Language name and locationː Zenaga, Trarza region, Mauritania [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区泽纳加语, 毛里塔尼亚西南部特拉扎省


1. (næj)juʔn (macs.), tʲuʔwæð (fem.)

21.  ʃʃindæh əð juʔn

2. ʃin(æn) (macs.), ʃinæð (fem.)

22.  ʃʃindæh əð ʃinæn

3. karˤaðˤ (macs.), karˤaðˤað (fem.)

23.  ʃʃindæh əð karˤaðˤ

4. akkuθˤ(macs.), akkuθˤað (fem.)

24.  ʃʃindæh əð akkuθˤ

5. ʃæmmuʃ (macs.), ʃæmmuʃæð (fem.)

25.  ʃʃindæh əð ʃæmmuʃ

6. ʃuðˤiʃ (macs.), ʃuðˤæð (fem.)

26.  ʃʃindæh əð ʃuðˤ

7. iʃʃæh (macs.), iʃʃæjæð (fem.)

27.  ʃʃindæh əð iʃʃæh

8. ittæm (macs.), ittæmæð (fem.)

28.  ʃʃindæh əð ittæm

9. tuðˤah (macs.), tuðˤajæð (fem.)

29.  ʃʃindæh əð tuðˤah

10. mæræɡ (macs.), mæræjæð (fem.)

30.  karˤaðˤat-tmæriːn

11. mæræɡ əð juʔn

40.  akkuθˤat-tmæriːn

12. ræɡ əð ʃinæn

50.  ʃæmmuʃæt-tmæriːn

13. ræɡ əð karˤaðˤ

60.  ʃuðˤiʃ-tmæriːn

14. ræɡ əð akkuθˤ

70.  iʃʃæjæt-tmæriːn

15. ræɡ əð ʃæmmuʃ

80.  ittæmæt-tmæriːn

16. ræɡ əð ʃuðˤ

90.  tuðˤahajæt-tmæriːn

17. ræɡ əð iʃʃæh

100. tmaðˤih

18. ræɡ əð ittæm

200. ʃinæt-tmaðˤaʔn

19. ræɡ əð tuðˤah 

1000. əffaðˤ / æfðˤan (plural form )

20. tæʃʃindæh

2000. ʃinʲ-æfðˤan


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Catherine Taine-Cheikh, LACITO / CNRS, France. May 29, 2007, January 22, 2014.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Catherine Taine-Cheikh, 2007 年 5 月 29 日, 2014 年 1 月 22 日.


Other comments: Zenaga or Mauritania Berber has a decimal system. There are feminine and masculine forms for numerals from one to ten in Zenaga. Note the following conversion between traditional symbols and IPA transcriptionsː

1. ''barred d'' =IPA [ð], 2. š = IPA [ʃ]

3. y = IPA [j], 4. ä = IPA [æ], 5. ī = IPA [iː]

6. ḍ = IPA [dˤ], 7. ẓ = IPA [zˤ]

Zenaga is a Berber language on the verge of extinction currently spoken in Mauritania and northern Senegal by a few hundred people. Zenaga Berber is spoken as a mother tongue from the town of Mederdra in southwestern Mauritania to the Atlantic coast and in northern Senegal. It shares its basic linguistic structure with other Berber idioms in Morocco and Algeria, but specific features are quite different. In fact, Zenaga is probably the most divergent surviving Berber language, with a significantly different sound system made even more distant by sound changes such as /l/ > /dj/ and /x/ > /k/ as well as a difficult-to-explain profusion of glottal stops.
The name "Zenaga" comes from that of a much larger ancient Berber tribe, the Iznagen (Iẓnagen), who are known in Arabic as the Sanhaja.