Language name and locationː Wogeo, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区沃格奥语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克省两个小岛


1. ta

21.  usú bʷe kobʷá ~ usú bʷe ka-tá  *

2. rua

22.  usú bʷe rua  (20+2 )

3. tol

23.  usú bʷe tol   (20+3 )

4. kʷik

24.  usú bʷe kʷik (20+4)

5. (kʷik) bʷa-kobʷá (4+1)

25.  usú bʷe kʷik bʷa-kobʷá (20+4+1)

6. (kʷik) bʷa-raɡó   (4+2)

26.  usú bʷe kʷik bʷa-raɡó (20+4+2)

7. (kʷik) bʷe-tol      (4+3)

27.  usú bʷe kʷik bʷe-tol  (20+4+3)

8. kiki-rua (4 x 2)

28.  usú bʷe kiki-rua  (20+4 x 2)

9. kiki-rua bʷa-kobʷá  (4 x 2+1) 

29.  usú bʷe kiki-rua bʷa kobʷá 

10. kiki-rua bʷa-raɡó  (4 x 2+2)

30.  usú bʷe kiki-rua bʷa-raɡó

11. kiki-rua bʷe-tol    (4 x 2+ 3) 

40.  kulemʷa (40)

12. kiki-tol (4 x 3)

50.  kulemʷa bʷe kiki-rua bʷa-raɡó *

13. kiki-tol bʷa-kobʷá  (4 x 3+1) 

60.  kulemʷa bʷe usú (40+20)

14. kiki-tol bʷa-raɡó    (4 x 3+2)

70.  kulemʷa bʷe usú bʷe kiki-rua bʷa-raɡó

15. kiki-tol bʷe-tol       (4 x 3+3) 

80.  kulemʷa-rua (40 x 2)

16. kiki-vat (4 x 4) 

90.  kulemʷa-rua bʷe kiki-rua bʷa-raɡó 

17. kiki-vat bʷa-kobʷá (4 x 4+1) 

100. kulemʷa-rua bʷe usú (40 x 2+20) 

18. kiki-vat bʷa-raɡó   (4 x 4+2)

120. kulemʷa-tol, 160. kulemʷa-vat (40 x 4)

19. kiki-vat bʷe-tol     (4 x 4+ 3)

200. udol (ta) (200 x 1), 400. udol rua

20. usú (20)

1000. lima(ta) (1000 x 1) *


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Mats Exter, Institute for Linguistics, University of Cologne, Cologne / Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, Germany, July 18, 2010.
供资料的语言学家供资料的语言学家: Dr. Mats Exter. 2010 年 7 月 18 日.


Other comments: The Wogeo has a very interesting system based on four (quaternary counting system), with other higher words for 20 'usú'; 40 'kulemʷa'; 200 'udol'; 1,000 'lima', and also 5,000 'val(ú) and 25,000'ka', these words are monomorphemic forms with no internal structure, but their etymology are unknown. 40 'kulemʷa' seems a loanword from neighboring Austronesian language. The numerals 1 to 3 are typically Austronesian in character, the word lima '1,000' indeed looks like Austronesian 'five' but without knowing its precise origin in Wogeo. 21 can be expressed as 'usú bʷe ka-tá' or 'usú bʷe tá'.

    Other higher numerals areː 120. kulemʷa-tol ( 40 x 3 ); 160. kulemʷa-vat (40 x 4 );
    udol (ta) (200 x 1); 400. udol rua (200 x 2); 800. udol kʷik (200 x 4);
    and 25,000 'ka(ka-tá)'.

    Note that following points on the above tableː

   1. the above forms correspond to the varieties of Wogeo spoken on Vokeo Island; the
      variety spoken on neighboring Koil Island differs slightly.

   2. Phonological surface forms are given here (underlyingly, labialized consonants Cʷ
      are sequences of C and o; thus e.g. koik ‘four’).

   3. Elements in parentheses are optional

  4. Most forms can occur with and without the classifier prefix ka-, depending on the 
      head noun; only forms without classifier are given here.

Wogeo (Vokeo) is an Austronesian language of northeast New Guinea. It is spoken by about 1,600 speakers on Koil and Vokeo islands of Wewak Islands Rural LLG, East Sepik province, Papua New Guinea.


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