Language name and locationː Yakan, Basilan island, Philippines [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. issaʔ / dɛmbuaʔ |
21. duɛmpukdɛmbuaʔ |
2. duɛ |
22. duɛmpukduɛ |
3. tɛllu |
23. duɛmpuktɛllu |
4. ampat |
24. duɛmpukampat |
5. limɛ |
25. duɛmpuklimɛ |
6. ɛnnɛm |
26. duɛmpukɛnnɛm |
7. pituʔ |
27. duɛmpukpituʔ |
8. waluʔ |
28. duɛmpukwaluʔ |
9. siam |
29. duɛmpuksiam |
10. sɛmpuːʔ |
30. tɛllumpuːʔ |
11. sɛmpukdɛmbuaʔ |
40. ampatpuːʔ |
12. sɛmpukduɛ |
50. limɛmpuːʔ |
13. sɛmpuktɛllu |
60. ɛnnɛmpuːʔ |
14. sɛmpukampat |
70. pitumpuːʔ |
15. sɛmpuklimɛ |
80. walumpuːʔ |
16. sɛmpukɛnnɛm |
90. siampuːʔ |
17. sɛmpukpituʔ |
100. da hatus |
18. sɛmpukwaluʔ |
200. duɛ hatus |
19. sɛmpuksiam |
1000. dɛ ŋibu |
20. duɛmpuːʔ |
2000. duɛ ŋibu |
Linguist providing data and dateː Ms.
Dietlinde Behrens,
SIL International, Philippines, September 8, 1994, October
提供资料的语言学家: Ms. Dietlinde Behrens, 1994 年 9 月 8 日, 2009 年 10 月 5 日. |
Other comments: Yakan has a decimal system, but the numbers eleven to nineteen, twenty one to twenty nine etc. should be different. There are morphophonemic changes. I assume that they are results of assimilation and that the numbers are thought of as "sɛmpuːʔ duk (and) dɛmbuaʔ" The contracted form becomes "sɛmpukdembua'" the long 'u' is shortened and instead of the glottal there is a 'k'. The same holds true for all digits like 11 - 19, 21 - 29 etc. Yakan is primarily spoken on Basilan Island in the Philippines. It is the native language of the Yakan people, the indigenous as well as the largest ethnic group on the island. It has a total of 110,000 native speakers. |
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