHI has changed his attention. 2. looking for another thing on the ground. \ref 364 \id 644859161439121201 \begin 0:20:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak apa? \mb nggak apa \ge NEG what \gj NEG what \ft it isn't what? \nt continuing CHI's utterance. \ref 365 \id 968760161439121201 \begin 0:20:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini apa ya, nggak? \mb ini apa ya nggak \ge this what yes NEG \gj this what yes NEG \ft what is this? \nt 1. taking a small spoon. 2. 'nggak' should be omitted. \ref 366 \id 676208161439121201 \begin 0:20:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini apa? \pho n̩i apa \mb ini apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \nt looking to the small spoon in his hand. \ref 367 \id 449864161439121201 \begin 0:20:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx (i)tu sendok. \pho tu sɛːndɔːːk \mb itu sendok \ge that spoon \gj that spoon \ft that's a spoon. \nt referring to the small spoon in CHI's hand. \ref 368 \id 577075161440121201 \begin 0:20:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx sendok. \pho xx sɛndɔk \mb xx sendok \ge xx spoon \gj xx spoon \ft xx a spoon. \nt recording is not clear. \ref 369 \id 223143161440121201 \begin 0:20:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx temennya ini. \pho təmənɲa iniː \mb temen -nya ini \ge friend -NYA this \gj friend-NYA this \ft it's a friend of this. \nt giving CHI a toy fork. \ref 370 \id 672394161440121201 \begin 0:20:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx temennya apa? \pho təmənɲa apa \mb temen -nya apa \ge friend -NYA what \gj friend-NYA what \ft a friend of what? \nt 'nya' is referring to the spoon. \ref 371 \id 247864161440121201 \begin 0:20:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx apa temennya sendok? \pho ʔapa təmənɲa sɛndɔk \mb apa temen -nya sendok \ge what friend -NYA spoon \gj what friend-NYA spoon \ft what is the friend of the spoon? \ref 372 \id 358146161441121201 \begin 0:20:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini apa? \pho n̩i apaʰ \mb ini apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \nt pointing to the toy fork. \ref 373 \id 768700161441121201 \begin 0:20:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx garpu. \pho gapu \mb garpu \ge fork \gj fork \ft a fork. \ref 374 \id 666068161441121201 \begin 0:20:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho ʔmː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 375 \id 125394161441121201 \begin 0:20:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx garpu untuk... eh... tek. \pho garpu n̩tuk ʔə̃h tɛk \mb garpu untuk eh tek \ge fork for FILL IMIT \gj fork for FILL IMIT \ft the fork is for... hem... tek. \nt pretending to pierce something with the toy fork. \ref 376 \id 304866161442121201 \begin 0:20:23 \sp CHIMIC \tx (un)tuk... untuk... untuk menusuk. \pho tuk ʔuntuk ʔn̩tuk mənusuk \mb untuk untuk untuk men- tusuk \ge for for for MEN- pierce \gj for for for MEN-pierce \ft it's for... for... for piercing. \nt referring to the function of the fork. \ref 377 \id 800995161442121201 \begin 0:20:26 \sp EXPYAN \tx eh, Michael, kura-kuranya laper, mo makan ikan. \mb eh Michael kura-kura -nya laper mo makan ikan \ge EXCL Michael tortoise -NYA hungry want eat fish \gj EXCL Michael tortoise-NYA hungry want eat fish \ft hem, Michael, the tortoise is hungry, he wants to eat fish. \nt pointing to the tortoise in EXPLAN's hand. \ref 378 \id 744382161442121201 \begin 0:20:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, laper.' \pho ʔaːː lapər \mb ah laper \ge EXCL hungry \gj EXCL hungry \ft 'ouch, I am hungry.' \nt making as if the tortoise is dying because of hunger. \ref 379 \id 548435161442121201 \begin 0:20:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'bikinin makanan, dong.' \pho bikinin makanan dɔŋ \mb bikin -in makan -an dong \ge make -IN eat -AN DONG \gj make-IN eat-AN DONG \ft 'please, make me some food.' \nt pretending to be the turtle talking to CHI. \ref 380 \id 365984161443121201 \begin 0:20:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx tanya dong, 'Kura-kura...' \mb tanya dong Kura-kura \ge ask DONG tortoise \gj ask DONG tortoise \ft you ask, 'Tortoise...' \nt telling CHI to talk to the tortoise. \ref 381 \id 214332161443121201 \begin 0:20:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku... aku mo minum. \pho ʔaku ʔaku mɔ minum \mb aku aku mo minum \ge 1SG 1SG want drink \gj 1SG 1SG want drink \ft I... I wanna drink. \nt taking a toy bottle. \ref 382 \id 194123161443121201 \begin 0:20:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lho.' \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'hey.' \ref 383 \id 734946161443121201 \begin 0:20:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the toy bottle into the toy cup. \ref 384 \id 351927161444121201 \begin 0:20:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael tanya Kura-kura mo makan apa? \mb Michael tanya Kura-kura mo makan apa \ge Michael ask tortoise want eat what \gj Michael ask tortoise want eat what \ft Michael, ask Tortoise what he wants to eat? \ref 385 \id 653152161444121201 \begin 0:20:39 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'makan apa?' \pho makan apah \mb makan apa \ge eat what \gj eat what \ft 'you eat what?' \nt repeating EXPYAN's question, talking to the turtle. \ref 386 \id 844318161444121201 \begin 0:20:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'makan ikan.' \pho makan ʔikaːn \mb makan ikan \ge eat fish \gj eat fish \ft 'I eat fish.' \ref 387 \id 767616161444121201 \begin 0:20:43 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'aku masakin, ya?' \pho ʔaku masaʔin yaːː \mb aku masak -in ya \ge 1SG cook -IN yes \gj 1SG cook-IN yes \ft 'let me cook it for you, okay?' \nt telling CHI to repeat the line. \ref 388 \id 436903161445121201 \begin 0:20:44 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pour down the water from the bottle into the toy cup again. \ref 389 \id 546018161445121201 \begin 0:20:45 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, ngomong. \pho tuː ŋɔmɔŋ \mb tuh ng- omong \ge that N- speak \gj that N-speak \ft say it. \nt 'ngomong' is referring to EXPYAN's previous line that should be repeated by CHI. \ref 390 \id 248499161445121201 \begin 0:20:46 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'bikinin, dong, Michael.' \pho bikinin dɔŋ maykəl \mb bikin -in dong Michael \ge make -IN DONG Michael \gj make-IN DONG Michael \ft 'please, Michael, make it for me.' \nt 'bikinin' is referring to the imaginary dish for the tortoise. \ref 391 \id 239290161445121201 \begin 0:20:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'udah lemes, nih.' \pho uda ləməs nih \mb udah lemes nih \ge PFCT weak this \gj PFCT weak this \ft 'I am weak now.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 392 \id 253983161446121201 \begin 0:20:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo, Michael, bikinin. \pho ʔayɔ maykəl bikinin \mb ayo Michael bikin -in \ge AYO Michael make -IN \gj AYO Michael make-IN \ft come on, Michael, make it for him. \nt referring to the imaginary dish for the tortoise. \ref 393 \id 605766161446121201 \begin 0:20:49 \sp EXPYAN \tx hayo, dong, masak, dong. \pho hayɔ dɔŋ masak dɔŋ \mb hayo dong masak dong \ge HAYO DONG cook DONG \gj HAYO DONG cook DONG \ft come on, cook, come on. \nt referring to the imaginary dish for the tortoise. \ref 394 \id 930577161446121201 \begin 0:20:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx mana kompornya? \pho mana kɔmpɔrɲa \mb mana kompor -nya \ge which stove -NYA \gj which stove-NYA \ft where is the stove? \ref 395 \id 637759161446121201 \begin 0:20:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya, iya. \pho ʔiyah ʔiyah \mb iya iya \ge yes yes \gj yes yes \ft yes, yes. \nt taking a toy car, which is regarded to be the stove, and putting it upside down. \ref 396 \id 428382161447121201 \begin 0:20:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, ah.' \pho ʔaːː ʔə \mb ah ah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft 'ugh, ugh.' \nt pretending that the tortoise is dying because of hunger. \ref 397 \id 424168161447121201 \begin 0:20:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cepat, Michael, saya sudah lapar.' \pho cəpat maykəl saya sudah lapaːr \mb cepat Michael saya sudah lapar \ge quick Michael 1SG PFCT hungry \gj quick Michael 1SG PFCT hungry \ft 'hurry up, Michael, I am hungry.' \nt 'cepat' is referring to CHI's preparing the dish. \ref 398 \id 703341161447121201 \begin 0:20:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx (i)ni. \pho nih \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \nt taking a carrot and putting it inside the pot. \ref 399 \id 174281161447121201 \begin 0:21:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikan.' \pho ʔikan \mb ikan \ge fish \gj fish \ft 'the fish.' \nt reminding CHI that the tortoise wants to eat fish. \ref 400 \id 255891161448121201 \begin 0:21:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx (i)kan sama ini... ayam... ayam. \pho kan sama iniʰ ʔayəm ʔayəm \mb ikan sama ini ayam ayam \ge fish with this chicken chicken \gj fish with this chicken chicken \ft the fish and this one... the chicken... the chicken. \nt 1. taking the toy chicken and putting it into the pot. 2. apparently, CHI doesn't realize that he put a carrot into the pot, instead of the fish. \ref 401 \id 270005161448121201 \begin 0:21:08 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho, ayam? \pho lɔh ʔayam \mb lho ayam \ge EXCL chicken \gj EXCL chicken \ft huh, the chicken? \ref 402 \id 792788161448121201 \begin 0:21:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'laper, Michael, ah.' \pho lapər maykəl ʔaːːː \mb laper Michael ah \ge hungry Michael EXCL \gj hungry Michael EXCL \ft 'Michael, I am hungry, ugh.' \nt pretending that the tortoise is dying because of hunger. \ref 403 \id 509163161449121201 \begin 0:21:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx mo makan apa sih, kamu, Kura-kura? \mb mo makan apa sih kamu Kura-kura \ge want eat what SIH 2 tortoise \gj want eat what SIH 2 tortoise \ft what do you want to eat, Tortoise? \nt talking to the tortoise. \ref 404 \id 