Language name and location: Rwa, Arusha region, Tanzania [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区鲁亚语, 坦桑尼亚北部阿鲁沙区梅魯火山附近


1. kyíímwi *


2. fivili


3. firáru / físáru


4. fiíni


5. firaánu


6. firindarú


7. mfunɡáre


8. ɲaNʼ   *


9. kʲeenda


10. ikumí

30.  makumí araru

11. ikumí na kimwi  *

40.  makumí aaɲi

12. ikumí na fivili

50.  makumí araanu

13. ikumí na firáru

60.  makumí arindaru

14. ikumí na fiíni

70.  makumí mfunɡare

15. ikumí na firaánu

80.  makumí ɲanɲi

16. ikumí na firindarú

90.  makumí kʲeenda

17. ikumí na mfunɡáre

100. miinɡo ikumí / ijana *

18. ikumí na ɲaɲi

200. majana avili

19. ikumí na kʲeenda


20. makumí avilí



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Daisuke Shinagawa, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (日本名古屋大学), July 25, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Daisuke Shinagawa (品川大輔研究員 ), 2008 年 7 月 25 日.


Other comments: Rwa or Kirwa, Meru is spoken by approximately 90,000 speakers in Arusha region: Mount Meru area, Tanzania. Rwa has a numeral system similar to that of Kimochi. The numeral 'ten' has two forms; One is ikumí which is regular descendant of the Proto Bantu form * i-kʊmí. The other is muunɡo, which is morphologically analyzed as [mu-unɡo] (pl. miingo) and its lexical meaning is something like ''region / area that covers several villages''. Specific semantic relation between the two concepts has not yet been clear.  The numbers ''11 to 19'', ''30 to 90'' and ''200'' with an asterisks were taken from a book by German missionary published in 1993. Tonal information is not provided in that book.  The symbol '''' as in number 8 represents a syllabic post-alveolar nasal and  is pronounced as palatal nasal [ɲ] in the word final position. Nominals from ''1'' to ''6'' are grammatically agreed with its head noun, while numbers ''7'' and higher are not, i.e., the prefix of the former ( ki- in 1 and fi- in 2 to 6) is automatically selected depending on the ''noun class'' of its NP.


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