Language name and locationː N||ng, Northern Cape, South Africa [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区恩昂语 (恩乌语/恩乌基语 N|u /N|uuki), 南非共和国北开普省


1. ǁʔoe / een [eːn] Afrikaans

2. ǃʔuu  / twee [tʷeː] Afrikaans

3. ŋǃona */ drie [dri] Afrikaans

4. vier [fir] < Afrikaans


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Chris T. Collins, Department of Linguistics, New York University, New York, USA, August 18, 2007, April 13, 2020.

Referenceː July 2007. Chris Collins, N|uuki Grammar, Upington, South Africa.  

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Chris T. Collins, 2007 年 7 月 18 日, 2020 年 4 月 13 日


Other comments: Nǁng [ᵑǁŋ] or Nǁŋǃke, Nǀu, Nǀuu, Nǀuuki, ‡Khomani is commonly known by the name of its dialect Nǀuu (Nǀhuki), is a moribund Tuu (Khoisan) language once spoken in Northern Cape province: Olifantshoek and Upington towns, South Africa. It is no longer spoken on a daily basis, as the speakers live in different villages. The dialect name ǂKhomani is used for the entire people by the South African government, but the descendants of ǂKhomani-dialect speakers now speak Khoikhoi. As of January 2013, only three speakers of the Nǀuu dialect[4] and two of the ǁʼAu dialect remain. The word N|uu is a verb meaning to speak the language described in this grammar. The nominal form of N|uu is N|uuki. In the past, the language and the group of people were often referred to as ‡Khomani. Nowadays, both N|uu and N|uuki are used to refer to the language.
The primary field work for this grammar was carried out in the summers of 2004, 2005, and 2007. In addition, Levi Namaseb has made yearly field trips for the purposes of recording oral texts and teaching the language to the youth since 1998.
N|uuki is a tonal language. Each word must be pronounced with a particular toneː e.g., high (HH), low (LL), rising (LH). Tone levels are not indicated in this grammar, because the tonal system has not been worked out yet.   

The N|uuki (N|uu or N||ng) has a simple counting system from one to threeː 1. ǁʔoe,

2. ǃʔuu, 3. ŋǃona . N|uuki (N|uu) is only spoken by 10 people, most of whom do not see each other much. If they have to refer to other numbers, or other concepts, their default language is Afrikaans. N|uuki (Nǀuu) has one of the more complex sound inventories of the world's languages. The symbol 'ǁʰ' is an aspirated alveo-uvular, lateral click, 'ǃʰ' an aspirated denti-pharyngeal click and 'ǃ' a tenuis denti-pharyngeal click. N|uuki (Nǀuu) has three tones, but the above data did not indicated.

Language name and locationː N||ng, Northern Cape, South Africa [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区恩昂语 (恩乌语/恩乌基语 N|u /N|uuki), 南非共和国北开普省


1. ǁʰoe / ǁʔoe* / een [eːn] Afrikaans

21.   een en twintig  [ˈeːn ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

2. ǃʰuu / ǃʔuu */ twee [tʷeː] Afrikaans

22.   twee en twintig [ˈtʷeː ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

3. nǃona / ŋǃona */ drie [dri] Afrikaans

23.   drie en twintig  [ˈdri ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

4. vier [fir] < Afrikaans

24.   vier en twintig  [ˈfir ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

5. vyf [fəif]

25.   vyf en twintig [ˈfəif ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

6. ses [sɛs]

26.   ses en twintig  [ˈsɛs ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

7. sewe [seːvə]

27.   sewe en twintig [ˈseːvə ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

8. agt [ax(t)]

28.   agt en twintig [ˈax(t) ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

9. nege [ˈneːxə]

29.   nege en twintig [ˈneːxə ɛn ˌtʷəntəx]

10. tien [tin]

30.   dertig [ˈdɛrtəx]

11. elf [ɛlf]

40.   veertig [ˈfeːrtəx]

12. twaalf [ˈtʷaˑlf]

50.   vyftig [ˈfəiftəx]

13. dertien [ˈdɛrtin]

60.   sestig [ˈsɛkstəx]

14. veertien [ˈfeːrtin]

70.   sewentig [ˈsevəːntəx]

15. vyftien [ˈfəiftin]

80.   tagtig [ˈtaxtəx]

16. sestien [ˈsɛstin]

90.   negentig  [ˈneːgəntəx]

17. sewentien [ˈseːvəntin]

100.  honderd [ˈhɔndərt]

18. agttien [ˈaxtin]

200.  tweehondert  [ˈtʷeːˌhɔndərt]

19. negentien [ˈneːxəntin]

1000. duisend [ˈdœysənt]

20. twintig [ˈtʷəntəx]

2000. tweeduisend  [ˈtʷeːdœysənt]


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Nigel Crawhall, South African San Institute, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, June 12, 2007.  

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Nigel Crawhall, 2007 年 6 月 12 日. 


Other comments: The N|uu or N||ng  has a simple counting system. N|uu is only spoken by 10 people, most of whom do not see each other much. If they have to refer to other numbers, or other concepts, their default language is Afrikaans. Nǀuu has one of the more complex sound inventories of the world's languages. The symbol 'ǁʰ' is an aspirated alveo-uvular, lateral click, 'ǃʰ' an aspirated denti-pharyngeal click and 'ǃ' a tenuis denti-pharyngeal click. Nǀuu has three tones, but the above data did not indicated.


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