Language name and location: Pela, Yunnan province, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区波拉语 (Bola), 云南省德宏傣族景頗族自治州梁河和盈江县


1. ta31

21.  i̠35 tʰai55 ta21

2. i̠35

22.  i̠35 tʰai55 35

3. sam55

23.  i̠35 tʰai55 sam55

4. məi31

24.  i̠35 tʰai55 məi31

5. ŋa31

25.  i̠35 tʰai55 ŋa31

6. kʰjauʔ55

26.  i̠35 tʰai55 kʰjauʔ55

7. nɔ̠t55

27.  i̠35 tʰai55 nɔ̠t55

8. ʃɛʔ55

28.  i̠35 tʰai55 ʃɛʔ55

9. kau31

29.  i̠35 tʰai55 kau31

10. tă31 tʰai55

30.  sam55 tʰai55

11. tă31 tʰai55 ta31

40.  məi31 tʰai55 

12. tă31 tʰai55 35

50.  ŋa31 tʰai55

13. tă31 tʰai55 sam55

60.  kʰjauʔ55 tʰai55 

14. tă31 tʰai55 məi31

70.  nɔ̠t55 tʰai55

15. tă31 tʰai55 ŋa31

80.  ʃɛʔ55 tʰai55

16. tă31 tʰai55 kʰjauʔ55

90.  kau31 tʰai55 

17. tă31 tʰai55 nɔ̠t55

100. tă31 ja55

18. tă31 tʰai55 ʃɛʔ55

200. i̠35 ja55

19. tă31 tʰai55 kau31

1000. tă31 tsʰɛn35 <Chinese

20. i̠35 tʰai55

2000. i̠35 tsʰɛn35


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Dai Qingxia, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China, July 10, 1998.

供资料的语言学家: 戴庆厦教授 (中央民族大学), 1998 年 7 月 10 日.


Other comments: Pela or Bola has a decimal system. Pela is spoken by approximately 400 speakers (1,000 ethnic population) in Lianghe and Yingjiang counties, Santaishan township, Luxi county, Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province, China.


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