Language name and location: Suri-Tirmaga-Chai, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区蒂尔马加-查伊-苏里语, 埃塞俄比亚南部民族区及苏丹交界地区


1. ɗɔ́nɛ

21.  hɪ́rkòn kó ɗɔ́nɛ

2. ràmmán

22.  hɪ́rkòn kó ràmmán

3. sízzì

23.  hɪ́rkòn kó sízzì

4. wùʃ ~ wùy

24.  hɪ́rkòn kó wùʃ

5. háyɛ́ná

25.  hɪ́rkòn kó háyɛ́ná

6. ìllɛ̀y

26.  hɪ́rkòn kó ìllɛ̀y

7. ìsàbbày

27.  hɪ́rkòn kó ìsàbbày

8. ìssèy

28.  hɪ́rkòn kó ìssèy

9. sàkkàl

29.  hɪ́rkòn kó sàkkàl

10. tɔ̀mɔ̀n

30.  hɪ́rkòn kó tɔ̀mɔ̀n

11. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó ɗɔ́nɛ

40.  zùɡò ràmmán (litː 'two people')

12. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó ràmmán

50.  zùɡò ràmmán kó tɔ̀mɔ̀n

13. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó sízzì

60.  zùɡò sízzì  (litː 'three people')

14. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó wùʃ

70.  zùɡò sízzì kó tɔ̀mɔ̀n

15. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó háyɛ́ná

80.  zùɡò wùʃ / zùɡò wùy (litː 'four people')

16. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó ìllɛ̀y

90.  zùɡò wùʃ kó tɔ̀mɔ̀n

17. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó ìsàbbày

100. zùɡò háyɛ́ná (litː 'five people' )

18. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó ìssèy

200. zùɡò tɔ̀mɔ̀n (litː 'ten people' )

19. tɔ̀mɔ̀n kó sàkkàl

1000. ʃí ɗɔ́nɛ (loan from Amharic )

20. hɪ́rkòn (litː 'people, one full man')

2000. ʃíɲá ràmmán *


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Mike Bryant, SIL International, Ethiopia, October 27, 1995, May 15, 2007.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Mike Bryant, 1995 年 10 月 27 日, 2011 年 10 月 27 日.


Other comments: Suri-Tirmaga-Chai or Chai is spoken by approximately 25,000 speakers in Southwest Ethiopia, southwest of Mizan Teferi, west of Maji, 20-30 miles east of the Sudan-Ethiopia border. Suri-Tirmaga & Chai ((Tirmaga & Chai dialects)) has a counting system based on twenty. The word 'hɪ́rkòn' in twenty means 'man' and the word 'zùɡò' means 'people', the 'thousand' ʃì, is borrowed from Amharic. The original Suri counting, 2000 would be expressed by 'zùɡò hɪ́rkònɛ̀à kú háyɛ́ná'.


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