Language name and locationː Southern Tujia, Hunan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区南部土家语, 中国湖南省西北部泸溪县潭溪乡境内的十几个村寨


1. la21/33 / ʑi21

21.  lie55 ħɨ21 la21

2. lie55

22.  lie55 ħɨ21 lie55

3. sa55

23.  lie55 ħɨ21 sa55

4. zɨe33

24.  lie55 ħɨ21 zɨe33

5. ŋɨ33

25.  lie55 ħɨ21 ŋɨ33

6. ɣʉ35

26.  lie55 ħɨ21 ɣʉ35

7. kai13 tɕi55sa33 / tɕʰi21  *

27.  lie55 ħɨ21 kai13tɕi55 sa33/ ħaɨ35 tɕʰi21

8. a13 la55so33  / pa21  *

28.  lie55 ħɨ21 a13la55so33 / ħaɨ35 pa21

9. kai13 tɕi55 tɕʰi33 / tɕiʉ55  *

29.  lie55 ħɨ21 kai13 tɕi55tɕʰi33 / ħaɨ35 tɕiʉ55

10. ħɨ21 *

30.  sa55 ħɨ21

11. la21 ħɨ21 la21

40.  zɨe33 ħɨ21

12. la21 ħɨ21 lie55

50.  ŋɨ33 ħɨ21

13. la21 ħɨ21 sa55

60.  ɣʉ35 ħɨ21

14. la21 ħɨ21 zɨe33

70.  kai13 tɕi55sa33ħɨ21/ tɕʰi21 sɿ21 *

15. la21 ħɨ21 ŋɨ33

80.  a13la55so33 ħɨ21 / pa21 sɿ21  *

16. la21 ħɨ21 ɣʉ35

90.  kai13 tɕi55 tɕʰi33 ħɨ21/ tɕiʉ55sɿ21*

17. la21 ħɨ21 kai13 tɕi55sa33/ sɿ21 tɕʰi21 *

100. zɿ21,  101. la21 zɿ21 lẽ21 la21

18. la21 ħɨ21 a13la55so21 / sɿ21tɕʰi21  *

200. lie55 zɿ35

19. la21 kai13 tɕi55tɕʰi33/ sɿ21tɕiʉ55  *

1000. tɕʰiã33 <Chinese

20. lie55 ħɨ21 / ħaɨ35 sɿ21

2000. lie55 tɕʰiã33


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Xu Shixuan, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 28 February, 2007, November 6, 2012.
供资料的语言学家: 徐世璇教授 (中国社科院民族研究所), 2007 年 2 月 28 日.


Other comments: Due to the strong influence from the Chinese, the Southern Tujia only has few traditional numbers, except for the loanwords from Chinese, the numerals 7, 8 and 9 are very particular and interesting phenomenon: they according to the meaning of local Chinese dialect and use own lexemes to describe these three Chinese Characters to express numbers 7, 8, 9:  for 7, they use Chinese Character七 which means '小钩 small hook'; for 8 use Chinese Character 八 which means '眼眉毛 eyebrows';  and for 9 use Chinese Character 九 which means '大钩 big hook'. Without the interpretation of local native speakers, ones cannot easily understand the original meanings. Other higher numeralsː 300. sa55 zɿ21, 400. zie55 zɿ21, 500. ŋɨ33 zɿ21, 600. ɣʉ35 zɿ21, 700. kai13 tɕiei55/tɕi55sa33 zɿ21 or tɕʰi21 pɨe21,  800. a13 la55so33 zɿ21 or pa21 pɨe21, 900. kai13 tɕiei55/tɕi55 tɕʰi33 zɿ21 or tɕiʉ55 pɨe21, 3500. sa55 tɕʰiã33 wu55 pɨe21. Southern Tujia is spoken by approximately 1,500 speakers in 3 villages, Luxi county, Northwest Hunan Province, China.


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