Language name and locationː Xamtanga, Amhara region, Ethiopia [Ref to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区汉坦加语, 埃塞俄比亚北部阿姆哈拉州  


1. lə́w

21.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn lə́w

2. líŋa

22.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn líŋa

3. ʃáqʷa

23.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn ʃáqʷa

4. síza

24.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn síza

5. ákʷa

25.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn ákʷa

6. wálta

26.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn wálta

7. láŋta / lánta

27.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn lánta

8. sə́wta

28.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn sə́wta

9. sʼájtʃʼa

29.  lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn sʼájtʃʼa

10. sʼɨ́kʼa

30.  sə́wɨrŋɨn

11. sʼɨ́tʃʼi lə́w

40.  árba  (< Arabic )

12. sʼɨ́tʃʼi líŋa

50.  ákʷɨrŋɨn

13. sʼɨ́tʃʼi ʃáqʷa

60.  waltə́rŋɨn

14. sʼɨ́tʃʼi síza

70.  laŋtə́rŋɨn

15. sʼɨ́tʃʼi ákʷa

80.  səwtə́rŋɨn

16. sʼɨ́tʃʼi wálta

90.  sʼajtʃʼə́rŋɨn

17. sʼɨ́tʃʼi lánta

100. la

18. sʼɨ́tʃʼi sə́wta

200. liŋa la

19. sʼɨ́tʃʼi sʼájtʃʼa

1000. ʃɨx  (<Amharic )

20. lə́rɨŋ /lə́rɨn

2000. liŋa ʃɨx


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. David Appleyard, SOAS ( School of Oriental and African Studies ), University of London, U.K. May 15, 2007, August 9, 2012.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. David Appleyard, 2007  年 5 月 15 日. 2012  年 8 月 9 日.


Other comments: Xamtanga has a decimal system. The number 'thousand' is a loan from Amharic. Xamtanga like most Cushitic languages are tonal, but of a rather specific type, quite unlike East Asian languages like Chinese for instance. They are They are better described as pitch-accent languages. I give the x́ marks stresses syllable with high pitch.

Xamtanga (also Agawinya, Khamtanga, Xamir) is a Central Cushitic language spoken in Ethiopia by the Xamir people with approximately 200,000 speakers  .


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