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Jakarta Field Station > Projects > Acquisition > Database > Sample Texts > PRI

Sample Text - PRI

Session date:26 Jan 2001
Audio clip:3 min 51 sec
Low quality WAV format: wav file (2.43 MB)
Medium quality MP3 format: mp3 file (3.52 MB)
(Audio quality reduced to reduce file size)
Child's code:PRI
Child's age:3;5
More info:Target Children
Situation:Playing on the living room floor
with a farm set consisting of
some toy animals, some fences,
and a stable.
Speaker codes:CHI = Child (PRI)
EXP = Experimenter (Yanti)
MOT = Child's mother
EVI = Child's grandmother's friend
XXX = Unidentified
Other codes:%glo = interlinear gloss
%eng = free translation into English
%com = comments specific to the record

Note: The original database also includes a phonetic transcription line. It is omitted here for technical reasons.

*CHI tok tok tok.
%glo knock knock knock
%eng knock knock knock.
%com pretending to knock on the door of the stable.

*EXP 'siapa?'
%glo who
%eng 'who is that?'
%com pretending to be one of the animals in the stable.

*CHI tok tok tok.
%glo knock knock knock
%eng knock knock knock.

*EXP iya, siapa?
%glo yes who
%eng yeah, who is that?

*CHI saya namanya Priska.
%glo 1SG name-NYA Priska
%eng my name is Priska.

*CHI namaku...
%glo name-1SG
%eng my name...
%com interrupted by EXP.

*EXP 'kamu mo cari siapa?'
%glo 2 want look.for who
%eng 'who are you looking for?'
%com pretending to be one of the animals in the stable.

*CHI cari... kambing, yang di sini.
%glo look.for goat REL LOC here
%eng I am looking for... the goat, staying here.
%com pointing at the wall of the stable behind which the goat is supposed to be.

*MOT xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.

*CHI 0.
%com knocking on the door of the stable.

*EXP kambing?
%glo goat
%eng a goat?

*CHI iya.
%glo yes
%eng yes.

*EXP kambing nggak ada.
%glo goat NEG exist
%eng there is no goat.

*EXP adanya domba.
%glo exist-NYA sheep
%eng there is a sheep.

*EXP mau?
%glo want
%eng do you want it?
%com = do you want to see it?

*CHI saya mo nyari domba nih.
%glo 1SG want N-look.for sheep this
%eng I am looking for the sheep.

*EXP domba yang gede apa yang kecil?
%glo sheep REL big what REL small
%eng the big sheep or the small one?

*MOT xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com unclear; talking to EVI and OPA.

*CHI yang... kecil.
%glo REL small
%eng the... small one.

*EXP yang kecil, ya?
%glo REL small yes
%eng the small one, right?

*EXP sebentar, ya?
%glo SE-moment yes
%eng wait a minute, okay?

*MOT tadi xx xx kan jam dua udah pulang.
%glo earlier xx xx KAN clock two PFCT return
%eng xx xx I went home at two today.

*MOT 0.
%com laughing.

*EVI oh ya, enak, ya, xx, bisa tidur, aku pengen tidur nggak bisa.
%glo oh yes pleasant yes xx can lie.down 1SG want lie.down NEG can
%eng oh, yes, great, I xx could sleep, I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't.

*EXP 'hai, Priska, ada apa?'
%glo hey Priska exist what
%eng 'hi, Priska, what's up?'
%com taking the lamb and pretending to be the lamb.

*EXP 'aku di sini '
%glo 1SG LOC here
%eng 'I am here.'

*MOT 0.
%com laughing.

*CHI 0.
%com trying to open the stable.

*EXP oh, jangan dibuka dong!
%glo oh don't DI-open DONG
%eng oh, don't open it!

*EXP ini rumahnya, ya?
%glo this house-NYA yes
%eng this is the house, okay?

*EVI xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.

*EXP nah, ini rumahnya.
%glo NAH this house-NYA
%eng right, this is the house.

*EXP udah keluar nih Si Domba nih.
%glo PFCT go.out this PERS sheep this
%eng here is the sheep, it came out.

*CHI halo.
%glo hello
%eng hello.

*EXP 'kamu cari aku, ya?'
%glo 2 look.for 1SG yes
%eng 'are you looking for me?'
%com pretending to be the lamb.

*CHI iya.
%glo yes
%eng yes.

*EXP 'ada apa?'
%glo exist what
%eng 'what's up?'

*XXX xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com OPA, MOT and EVI are still talking.