911175161449121201 \begin 0:21:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikan.' \pho ʔikaːːn \mb ikan \ge fish \gj fish \ft 'the fish.' \ref 405 \id 337823161449121201 \begin 0:21:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, dia mo ikan, Michael. \pho tuh diya mɔ ʔikan maykəl \mb tuh dia mo ikan Michael \ge that 3 want fish Michael \gj that 3 want fish Michael \ft see, he wants the fish Michael. \nt 'dia' is referring to the tortoise. \ref 406 \id 310393161449121201 \begin 0:21:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, minta ikan.' \pho maykəːl minta ikaːn \mb Michael minta ikan \ge Michael ask.for fish \gj Michael ask.for fish \ft 'Michael, I want the fish.' \nt still pretending to be the tortoise, which is dying because of hunger. \ref 407 \id 986454161450121201 \begin 0:21:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx ke mana? \pho kə manaʰ \mb ke mana \ge to which \gj to which \ft where is it? \nt looking for the toy fish. \ref 408 \id 150346161450121201 \begin 0:21:23 \sp CHIMIC \tx itu. \pho ʔituː \mb itu \ge that \gj that \ft that one. \nt pointing to the toy corn. \ref 409 \id 272320161450121201 \begin 0:21:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx mana? \pho manaː \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 410 \id 991997161450121201 \begin 0:21:25 \sp EXPLAN \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 411 \id 615433161451121201 \begin 0:21:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah.' \pho ʔaːːʰ \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'ugh.' \nt pretending to be the dying tortoise again. \ref 412 \id 505069161451121201 \begin 0:21:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini bukan, ini bukan? \pho ʔn̩i bukan ʔn̩i bukan \mb ini bukan ini bukan \ge this NEG this NEG \gj this NEG this NEG \ft is it this one, is it this one? \nt showing CHI the toy corn. \ref 413 \id 513999161451121201 \begin 0:21:28 \sp CHIMIC \tx bukan, mana? \pho bukan man \mb bukan mana \ge NEG which \gj NEG which \ft no, where is it? \nt still looking for the toy fish. \ref 414 \id 297875161451121201 \begin 0:21:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx apa sih, ini? \pho ʔapa si n̩i \mb apa sih ini \ge what SIH this \gj what SIH this \ft what's this one? \nt referring to the toy corn in her hand. \ref 415 \id 300073161452121201 \begin 0:21:31 \sp CHIMIC \tx di mana, ya? \pho di mana yaːh \mb di mana ya \ge LOC which yes \gj LOC which yes \ft where is it? \nt still referring to the toy fish. \ref 416 \id 339610161452121201 \begin 0:21:33 \sp EXPYAN \tx ke mana sih, ikannya? \pho kə mana si ikanɲa \mb ke mana sih ikan -nya \ge to which SIH fish -NYA \gj to which SIH fish-NYA \ft where is it, the fish? \ref 417 \id 638725161452121201 \begin 0:21:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, mana ikannya?' \pho ʰaːː mana ikanɲaːː \mb ah mana ikan -nya \ge EXCL which fish -NYA \gj EXCL which fish-NYA \ft 'ugh, where is the fish?' \nt pretending to be the dying tortoise again. \ref 418 \id 471376161452121201 \begin 0:21:38 \sp EXPYAN \tx tanya sama Tante Lanny. \pho taɲa ʰama tantə lani \mb tanya sama Tante Lanny \ge ask with aunt Lanny \gj ask with aunt Lanny \ft you ask Aunt Lanny. \nt telling CHI to ask EXPLAN about the toy fish. \ref 419 \id 335744161453121201 \begin 0:21:40 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'Tante Lanny lihat ikan, nggak?' \pho tantə lani liyat ikan ŋgaʔ \mb Tante Lanny lihat ikan nggak \ge aunt Lanny see fish NEG \gj aunt Lanny see fish NEG \ft 'Aunt Lanny do you see the fish?' \nt telling CHI to repeat the line. \ref 420 \id 469966161453121201 \begin 0:21:42 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'eh... eh... lihat ikan, nggak, Tante Yanti... Lanny?' \pho m̩ʔ mh liyaʔ ikan ŋgaʔ tantə yani lani \mb eh eh lihat ikan nggak Tante Yanti Lanny \ge FILL FILL see fish NEG aunt Yanti Lanny \gj FILL FILL see fish NEG aunt Yanti Lanny \ft 'hem... hem... do you see the fish, or not, Aunt Yanti... Lanny?' \ref 421 \id 926562161453121201 \begin 0:21:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak, Tante Lanny nggak lihat ikan. \mb nggak Tante Lanny nggak lihat ikan \ge NEG aunt Lanny NEG see fish \gj NEG aunt Lanny NEG see fish \ft no, I don't see the fish. \ref 422 \id 649716161453121201 \begin 0:21:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho mənaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 423 \id 703639161454121201 \begin 0:21:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx Tante Lanny lihat kura-kura kelaperan. \mb Tante Lanny lihat kura-kura ke an laper \ge aunt Lanny see tortoise KE AN hungry \gj aunt Lanny see tortoise KE.AN-hungry \ft I see a tortoise is starving. \ref 424 \id 678423161454121201 \begin 0:21:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 425 \id 773094161454121201 \begin 0:21:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, lapar.' \pho ʔaːː lapaːr \mb ah lapar \ge EXCL hungry \gj EXCL hungry \ft 'ugh, I am hungry.' \nt pretending to be the dying tortoise again. \ref 426 \id 710550161455121201 \begin 0:21:55 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho manah \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 427 \id 739754161455121201 \begin 0:21:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, lapar.' \pho maykəl lapaːːr \mb Michael lapar \ge Michael hungry \gj Michael hungry \ft 'Michael, I am hungry.' \nt 1. pretending to be the dying tortoise again. 2. 'lapar' is referring to what the tortoise is feeling. \ref 428 \id 170205161455121201 \begin 0:21:57 \sp EXPYAN \tx hayo, 'Ikan, di mana kau?' \pho hayɔh ʔikan di mana kaːːw \mb hayo Ikan di mana kau \ge HAYO fish LOC which 2 \gj HAYO fish LOC which 2 \ft come on, 'Fish, where are you?' \nt 1. telling CHI to repeat the question for the fish. 2. 'Ikan' is regarded as the proper noun. \ref 429 \id 142014161455121201 \begin 0:21:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'xxx.' \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt 1.speaking together with CHI. 2. still pretending to be the dying tortoise. \ref 430 \id 634912161456121201 \begin 0:21:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'Ikan, di mana kau?' \pho ʔikan di mana kaːw \mb Ikan di mana kau \ge fish LOC which 2 \gj fish LOC which 2 \ft 'Fish, where are you?' \nt calling the fish--repeating EXPYAN's sentence. \ref 431 \id 283921161456121201 \begin 0:22:00 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, ada, nggak? \pho tuh ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb tuh ada nggak \ge that exist NEG \gj that exist NEG \ft listen, is he there, or not? \nt putting her index finger on her lips--telling CHI to be quiet, so that they can hear the reply from the fish. \ref 432 \id 679793161456121201 \begin 0:22:02 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt hissing to tell CHI to be quiet. \ref 433 \id 408015161457121201 \begin 0:22:04 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak denger. \pho ŋgaʔ dəŋər \mb nggak denger \ge NEG hear \gj NEG hear \ft I don't hear anything. \nt referring to the reply from the fish. \ref 434 \id 121507161457121201 \begin 0:22:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx nggak denger. \pho ŋgaʔ dəŋər \mb nggak denger \ge NEG hear \gj NEG hear \ft I don't hear anything. \nt referring to the reply from the fish. \ref 435 \id 675157161457121201 \begin 0:22:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx coba tanya lagi, tanya lagi. \pho cɔba taɲa lagi taɲa lagi \mb coba tanya lagi tanya lagi \ge try ask more ask more \gj try ask more ask more \ft try to ask again. \nt telling CHI to repeat the question for the fish. \ref 436 \id 786007161457121201 \begin 0:22:08 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana kamu? \pho maːna kamu \mb mana kamu \ge which 2 \gj which 2 \ft where are you? \nt 'kamu' is referring to the fish. \ref 437 \id 843137161458121201 \begin 0:22:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx di sini? \pho di siniʰ \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft here? \nt pointing to an unclear direction. \ref 438 \id 721484161458121201 \begin 0:22:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋga ada \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft no. \nt referring to the fish. \ref 439 \id 905962161458121201 \begin 0:22:12 \sp EXPYAN \tx coba cari lagi. \pho cɔba cari lagi \mb coba cari lagi \ge try look.for more \gj try look.for more \ft try to look for it again. \nt referring to the fish. \ref 440 \id 927619161459121201 \begin 0:22:14 \sp EXPYAN \tx cari, di mana, ya, ikannya, ya? \pho cari di mana ya ikanɲa yaːh \mb cari di mana ya ikan -nya ya \ge look.for LOC which yes fish -NYA yes \gj look.for LOC which yes fish-NYA yes \ft where should we look for it, the fish? \ref 441 \id 422152161459121201 \begin 0:22:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, lapar.' \pho maykəːl lapaːːr \mb Michael lapar \ge Michael hungry \gj Michael hungry \ft 'Michael, I am hungry.