Language name and locationː Yine, Cusco, Junin, Ucayali, Peru [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区伊内语 (皮罗 Piro), 秘鲁东南部安第斯山脉间库斯科大区, 胡宁大区和乌卡亚利大区丛林地区 


1. satɨpx̯e

21.  h̜epi mole satɨpx̯e

2. h̜epi

22.  h̜epi mole h̜epi

3. mapa

23.  h̜epi mole mapa

4. h̜epkotʸamkox̯e

24.  h̜epi mole h̜epkotʸamkox̯e

5. pamyo ( litː one / another hand)

25.  h̜epi mole pamyo

6. pat͡srɨx̯ire

26.  h̜epi mole pat͡srɨx̯ire

7. payokh̜ipre

27.  h̜epi mole payokh̜ipre

8. yokh̜ipi

28.  h̜epi mole yokh̜ipi

9. mtɨrɨx̯i

29.  h̜epi mole mtɨrɨx̯i

10. pamole ( litː one / another person)

30.  mapa mole

11. pamole satɨpx̯e

40.  h̜epkotʸamkox̯e mole

12. pamole h̜epi

50.  pamyo mole

13. pamole mapa

60.  pat͡srɨx̯ire mole

14. pamole h̜epkotʸamkox̯e

70.  payokh̜ipre mole

15. pamole pamyo

80.  yokh̜ipi mole

16. pamole pat͡srɨx̯ire

90.  mtɨrɨx̯i mole

17. pamole payokh̜ipre

100. satpacha  ('pacha is a Quechua loan )

18. pamole yokh̜ipi

200. h̜epi pacha

19. pamole mtɨrɨx̯i

1000. satu waranka * 

20. h̜epi mole

2000. h̜epi waranka


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Esther Matteson, Department of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley, USA / Summer Institute of Linguistics, November 3, 1989.

提供资的语言: Dr. Esther Matteson, 1989 年 11 月 3 日.


Other comments: Yine (“Piro” is pejorative), or Yineru tokanu is spoken by  approximately 3,200 speakers in Cusco, Junin, and Ucayali regions; Conatmana and Pucallpa, Ucayali river, east central Urubamba river area, Peru.
Yine (Piro) has developed a decimal system of counting, this is rare among the languages of Arawakan family. The numbers for 'hundred' pacha and 'thousand' waranka are loanwords from Quechua. Note that the data were in Phonetic transcription (Americanist )ː

[] =flat palatal fricative, [h̜] =nasalized spirant, [tʸ] = palatalized 't' =IPA [tʲ],

[ch] =voiceless alveo-palatal affricate, IPA [tʃ], [ɨ] = high, open unrounded mid / mid-fronted vocoid. All other symbols are probably identical to their IPA equivalents.

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