Language name and locationː Tami, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区塔米语, 巴布亚新几内亚西莫罗贝省北部沿岸和附近小岛


1. ti / timoŋ

21. taumoandeʔmatimoŋ

2. lu

22. taumoandeʔmalu

3. tôl *

23. taumoandeʔmatôl

4. pat

24. taumoandeʔmapat

5. lim

25. taumoandeʔmalim

6. limatimoŋ ( 5 + 1 )

26. taumoandeʔmalimatimoŋ

7. limalu      ( 5 + 2 )

27. taumoandeʔmalimalu

8. limatôl     ( 5 + 3 )

28. taumoandeʔmalimatôl

9. limapat    ( 5 + 4 )

29. taumoandeʔmalimapat

10. limandalu

30. taumoandeʔmalimandalu

11. limandalumatimoŋ

40. taumoandeʔlu (litː 'persons two')

12. limandalumalu

50. taumoandeʔlumalimandalu

13. limandalumatôl

60. taumoandeʔmatôl (litː 'persons three ')

14. limandalumapat

70. taumoandeʔmatôlmalimandalu

15. limandalumalima

80. taumoandeʔpat  (litː 'persons four ')

16. limandalumalimatimoŋ

90. taumoandeʔpatmalimandalu

17. limandalumalimalu

100. taumoandeʔlim  (litː 'persons five')

18. limandalumalimatôl

200. taumoandeʔlim ma taumoandeʔlim poet

19. limandalumalimapat

1000. akanoŋ tau tau

20. taumoandeʔ (litː 'person one')

2000. akanoŋ tau tau isan


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Kim Colich, SIL International, Papua New Guinea, May 25, 2011.
提供资的语言家: Mr. Kim Colich, 2011 年 5 月 25 日.


Other comments: Tami has a quinary counting system based on hand 'lima' and man 'taumoandeʔ'. Note that all sounds represented are consistent with IPA standards with the exception of [ô] which is similar to [u] but higher up and further back. And just a brief bit of explanation on the 'numbers' larger than 100. After 100 they typically do not specify (or even try to) a specific quantity. The phrase ''akanoŋ tau tau isan'' means "plenty" or ''lots''. Adding the modifiers "tau tau" conveys then a sense of ''really a lots'' and then ''isan'' would function as a superlative conveying a sense of "too many to count". Tami is spoken by about 2,100 speakers on the Tami Islands and in a few villages at the tip of the Huon Peninsula in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. 


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