Language name and locationː Southern Yukaghir, Sakha, Russia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区南部尤卡吉亚语, 俄罗斯东西伯利亚科雷马河(Kolyma)盆地


1. irkēj *

21.  ataqun kunel' irkēj

2. ataqlōj

22.  ataqun kunel' ataqlōj

3. jālōj

23.  ataqun kunel' jālōj

4. ileklōj

24.  ataqun kunel' ileklōj

5. n'əɣanbōj *

25.  ataqun kunel' n'əɣanbōj

6. mālōj *

26.  ataqun kunel' mālōj

7. purkījōj

27.  ataqun kunel' purkījōj

8. malɣiləklōj *

28.  ataqun kunel' malɣiləklōj

9. kunirkil'ǯōj *

29.  ataqun kunel' kunirkil'ǯōj  

10. kunel'ōj

30.  jān kunel'

11. kune irki budē

40.  ilekun kunel'

12. kune ataqul budē

50.  n'əɣanbōǯə kunel'

13. kune jāl budē

60.  mālun kunel'

14. kune ilukul budē

70.  purkin kunel'

15. kune n'əɣanbōǯə budē

80.  malɣiləkun kunel'

16. kune mālōl budē

90.  kunirkil'boǯə kunel'

17. kune purki budē

100. kunel' kunel' (10 x 10), sto< Russian

18. kune malɣiləkul budē

200. ataqun sto   

19. kune kunirkil'ǯōl budē

1000. tysjača, irkin tysjača (<Russian )

20. ataqun kunel'

2000. ataqun tysjača


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Iku Nagasaki, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
September 17, 2019.
供资料的语言学家: 长崎郁博士 (日本东京外国语大学), 2019 年 9 月 17 日.


Other comments: Kolyma Yukaghir is a moribund language, with only 50 remaining speakers with the language as their mother tongue. No speakers are monolingual, since all speak Russian and most speak Yakut. Southern Yukaghir, Kolyma or Forest Yukaghir has a decimal system. Some symbols used in original data (n',  l'), as in numerals 5, 9, and 10, are used to express palatalization n and l ('ʎ' and 'ɲ') respectively, the 'ǯ ' might be equivalent to IPA' ʒ' or ' dʒ', the macron over a vowel (ē, ā, ī) indicates a long vowel. The Yukaghir numeral 6 might be analyzable into malh- and jaː-'three';  the numeral 8 is complex and comprises the malh-numeral six; the numeral 9 can be traced back to some combination of kun-'ten' and irk-'one'. Note that the word “tysjača is borrowed from Russian.

Language name and locationː Southern Yukaghir, Sakha, Russia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区南部尤卡吉亚语, 俄罗斯东西伯利亚科雷马河(Kolyma)盆地


1. irkēj *

21.  ataqun kunel' irkēj

2. ataqlōj

22.  ataqun kunel' ataqlōj

3. jālōj

23.  ataqun kunel' jālōj

4. ileklōj

24.  ataqun kunel' ileklōj

5. n'əɣanbōj *

25.  ataqun kunel' n'əɣanbōj

6. mālōj *

26.  ataqun kunel' mālōj

7. purkījōj

27.  ataqun kunel' purkījōj

8. malɣiləklōj *

28.  ataqun kunel' malɣiləklōj

9. kunirkil'ǯōj *

29.  ataqun kunel' kunirkil'ǯōj  

10. kunel'ōj

30.  jān kunel'

11. kune irki budē

40.  ilekun kunel'

12. kune ataqul budē

50.  n'əɣanbōǯə kunel'

13. kune jāl budē

60.  mālun kunel'

14. kune ilukul budē

70.  purkin kunel'

15. kune n'əɣanbōǯə budē

80.  malɣiləkun kunel'

16. kune mālōl budē

90.  kunirkil'boǯə kunel'

17. kune purki budē

100. kunel' kunel' (10 x 10), sto< Russian

18. kune malɣiləkul budē

200. ataqun sto   

19. kune kunirkil'ǯōl budē


20. ataqun kunel'



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Irina Nikolaeva through Dr. Andrej A. Kibrik, Institute of Linguistics, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, September 29, 1991.
Additional data provided by Dr. Elena Maslova, Leiden University, Netherlands, 27 May 27, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Irina Nikolaeva, 1991 年 9 月 29 日.


Other comments: Southern Yukaghir, Kolyma or Forest Yukaghir has a decimal system. Some symbols used in original data (n',  l'), as in numerals 5, 9, and 10, are used to express palatalization n and l ('ʎ' and 'ɲ') respectively, the 'ǯ ' might be equivalent to IPA' ʒ' or ' dʒ', the macron over a vowel (ē, ā, ī) indicates a long vowel. The Yukaghir numeral 6 might be analyzable into malh- and jaː-'three';  the numeral 8 is complex and comprises the malh-numeral six; the numeral 9 can be traced back to some combination of kun-'ten' and irk-'one'. 

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