Language name and locationː Carib, Venezuela, Suriname [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区加勒比语 (Galibi), 委内瑞拉东北部奥利诺科河出口: 安索阿特吉州,玻利瓦州, 莫纳加斯州和阿马库罗三角洲州及苏里南, 圭亚那, 法属圭亚那及巴西境内 


1. òwin

2. oko

3. oruwa

4. okupàen * / okupaime  ( litː from oko (oko) pai me 'two by two' )

5. ainatone ( litː from aina 'hand' and atone 'on one side' )

6. òwin-tòima  ( litː from 'one' and tywopyima 'crossed over' )

7. oko-tòima   ( litː from 'two' and tywopyima 'crossed over' )

8. oruwa-tòima    ( litː from 'three' and tywopyima 'crossed over' )

9. okupaen-tòima  ( litː from 'four' and tywopyima 'crossed over' )

10. ainapatoro ( litː from aina 'hand' and opatoro 'on both sides' )

11. ainapatoro tùponaka òwin ( litː 'one on top of ten ' )

12. ainapatoro tùponaka oko  ( litː 'two on top of ten ' )

13. ainapatoro tùponaka oruwa ( litː 'three on top of ten ' )

14. ainapatoro tùponaka okupàen ( litː 'four on top of ten ' )

15. atonèpy ( litː from atone 'on one side' and pupu 'foot' )

16. atonèpy tùponaka òwin ( litː 'one on top of fifteen' )

17. atonèpy tùponaka oko ( litː 'two on top of fifteen' )

18. atonèpy tùponaka oruwa  ( litː 'three on top of fifteen' )
19. atonèpy tùponaka okupàen ( litː 'fouron top of fifteen' )
20. òwin-karìna  (litː one Carob 'one person')
21. òwin-karìna tùponaka òwin (litː 'one on top of twenty')
30. òwin-karina tùponaka ainapatoro (litː 'ten on top of twenty')
40. òko-karìna, 60. oruwa-karìna, 80. okupaen-karìna, 100. ainatone-karìna


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Cornelis N. van der Ziel, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Suriname, September 29, 1990, Dr. Henk Courtz, SIL International, November 20, 2008.

提供资的语言: Mr. Cornelis N. van der Ziel, 1990 年 9 月 29 日, Dr. Henk Courtz (SIL), 2008 年 11 月 20 日.


Other comments: Carib or Galibi, Kari’ña, Karìna aura is spoken by approximately

38,000 speakers in Anzoátegui, Bolívar, and Monagas states: Orinoco river mouth area; Guyana border; some in Delta Amacuro state, Venezuela, as well as French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Brazil.

Carib or Galibi has a counting system based on hands and persons, which can count up to 100. The number 4 'okupaime' is morphologically clearer and means 2 x 2 ( pai=times, me = as, onto ). However, the traditional Carib numeral system is increasingly giving way to borrowed systems, especially when numbers surpass twenty.

Note that syllable final <n> represents an underspecified syllable final nasal and the grave accent ( à ) represents an underspecified syllable final non-nasal replaced an earlier apostrophe. Carib is not a tonal language. Carib is not a tonal language.

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