Language name and locationː Penchal, Manus, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区彭查尔语, 巴布亚新几内亚马努斯岛东南部隔海之Rambutyo


1. səw

21.  liŋihul a sip

2. lup

22.  liŋihul a huep

3. tulup

23.  liŋihul a trilip

4. talət

24.  liŋihul a trolotr 

5. rurən

25.  liŋihul a ŋurɑn

6. unup

26.  liŋihul a enep 

7. karutulup (10 - 3)

27.  liŋihul a ŋɑrtrilip

8. karulup    (10 - 2)

28.  liŋihul a ŋɑrihuep

9. karusəw   (10 - 1)

29.  liŋihul a ŋɑrisip

10. saŋahul

30.  tiŋihul / tinihul

11. saŋahul a sip *

40.  hɑway / hawiy

12. saŋahul a huep

50.  topol

13. saŋahul a trilip

60.  topol a saŋahul (50 + 10)

14. saŋahul a trolotr 

70.  topol a liŋihul / linihul  (50 + 20)

15. saŋahul a ŋurɑn

80.  topol a tiŋihul / tinihul  (50 + 30)

16. saŋahul a enep

90.  topol a hɑway / hawiy   (50 + 40)

17. saŋahul a ŋɑrtrilip

100. soŋət

18. saŋahul a ŋɑrihuep

200. luŋət

19. saŋahul a ŋɑrisip

1000. motʃon saŋahul

20. liŋihul / linihul   

2000. motʃon linihul


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Robert Blust, Department of linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA. April 2, 1998. 

Additional data from 11 up to 2000 were provided by Mr. John Palek (mother-tongue is the Lenkau language) of University of Papua New Guinea, June 25, 1998
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Robert Blust, 1998 年 4 月 2 日.


Other comments: Penchal has a typical "Manus type" Austronesian language decimal counting system with special structure for numerals 6 to 9 and but the formations for the tens 60, 79, 80 and 90 are similar to the Nauna language and different from that of the other languages in Manus Island. Penchal is spoken by about 1,000 speakers in Rambutyo island, Manus provice, Papua New Guinea.


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