Language name and locationː Central Tamazight, Morocco [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区中部塔马齐格特语, 摩洛哥北部中阿特拉斯山脉地区


1. idj

21.  wahdu ˤaʃrin

2. sin

22.  tnaynu ˤaʃrin

3. ʃradˤ

23.  tlataw ˤaʃrin

4. rbˤa

24.  rabˤaw ˤaʃrin

5. xmsa

25.  xmsaw ˤaʃrin

6. stta

26.  sttaw ˤaʃrin

7. sbˤa

27.  sbˤaw ˤaʃrin

8. tmnya

28.  tmnyaw ˤaʃrin

9. tsˤud

29.  tsˤaw ˤaʃrin

10. ˤaʃra

30.  θratin

11. hdaʃ

40.  ˀabˤin

12. tnaʃ 

50.  xmsin

13. tlattaʃ 

60.  sttin

14. rbˤataʃ

70.  sbˤin

15. xmstaʃ 

80.  tmanin

16. sttaʃ 

90.  tsˤin

17. sbˤataʃ

100. miya

18. tmantaʃ 

200. mitayn

19. tsaˤtaʃ

1000. ˀalf

20. ˤaʃrin 



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Moha Ennaji, University of Fes, Morocco, April 20, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Moha Ennaji, 1999 年 4 月 20 日.


Other comments: Central Atlas Tamazight preserves three numerals of Berber origin. They use Moroccan Arabic numerals from four onwards.

Central Atlas Tamazight (also known as Central Morocco Tamazight, Middle Atlas Tamazight, Tamazight, Central Shilha )is a Berber language  spoken by almost 5 million people in the Atlas Mountains of Central Morocco as well as by smaller emigrant communities in France and elsewhere.


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