*CHI saya mau, saya mau, mau ber... mau bermain denganmu.
%glo 1SG want 1SG want want BER- want BER-play with-2
%eng I want to, I want to, I want to... I want to play with you.
%com using very formal Indonesian

*XXX xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com OPA, EVI and MOT are still talking.

*EXP 'oh, mo main, main apa, ya?'
%glo oh want play play what yes
%eng 'oh, you want to play, what do you want to play?'
%com still pretending to be the lamb.

*CHI main kancil-kancilan.
%glo play RED.AN-mousedeer
%eng let's play the mousedeer game.
%com inventing the name of a kind of game.

*EXP 'oh, gimana sih caranya?'
%glo oh how SIH way-NYA
%eng 'oh, how do you play it?'

*CHI gini, 'halo, halo', gitu!
%glo like.this hello hello like.that
%eng like this, say 'hello, hello'!
%com trying to explain how to play 'mousedeer'.

*CHI 'halo', gini dong!
%glo hello like.this DONG
%eng say 'hello'!

*EXP 'halo '
%glo hello
%eng 'hello.'

*CHI namamu siapa?
%glo name-2 who
%eng what's your name?

*EXP 'aku Domba '
%glo 1SG sheep
%eng 'I am Sheep.'

*CHI Domba.
%glo sheep
%eng Sheep.
%com repeating EXP.

*CHI saya mo nyari temenmu.
%glo 1SG want N-look.for friend-2
%eng I am looking for your friend.

*EXP 'siapa?'
%glo who
%eng 'who?'

*CHI 0.
%com knocking on the door of the stable.

*EXP 'kamu mo cari siapa?'
%glo 2 want look.for who
%eng 'who are you looking for?'

*CHI mo cari... temenku.
%glo want look.for friend-1SG
%eng I am looking for... my friend.
%com still knocking on the door of the stable.

*EXP 'siapa namanya?'
%glo who name-NYA
%eng 'what's its name?'

*XXX xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com MOT and EVI are still talking.

*CHI namanya...
%glo name-NYA
%eng its name is...

*CHI tutup dulu dong!
%glo shut before DONG
%eng let's close it!
%com attaching the velcro strips that keep the two stable walls together.

*EXP iya, iya.
%glo yes yes
%eng yeah, okay.

*CHI saya mo nyari temenku.
%glo 1SG want N-look.for friend-1SG
%eng I'm looking for my friend.

*EXP 'iya, siapa?'
%glo yes who
%eng 'yeah, who?'

*CHI namanya ini...
%glo name-NYA this
%eng its name is...
%com opening up the roof of the stable.

*CHI halo.
%glo hello
%eng hello.

*CHI (a)was!
%glo keep.away
%eng keep away!
%com moving the lamb and opening the stable so that one of the walls becomes the yard again.

*CHI halo.
%glo hello
%eng hello.

*EXP 'ya '
%glo yes
%eng 'okay.'

*CHI selamat pagi.
%glo safe morning
%eng good morning.

*EXP 'aku pada tidur, masih tidur semua '
%glo 1SG PL lie.down still lie.down all
%eng 'I am sleeping, we are all sleeping.'
%com *aku pada

*EVI e... bedanya, kalo di...
%glo IMIT different-NYA TOP LOC
%eng umm... the difference is...
%com still talking to MOT.

*EXP bangunin, Priska bangunin!
%glo rise-IN Priska rise-IN
%eng wake them up, wake them up!

*EVI deposito di xxx.
%glo fixed.deposit LOC xxx
%eng fixed deposit at xxx.

*CHI bangun, bangun, saya nyari kamu.
%glo rise rise 1SG N-look.for 2
%eng get up, get up, I am looking for you.
%com holding the cow.

*MOT xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com still talking to EVI.

*CHI 'ada apa, sih?', gitu dong!
%glo exist what SIH like.that DONG
%eng say, 'what's up?'!
%com putting the cow in standing position and telling EXP what to say.

*EXP hmm.
%glo FILL
%eng umm.
%com misunderstanding CHI's intention, and just taking the cow.

*EVI kalo deposito di xx...
%glo TOP fixed.deposit LOC xx
%eng if you have a fixed deposit at xx...

*CHI sini dong, 'ada apa sih?', gitu!
%glo here DONG exist what SIH like.that
%eng come here and say, 'what's up?'!
%com taking the cow from EXP.

*EVI xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.

*CHI sini dong!
%glo here DONG
%eng come here!