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise again. \ref 442 \id 127082161459121201 \begin 0:22:17 \sp EXPYAN \tx Tante nggak lihat dari tadi. \pho tantə ŋga liya dari tadi \mb Tante nggak lihat dari tadi \ge aunt NEG see from earlier \gj aunt NEG see from earlier \ft I haven't seen it until now. \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 443 \id 770518161459121201 \begin 0:22:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikan.' \pho ʔikaːːn \mb ikan \ge fish \gj fish \ft 'fish.' \nt pretending to be the hungry tortoise longing for the fish. \ref 444 \id 622131161500121201 \begin 0:22:20 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo, Michael, cari ikan, ayo. \pho ʔayɔh maykəl cari ikan ayɔːː \mb ayo Michael cari ikan ayo \ge AYO Michael look.for fish AYO \gj AYO Michael look.for fish AYO \ft come on Michael, get the fish, come on. \ref 445 \id 577062161500121201 \begin 0:22:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx tanya, 'Ikan, Ikan,' panggil. \pho taɲa ikan ikaːn paŋgil \mb tanya Ikan Ikan panggil \ge ask fish fish call \gj ask fish fish call \ft say, 'Fish, Fish,' call it. \nt telling CHI to call the fish. \ref 446 \id 906019161500121201 \begin 0:22:24 \sp CHIMIC \tx Ikan, Ikan, di man(a)... mana Ikan, kamu? \pho ʔikan ikaːn di man mana ikan kamu \mb Ikan Ikan di mana mana Ikan kamu \ge fish fish LOC which which fish 2 \gj fish fish LOC which which fish 2 \ft Fish, Fish, where... where are you, Fish? \nt 'kamu' is referring to the fish. \ref 447 \id 985306161500121201 \begin 0:22:28 \sp CHIMIC \tx Ikan, mana kau, di mana kau? \pho ʔikan mana kaɔ di mana kaːw \mb Ikan mana kau di mana kau \ge fish which 2 LOC which 2 \gj fish which 2 LOC which 2 \ft Fish, where are you, where are you? \nt 'kau' is referring to the fish. \ref 448 \id 667212161501121201 \begin 0:22:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx (a)duh, ke mana sih, ikannya? \pho duh kə mana sih ikanɲa \mb aduh ke mana sih ikan -nya \ge EXCL to which SIH fish -NYA \gj EXCL to which SIH fish-NYA \ft ugh, where is it, the fish? \ref 449 \id 456861161501121201 \begin 0:22:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak tahu. \pho ŋga tau \mb nggak tahu \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 450 \id 273617161501121201 \begin 0:22:35 \sp EXPLAN \tx duh, ke mana, ya? \pho duh kə mana yaːː \mb duh ke mana ya \ge EXCL to which yes \gj EXCL to which yes \ft ugh, where is it? \nt referring to the fish. \ref 451 \id 290842161502121201 \begin 0:22:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx ke mana, ya, ikannya, ya? \pho kə mana ya ikanɲa yaː \mb ke mana ya ikan -nya ya \ge to which yes fish -NYA yes \gj to which yes fish-NYA yes \ft where is the fish? \ref 452 \id 890128161502121201 \begin 0:22:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx coba, di dalam ini, nggak, box ini? \pho cɔba di dalam ini ŋgaʔ bɔks iniʰ \mb coba di dalam ini nggak box ini \ge try LOC inside this NEG box this \gj try LOC inside this NEG box this \ft let's see, is it in here, in this box? \nt pointing to a pail near CHI, where all CHI's toys are being kept. \ref 453 \id 300459161502121201 \begin 0:22:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx coba, di cari sama Michael. \pho cɔbaʔ di cari sama maykəl \mb coba di cari sama Michael \ge try LOC look.for with Michael \gj try LOC look.for with Michael \ft Michael, try to find it. \nt moving the pail closer to CHI so that CHI can look for the fish inside the pail. \ref 454 \id 520456161502121201 \begin 0:22:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx nggak ada... nggak ada. \pho ŋgaʔ aːda ŋgaʔ aːda \mb nggak ada nggak ada \ge NEG exist NEG exist \gj NEG exist NEG exist \ft no... no. \nt 1. looking into the pail for a while. 2. referring to the fish. \ref 455 \id 826716161503121201 \begin 0:22:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, laper.' \pho maykəl lapəːːr \mb Michael laper \ge Michael hungry \gj Michael hungry \ft 'Michael, I'm hungry.' \nt pretending to be the starving tortoise again. \ref 456 \id 142051161503121201 \begin 0:22:47 \sp EXPYAN \tx ayo, panggil ikan, cepet. \pho ʔayɔ paŋgil ikan cəpət \mb ayo panggil ikan cepet \ge AYO call fish quick \gj AYO call fish quick \ft come on, call the fish, hurry up. \nt talking to CHI. \ref 457 \id 357282161503121201 \begin 0:22:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, kasihan kura-kuranya. \mb tuh kasih -an kura-kura -nya \ge that compassion -AN tortoise -NYA \gj that compassion-AN tortoise-NYA \ft there, poor the tortoise. \ref 458 \id 658217161503121201 \begin 0:22:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lapar.' \pho lapaːːr \mb lapar \ge hungry \gj hungry \ft 'hungry.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 459 \id 477346161504121201 \begin 0:22:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho maːnaː \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 460 \id 775535161504121201 \begin 0:22:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋga aːdaʰ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft it's not around. \nt referring to the toy fish. \ref 461 \id 344314161504121201 \begin 0:22:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh, ada yang berenang, ada yang berenang. \pho tuː ada yaŋ bərənaŋ ada yaŋ bərənaŋ \mb tuh ada yang be- renang ada yang be- renang \ge that exist REL BER- swim exist REL BER- swim \gj that exist REL BER-swim exist REL BER-swim \ft there, something is swimming, something is swimming. \nt pointing to the toy fish, which has just been brought out by EXPYAN--apparently, EXPYAN and EXPLAN were hiding it from CHI. \ref 462 \id 491364161504121201 \begin 0:22:56 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'aku datang.' \pho ʔaku dataːːŋ \mb aku datang \ge 1SG come \gj 1SG come \ft 'I am coming.' \nt pretending to be the toy fish. \ref 463 \id 577387161505121201 \begin 0:22:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, ikannya datang. \pho tu ikanɲa datəŋ \mb tuh ikan -nya datang \ge that fish -NYA come \gj that fish-NYA come \ft there, the fish is coming. \nt referring to the toy fish, which is being held by EXPLAN. \ref 464 \id 958924161505121201 \begin 0:22:59 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ha, ikan, ikan.' \pho haː ʔikaːːn ʔikaːn \mb ha ikan ikan \ge uh-huh fish fish \gj uh-huh fish fish \ft 'hey, the fish, the fish.' \nt pretending to be the turtle who is very happy to see the fish. \ref 465 \id 966128161505121201 \begin 0:23:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx plung. \pho puːŋ \mb plung \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft splash. \nt taking the fish and putting it into the pot straightly. \ref 466 \id 541372161505121201 \begin 0:23:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hore.' \pho hɔrɛːː \mb hore \ge hurray \gj hurray \ft 'hurray.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise--expressing happiness because the fish appears. \ref 467 \id 456526161506121201 \begin 0:23:05 \sp EXPYAN \tx hayo, masak, cepet, Michael. \pho hayɔ masak cəpət maykəl \mb hayo masak cepet Michael \ge HAYO cook quick Michael \gj HAYO cook quick Michael \ft come on, Michael, hurry up, cook it. \ref 468 \id 954775161506121201 \begin 0:23:08 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana, tutupannya? \pho manaʰ tutupaːnɲaː \mb mana tutup -an -nya \ge which shut -AN -NYA \gj which shut-AN-NYA \ft where is it, the lid? \nt looking for the lid of the pot. \ref 469 \id 519528161506121201 \begin 0:23:10 \sp EXPYAN \tx ini, tutupannya. \pho ʔinni tutupanɲaː \mb ini tutup -an -nya \ge this shut -AN -NYA \gj this shut-AN-NYA \ft here is the lid. \nt giving the lid of the pot to CHI. \ref 470 \id 520806161506121201 \begin 0:23:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx (ma)sak. \pho sak \mb masak \ge cook \gj cook \ft I am cooking. \nt putting the lid on the pot. \ref 471 \id 408966161507121201 \begin 0:23:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hah, udah menanti.' \pho hah ʰudah mənanti \mb hah udah me- nanti \ge EXCL PFCT MEN- later \gj EXCL PFCT MEN-later \ft 'ugh, I have been waiting for it.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise, waiting for the dish to be cooked. \ref 472 \id 801777161507121201 \begin 0:23:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'sudah lapar.' \pho suda lapaːr \mb sudah lapar \ge PFCT hungry \gj PFCT hungry \ft 'I am hungry.' \nt still pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 473 \id 381570161507121201 \begin 0:23:16 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing to imitate the sound of turning on the fire of the stove. \ref 474 \id 262011161507121201 \begin 0:23:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt speaking together with CHI. \ref 475 \id 523275161508121201 \begin 0:23:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx mo masak. \pho mɔ masak \mb mo masak \ge want cook \gj want cook \ft I am going to cook. \ref 476 \id 498641161508121201 \begin 0:23:20 \sp CHIMIC \tx pake gini aj(a)... \pho pakɛ gini at \mb pake gini aja \ge use like.this just \gj use like.this just \ft I'll use this... \nt taking the frying spatula to stir the content in the pot. \ref 477 \id 476775161508121201 \begin 0:23:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx tuh kan... \pho tuh kan \mb tuh kan \ge that KAN \gj that KAN \ft see... \nt taking the fish out of the pot. \ref 478 \id 167829161508121201 \begin 0:23:23 \sp EXPYAN \tx tuh, taro piring. \pho tuh tarɔ piriŋ \mb tuh taro piring \ge that put plate \gj that put plate \ft there, put it on the plate. \nt taking the toy plate and giving it to CHI. \ref 479 \id 708517161509121201 \begin 0:23:25 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho n̩iː \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt putting the toy fish on the toy plate. \ref 480 \id 757479161509121201 \begin 0:23:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, asyik.' \pho ʰaː ʔasyiːk \mb ah asyik \ge EXCL fun \gj EXCL fun \ft 'yeah, cool.' \nt pretending to be the turtle--expressing happiness because the fish is ready. \ref 481 \id 173157161509121201 \begin 0:23:27 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam... hmm.' \pho ɲam ɲam ɲəm ɲəm hmːː \mb nyam nyam nyam nyam hmm \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT EXCL \ft 'yum, yum, yum, yum... hem.' \nt pretending that the turtle is eating. \ref 482 \id 262354161509121201 \begin 0:23:29 \sp EXPYAN \tx Kura-kura, udah kenyang, belum? \mb Kura-kura udah kenyang belum \ge tortoise PFCT sated not.yet \gj tortoise PFCT sated not.yet \ft Tortoise, are you sated? \nt asking the tortoise. \ref 483 \id 892486161509121201 \begin 0:23:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx kura-kuranya sudah kenyang. \mb kura-kura -nya sudah kenyang \ge tortoise -NYA PFCT sated \gj tortoise-NYA PFCT sated \ft the tortoise is sated. \nt describing the condition of the tortoise. \ref 484 \id 331786161510121201 \begin 0:23:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hore.' \pho hɔrɛːː \mb hore \ge hurray \gj hurray \ft 'hurray.' \nt pretending to be the turtle--expressing happiness because it has eaten. \ref 485 \id 542273161510121201 \begin 0:23:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh, piringnya kosong. \pho tu piriŋɲa kɔsɔŋ \mb tuh piring -nya kosong \ge that plate -NYA empty \gj that plate-NYA empty \ft there, the plate is empty. \nt getting rid of the toy fish from the toy plate, and giving the toy plate back to CHI. \ref 486 \id 296036161510121201 \begin 0:23:34 \sp EXPYAN \tx mo ikan yang lebih besar, nggak? \pho mɔ ʔikan yaŋ ləbih bəsar ŋgaː \mb mo ikan yang lebih besar nggak \ge want fish REL more big NEG \gj want fish REL more big NEG \ft do you want a bigger fish? \nt asking the tortoise. \ref 487 \id 890682161511121201 \begin 0:23:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'besar, nggak?' \pho bəsa ŋgaː \mb besar nggak \ge big NEG \gj big NEG \ft 'big, or not?' \nt asking the tortoise with EXPYAN's question. \ref 488 \id 609265161511121201 \begin 0:23:37 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm? \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 489 \id 330817161511121201 \begin 0:23:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx udah besar, nggak? \pho ʔuda bəsar ŋgaʔ \mb udah besar nggak \ge PFCT big NEG \gj PFCT big NEG \ft have you been big, or not? \nt 1. asking the tortoise again with the question that he is imitating from EXPYAN. 