Language name and location: Shua, Central district, Botswana [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区舒亚语, 博茨瓦纳中部地区和西北部地区


1. ǀúí

21.  toenti oan

2. ǀam

22.  toenti tuu

3. ŋonaa, ǀǀobée

23.  toenti trii

4. hatsaa

24.  toenti foo

5. ɡudo-tsʰaú (litː 'baboon hand')

25.  toenti faiv

6. sikisi

26.  toenti sikis

7. seben(e)

27.  toenti seben

8. eitii (borrowed English loanwords)

28.  toenti eitii

9. nainii

29.  toenti naini

10. ten(i)

30.  seeti ~ θeeti

11. leben

40.  footi

12. tʰoelf

50.  fifti

13. seetin

60.  sikisti

14. footiin(i)

70.  seventi

15. fiftiin(i)

80.  eitii

16. sikstiin

90.  nainti

17. sebentiin

100. handerete

18. eitiin

200. to handerete

19. naintiin

1000. tauzande

20. toenti

2000. to tauzande


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. William McGregor, Afdeling for Lingvistik, Aarhus Universitet, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, September 21, 2011.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. William McGregor, 2011 年 9 月 21 日.


Other comments: Shua, like most Khoisan languages, has a ''restricted numeral system'', only up to five. The word for five 'ɡudo-tsʰaú', which was derived from 'baboon. There are wordsː ǀoraa  (litː 'few'), ǀǀharaa (litː 'many'), nyã-õ- (litː 'many'), possibly Pandamatenga dialect). This is the characteristic of many hunter-gatherer society. However, they have borrowed English loanwords with phonological adaptations now. Note that the symbol 'ǀ' is a dental click, 'ǃ' a (post) alveolar lateral click and 'ǁ' an alveolar click. Shua or Mashuakwe, Sesarwa, Shua-Khwe, Tshumakwe is spoken by approximately 2,000 speakers in Central district: Boteti subdistrict, Mokoboxane, Motopi, and Popipi; Tutume subdistrict, Gweta and Nata; and North West district, Botswana. The above data is from Makgadikgadi Pans region, Botswana; data gathered in Nata.


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