Language name and location: Wadu Pumi, Yunnan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区北部普米语, 中国云南宁蒗县和四川省木里等地方


1. tǐ

21.  nəwú tǐ

2. nǒŋ

22.  nəwú nǒŋ

3. sǒŋ

23.  nəwú sǒŋ 

4. ʐɐ̂

24.  nəwú ʐɐ̂

5. ŋwɐ̂

25.  nəwú ŋwɐ̂

6. ʈʰǔ

26.  nəwú ʈʰǔ

7. n̥ʲə̌ / n̥ə̌

27.  nəwú n̥ʲə̌ / n̥ə̌

8. ɕwɐ̌

28.  nəwú ɕwɐ̌

9. ɡə̂

29.  nəwú ɡə̂

10. qɐ̂tiŋ

30.  səqú  

11. qúti

40.  ʐɐqú    

12. qún̥ʲə /qúnʲə

50.  ŋwɐqú  

13. qɐ́soŋ

60.  ʈʰuqû 

14. qɐ́ʐɐ

70.  n̥ʲəqû

15. qɐ́ŋ

80.  ɕwɐqû  

16. qɐ́ʈʰu

90.  ɡəqú  

17. qɐ́n̥ʲə /qɐ́n̥ə

100. ɕí/tɐ́ɻɛj

18. qɐ́nɕwɐ

200. nə́ɻɛj, 300. sə́ɻɛj, 400. ʐɐ́ɻɛj

19. qɐ́ɡə

800. ɕwɐɻɛ̂j, 1000. tɐtóŋ

20. nəwú

2000. nətóŋ, 8000. ɕwɐtôŋ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Henriette Daudey, SIL International East-Asia, September 15, 2014.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Henriette Daudey, 2014 年 9 月 15 日


Other comments: The above data was taken from Wadu speech variety of Northern Pumi, Ninglang, Yunnan province. Pumi or Primmi is spoken by approximately 35,000 speakers in Jiulong, Muli, and Yanyuan counties, Sichuan province, Ninglang county, Yongning district, Yunnan province, China.

Notesː Nasalized vowels are written with –ŋ instead of a diacritic over the vowel. Phonemic tone is represented with diacritics: á for high, ǎ for rising, â for falling. And that the tonal pattern of 60, 70, 80 / 600, 700, 800 / 6000, 7000, 8000 is different from the others. For discussion of tone with numerals, please refer to my dissertation: Daudey 2014:96-101.

Language name and location: Wadu Pumi, Yunnan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区北部普米语, 中国云南宁蒗县和四川省木里等地方


1. ti35

21.  nə35 ɣa53 ti35

2. nə35

22.  nə35 ɣa53 35

3. sõ35

23.  nə35 ɣa53 sõ35

4. ʐɐ55

24.  nə35 ɣa53 ʐɐ55

5. ŋuɐ55

25.  nə35 ɣa53 ŋuɐ55

6. tʂʰu35

26.  nə35 ɣa53 tʂʰu35

7. n̥ĩ35

27.  nə35 ɣa53 n̥ĩ35

8. ɕyɐ35

28.  nə35 ɣa53 ɕyɐ35

9. ɣi55

29.  nə35 ɣa53 ɣi55

10. ka35tĩ55

30.  sõ35 ko53

11. ko55 ti53

40.  ʐɛ53 ko53

12. ko55 ni55

50.  ŋuɐ53 ko53

13. ka55 sõ55

60.  tʂʰu35 ko53

14. ka55 ʐɐ55

70.  n̥ə35 ko53

15. ka55 ŋuɐ55

80.  ʂuɛ35 ko53

16. ka55 tʂʰu35

90.  ɡɯ53 ko53

17. ka55 n̥ə53

100. re53

18. ka55 ʂɛ53

200. nə35 re53

19. ka55 ɡɯ53

1000. tiã55

20. nə35 ɣa53

2000. 35 tiã55


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Sun Hongkai, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, March 3, 1992.

供资料的语言学家: 宏开教授 (中国社科院民族研究所), 1992 年 3 月 3 日.


Other comments: Northern Pumi has a decimal system. Northern Pumi numeral system is different from Southern Pumi. The data is from 桃巴方言 Taoba Dialect. Northern Pumi or Primmi is spoken by approximately 35,000 speakers in Jiulong, Muli, and Yanyuan counties, Sichuan province, Ninglang county, Yongning district, Yunnan province, China.


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