2. apparently, CHI doesn't realize that 'besar' is related to the fish of a bigger size. \ref 490 \id 459939161511121201 \begin 0:23:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'boleh.' \pho bɔlɛːh \mb boleh \ge may \gj may \ft 'okay.' \nt referring to being given a bigger fish. \ref 491 \id 709767161512121201 \begin 0:23:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx udah. \pho udah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft you have. \nt referring to his previous question; because CHI was asking the tortoise with the question word 'udah'. \ref 492 \id 173906161512121201 \begin 0:23:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx mo ikan yang lebih besar, nggak? \pho mɔ ikan yaŋ ləbi bəsar ŋga \mb mo ikan yang lebih besar nggak \ge want fish REL more big NEG \gj want fish REL more big NEG \ft do you want a bigger fish, or not? \nt correcting CHI about how he should ask the question to the tortoise. \ref 493 \id 252096161512121201 \begin 0:23:42 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'mo i(kan)... lebih besar, nggak?' \pho mɔ ʔi ləbi bəsal ŋgaʔ \mb mo ikan lebih besar nggak \ge want fish more big NEG \gj want fish more big NEG \ft 'do you want the fish... a bigger one, or not?' \nt repeating EXPYAN's question and talking to the tortoise. \ref 494 \id 382472161512121201 \begin 0:23:44 \sp EXPLAN \tx mau. \pho maːuːː \mb mau \ge want \gj want \ft yes. \ref 495 \id 127955161513121201 \begin 0:23:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho maːnaʰ \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \nt referring to the bigger toy fish. \ref 496 \id 154369161513121201 \begin 0:23:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mmm... cari, cari, cari.' \pho mːː cari cari cari \mb mmm cari cari cari \ge FILL look.for look.for look.for \gj FILL look.for look.for look.for \ft 'hem... find it, find it, find it.' \nt pretending to be the tortoise, telling CHI to look for the bigger toy fish. \ref 497 \id 396475161513121201 \begin 0:23:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx nih, kamu mau ayam, nggak? \pho ni kamu maw ʔayam ŋgaʔ \mb nih kamu mau ayam nggak \ge this 2 want chicken NEG \gj this 2 want chicken NEG \ft here, do you want chicken, or not? \nt 1. talking to the tortoise. 2. giving a toy chicken to the tortoise. \ref 498 \id 569336161514121201 \begin 0:23:51 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak suka ayam.' \pho ŋga suka ʔayam \mb nggak suka ayam \ge NEG like chicken \gj NEG like chicken \ft 'I don't like chicken.' \nt 1. shaking the tortoise; pretending to be the tortoise. 2. 'suka' is referring to preference in eating. \ref 499 \id 646699161514121201 \begin 0:23:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx kura-kura tidak suka ayam. \mb kura-kura tidak suka ayam \ge tortoise NEG like chicken \gj tortoise NEG like chicken \ft a tortoise doesn't like chicken. \nt explaining CHI the characteristic of a tortoise. \ref 500 \id 394951161514121201 \begin 0:23:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa yang suka ayam? \pho siyapa yang suka ʔayaːm \mb siapa yang suka ayam \ge who REL like chicken \gj who REL like chicken \ft who likes chicken? \nt 'suka' is still referring to preference in eating. \ref 501 \id 152416161514121201 \begin 0:23:57 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'ayam.' \pho ʔayaːm \mb ayam \ge chicken \gj chicken \ft 'the chicken.' \nt possibly, just repeating EXPLAN's question. \ref 502 \id 864596161515121201 \begin 0:23:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 503 \id 481021161515121201 \begin 0:24:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx siapa yang suka ayam? \pho siyapa yang suka ʔayaːm \mb siapa yang suka ayam \ge who REL like chicken \gj who REL like chicken \ft who likes chicken? \ref 504 \id 433995161515121201 \begin 0:24:02 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michael. \pho mɛykəːːl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft I do. \ref 505 \id 264348161516121201 \begin 0:24:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kok, suka ayam, sih, Michael?' \pho kɔʔ suka ʔayam si maykəl \mb kok suka ayam sih Michael \ge KOK like chicken SIH Michael \gj KOK like chicken SIH Michael \ft 'why do you like chicken, Michael?' \nt pretending to be the tortoise talking to CHI. \ref 506 \id 203600161516121201 \begin 0:24:06 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya, sukanya ayam jantan sama ayam... ayam... kukuruyuk. \pho ʔiːyaʰ sukaʔɲa ayam jantan sama ayam ʔəyam kukukuruyuk \mb iya suka -nya ayam jantan sama ayam ayam kukuruyuk \ge yes like -NYA chicken male with chicken chicken cock-a-doodle-doo \gj yes like-NYA chicken male with chicken chicken cock-a-doodle-doo \ft yeah, I like the rooster and the... the... cock-a-doodle-doo chicken. \nt **'kukuruyuk' should be omitted because it is the sound of the rooster--in other words, CHI likes only the cock. \ref 507 \id 708504161516121201 \begin 0:24:11 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'ayam jantan sama ayam?' \pho ʔayam jantan sama ayam \mb ayam jantan sama ayam \ge chicken male with chicken \gj chicken male with chicken \ft 'the rooster and what?' \ref 508 \id 554120161516121201 \begin 0:24:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kukuruyuk?' \pho kukuruyuk \mb kukuruyuk \ge cock-a-doodle-doo \gj cock-a-doodle-doo \ft 'the cock-a-doodle-doo?' \ref 509 \id 508423161516121201 \begin 0:24:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya. \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 510 \id 189223161517121201 \begin 0:24:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kukuruyuk itu bunyi apa sih?' \pho kukuruyuk ʔitu buɲi appa sih \mb kukuruyuk itu bunyi apa sih \ge cock-a-doodle-doo that sound what SIH \gj cock-a-doodle-doo that sound what SIH \ft 'what sound is it, the cock-a-doodle-doo?' \ref 511 \id 273324161517121201 \begin 0:24:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx kukuruyuk. \pho kokoruyuːk \mb kukuruyuk \ge cock-a-doodle-doo \gj cock-a-doodle-doo \ft cock-a-doodle-doo. \ref 512 \id 761165161517121201 \begin 0:24:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikannya mana lagi?' \pho ʔikanɲa mana lagiː \mb ikan -nya mana lagi \ge fish -NYA which more \gj fish-NYA which more \ft 'where is the other fish?' \nt 1. changing the topic. 2. still pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 513 \id 928671161517121201 \begin 0:24:27 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... \pho mːː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft hem... \ref 514 \id 993432161518121201 \begin 0:24:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'katanya Michael mo bikinin.' \pho kataɲa maykəl mɔ bikiniːn \mb kata -nya Michael mo bikin -in \ge word -NYA Michael want make -IN \gj word-NYA Michael want make-IN \ft 'you said you would make it.' \nt referring to cooking the bigger toy fish. \ref 515 \id 437765161518121201 \begin 0:24:31 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho maːna \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the bigger toy fish. \ref 516 \id 639385161518121201 \begin 0:24:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yang lebih gede.' \pho yaŋ ləbih gədɛː \mb yang lebih gede \ge REL more big \gj REL more big \ft 'the bigger one.' \nt referring to the size of the other toy fish. \ref 517 \id 764078161518121201 \begin 0:24:31 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho maːnaː \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the bigger toy fish. \ref 518 \id 380308161519121201 \begin 0:24:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm?' \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \ref 519 \id 646697161519121201 \begin 0:24:35 \sp CHIMIC \tx mana? \pho maːna \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the bigger toy fish. \ref 520 \id 353449161519121201 \begin 0:24:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx yang ini? \pho yaŋ iniʰ \mb yang ini \ge REL this \gj REL this \ft this one? \nt taking the toy chicken. \ref 521 \id 133833161519121201 \begin 0:24:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikan.' \pho ʔikkaːn \mb ikan \ge fish \gj fish \ft 'the fish.' \nt emphasizing that the tortoise wants the fish. \ref 522 \id 840693161520121201 \begin 0:24:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx di mana? \pho di maːna \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where is it? \nt referring to the bigger toy fish. \ref 523 \id 151102161520121201 \begin 0:24:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx cari, dong. \pho caːri dɔŋ \mb cari dong \ge look.for DONG \gj look.for DONG \ft come on, find it. \nt referring to the bigger toy fish. \ref 524 \id 375888161520121201 \begin 0:24:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx eee... aku... \pho ʔə̃ːː aku \mb eee aku \ge FILL 1SG \gj FILL 1SG \ft hem... I... \ref 525 \id 167575161521121201 \begin 0:24:44 \sp CHIMIC \tx Ikan, di mana kau? \pho ʔikan di mana kaːw \mb Ikan di mana kau \ge fish LOC which 2 \gj fish LOC which 2 \ft where are you, Fish? \nt