Language name and location: Rongpo, Uttarakhand state, India [Refer to Ethnologue]
1. tiɡɛ / tiɡ |
21. nə̀ssa tiɡɛ |
2. nəʃɛ / nhis |
22. nə̀ssa nəʃɛ |
3. sɯm |
23. nə̀ssa sɯm |
4. pi |
24. nə̀ssa pi |
5. ŋəĩ / ŋa |
25. nə̀ssa ŋəĩ |
6. tuɡu |
26. nə̀ssa tuɡu |
7. niʃɛ |
27. nə̀ssa niʃɛ |
8. jɛdɛ |
28. nə̀ssa jɛdɛ |
9. ɡui |
29. nə̀ssa ɡui |
10. cì [t͡sì] |
30. sɯmsa, nəsa cì (20+10) |
11. cɛtʰe |
40. pisa |
12. cɛnye [t͡sɛɲe] |
50. ŋasa, pisa cì (40+10) |
13. cɛsɯm |
60. tuksa |
14. cɛpi |
70. tuksa cì (60+10) |
15. cɛbaŋ |
80. jətsʰa [d͡ʒətsʰa] |
16. cɛto |
90. jətsʰa cì (80+10) |
17. cɛnye |
100. rà / səi <Indo-Aryan / gya * |
18. cɛbjɛ |
200. nəʃɛ səi |
19. cirɡù |
1000. had͡ʒar <Indo-Aryan |
20. nə̀ssa [nə̀saː] |
2000. nəʃɛ had͡ʒar |
Linguist providing data and dateː
Ram Sharma,
Deccan College Post-Graduate
and Research Institute, Pune, India,
February 8, 提供资料的语言学家: Prof. Suhnu Ram Sharma, 1992 年 2 月 8 日, 2017 年 1 月 25 日 |
Other comments: Rongpo language has an old vigesimal system before, but nowadays they might adopt a decimal system. Rongpo is tonal language. Notes on tones and traditional symbols: <v̀> is a falling tone. š=IPA [ʃ], c=IPA [ts], d=IPA [d͡z], j=IPA[ d͡ʒ ], ny=IPA[ɲ], sʰ=IPA [sʰ] or [ʃ]? From the new information from Prof. Suhnu Ram Sharma (2017). Rongpo is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken by approximately 7,000 speakers in Chamoli district in the state of Uttarakhand, India (North India). It has only six native numerals and all other numerals are borrowed from Indo-Aryan languages. Native Rongpo cardinal numerals are: /tig/ 'one', /nhis/ 'two', /sum/ 'three', /pi/ 'four', /ŋa/ 'five', /gya/ 'hundred'. But if one wants write or say one hundred and one then the term /gya/ is not used. There they use Indo-Aryan terms like /ek sɔ ek/ only. |
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