Language name and locationː Saya, Bauchi state, Nigeria [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区沙雅语, 尼日利亚东北部包奇州


1. nàmbə́ŋ

21.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití nàmbə́ŋ

2. mbə̀ɬíŋ

22.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití mbə̀ɬíŋ

3. máajìi

23.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití máajìi

4. wúpsə̀

24.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití wúpsə̀

5. nândə̀m

25.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití nândə̀m

6. lîim

26.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití lîim

7. wátsə̀maí

27.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití wátsə̀maí

8. tántán

28.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití tántán

9. tɔ́knándə́m

29.   táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ ɬíití tɔ́knándə́m

10. zúp

30.   táaʃìi máajìi

11. zúp ɬíití nàmbə́ŋ

40.   táaʃìi wúpsə̀

12. zúp ɬíití mbə̀ɬíŋ

50.   táaʃìi nândə̀m

13. zúp ɬíití máajìi

60.   táaʃìi lîim

14. zúp ɬíití wúpsə̀

70.   táaʃìi wátsə̀maí

15. zúp ɬíití nândə̀m

80.   táaʃìi tántán

16. zúp ɬíití lîim

90.   táaʃìi tɔ́knándə́m

17. zúp ɬíití wátsə̀maí

100. kúrì

18. zúp ɬíití tántán

200. kúrì mbə̀ɬíŋ

19. zúp ɬíití tɔ́knándə́m

1000. zàŋɡú

20. táaʃìi mbə̀ɬíŋ

2000. zàŋɡú mbə̀ɬíŋ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Andrew Haruna, University of Bayreuth, Germany, November 19, 1994.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Andrew Haruna, 1994 年 11 月 19 日.


Other comments: Saya pr Sayanci or Zaar has a decimal system. Saya is a Chadic dialect cluster speokn in Bauchi state, Northern of Nigeria. The term "Sayawa" was the name issued to them by Hausa speakers "saya" in English means "buy", so Sayawa means "buyers" in Hausa. When Sayawa migrated from Chad to their present location, they were rich culturally, they were self-sufficient in farming and exchange of goods and services. Whenever Hausa speakers want to sell goods, they normally said "let's go to 'sayawa' or 'buyers' surely they will not fail when it comes to purchasing. That is how the name Sayawa came into existence. To Sayawa speakers, "Zaar" that is their real name down from Chad to their present location. Zaar means "Person of the land", literally meaning person of self relying on farming.


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