calling the bigger toy fish. \ref 526 \id 935408161521121201 \begin 0:24:46 \sp EXPLAN \tx '(a)ku (a)kan bantu.' \pho ku kan bantu \mb aku akan bantu \ge 1SG will help \gj 1SG will help \ft 'I'll help you.' \nt pretending that the tortoise is also looking for the toy big fish. \ref 527 \id 824684161521121201 \begin 0:24:48 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Ikan, di mana kau?' \pho ʔikaːn di mana kaːw \mb Ikan di mana kau \ge fish LOC which 2 \gj fish LOC which 2 \ft 'Fish, where are you?' \nt pretending that the tortoise is calling the toy big fish. \ref 528 \id 181139161521121201 \begin 0:24:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku yang mancing. \pho ʔaku yaŋ manciːŋ \mb aku yang m- pancing \ge 1SG REL N- fishing.rod \gj 1SG REL N-fishing.rod \ft I am fishing. \nt standing up and walking to the table, for an uncertain reason. \ref 529 \id 318935161522121201 \begin 0:24:53 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, cari ikan.' \pho ʔaːːh cari ʔikaːŋ \mb ah cari ikan \ge EXCL look.for fish \gj EXCL look.for fish \ft 'yeah, get the fish.' \nt still pretending that the tortoise is also looking for the toy big fish. \ref 530 \id 554406161522121201 \begin 0:24:55 \sp CHIMIC \tx cari... \pho ʰari \mb cari \ge look.for \gj look.for \ft I am looking for... \ref 531 \id 812185161522121201 \begin 0:24:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, ada yang berenang, Michael.' \pho maːikəl ʔada yaŋ bərənaŋ maykəl \mb Michael ada yang be- renang Michael \ge Michael exist REL BER- swim Michael \gj Michael exist REL BER-swim Michael \ft 'Michael, something is swimming.' \nt 1. pointing to the direction of the sofa. 2. referring to the toy big fish, which is on the sofa. \ref 532 \id 718128161522121201 \begin 0:25:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, ada lagi potongannya. \pho n̩i ada lagi pɔtɔŋanɲaʰ \mb ini ada lagi potong -an -nya \ge this exist more cut -AN -NYA \gj this exist more cut-AN-NYA \ft there is more knife here. \nt 1. taking a toy knife. 2. apparently, CHI is calling the knife 'potongannya'. 3 **'potongannya' (deictic) should be 'pisau'. \ref 533 \id 299684161523121201 \begin 0:25:01 \sp CHIMIC \tx hmm. \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft here. \nt showing the knife to EXPLAN. \ref 534 \id 997074161523121201 \begin 0:25:03 \sp EXPLAN \tx buat motong ikan besar, ya? \pho buwat mɔtɔŋ ʔikan bəsar yah \mb buat m- potong ikan besar ya \ge for N- cut fish big yes \gj for N-cut fish big yes \ft this is for cutting the big fish, right? \nt referring to the toy knife in CHI's hand. \ref 535 \id 443580161523121201 \begin 0:25:05 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, (un)tuk kamu, nih. \pho ʔn̩i tuk kamu niːh \mb ini untuk kamu nih \ge this for 2 this \gj this for 2 this \ft this one is for you, here. \nt 1. talking to the tortoise, so that CHI is addressing EXPLAN with 'kamu'. 2. taking one of the toy knife. \ref 536 \id 268432161524121201 \begin 0:25:06 \sp CHIMIC \tx (a)da dua. \pho da duwa \mb ada dua \ge exist two \gj exist two \ft there are two. \nt referring to the toy knives. \ref 537 \id 442137161524121201 \begin 0:25:07 \sp EXPLAN \tx jadi ada dua. \pho jədi ada duwa \mb jadi ada dua \ge become exist two \gj become exist two \ft so, there are two. \ref 538 \id 303795161524121201 \begin 0:25:09 \sp EXPLAN \tx tapi ikannya mana? \pho tapi ikanɲa mana \mb tapi ikan -nya mana \ge but fish -NYA which \gj but fish-NYA which \ft but where is the fish? \ref 539 \id 795680161524121201 \begin 0:25:11 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk kamu. \pho n̩i untuk kaːmi \mb ini untuk kamu \ge this for 2 \gj this for 2 \ft this one is for you. \nt 1. 'ini' is referring to the knives in CHI's hand. 2. pronouncing 'kamu' with 'kami'. \ref 540 \id 508824161524121201 \begin 0:25:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx man(a)... \pho man \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where... \nt referring to the toy big fish. \ref 541 \id 615493161525121201 \begin 0:25:15 \sp CHIMIC \tx untuk... ini untuk eh... eh... untuk Kura-kura. \mb untuk ini untuk eh eh untuk Kura-kura \ge for this for FILL FILL for tortoise \gj for this for FILL FILL for tortoise \ft for... this one is for hem... hem... for Tortoise. \nt handing one of the toy knife to the tortoise. \ref 542 \id 615352161525121201 \begin 0:25:17 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'saya, buat saya?' \pho saya buwat sayaʰ \mb saya buat saya \ge 1SG for 1SG \gj 1SG for 1SG \ft 'for me, it's for me?' \nt 1. pretending that the tortoise is afraid. 2. assuming that CHI is going to use the toy knife to cut the tortoise. \ref 543 \id 932457161525121201 \begin 0:25:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 544 \id 722101161526121201 \begin 0:25:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kamu mo potong saya?' \pho kamu mɔ pɔtɔŋ sayaʰ \mb kamu mo potong saya \ge 2 want cut 1SG \gj 2 want cut 1SG \ft 'are you going to cut me?' \ref 545 \id 469652161526121201 \begin 0:25:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx nggak, aku... aku yang... \mb nggak aku aku yang \ge NEG 1SG 1SG REL \gj NEG 1SG 1SG REL \ft no, I am... I am the... \nt handing the sharp end of the toy knife to the tortoise. \ref 546 \id 163986161526121201 \begin 0:25:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx ah, Michael mo bunuh Kura-kura. \mb ah Michael mo bunuh Kura-kura \ge EXCL Michael want kill tortoise \gj EXCL Michael want kill tortoise \ft ugh, Michael is going to kill Tortoise. \nt 1. making as if the tortoise is trembling. 2. describing the situation, instead of pretending to be the tortoise. \ref 547 \id 923210161526121201 \begin 0:25:27 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku yang... \pho ʔaku yaŋ \mb aku yang \ge 1SG REL \gj 1SG REL \ft I am the... \nt handing the sharp end of the toy knife to the tortoise again. \ref 548 \id 119750161527121201 \begin 0:25:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah!' \pho ʔaːːːh \mb ah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'ugh!' \nt 1. pretending to be the turtle. 2. expressing fear. \ref 549 \id 845450161527121201 \begin 0:25:29 \sp CHIMIC \tx aku eh... ini... eh... eh... \pho ʔaku ĩːh ʔinih mh ʔə̃h \mb aku eh ini eh eh \ge 1SG FILL this FILL FILL \gj 1SG FILL this FILL FILL \ft I am hem... this one... hem... hem... \nt putting down the knife on the ground that pointing to it. \ref 550 \id 905105161527121201 \begin 0:25:31 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah, jangan dipotong.' \pho ʔaːː jaŋan dipɔtɔŋ \mb ah jangan di- potong \ge EXCL don't DI- cut \gj EXCL don't DI-cut \ft 'ouch, please, don't cut me.' \nt still pretending that the tortoise is afraid because it assumes that CHI is going to cut it. \ref 551 \id 928420161527121201 \begin 0:25:33 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini kan pegangannya aja. \pho ʔini kan pegaŋanɲa aːjaː \mb ini kan pegang -an -nya aja \ge this KAN hold -AN -NYA just \gj this KAN hold-AN-NYA just \ft you are just holding this. \nt 1. pointing to the toy knife on the ground. 2. 'pegangannya' is possibly referring to something to be held. 3.**'pegangannya' (deictic) should be 'buat dipegang'. \ref 552 \id 382394161528121201 \begin 0:25:36 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'iya, tapi jangan dipotong, saya.' \pho ʔiːya tapi jaŋan dipɔtɔŋ sayaʰ \mb iya tapi jangan di- potong saya \ge yes but don't DI- cut 1SG \gj yes but don't DI-cut 1SG \ft 'yeah, but please, don't cut me.' \nt still pretending to be the terrified tortoise. \ref 553 \id 604860161528121201 \begin 0:25:37 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho n̩ːiːː \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt handing the toy knife to the tortoise again. \ref 554 \id 102057161528121201 \begin 0:25:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ah... ah...' \pho ʰəːːː ʔaːːː \mb ah ah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft 'ouch... ouch...' \nt expressing fear. \ref 555 \id 483126161529121201 \begin 0:25:40 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt giving the toy knife. \ref 556 \id 712633161529121201 \begin 0:25:41 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oh, buat gini.' \pho ʔɔːː buwat giːniːː \mb oh buat gini \ge EXCL for like.this \gj EXCL for like.this \ft 'oh, it's for this.' \nt 1. pretending that the tortoise is taking the toy knife. 2. **'gini' possibly should be 'dipegang'. \ref 557 \id 648611161529121201 \begin 0:25:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt speaking together with EXPLAN. \ref 558 \id 130747161529121201 \begin 0:25:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ini buat potong siapa?' \pho ʔiniʰ buwat pɔtɔŋ siyapaʰ \mb ini buat potong siapa \ge this for cut who \gj this for cut who \ft 'this is for cutting what?' \nt referring to the toy knife in the tortoise's hands. \ref 559 \id 277777161530121201 \begin 0:25:46 \sp CHIMIC \tx untuk motong ikan. \pho ʔn̩tuʔ mɔtɔŋ ʔikaːn \mb untuk m- potong ikan \ge for N- cut fish \gj for N-cut fish \ft it's for cutting the fish. \ref 560 \id 911021161530121201 \begin 0:25:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael, ya?' \pho maykəl yah \mb Michael ya \ge Michael yes \gj Michael yes \ft 'for Michael, right?' \nt referring to the object to be cut by the toy knife. \ref 561 \id 447836161530121201 \begin 0:25:49 \sp CHIMIC \tx untuk Michael. \pho ʔuntuʔ mɛʰkəːl \mb untuk Michael \ge for Michael \gj for Michael \ft for Michael. \nt possibly, unintentionally repeating EXPLAN. \ref 562 \id 691778161530121201 \begin 0:25:50 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'buat motong Michael, ya?' \pho buwat mɔtɔŋ maykəl yaʰ \mb buat m- potong Michael ya \ge for N- cut Michael yes \gj for N-cut Michael yes \ft 'it's for cutting Michael, right?' \nt referring to the function of the toy knife in the tortoise's hand. \ref 563 \id 237136161531121201 \begin 0:25:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx untuk motong... motong ikan. \pho ʔuntuk mɔtɔŋ mɔtɔŋ ʔikan \mb untuk m- potong m- potong ikan \ge for N- cut N- cut fish \gj for N-cut N-cut fish \ft it's for cutting... for cutting