Language name and locationː Tekó, French Guiana [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区特科语 (埃梅里隆 Emerillon), 法属圭亚那西北部罗尼河畔圣洛朗区  


1. bodzepe ~ mõdzẽpẽ

2. mokɔɲ

3. bapit̚

4. momokɔnte

5. nõdepõʔã (mõba) ~ ononepõʔã

6. nõdepõʔãmõbaɾehewewat̚ ~ nõdepõʔã mõba ozerowaɡ nõdepõʔãɾehe
7. nõdepõʔãmõba odzerowak̚ mokɔɲ nõdepõʔãɾehe
8. nõdepõʔãmõba odzerowak̚ bapit̚ nõdepõʔãɾehe
9. nõdepõʔãmõba odzerowak̚ momokɔnte nõdepõʔãɾehe
10. mokɔɲ nõdepõʔãmõba (litː ''two our hands'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Françoise Rose, CNRS / Université Lyon, France, October 27, 2008.

提供资的语言: Dr. Françoise Rose, 2008 年 10 月 27 日.


Other comments: Tekó or Emerillon, Emereñon, Teco is spoken by approximately 400
speakers in Brazil border area, at the confluence of Camopi and Oiapock rivers; Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni district: Maroni river area, on Suriname border.
Emerillon usually use the traditional names only up to 4 or 5. The higher number I found with the traditional name is 6. Starting at 5, traditional numbering is based on the hand. Data for numbers between 5 and 6 vary. Each of those is built as ''our hand and one, two, three or four''. French numbers (do not undergo phonological adaptation) are used In everyday life to  tell the time, the date and count.

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