*CHI 'ada apa, sih?', gitu!
%glo exist what SIH like.that
%eng say, 'what's up?'!

*EXP 'ada apa sih?'
%glo exist what SIH
%eng 'what's up?'
%com pretending to be the cow.

*CHI saya kan mau, mau, mau dengan kamu.
%glo 1SG KAN want want want with 2
%eng I want, I want, I want with you.
%com 1. = I want to play with you. 2. closing the stable again.

*CHI dikator, dikasi tau nggak mau dikaber.
%glo DI-xx DI-give know NEG want DI-xx
%eng I told you but you don't...
%com muttering something while fixing the walls of the stable.

*XXX xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com EVI and MOT are still talking.

*CHI tu kok nggak...
%glo that KOK NEG
%eng why that isn't...
%com opening the roof of the stable again.

*EXP 'kamu ngapain sih, bongkar-bongkar rumahku?'
%glo 2 N-what-IN SIH RED-take.apart house-1SG
%eng 'what are you doing, why are you taking apart my house?'

*CHI saya kan mau masuk rumahmu eh.
%glo 1SG KAN want house-2 GRUNT
%eng I want to get into your house.

*EXP 'ah, temen-temenku masih tidur '
%glo AH RED-friend-1SG still lie.down
%eng 'ah, my friends are still sleeping.'

*EVI ya, kita kan xxx...
%glo yes 1PL KAN xxx
%eng yeah, we are xxx...
%com still talking to MOT.

*CHI saya kan mau dia bangun dulu.
%glo 1SG KAN want 3 rise before
%eng I want them to get up.
%com taking the panda.

%com putting the panda on the floor.

*EXP tapi kan temenku masih tidur.
%glo but KAN friend-1SG still lie.down
%eng but my friends are still sleeping.

*CHI teman.
%glo friend
%eng friend.
%com taking the cow from EXP.

%com holding the cow and shaking it.

*CHI biar kamu tidur di sini dulu.
%glo let 2 lie.down LOC here before
%eng you lie here.
%com putting the cow on the floor.

*EXP 'aduh... sakit... tidurnya di ubin '
%glo EXCL hurt lie.down-NYA LOC floortile
%eng 'ouch... it hurts... lying on the floor.'

*CHI 0.
%com taking the piglet and the deer and putting them on the floor.

*XXX xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com MOT and EVI are still talking.

*CHI oh, distik.
%glo oh xx
%com muttering something while taking the calf and putting it on the floor.

*EXP 'kamu mau ngapain sih?'
%glo 2 want N-what-IN SIH
%eng 'what are you doing?'

*CHI 0.
%com taking the five chicks and putting them on the floor.

*EXP 'kok temen-temenku disuruh bangun semua, disuruh tidur di ubin?'
%glo KOK RED-friend-1SG DI-order rise all DI-order lie.down LOC floortile
%eng 'why are you telling all my friends to get up and lie down on the floor?'

*XXX xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com MOT and EVI are still talking.

*CHI 0.
%com taking the fences and the other animals one by one out of the stable.

*XXX xxx.
%glo xxx
%eng xxx.
%com EVI and MOT are still talking.

*CHI 0.
%com lying on her stomach in the stable.

*CHI masuk dong, coba deh!
%glo DONG try DEH
%eng try to get in!
%com getting up.

*EXP ke mana?
%glo to which
%eng where?

*CHI Si ini berdua.
%glo PERS this BER-two
%eng these two.
%com reference unclear.

*CHI yok, masuk!
%glo AYO
%eng come on, let's get in!

*EXP sama siapa?
%glo with who
%eng with who?

*CHI sama Si ini.
%glo with PERS this
%eng with this one.
%com taking the cow.

*EXP sama Tante Yanti, ya?
%glo with aunt Yanti yes
%eng with me, right?

*CHI iya.
%glo yes
%eng yes.

*CHI yok!
%glo AYO
%eng come on!

*CHI yok!
%glo AYO
%eng come on!
%com getting into the stable and lying down on her stomach again.

*EXP 0.
%com getting into the stable, next to CHI.

*CHI kebuka.
%glo KE-open
%eng it's opening up.
%com the stable is not big enough, so some of the velcro is starting to come apart.

*EXP apanya kebuka?
%glo what-NYA KE-open
%eng what is opening up?

*CHI ntar lagi nih mo kebuka.
%glo moment more this want KE-open
%eng this is going to open up in a moment.

*EXP he-eh.
%glo uh-huh
%eng uh-huh.

Last modified: 2002
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