Language name and locationː Waata, Lamu County, Kenya [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区瓦塔语, 肯尼亚南部海滨省拉穆郡及附近地区  


1. toko

21.  ilamah toko

2. lama

22.  ilamah lama

3. sedi

23.  ilamah sedi

4. afuri

24.  ilamah afuri

5. ʃeni

25.  ilamah ʃeni

6. jah

26.  ilamah jah

7. toiba

27.  ilamah toiba

8. sadeeli

28.  ilamah sadeeli

9. saɡali

29.  ilamah saɡali

10. kuɗeni

30.  sodoma

11. kuɗenih toko

40.  afurtama

12. kuɗenih lama

50.  ʃentama

13. kuɗenih sedi

60.  jaatama

14. kuɗenih afuri

70.  toibatama

15. kuɗenih ʃeni

80.  sadeetama

16. kuɗenih jah

90.  saɡaltama

17. kuɗenih toiba

100. ɗiba, 200. ɗiba lama

18. kuɗenih sadeeli

400. ɗiba afuri

19. kuɗenih saɡali

1000. elfuh toko (elfuh from Swahili )

20. ilamaani

2000. elfuh  lama


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Sarah Wario, Bible Translation & Literacy ( East Africa), Nairobi, Kenya, February 3, 2020.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Sarah Wario, 2020 年 2 月 3 日.


Other comments: Waata has a decimal system similar to that of Orma. Thousand is a loan from Swahili /Arabic. The Waata or Sanye, with about 13,000 speakers, are an Oromo-speaking people of Kenya and former hunter-gatherers. They share the name Sanye with the neighboring Dahalo. The current language of the Waata may be a dialect of Orma or otherwise Southern Oromo. However, there is evidence that they may have shifted from a Southern Cushitic language, a group that includes Dahalo.


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