Language name and locationː Central Sama, Philippines, Sabah [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区中部萨马语, 菲律宾苏禄群岛南部和马来西亚沙巴州沿海地区  


1. 's̩ːa (Comment 1)

21.  duwam'puːʔ a'kadːa/duwam'puːʔ a'kaːsa

2. 'duwa

22.  duwam'puːʔ aka'duwa

3. 'təlːu (Comment 2 )

23.  duwam'puːʔ aka'təlːu

4. 'm̩pat

24.  duwam'puːʔ a'kampat

5. 'lima

25.  duwam'puːʔ aka'lima

6. 'n̩ːom

26.  duwam'puːʔ a'kanːom

7. 'pituʔ

27.  duwam'puːʔ aka'pituʔ

8. 'waluʔ

28.  duwam'puːʔ aka'waluʔ

9. 'sijam

29.  duwam'puːʔ aka'sijam

10. saŋ'puːʔ

30.  ˌtəlːum'puːʔ

11. saŋ'puːʔ a'kadːa, saŋ'puːʔ a'kasːa (3)

40.  ˌm̩pat'puːʔ

12. saŋ'puːʔ aka'duwa, saŋ'puːʔ ka'ɾuwa

50.  ˌlimam'puːʔ  

13. saŋ'puːʔ aka'təlːu

60.  ˌn̩om'puːʔ

14. saŋ'puːʔ a'kampat 

70.  ˌpitum'puːʔ

15. saŋ'puːʔ aka'lima

80.  ˌwalum'puːʔ

16. saŋ'puːʔ a'kanːom

90.  ˌsijam'puːʔ

17. saŋ'puːʔ aka'pituʔ

100. da'hatus

18. saŋ'puːʔ aka'waluʔ

200. ˌduwa'hatus

19. saŋ'puːʔ aka'sijam

1000. ˌda'ŋibu (4)

20. duwam'puːʔ

2000. ˌduwa'ŋibu (5)    


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Jeremiah James. SIL-Philippines, January 30 2012.
供资料的语言学家: Mr. Jeremiah James. 2012 年 1 月 30.


Other comments: Central Sama has a decimal system similar to that of Northern Sama.


(1) [ˈs̩ːa] is the form used in counting. In numbering items, however, the word

    [daˈkajuʔ] is used.  It is a combination of the prefix da- 'one' and the root kajuʔ

    'item,' which seems to be a frozen form as it appears now only in this word.

(2) ə represents a high-central vowel which in multi-syllabic words shifts slightly in

     the direction of the vowel of the following syllable.  It occurs only before long

     consonants or homorganic consonant clusters.  When ə appears in world-initial

     position, it is typically elided, e.g. /ˈə→[ˈs̩ːa].

(3) [aˈkadːa] is a combination of the clitic dda [ˈdːa], or the numeral [ˈs̩ːa], with the

     ordinary conjunction maka 'and.'  In ordinary speech maka can be shortened to aka,

     or even ka, when used in numbers.

(4) [ˈŋibu] appears to be a combination of a nasal linker or ligature (e.g. [damˈbulan]

     'one month' from bulan 'month') with a root [ˈibu] 'thousand'.  For example, ibu-

      ibuhan 'thousands and thousands; by the thousand.'

(5) Two additional lexical items may be of interest: [ˈlaksaʔ] 'a unit of 10,000; by

      extension, any large, uncountable group'.  [ˈlaksaʔ] combines as do the other roots:

     [daˈlaksaʔ, ˌduwaˈlaksaʔ], etc.  

Language name and locationː Central Sama, Philippines, Sabah [Refer to: Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区中部萨马语, 菲律宾苏禄群岛南部和马来西亚沙巴州沿海地区  


1. issa, əssa / ədda, da-

21.  duampuːʔ maka ədda

2. duwa

22.  duampuːʔ maka duwa

3. təllu

23.  duampuːʔ maka təllu

4. əmpat

24.  duampuːʔ maka əmpat

5. lima

25.  duampuːʔ maka lima

6. ənnom

26.  duampuːʔ maka ənnom

7. pituʔ

27.  duampuːʔ maka pituʔ

8. waluʔ

28.  duampuːʔ maka waluʔ

9. siam

29.  duampuːʔ maka siam

10. saŋpuːʔ

30.  təllumpuːʔ

11. saŋpuːʔ maka ədda / əssa

40.  mpatpuːʔ

12. saŋpuːʔ maka duwa

50.  limampuːʔ  

13. saŋpuːʔ maka təllu

60.  ənompuːʔ

14. saŋpuːʔ maka əmpat

70.  pitumpuːʔ

15. saŋpuːʔ maka lima

80.  walumpuːʔ

16. saŋpuːʔ maka ənnom

90.  siampuːʔ

17. saŋpuːʔ maka pituʔ

100. dahatus

18. saŋpuːʔ maka waluʔ

200. dua hatus

19. saŋpuːʔ maka siam

1000. daŋibu

20. duampuːʔ

2000. duaŋibu    


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Kemp Pallesen, SIL International, Philippines, June 26, 2006. October 2, 2009.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Kemp Pallesen. 2006 年 6 月 26. 2009 年 10 月 2 日.


Other comments: Central Sama has a decimal system similar to that of Northern Sama.

Central Sama or Central Sinama or Orang Laut is spoken by about 90,000 speakers in Philippines (2000) and by about 100,000 speakers total users in all countries. 


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