Language name and locationː Siona, Colombia, Ecuador [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区西奥纳语, 哥伦比亚南部安第斯山脉东麓普图马约省和厄瓜多尔 境内


1. teʔé

2. sa̜mú̜

3. sa̜mu̜-té  (litː ''two-one'')

4. ɡahé-séʔé-ɡa (litː ''go down-past ppl-item'', assume counting from the little finger

   toward the thumb)

5. teʔé ʔɨ̜tɨ̜ or teʔé ente sara (litː ''one hand arm'')

6. teʔé ʔɨ̜tɨ̜ teʔé or yekë sara teʔe (litː ''other arm one'')

7. teʔé ʔɨ̜tɨ̜ sa̜mú̜ or yekë sara samu (litː ''other arm two'')

8. teʔé ʔɨ̜tɨ̜ sa̜mu̜té or yekë sara samu-te (litː ''other arm two-one'')

9. teʔé ʔɨ̜tɨ̜ ɡahéséʔéɡa or yekë sara ɡahé-séʔé-ɡa

10. siʔá sadáya̜ or siʔa sara  (litː all arms')

11. siʔa sara teʔé 
12. siʔa sara sa̜mú̜
13. siʔa sara sa̜mu̜-té
14. siʔa sara ɡahé-séʔé-ɡa
15. siʔa sara teʔé ɡëon (litː ''all arms on foot'')
16. siʔa sara yekë ɡëon teʔé (litː ''all arms other foot one'')
17. siʔa sara yekë ɡëon sa̜mú̜ (litː ''all arms other foot two'')
18. siʔa sara yekë ɡëon sa̜mu̜-té  (litː ''all arms other foot three'')
19. siʔa sara yekë ɡëon ɡahé-séʔé-ɡa (litː ''all arms other foot four'')
20. siʔa sara siʔa ɡëon (litː ''all arms all feet'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Alva Wheeler, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Colombia, January 20, 1989, March 1, 1990.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Alva Wheeler, 1989 年 1 月 20 日, 1990 年 3 月 1 日.


Other comments: Siona or Gantëya coca is spoken by approximately 460 speakers out of 2,600 ethnic population in Putumayo department: El Tablero and Resguardo Buenavista, between Poñuna Blanca and Poñuna Negra on Putumayo river and tributaries, Colombia as well as Ecuador. Siona has a base five numeral system, which they can track of with their fingers and toes, up to twenty. Beyond that they have little need to count. This system becomes morphologically very complex after the first hand, so that we find these peoples today using their native numerals up to five, then resorting to the Spanish or Portuguese forms. Please note the symbol <ë> is a high central vowel and <Vn>=nasalized vowel.

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