the fish. \ref 564 \id 949402161531121201 \begin 0:25:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'ikannya mana?' \pho ʔikanɲa manna \mb ikan -nya mana \ge fish -NYA which \gj fish-NYA which \ft 'where is the fish?' \nt referring to the toy big fish. \ref 565 \id 230953161531121201 \begin 0:25:56 \sp CHIMIC \tx ikannya nggak ada. \pho ʔikanɲa ŋgaʔ aːda \mb ikan -nya nggak ada \ge fish -NYA NEG exist \gj fish-NYA NEG exist \ft the fish is not around. \ref 566 \id 531402161531121201 \begin 0:25:58 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kalo ikannya nggak ada motong siapa, dong?' \pho kalɔ ikan4ɲa ŋga ada mɔtɔŋ siyapa dɔŋ \mb kalo ikan -nya nggak ada m- potong siapa dong \ge TOP fish -NYA NEG exist N- cut who DONG \gj TOP fish-NYA NEG exist N-cut who DONG \ft 'if the fish is not around, then what are we going to cut?' \ref 567 \id 298250161532121201 \begin 0:26:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx motong mmm... \pho mɔtɔŋ ʔmh \mb m- potong mmm \ge N- cut FILL \gj N-cut FILL \ft we are cutting hem... \ref 568 \id 293338161532121201 \begin 0:26:01 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'Michael.' \pho maːikəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft 'Michael.' \ref 569 \id 543049161532121201 \begin 0:26:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx e. \pho ʔəːːː \mb e \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft e. \nt pretending to cut CHI's arm with the toy knife. \ref 570 \id 736597161533121201 \begin 0:26:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh, ikan tuh, ada yang berenang, tuh. \pho tuːː ʔikan tuh ʔada yaŋ bərənaŋ tuh \mb tuh ikan tuh ada yang be- renang tuh \ge that fish that exist REL BER- swim that \gj that fish that exist REL BER-swim that \ft there, that's the fish, it's swimming, there. \nt pointing to the sofa, where the toy big fish is. \ref 571 \id 212418161533121201 \begin 0:26:06 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini. \pho ʔiniʰ \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one. \nt taking the yellow toy big fish. \ref 572 \id 412127161533121201 \begin 0:26:08 \sp CHIMIC \tx puip. \pho pwiːːːp \mb puip \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft puip. \nt moving the yellow toy big fish from the sofa into the pot. \ref 573 \id 828867161533121201 \begin 0:26:09 \sp EXPLAN \tx wih. \pho wiːːː \mb wih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wih. \nt expressing excitement while seeing CHI moving the toy fish vigorously. \ref 574 \id 291725161534121201 \begin 0:26:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'potong dulu, potong dulu.' \pho pɔtɔŋ dulu pɔtɔŋ dulu \mb potong dulu potong dulu \ge cut before cut before \gj cut before cut before \ft 'cut it first, cut it first.' \nt referring to the yellow toy big fish. \ref 575 \id 428744161534121201 \begin 0:26:12 \sp CHIMIC \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt speaking together with EXPLAN. \ref 576 \id 208255161534121201 \begin 0:26:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'duaan, potongnya.' \pho duwaʔan pɔtɔŋɲaʰ \mb dua -an potong -nya \ge two -AN cut -NYA \gj two-AN cut-NYA \ft 'we both cut it.' \nt still pretending to be the tortoise and cutting the fish together with CHI. \ref 577 \id 656855161534121201 \begin 0:26:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk. \pho tuk tuk tuk tuk \mb tuk tuk tuk tuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk. \nt chopping the toy fish. \ref 578 \id 982025161535121201 \begin 0:26:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'eh, ada satu lagi, Kel.' \pho ʔɛːh ʔada satu laːgi kəl \mb eh ada satu lagi Kel \ge EXCL exist one more TRU-Michael \gj EXCL exist one more TRU-Michael \ft 'hey, Michael, there is one more.' \nt 'satu' is referring to the other toy big fish. \ref 579 \id 705309085834181201 \begin 0:26:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cari, cari!' \pho cari cari \mb cari cari \ge look.for look.for \gj look.for look.for \ft 'find it, find it!' \nt persuading CHI to get the other toy big fish. \ref 580 \id 417261161535121201 \begin 0:26:21 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk kamu. \pho n̩i untuk kamu \mb ini untuk kamu \ge this for 2 \gj this for 2 \ft this one is for you. \nt putting aside the yellow toy big fish then taking the smaller one and giving it to EXPLAN. \ref 581 \id 716603161536121201 \begin 0:26:23 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hmm?' \pho hmh \mb hmm \ge huh \gj huh \ft 'huh?' \ref 582 \id 763829161536121201 \begin 0:26:25 \sp CHIMIC \tx untuk kamu nih. \pho ʔuntuk kamu niːh \mb untuk kamu nih \ge for 2 this \gj for 2 this \ft this is for you. \nt 1. referring to the toy small fish. 2. 'kamu' is referring to the tortoise. \ref 583 \id 698753161537121201 \begin 0:26:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'lho, kok, yang kecil?' \pho lɔ kɔ yaŋ kəcil \mb lho kok yang kecil \ge EXCL KOK REL small \gj EXCL KOK REL small \ft 'hey, why is the small one?' \nt referring to the toy fish for the tortoise. \ref 584 \id 469255161537121201 \begin 0:26:27 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak mau. \pho ŋga mauːː \mb nggak mau \ge NEG want \gj NEG want \ft I don't want it. \nt referring to the toy small fish offered by CHI. \ref 585 \id 683611161537121201 \begin 0:26:28 \sp EXPYAN \tx dia mau yang gede. \pho diya mau yaŋ gədɛʔ \mb dia mau yang gede \ge 3 want REL big \gj 3 want REL big \ft he wants the big one. \nt 'dia' is referring to the tortoise. \ref 586 \id 671387161538121201 \begin 0:26:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'mau yang gede juga.' \pho mau yaŋ gədɛ jugaʔ \mb mau yang gede juga \ge want REL big also \gj want REL big also \ft 'I want the big one too.' \nt 1. pretending to be tortoise. 2. referring to the size of the toy fish that the tortoise wants. \ref 587 \id 420310161538121201 \begin 0:26:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk ka(mu)... aku. \pho n̩i untuk kaʔ aku \mb ini untuk kamu aku \ge this for 2 1SG \gj this for 2 1SG \ft this is for you... me. \nt taking the toy big fish again and putting it on the cutting board. \ref 588 \id 659854161539121201 \begin 0:26:32 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'itu tadi yang gedenya ada dua, Michael.' \pho ʔitu tadi yaŋ gədɛɲa ada duwa maykəl \mb itu tadi yang gede -nya ada dua Michael \ge that earlier REL big -NYA exist two Michael \gj that earlier REL big-NYA exist two Michael \ft 'Michael, there are two big ones.' \nt referring to the toy big fish; there are two toy big fish, one is red and the other is yellow. \ref 589 \id 989072161539121201 \begin 0:26:34 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cari satu lagi, Michael, yang gede.' \pho cari satu lagi maykəl yaŋ gədɛ \mb cari satu lagi Michael yang gede \ge look.for one more Michael REL big \gj look.for one more Michael REL big \ft 'Michael, find the other big one.' \nt referring to the toy big fish. \ref 590 \id 966452161539121201 \begin 0:26:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx hah? \pho hãh \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 591 \id 587015161540121201 \begin 0:26:38 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yang warna merah.' \pho yaŋ warna mɛrah \mb yang warna merah \ge REL color red \gj REL color red \ft 'the red one.' \nt referring to the color of the toy big fish. \ref 592 \id 783434161541121201 \begin 0:26:39 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'cari, 'Ikan Merah, Ikan Merah, di mana kamu?'' \pho cariʔ ikan mɛraːh ʔikan mɛrah di mana kamuːː \mb cari Ikan Merah Ikan Merah di mana kamu \ge look.for fish red fish red LOC which 2 \gj look.for fish red fish red LOC which 2 \ft 'find it, 'Red Fish, Red Fish, where are you?'' \nt telling CHI to repeat the line in order to call the red toy big fish. \ref 593 \id 802756161541121201 \begin 0:26:41 \sp EXPYAN \tx panggil, panggil... panggil, Michael. \pho paŋgil paŋgil paŋgil maykəl \mb panggil panggil panggil Michael \ge call call call Michael \gj call call call Michael \ft call it, call it... call it, Michael. \nt referring to the red toy big fish. \ref 594 \id 637736161541121201 \begin 0:26:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'mana Ikan Me(rah)... mana I(kan)...?' \pho manaʰ ʔikan muː mana iː \mb mana Ikan Merah mana Ikan \ge which fish red which fish \gj which fish red which fish \ft 'where is Red Fish... where is Fish...?' \nt 1. calling the red toy big fish.2. trying to repeat EXPLAN's line. \ref 595 \id 947245161542121201 \begin 0:26:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx Ikan Merah. \pho ʔikan mɛraːːh \mb Ikan Merah \ge fish red \gj fish red \ft Red Fish. \nt helping CHI. \ref 596 \id 865423161544121201 \begin 0:26:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'Ikan Merah, di mana kau?' \pho ʔikan mɛah di mana kaːw \mb Ikan Merah di mana kau \ge fish red LOC which 2 \gj fish red LOC which 2 \ft 'Red Fish, where are you?' \ref 597 \id 879755161544121201 \begin 0:26:50 \sp EXPYAN \tx 'aku di sini.' \pho ʔaku di siniːː \mb aku di sini \ge 1SG LOC here \gj 1SG LOC here \ft 'I am here.' \nt pretending to be the red toy big fish. \ref 598 \id 571506161544121201 \begin 0:26:51 \sp CHIMIC \tx 'aku di sini.' \pho ʔaku di siniː \mb aku di sini \ge 1SG LOC here \gj 1SG LOC here \ft 'I am here.' \nt repeating EXPYAN's sentence. \ref 599 \id 224196161545121201 \begin 0:26:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk kamu. \pho ʔiːniː untək kamuːː \mb ini untuk kamu \ge this for 2 \gj this for 2 \ft this is for you. \nt 1. taking the red toy big fish and giving it to EXPLAN. 2. 'kamu' is referring to the tortoise. \ref 600 \id 376590161545121201 \begin 0:26:55 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'asyik, asyik, asyik, asyik, asyik, dapat ikan besar.' \pho ʔaːsik ʔasik ʔasik ʔasik ʔasik dapat ʔikan bəsaːːr \mb asyik asyik asyik asyik asyik dapat ikan besar \ge fun fun fun fun fun get fish big \gj fun fun fun fun fun get fish big \ft 'cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, I get the big fish.' \nt 1. still pretending to be the tortoise. 