Language name and locationː Solos, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区索洛斯语, 巴布亚新几内亚北所罗门省布卡岛中部


1. mɛs

21.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu mɛs

2. ~ huɛ.nu ( dialects variation)

22.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu huɑ.nu

3. hua.pis ~ huɛ.pis ( dialects variation)

23.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu hua.pis

4. ni.nɑ

24.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu ni.nɑ

5. tɑ.nim (lit: 'hand')

25.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɑ.nim

6. tɔ.nɔm

26.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɔ.nɔm

7. tɔ.hit

27.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɔ.hit

8. tu.uɛn

28.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu tu.uɛn

9. tɔ.siɑ

29.  huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɔ.siɑ

10. mɑ.nɔt

30.  huɑ.pis mɑ.nɔt

11. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu mɛs

40.  ni.nɑ mɑ.nɔt

12. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu huɑ.nu

50.  tɑ.nim mɑ.nɔt

13. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu huɑ-pis

60.  tɔ.nɔm mɑ.nɔt

14. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu ni.nɑ

70.  tɔ.hit mɑ.nɔt 

15. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɑ.nim

80.  tu.uɛn mɑ.nɔt

16. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɔ.nɔm

90.  tɔ.siɑ mɑ.nɔt

17. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɔ.hit

100. mɛs ɔ nɑ.tus 

18. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu tu.uɛn

200. hua.pis ɔ nɑ.tus

19. mɛs mɑ.nɔt ɑu tɔ.siɑ

1000. mɛs ɔ tɑ.pɑn

20. huɑ.nu mɑ.nɔt

2000. hua.pis ɔ tɑ.pɑn 


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Lawrence Doyle through Mr. Ray Stegeman, SIL-PNG, Papua New Guinea, April 8, 2013.
提供资的语言家: Mr. Lawrence Doyle, 2013 年 4 月 8 日.


Other comments: Solos has a decimal system similar to that of Petats. Solos is spoken by about 8,800 speakers in central and southwest Buka island, Bougainville province, Papua New Guinea.


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