Language name and locationː Tangwang Xua, China [Not reported on Ethnologue ]

言名称和分布地区唐汪话, 中国甘肃省临夏回族自治州东乡县唐汪镇


1. ji

21.  ɛ ʂʅ ji

2. ɛ

22.  ɛ ʂʅ ɛ

3. sɛ̃

23.  ɛ ʂʅ sɛ̃

4. sɿ

24.  ɛ ʂʅ sɿ

5. vu

25.  ɛ ʂʅ vu

6. liəu

26.  ɛ ʂʅ liəu

7. tɕʰi

27.  ɛ ʂʅ tɕʰi

8. pa

28.  ɛ ʂʅ pa

9. tɕiəu

29.  ɛ ʂʅ tɕiəu

10. ʂʅ

30.  sɛ̃ ʂʅ

11. ʂʅ ji

40.  sɿ ʂʅ

12. ʂʅ ɛ

50.  vu ʂʅ

13. ʂʅ sɛ̃

60.  liəu ʂʅ

14. ʂʅ sɿ

70.  tɕʰi ʂʅ

15. ʂʅ vu

80.  pa ʂʅ

16. ʂʅ liəu

90.  tɕiəu ʂʅ

17. ʂʅ tɕʰi

100. ji pɛ,  200. liɑ̃ pɛ, 400. sɿ pɛ

18. ʂʅ pa

800. pa pɛ

19. ʂʅ tɕiəu

1000. ji tɕʰiɛ̃

20. ɛ ʂʅ

2000. liɑ̃ tɕʰiɛ̃


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ran Qibin and Dr. Huang Yu, College of

Chinese language and culture, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, August 5, 2018.

供资料的语言学家冉启斌 博士, 黄昱博士 (天津南开大汉语言文化学院),  2018 年 8 月 5 日.


Other comments: The Tangwang language (Chinese: 唐汪话 Tángwàng huà) is a variety of Mandarin Chinese heavily influenced by the Mongolic Santa language (Dongxiang) or mixed language. It is spoken in a dozen or so villages in Dongxiang Autonomous County, Gansu Province, China. The linguist Mei W. Lee-Smith calls this creole language the "Tangwang language" (Chinese: 唐汪话), based on the names of the two largest villages (Tangjia and Wangjia, parts of Tangwang town) where it is spoken.


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