2. taking the red toy big fish. \ref 601 \id 267024161545121201 \begin 0:26:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx untuk kamu. \pho untuk kamu \mb untuk kamu \ge for 2 \gj for 2 \ft it's for you. \nt 1. giving one of the toy knives. 2. 'kamu' is referring to the tortoise. \ref 602 \id 176316161545121201 \begin 0:27:00 \sp EXPLAN \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \nt taking the toy knife. \ref 603 \id 255508161546121201 \begin 0:27:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmːh \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 604 \id 128484161546121201 \begin 0:27:04 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'yuk, potong bersama.' \pho yuʔ pɔtɔŋ bərsamaː \mb yuk potong ber- sama \ge AYO cut BER- with \gj AYO cut BER-with \ft 'let's cut it together.' \nt 1. 'potong' is referring to the yellow toy big fish which is on the cutting board. 2. 'bersama' is referring to both tortoise and CHI. \ref 605 \id 942721161546121201 \begin 0:27:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuk, tuk, tuk. \pho tuk tuk tuk \mb tuk tuk tuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tuk, tuk, tuk. \nt pretending to chop the toy fish again and imitating the sound of chopping. \ref 606 \id 428551161546121201 \begin 0:27:08 \sp CHIMIC \tx tuk, tuk, tuk. \pho tuk tuk tuk \mb tuk tuk tuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tuk, tuk, tuk. \nt 1. also pretending to chop the toy fish. 2. following EXPLAN, imitating the sound of chopping. \ref 607 \id 568955161546121201 \begin 0:27:10 \sp CHIMIC \tx tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk. \pho tuk tɔk tɔk tɔk tɔːk tɔk tɔk tɔk tɔk tɔk \mb tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk. \nt imitating the sound of chopping while chopping the toy fish. \ref 608 \id 545109161547121201 \begin 0:27:13 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'dah.' \pho daːh \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft 'okay.' \nt referring to chopping the toy fish. \ref 609 \id 263833161547121201 \begin 0:27:13 \sp CHIMIC \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \ref 610 \id 545718161547121201 \begin 0:27:14 \sp EXPLAN \tx selesai. \pho sələsaːːy \mb selesai \ge finish \gj finish \ft done. \nt referring to chopping the toy fish. \ref 611 \id 601214161547121201 \begin 0:27:15 \sp CHIMIC \tx dah selesai. \pho dah sələsay \mb dah selesai \ge PFCT finish \gj PFCT finish \ft okay, done. \nt referring to chopping the toy fish. \ref 612 \id 920028161548121201 \begin 0:27:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx sekarang? \pho skaraŋ \mb sekarang \ge now \gj now \ft now what? \nt asking what CHI is going to do after chopping the fish. \ref 613 \id 639099161548121201 \begin 0:27:17 \sp CHIMIC \tx sekarang masak. \pho səkaraŋ masak \mb sekarang masak \ge now cook \gj now cook \ft now, I am cooking it. \ref 614 \id 449948161548121201 \begin 0:27:18 \sp EXPLAN \tx dimasak? \pho dimasak \mb di- masak \ge DI- cook \gj DI-cook \ft are you cooking it? \ref 615 \id 190140161548121201 \begin 0:27:19 \sp EXPLAN \tx masuk, nggak? \pho masuk ŋgaʔ \mb masuk nggak \ge go.in NEG \gj go.in NEG \ft is it fit, or not? \nt referring to the size of the big toy fish, which is going to be put into the pot. \ref 616 \id 394406161549121201 \begin 0:27:20 \sp EXPLAN \tx hmm. \pho hmː \mb hmm \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft here. \nt putting the red toy big fish into the pot. \ref 617 \id 848224093608181201 \begin 0:27:22 \sp EXPLAN \tx tutup. \pho tutup \mb tutup \ge shut \gj shut \ft close it. \nt referring to the toy pot. \ref 618 \id 897845161549121201 \begin 0:27:24 \sp CHIMIC \tx kita tutup. \pho kita tutup \mb kita tutup \ge 1PL shut \gj 1PL shut \ft we are closing it. \nt 1. referring to the pot. 2. trying to find the lid of the pot. \ref 619 \id 408888161549121201 \begin 0:27:25 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael? \pho maykəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft Michael? \nt trying to get CHI's attention. \ref 620 \id 388565161550121201 \begin 0:27:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx tuh, tuh... tuh, tutup. \pho tuh tuh tu tutup \mb tuh tuh tuh tutup \ge that that that shut \gj that that that shut \ft there, there... that's the lid. \nt pointing to the lid of the pot. \ref 621 \id 822022161550121201 \begin 0:27:28 \sp EXPLAN \tx wah, jauh sekali. \pho waː jauh səkali \mb wah jauh se- kali \ge EXCL far SE- very \gj EXCL far SE-very \ft wow, it's so far away. \nt referring to the position of the toy lid from CHI's sitting position. \ref 622 \id 451502161550121201 \begin 0:27:30 \sp EXPYAN \tx sini, sini, Tante ambilin. \pho sini sini tantə ambilin \mb sini sini Tante ambil -in \ge here here aunt take -IN \gj here here aunt take-IN \ft here, here, I'll get it. \nt moving to help CHI to get the lid of the pot. \ref 623 \id 204094161550121201 \begin 0:27:30 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michael yang ambil. \pho maykəl yaŋ ʔambil \mb Michael yang ambil \ge Michael REL take \gj Michael REL take \ft I'll get it. \nt still referring to the lid of the pot. \ref 624 \id 925743161551121201 \begin 0:27:31 \sp OMAMIC \tx kalo pengen juga, dia ambil. \pho kalɔ peŋen juga diya ʔambil \mb kalo pengen juga dia ambil \ge TOP want also 3 take \gj TOP want also 3 take \ft when he wants it, he'll get it. \nt giving a comment about CHI's being persistent on something. \ref 625 \id 392335161551121201 \begin 0:27:32 \sp CHIMIC \tx eh, hijau. \pho ʔɛ hijaw \mb eh hijau \ge EXCL green \gj EXCL green \ft hey, it's green. \nt 1. taking the lid of the pot. 2. reference of 'hijau' is not clear--the color of the lid is red. \ref 626 \id 296427161551121201 \begin 0:27:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 627 \id 257420161552121201 \begin 0:27:35 \sp CHIMIC \tx dah... dah, udah. \pho dah daːh ʔudah \mb dah dah udah \ge PFCT PFCT PFCT \gj PFCT PFCT PFCT \ft okay... done. \nt 1. referring to cooking the fish. 2. taking the toy fish out of the pot. \ref 628 \id 771866161552121201 \begin 0:27:35 \sp EXPYAN \tx Michael? \pho maykəl \mb Michael \ge Michael \gj Michael \ft Michael? \ref 629 \id 767660161552121201 \begin 0:27:36 \sp CHIMIC \tx udah. \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft done. \nt still referring to cooking the fish. \ref 630 \id 283215161553121201 \begin 0:27:37 \sp EXPYAN \tx udah jadi, belum, ikannya? \pho ʔuda jadi bəlum ʔikanɲa \mb udah jadi belum ikan -nya \ge PFCT become not.yet fish -NYA \gj PFCT become not.yet fish-NYA \ft has it cooked yet, the fish? \ref 631 \id 505343161553121201 \begin 0:27:38 \sp CHIMIC \tx dah, dah. \pho dah dah \mb dah dah \ge PFCT PFCT \gj PFCT PFCT \ft done, done. \ref 632 \id 614176161553121201 \begin 0:27:39 \sp EXPYAN \tx eh, Tante Yanti laper, nih. \pho ʔɛ tantə yanti lapər nih \mb eh Tante Yanti laper nih \ge EXCL aunt Yanti hungry this \gj EXCL aunt Yanti hungry this \ft hey, I am hungry. \ref 633 \id 973759161554121201 \begin 0:27:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx Michael mo minum. \pho maykəl mɔ minum \mb Michael mo minum \ge Michael want drink \gj Michael want drink \ft I wanna drink. \nt taking the toy jar. \ref 634 \id 991868161554121201 \begin 0:27:43 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... kamu... mmm... \pho ʔmː kamu ʔm \mb mmm kamu mmm \ge FILL 2 FILL \gj FILL 2 FILL \ft hem... you are... hem... \nt possibly, asking the tortoise, because CHI is using 'kamu'. \ref 635 \id 247232161555121201 \begin 0:27:45 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'apa?' \pho ʔapaʰ \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft 'what?' \nt pretending to be the tortoise and asking CHI. \ref 636 \id 539318161555121201 \begin 0:27:47 \sp CHIMIC \tx kamu mau minum juga, nggak? \pho kamu maw minum juga ŋgaʔ \mb kamu mau minum juga nggak \ge 2 want drink also NEG \gj 2 want drink also NEG \ft do you wanna drink too, or not? \ref 637 \id 126749161555121201 \begin 0:27:49 \sp EXPLAN \tx kura-kura juga mo minum. \mb kura-kura juga mo minum \ge tortoise also want drink \gj tortoise also want drink \ft the tortoise also wants to drink. \ref 638 \id 582627161556121201 \begin 0:27:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... ka(mu)... aku eee... aku buatin dulu, ya? \pho mː ka ʔaku ʰə̃ ʔaku buwatin dulu yah \mb mmm kamu aku eee aku buat -in dulu ya \ge FILL 2 1SG FILL 1SG make -IN before yes \gj FILL 2 1SG FILL 1SG make-IN before yes \ft hem... you... I... hem... I am making it first, okay? \nt 'buatin' in referring to making the drink. \ref 639 \id 830154161556121201 \begin 0:27:52 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar \ref 640 \id 324548161557121201 \begin 0:27:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx kura-kura mo minum, Tante Lanny mo minum... \mb kura-kura mo minum Tante Lanny mo minum \ge tortoise want drink aunt Lanny want drink \gj tortoise want drink aunt Lanny want drink \ft the tortoise wants to drink, Aunt Lanny wants to drink... \ref 641 \id 392339161557121201 \begin 0:27:56 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing again while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar. \ref 642 \id 347945161557121201 \begin 0:27:58 \sp EXPYAN \tx Tante Yanti juga mo minum. \pho tantə yanti juga mɔ minuːm \mb Tante Yanti juga mo minum \ge aunt Yanti also want drink \gj aunt Yanti also want drink \ft Aunt Yanti also wants to drink. \ref 643 \id 318064161557121201 \begin 0:28:00 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya, ini ge(las)... gelas. \pho yah ʔn̩i ga gəlaʔah \mb iya ini gelas gelas \ge yes this glass glass \gj yes this glass glass \ft yeah, this is the... glass. \nt taking the toy wineglass. \ref 644 \id 319460161558121201 \begin 0:28:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar into the toy wine glass. \ref 645 \id 378019161559121201 \begin 0:28:06 \sp EXPYAN \tx Tante Yanti. \pho tantə yantiː \mb Tante Yanti \ge aunt Yanti \gj aunt Yanti \ft it's mine. \nt going to take the toy wine glass from CHI. \ref 646 \id 876831161559121201 \begin 0:28:06 \sp EXPLAN \tx itu Tante Yanti. \pho ʔitu tantə yantiː \mb itu Tante Yanti \ge that aunt Yanti \gj that aunt Yanti \ft that's for Aunt Yanti. \nt referring to the toy