Language name and locationː Pom, Yapen, Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区波姆, 印尼巴布亚省亚彭岛波姆村及附近村落


1. korisi

21.  piɑrehi hehɑ korisi

2. koiru

22.  piɑrehi hehɑ koiru

3. toɾu

23.  piɑrehi hehɑ toɾu

4. ɑt

24.  piɑrehi hehɑ ɑt

5. riŋ

25.  piɑrehi hehɑ riŋ

6. wonɑŋ

26.  piɑrehi hehɑ wonɑŋ

7. itu

27.  piɑrehi hehɑ itu

8. wɑru

28.  piɑrehi hehɑ wɑru

9. siu

29.  piɑrehi hehɑ siu

10. hɑʊrɑ

30.  piɑrehi hɑ toru

11. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ korisi

40.  piɑrehi hɑ ɑt

12. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ koiru

50.  piɑrehi hɑ riŋ

13. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ toɾu

60.  piɑrehi wonɑŋ

14. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ ɑt

70.  piɑrehi itu

15. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ riŋ

80.  piɑrehi wɑru

16. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ wonaŋ

90.  piɑrehi siu

17. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ itu

100. piɑrkoiru

18. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ wɑru


19. hɑʊrɑ hehɑ siu


20. piɑrehi ( litː 'man one')



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Paul van Velzen, Leiden University, Netherlands, June 19, 2013.
提供资的语言家: Mr. Paul van Velzen, 2013 年 6 月 19 日.


Other comments: Different from other languages in Yapen Islands which have a vigesimal system, Pom has developed a decimal system now. No phonological investigation was made. Informant was not able to count from 100 onwards. Informant originates from Pom village. In general, West Yapen languages are ill-described. I think I am the first linguist to collect any data since J.C. Anceaux in 1961 (The Linguistic Situation in the Islands of Yapen, Kurudu, Nau and Miosnum, New Guinea, VKI 35). Many people in the region do not learn to speak their native tongue. Pom is spoken by about 2,000 speakers in Pom and nearby villages on Yapen island, from Pon bay west to Woko point; some on east Num island, Papua province, Indonesia.


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