name and locationː
Soqotri, Soqotra Islands, Yemen [Refer to
Ethnologue] |
1. tʼɒt (masc.) / tʼɛh (fem.) |
21. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w tʼɒt / tʼɛh |
2. trɒh (masc.) / trih (fem.) |
22. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w trɒh / trih |
3. ɬɛlɛh (masc.) / ɬɛʕtɛh (fem.) |
23. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w ɬɛlɛh / ɬɛʕtɛh |
4. ʔɒrbɛʕ (masc.) / ʔirbəʕ (fem.) |
24. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w ʔɒrbɛʕ / ʔirbəʕ |
5. χīmɛh (masc.)/ χɒjməh (fem.) |
25. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w χīmɛh / χɒjməh |
6. jhɒːʕt (masc.)/ hītəh (fem.) |
26. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w jhɒːʕt / hītəh |
7. jhɒbəʕ (masc.)/ hibʕəh (fem.) |
27. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w jhɒbəʕ / hibʕəh |
8. tɛmɔːni (masc.)/ tɛmənɛh (fem.) |
28. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w tɛmɔːni / tɛmənɛh |
9. sɛʕ (masc.)/ sɛʕəh (fem.) |
29. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh w sɛʕ / sɛʕəh |
10. ʕɑːɬər (masc.)/ ʕɛɬrɛh (fem.) |
30. ɬɛlɛh ʕɛɬɛːrhɛn |
11. ʕɛɬrɛh w tʼɒt / tʼɛh |
40. ʔɒrbɛʕ ʕɛɬɛːrhɛn |
12. ʕɛɬrɛh w trɒh / trih |
50. χīmɛh ʕɛɬɛːrhɛn |
13. ʕɛɬrɛh w ɬɛlɛh / ɬɛʕtɛh |
60. jhɒːʕt ʕɛɬɛːrhɛn |
14. ʕɛɬrɛh w ʔɒrbɛʕ / ʔirbəʕ |
70. jhɒbəʕ ʕɛɬɛːrhɛn |
15. ʕɛɬrɛh w χīmɛh / χɒjməh |
80. tɛmɔːni ʕɛɬɛːrhɛn |
16. ʕɛɬrɛh w jhɒːʕt / hītəh |
90. sɛʕ ʕɛɬɛːrhɛn |
17. ʕɛɬrɛh w jhɒbəʕ / hibʕəh |
100. mɛħbər or mit |
18. ʕɛɬrɛh w tɛmɔːni / tɛmənɛh |
200. trih mɛħbəri |
19. ʕɛɬrɛh w sɛʕ / sɛʕəh |
1000. ʔɑːlf |
20. ʕɛɬɛːrɒh |
2000. trih ʔɑːlfi |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Khaled bin Mukhashin,
Hadhramout University, |
Other comments: Soqotri is a South Semitic language spoken by the Soqotri people on the Socotra archipelago by approximately 70,000 speakers. Soqotri is one of six languages that form a group called Modern South Arabian languages. These additional languages include Mehri, Shehri, Bathari, Harsusi and Hobyot. All are spoken in different regions of Southern Arabia. |
name and locationː
Soqotri, Soqotra Islands, Yemen [Refer to
Ethnologue] |
1. tʼɔt (masc) / tʼéyʰ (fem) |
21. |
2. trøh (masc) / trih (fem) |
22. |
3. śɛleh (masc) / śɛ́ˤtəh (fem) |
23. |
4. ˀö́rbɛˤ (masc) / ˀírbaˤ (fem) |
24. |
5. ħīmeh (masc)/ ħóyməh (fem) |
25. |
6. yháˤt (masc)/ hītəh (fem) |
26. |
7. yhōbəˤ (masc)/ híbˤə (fem) |
27. |
8. témɔni (masc)/ téməneh (fem) |
28. |
9. sɛˤ (masc)/ sɛˤeh (fem) |
29. |
10. ˤáśər (masc)/ ˤeśéreh (fem) |
30. |
11. use Arabic borrowings |
40. |
12. |
50. |
13. |
60. |
14. |
70. |
15. |
80. |
16. |
90. |
17. |
100. |
18. |
200. |
19. |
1000. |
20. |
2000. |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle,
Other comments: |
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