Language name and locationː Dai Zhuang, China, Vietnam [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 壮语金龙话 (布岱语 pho33ta:i33 ), 广西龙胜县金龙镇


1. nɯŋ33; ʔit55

21.  ȵi33 rip55 ʔit55

2. roːŋ51;  ȵi33

22.  ȵi33 rip55 ȵi33

3. raːm51

23.  ȵi33 rip55 raːm51

4. ri51

24.  ȵi33 rip55 ri51

5. ha35

25.  ȵi33 rip55 ha35

6. huk55

26.  ȵi33 rip55 huk55

7. tɕit33

27.  ȵi33 rip55 tɕit33

8. peːt55

28.  ȵi33 rip55 peːt55 

9. kau35

29.  ȵi33 rip55 kau35

10. rip55

30.  raːm51 rip55

11. rip55 ʔit55 

40.  ri51 rip55 

12. rip55 ȵi33

50.  ha35 rip55

13. rip55 raːm51

60.  huk55 rip55

14. rip55 ri51

70.  tɕit33 rip55

15. rip55 ha35

80.  peːt55 rip55

16. rip55 huk55

90.  kau35 rip55

17. rip55 tɕit33

100.  paːk33

18. rip55 peːt55 

200.  ȵi33 paːk33

19. rip55 kau35

1000. ɕiːm51

20. ȵi33 rip55 

2000. ȵi33 ɕiːm51, 10,000.faːn33


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Huang Yuxiong, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, October 3, 2017.
供资料的语言学家: 黄玉雄博士 (上海师范大学中国语言文学系语), 2017 年 10 月 3 日.


Other comments: Jinlong hua or Bu Dai has a decimal system. Dai Zhuang or Bu Dai is spoken by approximately 100,000 speakers in Yunnan province: Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guangnan county, Zhulin township; Maguan and Malipo (west) counties; Wenshan county, Dehou, Kaihua, Laohuilong, Matang, and Panzhihua townships; Yanshan county, Pingyuan township, China, as well as northern Vietnam. The above data was from dialect of Jinlong hua spoken in Township of Jinlong County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region with about 6,000 speakers

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