Language name and location: Sonsorol, Republic of Palau [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区松索罗尔, 克罗尼西亚群岛东部帕劳共和国之松索罗尔群岛


1. dew [ðɛʉ]

21.  luyeih ma dew

2. luow [ɭuou]

22.  luyeih ma louw

3. doruw [ðɔru]

23.  luyeih ma doruw

4. fawu [fʌu]

24.  luyeih ma fawu

5. rimou [rimou]

25.  luyeih ma rimou

6. worow [wɔrou]

26.  luyeih ma worow

7. fuduw [fuðu]

27.  luyeih ma fuduw

8. waruw [wʌru]

28.  luyeih ma waruw

9. tiwow [tiwow]

29.  luyeih ma tiwou

10. deih [ðeih]

30.  derih [ðɛrih]

11. deih ma dew [ðeih mʌ ðɛʉ ]

40.  faih [fʌih]

12. deih ma luow

50.  rimeih [rimeih]

13. deih ma doruw

60.  woroih [wɔrɔih]

14. deih ma fawu

70.  fidih [fiðih]

15. deih ma rimow

80.  warih [wʌrih]

16. deih ma worow

90.  tiwoih [tiwɔih]

17. deih ma fuduw

100. dobuhuye [ðɔbuɣɔiye]

18. deih ma waruw

200. liyebuhuye

19. deih ma tiwow

1000. danɡaladi [ðʌŋʌɭʌði]

20. luyeih [ɭuyeih]

2000. luyeɡaladi


Linguist providing data and dateː  Dr. John A. Walsh, Division of Applied Linguistics, University of Guam, Guam, October 17, 1996.
Referenceː Arthur Capell, 1969, Grammar and Vocabulary of the Languages of Sonsorol-Tabi, Oceanic Linguistics Monograph 12.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. John A. Walsh, 1996 年 10 月 17 日. 


Other comments: Sonsorolese has a decimal system with several sets of classifiers which are used with different nouns. Sonsorolese is spoken by about 360 speakers in Merir, Pulo Anna, and Sonsorol islands, Sonsorol state, Republic of Palau.


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