Language name and locationː Waropen Kai, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区瓦罗彭 (Kai dialect), 印尼巴布亚省瓦罗彭湾南部地区


1. wosio

21.  asati oka wosio

2. woruo

22.  asati oka woruo

3. oro

23.  asati oka oro

4. ako

24.  asati oka ako

5. rimo

25.  asati oka rimo

6. ono

26.  asati oka iko

7. iko  gh=IPA [χ]

27.  asati oka χaro

8. ɡharo [χaro],  gh=IPA [χ]

28.  asati oka siχo

9. siɡhi [siχi]

29.  asati oka siχi

10. sauro

30.  asati oka sauro

11. sauro oka wosio

40.  asanduo  (litː ''two persons)

12. sauro oka woruo

50.  asanduo oka sauro

13. sauro oka oro

60.  asaŋɡoro (litː ''three persons)

14. sauro oka ako

70.  asaŋɡoro oka sauro

15. sauro oka rimo

80.  asaŋɡoko (litː ''four persons)

16. sauro oka ono

90.  asaŋɡoko oka sauro

17. sauro oka iko

100. asandimo (litː ''five persons)

18. sauro oka χaro


19. sauro oka siχi


20. nuŋɡuetio (litː ''one person''), asatio



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Marcel de Jong, GKII/ GKITP (Gereja Kristen Indonesia, Indonesian Christian Church), Papua, Indonesia, February 21, 2015.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Marcel de Jong, 2015 年 2 月 21 日.


Other comments: The Kai dialect of Waropen has a vigesimal system. Numbers 1 to 10 are written with one word. Counting system:

Numbers 11-19 are written with three words, meaning ’10 + 1’, ’10 + 2’ etc. Counting system for number 20 is by using all fingers and toes. So, the word used for number 20 means: ’intact’, ’everything’, that is all numbers from an intact person.

Hence, nunggu natio ‘one person’ also means ‘20’, or with using ‘asatio’ which is a short form of ‘sasa etio’ (one person). Further, the table of 20 is used, for instance ‘asanduo ‘ (two persons) means 40; asanggoro (3 persons) for 60, asanggako (4 persons) for 80, asandimo (5) persons for 100, etc.

Further, the counting system for counting after number 20 is: ’20 plus 1’, ‘ 20 plus 2’, ‘20plus 3’ etc. The counting system for counting number 21 is: ‘asati oka wosio’ meaning ’20 plus 1’.

Waropen is spoken by about 6,000 speakers in south Waropen bay area (Ambumi dialect), and southwest to Rombak river mouth, Papua province, Indonesia.

Language name and locationː Waropen, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区瓦罗彭, 印尼巴布亚省瓦罗彭湾南部地区


1. si

21.  nuŋɡu natio wosio

2. ru

22.  nuŋɡu natio woruo

3. or

23.  nuŋɡu natio oro

4. ak

24.  nuŋɡu natio ako

5. baŋɡei kenano, rimo

25.  nuŋɡu natio baŋɡei kenano

6. baŋɡei kenano toka wosio, χono

26.  nuŋɡu natio baŋɡei kenano toka wosio

7. baŋɡei kenano toka woruo, χiko

27.  nuŋɡu natio baŋɡei kenano toka woruo

8. baŋɡei kenano toka oro, χaro

28.  nuŋɡu natio baŋɡei kenano toka oro

9. baŋɡei kenano toka ako, siχiro

29.  nuŋɡu natio baŋɡei kenano toka ako

10. sauro

30.  nuŋɡu natio ka sauro

11. sauro toka wosio

40.  nuŋɡu nanduo ( 20 x 2 )

12. sauro toka woruo

50.  nuŋɡu nanduo ka sauro

13. sauro toka oro

60.  nuŋɡu naŋɡoro ( 20 x 3 )

14. sauro toka ako

70.  nuŋɡu naŋɡoro ka sauro

15. sauro toka baŋɡei kenano

80.  nuŋɡu naŋɡako ( 20 x 4 )

16. sauro toka baŋɡei kena. toka wosio

90.  nuŋɡu naŋɡako ka sauro

17. sauro toka baŋɡei kena. toka woruo

100. nuŋɡu baŋɡei kenano ( 20 x 5 )

18. sauro toka baŋɡei kena. toka oro


19. sauro toka baŋɡei kena. toka ako


20. nuŋɡu ( litː 'full person')



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Paul van Velzen, Leiden University, Netherlands, May 5, 2012. Data recorded October, 1993.
提供资的语言家: Mr. Paul van Velzen, 2012 年 5 月 5 日


Other comments: Waropen has a traditional quinary, vigesimal numeral system, but now it has adopted the decimal system. Waropen is spoken by about 6,000 speakers in

south Waropen bay area (Ambumi dialect), and southwest to Rombak river mouth,

Papua province, Indonesia.


1.     1. The first 4 numerals (1 to 4) are root numerals and appear only in compounds,
       there are several sets, of which the prefix wo- is the inanimate unmarked variety,
       as apposed to naŋ- which is used to count animate nouns. Furthermore we find
       roŋ- to count fathems, fe- to count slices of folded sago and eŋ- to express a total.

2.     2. Numeral roots cannot be found in isolation but are at least followed by the noun
       phrase marker o.

3.       *We have encountered an archaic Austronesian set of numerals from five to nine in
      the village of Napan and in oral literature. The /χ/ represents voiced pharyngeal
       fricative. It is possible that χ is a prefix.

4.      ** nuŋgu represents one full person. As a person is animate it is followed by the
        numeral set with prefix naŋ-.

5.    *** no units for 300 or more were found, except one instance: wana, for 400, but this
        could not be verified against other informants.

6.     3. Reduplication is possible on numerals from 1 to 5 and 10.

7.     4. Number is expressed on verbal paradigm, where I distinguish single, dual, trial and

           plural. Dual is always used to indicate two persons, trial always indicates three

           persons, and plural is used for four persons or more. This system is adopted in the

           local variety of Malay.

8.     5. Stress is expressed by relative high pitch on the penultimate syllable of the 

           compound noun.


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