Language name and locationː Xerénte, Tocantins state, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区塞伦特语, 巴西中部托坎廷斯州索努河和托坎廷斯河流域地区


1. smĩˈsi

2. ponkwa'nẽ

3. mrẽpränẽ

4. sikwaĩ'pse
5. sipta'tõ
6. sipra'nɛ̃
7. sru'ru
8. sikuiwa'mẽ
9. ĩssui'bka
10. sahu're
11. sahure-mĩ'si
12. sahure-kwa'nẽ
13. sahure-pra'nẽ
14. sahure-si'kwa
15. sahure-si'ptõ
16. sahure-si'nẽ
17. sahure-'sru
18. sahure-kui'wa
19. sahure-'bka
20. kuburɛre
21. vinte e um, 22 to 29 same as in Portuguese
30. pranẽ're, 40.sikwa're, 50.siptõ're 
60 to 2000 are same as in Portuguese.


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Sinval Filho, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia,  Goiás, Brazil, August 10, 2009.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Sinval Filho, 2009 年 8 月 10 日.


Other comments: Xerénte or Akwẽ-Xerente, Sherenté is spoken by approximately 2,500 speakers in Tocantins state: between Rio do Sono and Rio Tocantins. Xerénte only has four traditional numerals ( 1, 2, 3 and 4), but now the teachers create the other names. They have a peculiar grammatical system for numbers. In general, the Xerente uses the counting concepts with words like: very or many (sakte)), few or little (kture), and so on. The counting are made in a DUAL system, Like I mentioned in my thesis.

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