Language name and locationː Paluai, Manus, Papua New Guinea [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区帕鲁艾语 (巴鲁安Baluan), 巴布亚新几内亚之马努斯岛南部


1. sip

21.  yuŋɑl ɑ sip

2. yuwɪp

22.  yuŋɑl ɑ yuwɪp

3. tulɪp

23.  yuŋɑl ɑ tulɪp

4. tɑlɔt

24.  yuŋɑl ɑ tɑlɔt

5. ŋunɑn

25.  yuŋɑl ɑ ŋunɑn

6. ŋunɪp

26.  yuŋɑl ɑ ŋunɪp

7. ŋɑnorulɪp   (10 - 3)

27.  yuŋɑl ɑ ŋɑnorulɪp

8. ŋɑnoyuwɪp (10 - 2)

28.  yuŋɑl ɑ ŋɑnoyuwɪp

9. ŋɑnosɪp      (10 - 1)

29.  yuŋɑl ɑ ŋɑnosɪp

10. sɑŋɑl

30.  tuluŋɑl

11. sɑŋɑl ɑ sip

40.  pɑwɔy

12. sɑŋɑl ɑ yuwɪp

50.  lɪmlɪm

13. sɑŋɑl ɑ tulɪp

60.  woloŋɑl

14. sɑŋɑl ɑ tɑlɔt

70.  ŋɑnoruluŋɑl (100 - 30)

15. sɑŋɑl ɑ ŋunɑn

80.  ŋɑnoruluŋɑl (100 - 20)

16. sɑŋɑl ɑ ŋunɪp

90.  ŋɑnosɑŋɑl    (100 - 10)

17. sɑŋɑl ɑ ŋɑnorulɪp

100. sɔŋɔt

18. sɑŋɑl ɑ ŋɑnoyuwɪp

200. yuŋɔt, 300. tuluŋɔt

19. sɑŋɑl ɑ ŋɑnosɪp

1000. mʷɑsɔn sip

20. yuŋɑl 

2000. mʷɑsɔn yuwɪp, 3000. mʷɑsɔn tulɪp


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Dineke Schokkin, Department of linguistics, School of Arts and Social Sciences, James Cook University, Australia, September 13, 2011.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Dineke Schokkin, 2011 年 9 月 13 日.


Other comments: Paluai or Baluan has a typical "Manus type" Austronesian language decimal counting system with special structure for numerals 6 to 9 and 70, 80 and 90 similar to that of the Lou language, spoken in the island of Baluan. This is the basic counting system, used for inanimates and as a default. Terms for animates have the same general system but carry a different suffix. There are terms which are differently suffixed again and were formerly used for e.g. elongated things, leaves etc. (comparable to numeral classifiers), but to present speakers only the numbers one - three are generally known and these paradigms seem to have become obsolete. Other higher numbers areː 400. pɑŋɔt, 500. misimɪn, 600. woloŋal kɑsip, 700. ŋɑnoruluŋɑl kɑsip, 800. ŋɑnoruluŋɑl kɑsip, 900. ŋɑnosɑŋɑl kɑsip. Paluai is spoken by about 2,500 speakers in Baluan and Pam islands, Manus province, Papua New Guinea.


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