wineglass, which is going to be given to EXPYAN. \ref 647 \id 926082161559121201 \begin 0:28:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini... ini kan dikasi mmm... dikasi Coca Co(la)... du(lu). \pho n̩iːni ʔini kan dikasiʰ m̩ dikasi kɔka ku dul \mb ini ini kan di- kasi mmm di- kasi Coca Cola dulu \ge this this KAN DI- give FILL DI- give Coca Cola before \gj this this KAN DI-give FILL DI-give Coca Cola before \ft this one... I will put... I will put some Coca Cola first... on this one. \nt 1. still holding the toy wineglass in his hand. 2 taking a toy bottle, which is assumed to be Coca Cola. \ref 648 \id 690067161559121201 \begin 0:28:09 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the bottle in the toy wineglass. \ref 649 \id 268645161600121201 \begin 0:28:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx he-em. \pho hmʔmː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 650 \id 428389161600121201 \begin 0:28:14 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini, ini... eh... Tante Yanti punya. \pho ʔini ĩn ʔə̃h tantə yanti puɲa \mb ini ini eh Tante Yanti punya \ge this this FILL aunt Yanti have \gj this this FILL aunt Yanti have \ft this one, this one is... hem... Aunt Yanti's. \nt referring to the toy wineglass, which is still in his hand. \ref 651 \id 556688161600121201 \begin 0:28:16 \sp EXPLAN \tx itu punya siapa? \pho ʔitu puɲa siyapaːʰ \mb itu punya siapa \ge that have who \gj that have who \ft whose is that? \nt pointing to the toy red cup, which is next to CHI. \ref 652 \id 480093161601121201 \begin 0:28:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the jar into the toy red cup. \ref 653 \id 136960161601121201 \begin 0:28:20 \sp CHIMIC \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \nt referring to filling the toy red cup with some water. \ref 654 \id 270150140450131201 \begin 0:28:21 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini punya siapa? \pho ʔni puɲa siyapah \mb ini punya siapa \ge this have who \gj this have who \ft whose is this? \nt pointing to the toy red cup again. \ref 655 \id 530265140450131201 \begin 0:28:22 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... eh... eh... \pho ʔmh ʔə̃h ʔə̃h \mb mmm eh eh \ge FILL FILL FILL \gj FILL FILL FILL \ft hem... hem... hem... \ref 656 \id 977206140450131201 \begin 0:28:24 \sp EXPLAN \tx ini punya siapa, Michael? \pho n̩i puɲa siyapa maykəːl \mb ini punya siapa Michael \ge this have who Michael \gj this have who Michael \ft whose is this, Michael? \nt pointing to the toy red cup again. \ref 657 \id 430702140450131201 \begin 0:28:27 \sp CHIMIC \tx eee... eh... eee... Si ini mmm... untuk... untuk Tante Yanti... \pho ʔə̃ːː ʔə̃h ʔə̃ː si iniʰ mːː untuk n̩tuk tantə yanhiː \mb eee eh eee Si ini mmm untuk untuk Tante Yanti \ge FILL FILL FILL PERS this FILL for for aunt Yanti \gj FILL FILL FILL PERS this FILL for for aunt Yanti \ft hem... hem... hem.. this one is hem... for... for Aunt Yanti... \nt 1. giving the toy red cup to EXPLAN. 2.**'Si' should be omitted; because 'ini' is referring to the inanimate object, i.e. the toy cup. 3. **'Yanti' should be 'Lanny'; CHI is mixing between the names of EXPYAN and EXPLAN. \ref 658 \id 715375140451131201 \begin 0:28:30 \sp EXPLAN \tx Tante Lanny. \pho tantə laniː \mb Tante Lanny \ge aunt Lanny \gj aunt Lanny \ft Aunt Lanny. \nt correcting CHI. \ref 659 \id 823158140451131201 \begin 0:28:31 \sp CHIMIC \tx (Lan)ny. \pho niː \mb Lanny \ge Lanny \gj Lanny \ft Lanny. \ref 660 \id 633177140451131201 \begin 0:28:32 \sp EXPYAN \tx Tante Yanti mana? \pho tantə yanti mana \mb Tante Yanti mana \ge aunt Yanti which \gj aunt Yanti which \ft where is mine? \nt referring to the toy cup for her. \ref 661 \id 818502140451131201 \begin 0:28:33 \sp EXPLAN \tx buat Tante Yanti mana? \pho buwat tantə yanti mana \mb buat Tante Yanti mana \ge for aunt Yanti which \gj for aunt Yanti which \ft where is it for Aunt Yanti? \nt referring to the toy cup for EXPYAN. \ref 662 \id 683086140451131201 \begin 0:28:35 \sp CHIMIC \tx mmm... yang ini. \pho ʔmʔmːː yaŋ ʔini \mb mmm yang ini \ge FILL REL this \gj FILL REL this \ft hem... this one. \nt taking the toy yellow cup. \ref 663 \id 849746140452131201 \begin 0:28:41 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt hissing while pretending to pouring down the water from the bottle into the toy yellow cup. \ref 664 \id 203186140452131201 \begin 0:28:47 \sp EXPLAN \tx udah, jadi? \pho ʔudah jadi \mb udah jadi \ge PFCT become \gj PFCT become \ft is it ready? \nt referring to the drink. \ref 665 \id 964441140452131201 \begin 0:28:48 \sp EXPYAN \tx kura-kuranya mana? \mb kura-kura -nya mana \ge tortoise -NYA which \gj tortoise-NYA which \ft where is it for the tortoise? \nt referring to the toy cup for the tortoise. \ref 666 \id 978522140453131201 \begin 0:28:50 \sp CHIMIC \tx (i)ni untuk... gelas... \pho n̩i untuʔ gəlas \mb ini untuk gelas \ge this for glass \gj this for glass \ft this one is for... the glass... \nt looking for another toy cup. \ref 667 \id 952226140453131201 \begin 0:28:52 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'buat saya mana... buat saya mana?' \pho buwat saya mana buwat saya mana \mb buat saya mana buat saya mana \ge for 1SG which for 1SG which \gj for 1SG which for 1SG which \ft 'for me, where is it... where is it?' \nt pretending to be the tortoise, asking CHI about its toy cup. \ref 668 \id 879921140453131201 \begin 0:28:53 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt pretending to drink. \ref 669 \id 650421140453131201 \begin 0:28:54 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho? \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey? \nt expressing surprise because CHI is drinking instead of looking for a toy cup for the tortoise. \ref 670 \id 838708140453131201 \begin 0:28:55 \sp CHIMIC \tx 0. \nt pretending to drink again. \ref 671 \id 987265140454131201 \begin 0:28:56 \sp EXPLAN \tx lho? \pho lɔh \mb lho \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey? \ref 672 \id 290421140454131201 \begin 0:28:57 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'buat saya mana?' \pho buwat saya mana \mb buat saya mana \ge for 1SG which \gj for 1SG which \ft 'for me, where is it?' \nt pretending to be the tortoise, asking CHI about its toy cup. \ref 673 \id 112241140454131201 \begin 0:28:59 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk aku. \pho ni untuk ʔakuː \mb ini untuk aku \ge this for 1SG \gj this for 1SG \ft this one is for me. \nt referring to the toy wineglass in his hand. \ref 674 \id 647068140454131201 \begin 0:29:02 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'terus yang buat saya mana?' \pho tərus yaŋ buwat saya manaːː \mb terus yang buat saya mana \ge continue REL for 1SG which \gj continue REL for 1SG which \ft 'and then, where is mine?' \nt referring to the toy cup. \ref 675 \id 712945140456131201 \begin 0:29:03 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini... \pho n̩iː \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one... \nt interrupted by EXPLAN's next sentence. \ref 676 \id 478879141200131201 \begin 0:29:05 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'hu, kura-kura sedih.' \mb hu kura-kura sedih \ge IMIT tortoise sad \gj IMIT tortoise sad \ft 'sniff, the tortoise is sad.' \ref 677 \id 429802141200131201 \begin 0:29:07 \sp CHIMIC \tx ini untuk kamu. \pho ini untuk kamuː \mb ini untuk kamu \ge this for 2 \gj this for 2 \ft this is for you. \nt 1. 'ini' is referring to the toy plate. 2. CHI is pretending to pour the water from the bottle into the toy plate. \ref 678 \id 896214141201131201 \begin 0:29:09 \sp EXPYAN \tx udah, deh, aku kasi kamu aja deh, Kura-kura. \mb udah deh aku kasi kamu aja deh Kura-kura \ge PFCT DEH 1SG give 2 just DEH tortoise \gj PFCT DEH 1SG give 2 just DEH tortoise \ft okay, I'll give mine for you, Tortoise. \nt going to give her toy yellow cup to the tortoise. \ref 679 \id 898654141201131201 \begin 0:29:11 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'oh, nggak, udah dibikinin Michael juga.' \mb oh nggak udah di- bikin -in Michael juga \ge EXCL NEG PFCT DI- make -IN Michael also \gj EXCL NEG PFCT DI-make-IN Michael also \ft 'oh, no, Michael has made one for me too.' \nt 1. referring to the drinking. 2. taking the plate from CHI. \ref 680 \id 492838141201131201 \begin 0:29:13 \sp EXPYAN \tx pake piring. \pho pakɛ piriŋ \mb pake piring \ge use plate \gj use plate \ft he use the plate. \nt 1. referring to the toy plate which is given by CHI. 2. 'pake' is referring to the action of drinking. \ref 681 \id 144700141201131201 \begin 0:29:15 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'kok pake piring, Michael?' \pho kɔ pakɛ piriŋ maykəl \mb kok pake piring Michael \ge KOK use plate Michael \gj KOK use plate Michael \ft 'Michael, why do you use the plate?' \ref 682 \id 780207141202131201 \begin 0:29:18 \sp CHIMIC \tx iya, tapi mmm... nggak dapet... gelas. \pho ʔiyaːh tapi ʔmː ŋga dapət gɔlas \mb iya tapi mmm nggak dapet gelas \ge yes but FILL NEG get glass \gj yes but FILL NEG get glass \ft yeah, but hem... I can't get... the glass. \nt **'dapet' (deictic) should be 'ada'. \ref 683 \id 557536141202131201 \begin 0:29:22 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak dapet apa? \mb nggak dapet apa \ge NEG get what \gj NEG get what \ft you can't get what? \ref 684 \id 331557141202131201 \begin 0:29:24 \sp EXPYAN \tx nggak dapet apa, hey? \pho ga dapət apaʰ ʔɛy \mb nggak dapet apa hey \ge NEG get what hey \gj NEG get what hey \ft hey, what can't you get? \ref 685 \id 290507141202131201 \begin 0:29:26 \sp EXPLAN \tx 'nggak dapet apa?' \pho ŋga dapət apaʰ \mb nggak dapet apa \ge NEG get what \gj NEG get what \ft 'what can't you get?' \ref 686 \id 657910141202131201 \begin 0:29:27 \sp CHIMIC \tx dapet eh... eh... gelas. \pho dapət ʔmh ʔɛ̃ gəlas \mb dapet eh eh gelas \ge get FILL FILL glass \gj get FILL FILL glass \ft I get hem... hem... the glass. \ref 687 \id 717911141203131201 \begin 0:29:29 \sp EXPLAN \tx nggak dapet gelas? \pho ŋga dapət gəlas \mb nggak dapet gelas \ge NEG get glass \gj NEG get glass \ft you can't get the glass? \nt **'dapet' (deictic) should be 'ada'. \ref 688 \id 246079141203131201 \begin 0:29:30 \sp @End \tx @End