Language name and locationː Vame, Far North reg., Cameroon [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区瓦梅语, 喀麦隆最北地区极北省


1. ɓìlɛ́

21.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ ɓìlɛ́

2. tʃâw

22.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ tʃâw

3. máŋɡàn

23.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ máŋɡàn

4. fúːɗàw

24.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ fúːɗàw

5. ɗáːrà

25.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ ɗáːrà

6. márkà

26.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ márkà

7. tʃíɓà

27.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ tʃíɓà

8. ʒíːrɛ̀

28.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ ʒíːrɛ̀

9. táhkɛ̀

29.  dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw ŋɡɛ̄nɛ̄ táhkɛ̀

10. dʒɛm

30.  kurkur máŋɡàn

11. dʒāŋwā ɓìlɛ́

40.  kurkur fúːɗàw

12. dʒāŋwā tʃâw

50.  kurkur ɗáːrà

13. dʒāŋwā máŋɡàn

60.  kurkur márkà

14. dʒāŋwā fúːɗàw

70.  kurkur tʃíɓà

15. dʒāŋwā ɗáːrà

80.  kurkur ʒíːrɛ̀

16. dʒāŋwā márkà

90.  kurkur táhkɛ̀

17. dʒāŋwā tʃíɓà

100. də̄rmāk

18. dʒāŋwā ʒíːrɛ̀

200. də̄rmāk tʃâw

19. dʒāŋwā táhkɛ̀

1000. dʒìk (for money) / dùbú (other)

20. dʒɛ̄m dʒɛ̄m tʃâw (10+10 x 2)

2000. dʒìk tʃâw / dùbú tʃâw


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Willie Kinnaird, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Cameroon, March 12, 2007, July 13, 2020.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Willie Kinnaird, 2007 年 3 月 12 日, 2020 年 7 月 13 日


Other comments: Vame has a decimal system. The word for two thousand 'dʒìk tʃâw' is indeed the same in both Ouldéme and Vamé. In Ouldémé it is twenty, while in Vamé it is two thousand, but only when talking about money.

Both Vamé and Ouldémé (Wuzlam) counting systems that they use the Fulfulde (Peul, Fulani) system of fives, but only when counting money, and only up to 75. So (Wuzlam), siŋgu zlam (literally “money five”) = 25 francs, siŋgu kulu (lit. “money ten”) = 50 francs, siŋgu kuluŋgarama makar (13x5=65 francs), siŋgu kuluŋgarama zlam (15 x 5=75 francs). Also, for the Ouldémé, when a number approaches a round one hundred - for example 90 - they often say “one hundred is not ten” (or perhaps “one hundred, is missing ten”). This can go down as far as 75 when counting money: 375 might be expressed as “400, is missing money 5 (=25)”. 

Vame is a Chadic language of Biu-Mandara branch spoken in Far North region of northern Cameroon by approximately 8,500 speakers.


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