Language name and locationː Yuaanga, New Caledonia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区昂加语, 新喀里多尼亚岛北部省内陆地区


1. -xɛ

21.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa poxɛ

2. -ʈu

22.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa poʈu

3. -kɔ

23.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa pokɔ

4. -pa

24.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa popa

5. -ni

25.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa poni

6. -ni ma xɛ   (5 + 1)

26.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa poni ma xɛ

7. -ni ma ᶯɖu (5 + 2)

27.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa poni ma ᶯɖu

8. -ni ma ᵑɡɔ  (5 + 3)

28.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa poni ma ᵑɡɔ

9. -ni ma ᵐba (5 + 4)

29.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa poni ma ᵐba

10. ʈuːᶮɟi

30.  axɛ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa ʈuːᶮɟi

11. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔxe

40.  aru ɛᵑɡu (2 x 20)

12. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔʈu

50.  aru ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa ʈuːᶮɟi

13. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔkɔ

60.  akɔ ɛᵑɡu (3 x 20)

14. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔpa

70.  akɔ ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa ʈuːᶮɟi

15. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔni

80.  apa ɛᵑɡu (4 x 20)

16. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔni ma xɛ

90.  apa ɛᵑɡu ᵐbʷa ʈuːᶮɟi

17. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔni ma ᶯɖu

100. ani ɛᵑɡu (5 x 20)

18. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔni ma ᵑɡɔ

200. ʈuːᶮɟi ɛᵑɡu (10 x 20)

19. ʈuːᶮɟi ᵐbʷa pɔni ma ᵐba


20. axɛ ɛᵑɡu (litː 'ɛᵑɡu'=man)



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Isabelle Bril, LACITO-CNRS, Paris, France, June 12, 2006.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Isabelle Bril, 2006 年 6 月 12 日


Other comments: Yuaanga has a traditional quinary-vigesimal system based on 'hands' and 'persons'. Yuaanga like most Oceanic Austronesian languages, has a complicated classifier systems which should be used with a variety of nouns their modified. There are nine sets of classifiers used with numbers 1 to 9. The above is a basic or 'root' forms. The wordsː 'ni'=hand;  'ɛᵑɡu'=person; the origin of 'ten' tuːᶮɟi is unknown. The above data is taken from Zuaang dialect. Yuaanga is spoken by about 2,400 speakers in

west coast and central north, inland valleys between Gomen (Thuanga) and Ouégoa (Juanga), North province, New Caledonia.


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