Language name and locationː CatGia Roglai, Ninh Thuan, Vietnam [Ref to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 卡嘉-拉格莱语, 越南中南沿海宁顺省


1. tʰɑ

21.  tʰuɑ pluh tʰɑ

2. tʰuɑ

22.  tʰuɑ pluh tʰuɑ

3. tlau

23.  tʰuɑ pluh tlau

4. pɑːʔ

24.  tʰuɑ pluh pɑːʔ

5. ləmɨŋ

25.  tʰuɑ pluh ləmɨŋ

6. nɑm

26.  tʰuɑ pluh nɑm

7. čuh  

27.  tʰuɑ pluh čuh

8. lɑpɑt

28.  tʰuɑ pluh lɑpɑt

9. tʰɑlɑpɑt

29.  tʰuɑ pluh tʰɑlɑpɑt

10. tʰɑ pluh

30.  tlau pluh

11. tʰɑ pluh tʰɑ

40.  pɑːʔ pluh

12. tʰɑ pluh tʰuɑ

50.  ləmɨŋ pluh

13. tʰɑ pluh tlau

60.  nɑm pluh

14. tʰɑ pluh pɑːʔ

70.  čuh pluh

15. tʰɑ pluh ləmɨŋ

80.  lɑpɑt pluh

16. tʰɑ pluh nɑm

90.  tʰɑlɑpɑt pluh

17. tʰɑ pluh čuh

100. tʰɑ rɑtuh

18. tʰɑ pluh lɑpɑt

200. tʰuɑ rɑ'tuh

19. tʰɑ pluh tʰɑlɑpɑt


20. tʰuɑ pluh



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Ernest W. Lee. SIL International, USA.

January 28, 2012.

提供资的语言学家: Dr. Ernest W. Lee, 2012 年 1 月 28 日


Other comments: CacGia Roglai or Cat Gia Roglai has decimal system. It is unknown that if there is a Vietnamese loanword for thousand. I have located the Cat Gia numbers that I have. I cannot be sure of the phonetic accuracy of all the sounds since my ear was tuned to Northern Roglai. There are, however, some significant differences some of which are close to Eastern Cham and some which go beyond the sound changes of Cham. I cannot verify the phonetic accuracy of everything since I had only a couple of hours in the village on one occasion and was amazed at the many differences from Northern Roglai.
For the numbers 1 and 2 there may be a difference in register since the aspirated t of 1 is from *sa and the one for 2 is from *dua. The same would be true for 8 and 9.
Please change the number three to tlau which I just discovered looks like an aspirated t rather than tl.
The number 5 has the shift of nasalized a to the high central vowel like Cham, but it also adds a velar nasal after the vowel.
The r that I wrote in the word for 100 may be a voiced velar fricative or possibly a non-syllabic high unrounded central vowel as in Northern Roglai. I may have written an r because of my N. Roglai influence although in that environment, N. Roglai has no consonant but only a lengthening of the vowel. I see that I wrote a voiced velar fricative in other words in Cat Gia words.

Cacgia Roglai is spoken by about 3,600 speakers in Ninh Thuan province, northeast of Phan Rang on the coast.


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