Language name and locationː Tayart Tamajaq, Niger [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区塔雅尔特-塔马舍克语, 尼日尔北部阿加德兹地区艾尔高原


1. əyyǎn-da

21.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen d əyyǎn

2. əššin

22.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen d əššin

3. k̩ǎrad

23.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen əd kǎrad

4. ək̩k̩oz̩

24.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen d ək̩k̩oz̩

5. s̩əm̩m̩os

25.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen əd s̩əm̩m̩os

6. səd̩is

26.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen əd səd̩is

7. əs̩s̩a

27.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen d əs̩s̩a

8. əttam̩

28.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen d əttam̩

9. t̩əz̩a

29.  sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen əd t̩̩əza

10. m̩ǎraw

30.  k̩ǎrad̩ǎt tim̩ərwen

11. m̩ǎraw d əyyǎn

40.  akkoz̩ǎt tim̩ərwen

12. m̩ǎraw d əššin

50.  s̩əm̩m̩osǎt tim̩ərwen

13. m̩ǎraw əd kǎrad̩

60.  səd̩isǎt tim̩ərwen

14. m̩ǎraw d ək̩k̩oz

70.  əs̩s̩ayǎt tim̩ərwen

15. m̩ǎraw əd s̩əm̩m̩os

80.  əttam̩ǎt tim̩ərwen

16. m̩ǎraw əd səd̩is

90.  təz̩ayǎt tim̩ərwen

17. m̩ǎraw d əs̩s̩a

100. temed̩e

18. m̩ǎraw d əttam̩

200. sǎn̩atǎt timed̩e

19. m̩ǎraw əd t̩əz̩a

1000. eɡim

20. sǎn̩atǎt tim̩ərwen

2000. əššin ɡim


Linguist providing data and dateː Mrs. Christian Grandouiller, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Nigeria. April 26, 2012. Data taken from: Karl-G Prasse, Ghoube?d Alojaly, Ghabdouane Mohamed, Lexique Touareg-Fran?ais, deuxième edition revue et augmentée, CNI Publications 24, Museum Tusculum Press, 1998, University of Copenhagen.

供资料的语言学家: Mrs. Christian Grandouiller, 2012 年 1 月 26 日.


Other comments: Tayart Tamajaq has a deciaml system. Tayart Tamajaq numerals are similar to that of other Tamasheq languages or dialects.

Note 1ː This transcription may be approximative.

Note 2ː The dotted consonants ( d̩, s̩, z̩, m̩, n̩  ... ) are called ''emphatics''; term also used among Berber and Semitic languages.

Tayart Tamajeq is a Berber language spoken in Niger by about 250,000 people. It is spoken mainly by the Tuareg people who live in the Aïr Mountains in the Agadez Region of northern Niger, particularly in the departments of Arlit and Tchirozerine. There are also speakers in the Zinder, Tahoua and Maradi regions of Niger.


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