Language name and locationː Titan, Manus, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区蒂坦, 巴布亚新几亚之马努斯岛 东南部海边地区


1. e-si

21.  lukow pe si

2. e-luo

22.  lukow pe luo

3. e-talo

23.  lukow pe talo

4. e-a

24.  lukow pe a

5. e-lima (lit: 'hand')

25.  lukow pe lima

6. e-wono

26.  lukow pe wono

7. adratalo (10 - 3)

27.  lukow pe adratalo

8. adraluo  (10 - 2)

28.  lukow pe adraluo

9. adrasi    (10 - 1)

29.  lukow pe adrasi

10. e-akow

30.  tuluŋol

11. e-akow pe si

40.  aŋol

12. e-akow pe luo

50.  topwal

13. e-akow pe talo

60.  wonoŋal

14. e-akow pe a

70.  adra-tuluŋol

15. e-akow pe lima

80.  adra-lukow

16. e-akow pe wono

90.  adra-akow

17. e-akow pe adratalo

100. e-saŋat, 200. luŋat, 300. tuluŋat,

18. e-akow pe adraluo

400. haŋat, 500. limaŋat, 600. wonoŋat,

19. e-akow pe adrasi

700. adratuluŋat. 800. adraluŋat,

20. lukow

900. adrasaŋat, 1000. pwesi


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Robert Blust, Department of linguistics,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA. August 30, 1998, December 6, 2012, January 30, 2021
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Robert Blust, 1998 年 8 月 30 日, 2012 年 12 月 30 日,
2021 年 1 月 30 日


Other comments: Titan has a typical "Manus type" Austronesian language decimal counting system with special structure for numerals 6 to 9. The formation of number 50 is different from those of other tens. The Titan data were recorded, from fieldwork in Manus that I did in 1975. Here is the basic numeral set for serial counting (in counting houses, pigs, trees, coconuts, bunches of betel nuts, etc. a numeral classifier must be used, and the sets are slightly different, e.g. um a-se-m 'one house', pow a e-a-mo 'one pig', key a se-y 'one tree', niw a si 'one coconut', brue e a-mbung 'one bunch of betel nuts', where um=house, pow=pig, key=tree, niw=coconut, and brue=betel nut):
I've marked morpheme boundaries. All final vowels are automatically followed by glottal stop and all sequences of high vowel+unlike vowel are followed by a glide homorganic with the high vowel. Titan is spoken by about 5,000 speakers in southeast coast of Manus island, Manus province, Papua New Guinea.


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