Language name and location: Tadaksahak, Mali, Algeria [Refer to Ethnologue

言名称和分布地区塔达克沙哈克语, 马里共和国东北部地区及阿尔及利亚境内


1. a-ˈfːo ~ a-ˈfːoo-da

21.  ˈtaːʃinda (ə)nd(a) a-ˈfːo

2. hiŋˈka

22.  ˈtaːʃinda (ə)ndə hiŋka

3. kaːˈrˤad <Tamasheq

23.  ˈtaːʃinda (ə)nda kaːˈrˤad

4. aˈkːoːz  <Tamasheq

24.  ˈtaːʃinda (ə)nd(a) aˈkːoːz

5. ʃaˈmːuʃ <Tamasheq


6. ʃaːˈdˤiʃ <Tamasheq


7. iˈʃːa     <Tamasheq

27.  ˈtaːʃinda (ə)nd(a) iˈʃːa

8. iˈtˤːam <Tamasheq


9. tˤaːˈsˤa  <Tamasheq


10.maːˈrˤa <Tamasheq

30.  kaːˈrˤad-[ə]-t-ə-ˈmerw-in <Tamasheq
    ~ kaːrˤˈda-t-ə-ˈmerw-in     

11. maːˈrˤa (ə)nd(a) a-ˈfːo

40.  aˈkːoːz [ə] t-ə-ˈmerw-in

12. maːˈrˤa (ə)nda hiŋˈka

50.  ʃaˈmːuʃ-[ə]-t-ə-ˈmerw-in

13. maːˈrˤa (ə)nda kaːˈrˤad

60.  ʃaːˈdˤiʃ-[ə]-t-ə-ˈmerw-in

14. maːˈrˤa (ə)nd(a) aˈkːoːz

70.  iˈʃːaj-t-ə-ˈmerw-in

15. maːˈrˤa (ə)nda ʃaˈmːuʃ

80.  iˈtˤːam-[ə]-t-ə-ˈmerw-in

16. maːˈrˤa (ə)nda ʃaːˈdˤiʃ

90.  tˤaːˈsˤaj-t-ə-ˈmerw-in

17. maːˈrˤa (ə)nd(a) iˈʃːa

100. tˤ-ə-ˈmeːdi <Tamasheq)

18. maːˈrˤa (ə)nd(a) iˈtˤːam

200. ˈtˤ-ə-mːaːd hiŋˈka

19. maːˈrˤa (ə)nda tˤaːˈsˤá

1000. a-ˈjim <Tamasheq

20. ˈtaːʃinda <Zenaga

2000. i-ˈjiːm-an hiŋˈka


Linguist providing data and date: Dr. Regula Christiansen, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Mali, revised March 8, 2014

言名称和分布地区: Dr. Regula Christiansen, 2014 3 8 .


Other comments: Tadaksahak is spoken by approximately 160,000 speakers in Gao region in northeastern Mali as well as Algeria. The Tadaksahak numerals are organized as a decimal system where number one and two are of Songhay origin while 3-10 are related to the Tamasheq (Berber) equivalents as well as the decades and 100 (< temeḍe) and 1000 (<agim). Exception is 20 which seems to be traceable to Zenaga (Mauretania).
'one' as the only numeral has an independent form /a-ˈfːoo-da/ (e.g. when counting) and a qualifying /NOUN ˈfoo-da/. 2-9 can serve as nouns without additional morphology and can take a plural in that function.
Above ten the numerals are formed by inserting 'with' /
Syntax: 1-10 is post-nominal, higher numerals with a genitival construction where the (counted) noun is in the singular.


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