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Jakarta Field Station > Events > ISLOJ 2

  | Front Page | Call for Abstracts | Registration | Getting There | Venue/Accommodation | Programme | Abstracts | Other Info |  
The Second International Symposium On The Languages Of Java

June 4-5, 2009
Sheraton Beach Resort, Senggigi, Lombok, Indonesia

Conference presentations, handouts, powerpoints, and/or papers are now available for downloading: (15.6MB zip file).

We were also honored during the conference to have a reading of both Javanese poems and poems in Javanese by Effendi Kadarisman, with translations by Stuart Robson and Thomas Hunter. These can be read here.

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Thomas Hunter
Some Problems in the Study of Old Javanese as a Linguistic System
Here is the working paper and the keynote address.

Thomas J. Conners
<oranghutan AT>

Please note that the 13th International Symposium on Malay-Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL 13) will be held immediately following ISLOJ, also at the Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort, on 6-7 June, 2009. For more information see:


Universitas Katolik Indonesia
Atma Jaya

Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology


Thomas Conners, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
J. Joseph Errington, Yale University
Zane Goebel, Nagoya University
Effendi Kadarisman, Universitas Negri Malang
Yacinta Kurniasih, Monash University

Last modified: 21 Aug 2009, Sydney
Location: isloj2.php.html