Language name and locationː Nomatsiguenga, Junin region, Peru [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区诺马茨根加语, 秘鲁中部安第斯山脉东面佩雷内河流域上段阿尔蒂普拉诺高原胡宁大区


1. pátiró ( inanimate), pániro (animate )   

2. pítetí ( inanimate), pítení (animate )    

3. mábatí ( inanimate), mábaní (animate )    

4. otsibasáti ( inanimate), itsibasáti (animate )    
5. pabocoróti ( inanimate), pabocoróti (animate ) (litː 'one hand')
6. áɡaca pátiró basíní nobaco 
7. áɡaca píte basíní nobaco  
8. áɡaca mába basíní nobaco  
9. áɡaca otsibasáti basíní nobaco 
10. antaɡaísá nobaco (litː 'all over my hands') 


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Harold Shaver and Ms. Lois Dodds, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Peru. 1990.

提供资的语言: Mr. Harold Shaver and Ms. Lois Dodds, 1990 年.


Other comments: Nomatsiguenga or Atiri, Ina’o, Inato, is spoken by approximately 8,000 speakers in Junin region: Anapati river system in the foothills, between Ene and Perené rivers, Peru. Nomatsiguenga was reportedly most similar to Matsigenka.

Nomatsiguenga numeral system is very simple. All adults know how to count to two or three, but very few people have higher amounts. Numbers up to twenty may be described using the fingers and toes, but very few those who can. The numbers given above are used as cardinal and ordinal numbers.

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