Language name and locationː Vehes, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区维赫斯语, 巴布亚新几内亚莫内比省中部内陆地区


1. ti

2. lu

3. lal

4. lubəlu ( litː ''2 + 2'') / uyəkuy 

5. oroⁿdvalu  (litː ''hand part'', oro=hand, valu=part)

6. oroⁿdvalu bə ti   (5 + 1)

7. oroⁿdvalu bə lu  (5 + 2)

8. oroⁿdvalu bə lal (5 + 3)

9. oroⁿdvalu bə lubəlu (5 + 2 + 2)

10. oroⁿdleʁo (litː ''hands both, leʁo=both'')

11. oroⁿdleʁo bə ti

12. oroⁿdleʁo bə lu

13. oroⁿdleʁo bə lal

14. oroⁿdleʁo bə lubəlu

15. oroⁿdleʁo bə oroⁿdvalu

16. oroⁿdleʁo bə oroⁿdvalu bə ti

17. oroⁿdleʁo bə oroⁿdvalu bə lu

18. oroⁿdleʁo bə oroⁿdvalu bə lal

19. oroⁿdleʁo bə oroⁿdvalu bə lubəlu

20. ⁿdalus / ⁿdalus ti (litː ''person one'')
60. ⁿdalus lu / ⁿdalus lu (litː ''persons two'')
80. ⁿdalus lal / ⁿdalus lal (litː 'persons three'')

100. ⁿdalus tuŋ ti


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Gillian Sankoff, Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvaniam Philadelphia, USA,  September 23, 1998.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Gillian Sankoff, 1998 年 9 月 23 日.


Other comments: Vehes has three words as numerals and has a counting system up to twenty. Vehes is an endangered language spoken by approximately 70 speakers in one single village near the coast between Lae and Salamaua, Morobe province, Papua New Guinea.


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