Language name and locationː Paumarí, Amazonas state, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区保马里语, 巴西西北部亚马逊州普鲁斯河流域热带雨林三个村落


1. hoarani ( feminine ) / hoarana ( masculine) / kahoarani ( ka-noun class )

2. ɓamiki / viɓamiki ( for human or large animal )

3. ahoarabakosiki / avahoarabakosiki ( for human or large animal )

4. aakoɓamahakhamaki / avakoɓamahakhamaki  ( for human or large animal )

5. saʔai kahoarani (lit: ''one hand'')

6.    < Portuguese

7.    < Portuguese

8.    < Portuguese

9.    < Portuguese

10. saʔai koɓamiki  (lit: ''two hands'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Shirley Chapman, SIL International, Brazil, March 4, 1995, November 30, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Shirley Chapman, 1995 年 3 月 4 日, 2008 年 11 月 30 日.


Other comments: Paumarí or Pamoari is a seriously endangered language with 290 older adults speakers out of 890 ethnic population spoken in 3 villages along the Purus river, Amazonas state in the north-western corner of Brazil. Paumarí has four words for numbers and they can count up to ten. With considerable difficulty the older folk made combinations of these numbers or show fingers and toes to specify other numbers. Generally speaking they say ipohiki

''many''. Because of their contact with Brazilian river traders and schooling most Paumarí use the Portuguese numbering system. Below is the additional information by Ms. Shirley Chapman (2008): I have added to the one I previously did so that you can see the alterations. All numeral can be marked for the ka-noun class. I don't have written data to show for four but I reckon that /-ko-/ when a ka- prefix is added(-ka-ko-) > -ako- so that would probably make the words. aako'bamahakhamaki/ avaako'bamahakhamaki. The ka- prefix together with the -khama suffix are the normal affixation for reciprocal. The reciprocal ka- has no meaning relationship with the ka- noun class.  The one hand "5" and two hands "10" are usually followed by hi- which is one of the verbs "to be". Hand is a ka-noun class word so it would usually be sa'ai kahoarani kihiki "to be five" and sa'ai ko'bamiki kihiki "to be 10". The words for finger and weapon are both sa'ai but are not members of the ka- noun class.

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