Language name and locationː Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin, Malekula island, Vanuatu [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区乌利皮夫-瓦拉-拉诺-阿钦语, 瓦努阿图马勒库拉岛东北部


1. etes

21.  moβ(i)l eru sa

2. eru

22.  moβ(i)l eru eru

3. etul

23.  moβ(i)l eru etul

4. eβats

24.  moβ(i)l eru eβats

5. elim

25.  moβ(i)l eru elim

6. owon

26.  moβ(i)l eru owon

7. eᵐbʉt

27.  moβ(i)l eru eᵐbʉt

8. owal

28.  moβ(i)l eru owal

9. esiuw

29.  moβ(i)l eru esiuw

10. (e)saŋaβʉl

30.  moβ(i)l etul

11. (e)saŋaβʉl romon sa

40.  moβ(i)l eβats

12. (e)saŋaβʉl romon eru

50.  moβ(i)l elim

13. (e)saŋaβʉl romon etul

60.  moβ(i)l owon

14. (e)saŋaβʉl romon eβats

70.  moβ(i)l eᵐbʉt

15. (e)saŋaβʉl romon elim

80.  moβ(i)l ewal

16. (e)saŋaβʉl romon owon

90.  moβ(i)l ɛsiuw

17. (e)saŋaβʉl romon eᵐbʉt

100. mo(βe)saŋavʉl

18. (e)saŋaβʉl romon owal

200. iβin βaru, 300. iβin βatul

19. (e)saŋaβʉl romon esiuw

600. iβin βawon, 700. iβin βaᵐbʉt

20. moβ(i)l eru

1000. iβin βasaŋaβʉl 


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Marie-France Duhamel, Department of Linguistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand, December 20, 2012.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Marie-France Duhamel, 2012 年 12 月 20 日


Other comments: The above data was taken from Atchin dialect of Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin language. Atchin has a decimal counting system. Numeral etes 'one' is only used to represent the first single digit numeral when counting without a noun. For two decimal digits, and when used as a noun modifier, sa is used to represent 'one'.

roman is a linking word between the numeral fro tens and the numeral for unites.

Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin is spoken by about 9,000 speakers (Lynch and Crowley 2001). 1,380 Atchin, 3,450 Uripiv-Wala-Rano in northeast Malekula and nearby islands, Malampa province, Vanuatu.

Language name and locationː Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin, Malekula island, Vanuatu [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区乌利皮夫-瓦拉-拉诺-阿钦语, 瓦努阿图马勒库拉岛东北部


1. itɛs, san

21.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon san

2. ɛ-ɾu

22.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon ɛɾu

3. i-tul, i-tl

23.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon itul

4. i-βitʃ

24.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon βitʃ

5. ɛ-lim

25.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon ɛlim

6. ouwon, owon

26.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon ouwon

7. ɛ-but

27.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon ɛbut

8. ɛ-wil

28.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon ɛwil

9. ɛ-siw

29.  ŋaβøl ɛɾu dromon ɛsiw

10. ɛ-sŋaβøl

30.  ŋaβøl itul

11. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon san

40.  ŋaβøl iβitʃ

12. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon ɛɾu

50.  ŋaβøl ɛlim

13. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon ɛtul

60.  ŋaβøl ouwon

14. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon βitʃ

70.  ŋaβøl ɛbut

15. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon ɛlim

80.  ŋaβøl ɛwil

16. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon ouwon

90.  ŋaβøl ɛsiw

17. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon ɛbut

100. oŋut

18. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon ɛwil

200. oŋut βaɾu

19. ɛ-sŋaβøl dromon ɛsiw

1000. nuβasŋaβøl

20. ŋaβøl ɛɾu



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Ross McKerras, SIL-International, Vanuatu, October 15, 1992.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Ross McKerras, 1992 年 10 月 15 日


Other comments: Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin has a decimal system. Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin is spoken by about 9,000 speakers (Lynch and Crowley 2001). 1,380 Atchin, 3,450 Uripiv-Wala-Rano in northeast Malekula and nearby islands, Malampa province, Vanuatu.


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